Traveling through the heavens begins with shooting the eagle

Chapter 163 Spiritual Old Man Ding Chunqiu

Chapter 163 Spiritual Old Man Ding Chunqiu

When Li Chuan spoke out, he deliberately used some of the sonic skills of Ghost Prison Yin Feng Roar. Although it was far away from the entrance of the valley and there were other people in the valley, in order to avoid hurting innocent people, he could not use it with all his strength, so he could only stop it. Zhuo used his skill to transmit the sound to Taniguchi, which reduced the power by a few points, but it was still enough to give Xingxiu a powerful blow.

Especially the little guys from the Xingxiu sect, all of whom have mediocre martial arts and weak internal strength. They are all focused on flattering and shouting slogans. When Li Chuan shouted sharply, they were stunned and froze on the spot, and they couldn't breathe smoothly. .

After this, the disciples of the Xingxiu Sect finally calmed down, and Li Chuan suddenly felt that his ears were much clearer, and he no longer had to listen to their unappetizing flattery.

However, Xingxiu old monster was very unhappy. After all, the pomp and slogans he showed up were specially arranged by him, but he was interrupted by Li Chuan, who severely refuted his face and asked him to It's strange that he can be happy after making a fool of himself in public.

The old monster Xingxiu squinted his eyes and glanced at Li Chuan fiercely: "Junior, who are you? How dare you insult the old immortal and be disrespectful to me? Do you want to taste the pain of being devoured by thousands of poisons?!"

Li Chuan looked at the old monster Xingxiu, and suddenly felt like laughing for no reason.

For some reason, he always felt that this old monster from Xingxiu had the spirit of those people he had seen in the village in his previous life, riding a will-o'-the-wisp motorcycle, and then riding a stereo on the back seat of the motorcycle to play the earth-heavy Divine Comedy all the way. Young man, just like a country bum.
I thought I was grand and handsome, but in reality I was extremely low-key.

Logically speaking, this Xingxiu old monster is also from the Xiaoyao sect, so why is his taste so bad?

He also specially trained a group of disciples to clear the way for him. For those who didn't know, they thought they were attending a funeral.

Li Chuan laughed and shook his head and said: "Old monster Xingxiu, you have only dared to stay in your Xingxiuhai realm for so many years and did not dare to set foot in the Central Plains. Why are you willing to move away and take a trip to the Central Plains today? ?”

"Your tone is so loud and disrespectful. Who do you think you are? Are you worthy of me, Li Chuan, respecting you?"

"How brave!" Old Monster Xingxiu suddenly became furious. After so many years, few people dared to speak to him like this.

Let alone in Xingxiu Sea, even the people in the Central Plains martial arts world hate him very much, but because of his vicious methods, few people dare to provoke and insult him like this.

In addition, he has always acted in a domineering manner in the Xingxiu and Haiti world over the years. Whenever anyone dares to disobey him, he will kill people at every turn. Over time, he has naturally developed a violent temper.

But now that Li Chuan was insulting and ridiculing him like this, one can imagine the anger in his heart.

"Boy!" Old Monster Xingxiu looked at Li Chuan with an evil look on his face and said, "How dare you, a mortal, to go against the old immortal like this? I think you are really tired of living!"

Before he finished speaking, the old monster Xingxiu couldn't help but rushed towards Li Chuan, wanting to kill Li Chuan directly to vent his anger.


But it was a young Shaolin monk in the valley who exclaimed, because he happened to be standing on the road in front of the old monster Xingxiu. Although he subconsciously dodged to avoid it, he was still grabbed by the old monster Xingxiu, caught it in his hand, and raised his hand. Then he threw it towards Li Chuan.

Li Chuan frowned, stepped forward, and used a clever move to catch the Shaolin monk from mid-air. Unfortunately, the monk had already died while he was in mid-air.

Seeing that Li Chuan actually dared to catch that person so carelessly, Old Monster Xingxiu couldn't help but sneer on his face.

"Boy, you have been poisoned by the old immortal's corpse poison. If you want to survive, kneel down quickly and kowtow to the old immortal ten times. In this way, the old immortal may be able to spare you and give you the antidote." "Otherwise, within twenty breaths of time, you will start from the palm of your hand and your whole body will fester and die!"

It turned out that when the Shaolin monk was thrown at Li Chuan, the old monster Xingxiu had secretly poisoned him with corpse poison, poisoned him to death, and turned it into a source of poison and threw it out. Once someone touched his body, The corpse will be immediately infected and poisoned!

And this is his special skill, corpse poison. It is also one of the vicious methods that he has used in the martial arts for many years and has made countless people afraid of him.

Li Chuan just glanced at Old Monster Xingxiu expressionlessly. Although Old Monster Xingxiu was a top-notch poisoner, it had no effect on Li Chuan.

Not to mention that he possesses innate power and has innate true energy to protect his body, which makes him invulnerable to all poisons. Li Chuan is also experienced in this method of dealing with poisonous powers.

There were quite a few poison masters he had fought against before, from Ouyang Ke, Master Lingzhi, to Ouyang Feng, none of them were necessarily weaker than the old monster Xingxiu. Li Chuan had never been hit. Overkill?

The old monster Xingxiu wanted to take down Li Chuan with a small hand of rotten corpse poison. It was simply a dream.

Li Chuan didn't even pay attention to the old monster Xingxiu. He bent down and put the body of the Shaolin monk on the ground, then stepped forward and appeared in front of the old monster Xingxiu as if teleporting. He raised his palm and struck!

Ok? !

Feeling the sharp wind of the palm, Old Monster Xingxiu couldn't help but condense his eyes, and quickly raised his hand to greet Li Chuan.

With a muffled sound, Old Monster Xingxiu's expression suddenly changed wildly, and then he was knocked backwards by Li Chuan's palm.

'This guy has such profound skills! '

But after just one palm strike, Old Monster Xingxiu suddenly knew that he had met his opponent today.

Although Li Chuan looks young, his skills are astonishingly profound!
Even he was at a disadvantage in the duel of skills. Being knocked back by Li Chuan's palm was simply shocking!
Seeing that Li Chuan had gained a powerful blow, he immediately pursued him again. Old Monster Xingxiu did not dare to confront Li Chuan so easily. He dodged and avoided the Nine Yin Divine Claw that Li Chuan aimed at his chest.

Then he pressed his palms against each other, received Li Chuan's punch from a different move, and used the force to retreat back.

Old Monster Xingxiu backed up and glided away behind him, his two broad sleeves fluttering in the wind. A handful of colorless and odorless poisonous powder flew out from his sleeves and floated towards Li Chuan in the wind.

'This kid's martial arts is really amazing, but he can't be beaten head-on. Let you try the old immortal's Three Smiles and Xiaoyaosan! '

Old Monster Xingxiu is a cunning and sinister person. When fighting with others, he will often secretly poison others, causing his opponents to fall prey to his tricks without them knowing it. This is why he is notorious, but few people dare to Cause of provocation.

After all, if we really talk about hard power, although this Xingxiu old monster is not bad in martial arts, he is still not up to the level of the top group of masters in the world. Many famous masters of the older generation in the world cannot compete with him head-on. Fighting doesn't necessarily make him weaker.

(End of this chapter)

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