Chapter 181 The Ming Cult is coming
On the other side, in a restaurant in the city, Qiao Feng and Li Chuan were drinking.

Now half a month has passed since they sneaked into Guangmingding to explore the news, and Li Chuan's injuries have fully recovered.

Probably because he had mastered the Great Shift of the Universe, Li Chuan healed and recovered much faster than he expected.

According to his original estimate, even with the healing power of Xiantian Qi, it would probably take more than a month to heal the injuries caused by his previous obsession. But now, only half a month has passed, and his injuries have already completely healed. Recuperated.

Even the skill has been restored to close to 60% of the previous level, but this is also because of the rapid recovery in the early stage. If you want to completely restore it to the original state, it will take a lot of hard work, at least half a year. effort.

But in fact, it doesn't matter. After all, Li Chuan has almost recovered most of his strength, but his skill has not yet returned to its peak. However, he has also learned the Mingjiao's magic technique of suppressing the religion, and the world has changed a lot.

He also learned the Murong family's Dou Zhuan Xing Yi by accident, which greatly improved his strength.

Taken together, his strength at this time is probably even better than at his previous peak.

In addition, the risk of losing his power caused by this obsession also gave Li Chuan a blessing in disguise, and he saw an opportunity to perfect his innate power. In the future, he might be able to take it a step further and completely perfect his innate power.

Therefore, the slight danger this time is not worth mentioning in terms of results.

Then, now that Li Chuan's injury was out of the way, it was time for them to continue taking action.

That's why Li Chuan and Qiao Feng appeared directly in the city and came to this restaurant to drink, in order to let the Ming Sect find their traces and attract the Ming Sect people to come.

After all, after they sneaked into Guangmingding through the secret passage last time, the Mingjiao side will definitely take strict precautions against the secret passage. If they want to repeat the last action, it will not be so easy again.

So it would be better to take the initiative to expose their whereabouts, and then let the Mingjiao send their own people, and they can just sit back and wait for the Mingjiao to come.

Above the restaurant, Li Chuan and Qiao Feng were drinking. Suddenly, Li Chuan's expression changed and he looked up at the stairs. The next second, he saw an old man with a goatee wearing moon-white clothes and looking like a teacher walking up.

Behind him, there was a middle-aged man who was more than nine feet tall and as strong as an upright human bear, and another beautiful woman with a hot body and cool clothes.

And these three people were none other than Li Yunfeng, the Left Envoy of Light who was sent by Leader Wang to recruit Qiao Feng, as well as the Angry Eyed King Zhang Da and the Red Python King Liu Xuemei.

As soon as the three of them went upstairs, they walked straight towards Li Chuan's table. The floor of the restaurant could not support Zhang Da's weight, and it creaked under his feet, as well as the pots, bowls and wine glasses on the table. Trembling slightly.

Li Chuan glanced at Zhang Da and couldn't help but secretly thought that this man was so huge that he had never seen him in his life. What did he eat to grow up?
And Qiao Feng was also secretly sizing up the three people, his eyes flickering, and he secretly thought that the strong man must be the angry-eyed Ming Wang Zhang Da of the Ming Cult. Qiao Feng, the woman next to him, glanced at the woman who was coiled up and hung The soft whip around her waist also roughly guessed her identity.

It should be the Red Python King Liu Xuemei. As for the old man who looks like a teacher, his identity cannot be guessed based on his appearance and features alone. However, since this person can make Zhang Da and Liu Xuemei fall behind him, Yin Yin respects him as the leader, and his status in Mingjiao is definitely good.

But his appearance and characteristics were clearly not that of the Ming Cult leader Wang, so he was probably Li Yunfeng, the left envoy of the Light. However, in just a few moments, Qiao Feng had already guessed the identities of these three people, and he was a little wary.

Among the Mingjiao masters who besieged him together with Murong Fu and others, these three people were not present, so Qiao Feng did not know the strength of these three people.

But if nothing else, just look at Zhang Da, the angry-eyed Ming Wang. With his burly body, he must be a naturally powerful person. And according to Jiang Mo, Zhang Da is a master of the outside world, and he has already practiced the martial arts to the bronze level. Skin and iron bones, hard to be hurt by a sword
With such a body type, coupled with an extremely high level of external skills, even Qiao Feng did not dare to say that he could easily defeat him.

In addition to the two masters Li Yunfeng and Liu Xuemei, the leader of the Ming Cult Wang really thought highly of Qiao, and actually sent three masters directly.

You must know that the Mingjiao side does not know Li Chuan's identity, and it is impossible to receive information that Li Chuan came to help him before this. Therefore, from the Mingjiao side, Qiao Feng is just alone.

But just to deal with Qiao Feng alone, Leader Wang directly sent three of the top masters in the sect to come, which shows how cautious his character is and how much he values ​​Qiao Feng.

"Master Qiao, the three of us came here all the way from the top of the Bright Dome, but now our mouths are dry. I wonder if Master Qiao can treat me to a glass of water and wine to quench my thirst?"

Li Yunfeng led the two of them to the table and chuckled at Qiao Feng.

After all, when they came before, Leader Wang had specifically told them not to conflict with Qiao Feng unless necessary, and to focus on recruiting.

Therefore, Li Yunfeng did not directly attack Qiao Feng, but came up to him very politely to ask for a glass of water and wine.

Hearing this, Qiao Feng glanced at Li Yunfeng with some surprise. He thought that this person would take action directly without saying anything. I'm afraid he wouldn't be too polite. He was already secretly alert and ready to take action. Unexpectedly, This person didn't make a fuss, but asked him for a drink?
This look doesn't look like he's looking for trouble at all, but more like he wants to make friends.

Seeing that Qiao Feng didn't answer, Liu Xuemei laughed out loud and said: "How come? Isn't Master Qiao really so stingy that he can't even bear to buy a glass of water and wine?"

Qiao Feng's eyes flashed and he said: "Qiao Feng can still afford a few glasses of wine. Please take a seat."

Li Yunfeng and the other three were not polite. They immediately sat down. Zhang Da and Liu Xuemei each took a corner, and Li Yunfeng sat down directly next to Li Chuan.

"Taoist Priest, do you mind sitting next to me with the old man?"

"Old sir, please take a seat." Li Chuan poured him a glass of wine. Since there is no need to start a fight for the time being, he would like to drink a glass of wine politely.

"Thank you." Li Yunfeng was quite polite. After thanking him, he spoke to Li Chuan again, "I wonder what I call this Taoist Priest?"

(End of this chapter)

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