Traveling through the heavens begins with shooting the eagle

Chapter 177 The Great Shift of the Universe, Level 7!

Chapter 177 The Seventh Level of the Great Shift of the Universe!

"Daozhang Li!" Qiao Feng shouted with all his strength, trying to wake up Li Chuan, but Li Chuan still had no response, and his innate true energy poured out uncontrollably toward the outside of his body like the flood that opened the gate. !

Li Chuan is really in big trouble and danger at this moment!

There is a fatal flaw in the Mingjiao's magical art of shifting the universe!

When Li Chuan watched the Great Shift of the Universe before, he tried to comprehend it. After practicing the Qi Luck Skill according to the law, he entered the door in an instant, and then fell into a mysterious and mysterious state of enlightenment. In just a few short days, Within an hour, he had already comprehended several levels in succession.

In the end, he even directly broke through to the sixth level. In just a few hours, he had surpassed the nearly forty years of hard training of the Ming Cult leader Wang!

But the next second, as Li Chuan understood the seventh level of the Great Shift of the Universe according to the law, he inexplicably fell into a state of obsession!
But it's because the scripture about the seventh level of the Great Shift of the Universe is simply a big pit!
Because the master who created this magical power of shifting the universe had only reached the sixth level!
And this seventh level was purely imagined by him relying on his own intelligence, letting his imagination run wild, and striving for change! It seems reasonable and feasible, but even he himself doesn’t know how to do it!

At that time, Li Chuan was completely focused on the scriptures on the seventh level of the Great Shift of the Universe, but he did not notice it. He just instinctively understood and practiced. As a result, as he continued to practice, he became obsessed with it. The innate Qi is stirring and surging!
But when things got to this point, even Li Chuan could no longer reverse the situation. He could only calm down and find a way to rescue him.

Fortunately, he was from the Quanzhen Sect, and his Kung Fu foundation was based on authentic Taoist spiritual methods. Even if he fell into an obsession due to a mistake in practicing Kung Fu, and kept his mind tightly, he did not fall into madness like ordinary people in the world. In, madness leads to death.

So he made a decision in an instant. The strong man cut off his wrist and began to guide the innate true energy in his body to flow out of the body. He started to disperse the energy on his own, and dispersed the restless innate true energy in his body out of the Dantian Qi sea.

In this way, even if he still can't find a remedy in the end, the most he can do is to dissipate his kung fu, which will not put his life in danger. At worst, he will just spend a few years practicing the kung fu again. .

Of course, if there were other ways, Li Chuan would not be willing to let go of the innate true energy that he had cultivated through hard work.

After all, his current strength was achieved after more than ten years of hard work. If there was really no other way, how could he be willing to give up like this?

However, Qiao Feng didn't know that Li Chuan's San Gong was an act of self-rescue that he took the initiative to perform. He thought that Li Chuan was possessed by a maniac, which led to the retrograde leakage of his true energy. He only felt that Li Chuan's current state was very dangerous. No matter what, we must help him.

However, when Li Chuan's innate true energy leaked out, the invisible force formed was really difficult for people to approach. It even made Qiao Feng feel like he had faced the three-foot wall of energy of the sweeping monk in the Sutra Pavilion of Shaolin Temple. visual sense.

Unable to get close, Qiao Feng had no choice but to think of another way. He took a step away from Li Chuan, raised his hand and held his claws, and activated the Dragon Capturing Technique, trying to attract him.

On Li Chuan's side, he was still thinking hard about countermeasures and remedies when he suddenly felt an inexplicable pulling force coming from in front of him. While his body couldn't help but move forward, his meridians instinctively moved backwards. He forced himself to stand still and stabilized his body.

But just this subconscious action made a flash of enlightenment suddenly flash in his mind.

'Transform the tangible into the intangible, and transform the intangible into the tangible. Since it is intangible, where does this intangible power come from? Doesn’t it have to come from oneself after all? ! '

The sudden enlightenment was like adding the last piece of a puzzle, and everything became complete in an instant!
The next moment, Li Chuan suddenly took a step forward, and the strength all over his body suddenly burst out. The strength Qiao Feng used to capture him with the Dragon Capturing Technique was instantly dispelled. This became an invisible action!
Then there is the great movement of the universe that transforms the invisible into the tangible. This realm is only proposed, but there is no actual method for operating it, nor is it said where the invisible power will come from. But Li Chuan now has a solution!

With a thought, Li Chuan instantly activated the mutual skill between his hands, and the Great Shift of the Universe and the Shift of Stars were transported out at the same time.

First, use the method of energy storage and energy gathering in the Great Shift of the Universe to accumulate strength, and then instantly reverse the meridians, transfer the accumulated strength with the Star Shift, and return to the Great Shift of the Universe. Using this trick, you can forcibly achieve the transformation into the invisible. For the tangible realm!
This is like dividing a nearly unsolvable mathematical problem into several steps and forcibly solving it bit by bit.

Although this answer may not be 100% accurate, it is infinitely close to the most accurate answer.

As for this kind of trick, only Li Chuan can do it. If it were anyone else, there would be no chance of him trying it.

In an instant, a gust of wind suddenly arose in the stone room, roaring through the room. Even Qiao Feng was forced to retreat several feet away by the huge impact, and his back almost hit him. wall.

After several more breaths, the movement in the room gradually subsided. Qiao Feng looked up and saw Li Chuan standing in the center of the room, breathing heavily.

"Daozhang Li, are you okay?" Qiao Feng asked quickly.

Li Chuan forced a smile at Qiao Feng and said, "Fortunately, I have to thank Gang Leader Qiao for his help."

Qiao Feng shook his head: "Qiao was not of any help. It was Taoist Li who saved the day because of your deep blessings."

Li Chuan smiled bitterly to himself, is his good fortune profound? maybe.

Although this time he went crazy and eventually saved the day, the price was quite high.

First of all, Li Chuan's innate true energy, which he had cultivated for more than ten years, has now been lost to seventy-eight percent, and only less than 30% of his physical strength is left.

Secondly, he had previously forced the two mental techniques of the Great Shift of the Universe and the Star Shift at the same time, and he had also gone backwards through the Nine Yins, reversing the changes in the yin and yang of the meridians. He had damaged the meridians in his body, and he was afraid that he would have to practice for at least a month before he could barely recover. coming.

As for the recovery of skills, it will take at least half a year.

However, it was not that Li Chuan had no gains at all. In other words, compared to the gains, the price he paid seemed not worth mentioning.

First of all, due to his accidental collision, he barely reached the unprecedented seventh level of the Great Shift of the Universe!
Another more important point is that after experiencing the danger of almost losing his power, he even vaguely felt a little bit of the legendary perfection of innate power.

(End of this chapter)

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