Chapter 184 Youth is also a tactic

And Li Yunfeng was like this. Under his empiricism, he instinctively and unconsciously despised Li Chuan. He only felt that a young man in his twenties, no matter how extraordinary his talent, was not as good as him. Compared with the seniors who have been in the world for decades, they are still a bit young.

But Li Chuan's palm clearly told him that sometimes, empiricism is not necessary, and age does not necessarily represent the level of strength.

At least for Li Chuan, the so-called empiricism is completely inapplicable to him.

"Li Zuoshi?!" Liu Xuemei on the side couldn't help but look surprised when she saw that Li Yunfeng was knocked back by Li Chuan's palm.

Li Yunfeng took a deep breath, suppressed the discomfort in his chest, and looked at Li Chuan with a solemn expression: "Taoist Priest Li Chuan, I was arrogant before and underestimated you, Taoist Priest."

When Li Chuan heard this, he just glanced at him with a normal expression and did not answer.

Although the world often says that you can’t judge a book by its appearance, and you can’t underestimate any opponent. Everyone knows the truth of saying that a lion fights a rabbit with all his strength, but how many can really do it? Even Li Chuan himself thought that it was impossible to completely do it.

And Li Chuan didn't know how many times he had experienced being underestimated by his opponents. It seemed that no matter which opponent he met for the first time, it was like this. Almost few of them were like this from the beginning. Consider him his lifelong enemy.

But that's fine. Your opponent is conceited and unprepared for you, which is a good thing. After they suffer losses, they won't be so easy to deal with.

Seeing that Li Chuan didn't respond, Li Yunfeng didn't say anything. He just said to Liu Xuemei who was standing aside: "King Python, don't worry about me. You go and help King Ming capture Qiao Feng first. Li Chuan will be left to me to deal with first."

At this moment, he did not dare to say anything about taking Li Chuan. He only said that he would hold Li Chuan down first, and then let Liu Xuemei help Zhang Da first, capture Qiao Feng, and then turn around to help him.

Hearing this, Liu Xuemei nodded, turned around, and was about to rush to the battlefield where Qiao Feng and Zhang Da were. However, as soon as she moved, her face suddenly changed, and she quickly dodged and turned around, and then she narrowly avoided it. Li Chuan raised his hand and hit him with the force of his finger.

"As long as I'm here, you can't leave."

Seeing this, both Liu Xuemei and Li Yunfeng's expressions turned tense, and then turned into anger. Li Chuan actually wanted to take them both in at the same time? !

This is too disrespectful to them!

Especially Li Yunfeng, his whole face darkened, and he glanced at Li Chuan fiercely.

After seeing Li Chuan's previous slap, he admitted that he had underestimated Li Chuan, but this did not mean that this junior could look down on others so much!

"The Python King." Li Yunfeng said solemnly, "Since this little Taoist Priest Li Chuan refuses to let you go, then let him do whatever he wants."

"You and I will join forces to capture this person first! Then go and help King Ming!" "Okay! Then the slave family will fight against the enemy with Li Zuoshi!"

After saying that, Liu Xuemei reached out and pulled off the soft whip hanging from her waist. With a swing of her arm, the soft whip in her hand was like a long snake, volleying towards Li Chuan.

"Crack!" There was an explosion in the air. Li Chuan took a step back, leaning up slightly to force away the incoming soft whip. The tip of the whip with many tiny blades like fish scales hanging on it struck the empty space hard. , the whipping caused a handful of smoke and dust to burst into the air!
And Li Yunfeng also took the opportunity to attack Li Chuan from the side. He held the tiger's claw in his left hand and pinched the five fingers of his right hand to form a crane's beak. One left and one right, one high and one low. One grabbed Li Chuan's flank, and the other Pecked at Li Chuan's temple.

However, Li Yunfeng was decisive and immediately used his unique Sanshou skill. The tiger and the crane walked together, and he wanted to kill Li Chuan without any hesitation from the moment he started!
His moves were extremely sharp and swift, but in the blink of an eye, he was already approaching. Even Li Chuan couldn't tell for a moment whether the tiger claw on his left hand was the killing move, or the crane's beak on the right hand was the main attack.

Or, both of them can be used as killing moves. As long as Li Chuan blocks one of them, the other blow, even if it is just a feint, can instantly turn the illusion into reality and give Li Chuan a fatal blow!
When Li Yunfeng saw that Li Chuan did not dodge in the face of his own stunt, he couldn't help but curl up with a proud smile.

His tiger-crane move is a killing move that he has mastered after being immersed in Sanshou for decades. He has already practiced it to the level of proficiency. Over the years, those who have died under his move... Who knows, this Li Chuan actually wants to forcefully accept
After all, you are still young and energetic. After acquiring profound martial arts, you think you are invincible. Today, you will suffer a big loss!
clap clap!

Hearing only two crisp sounds, under Li Yunfeng's shocked and incomprehensible gaze, Li Chuan simply pushed out with his hands from left to right, making a fist with one hand and turning the other into a claw. With a push with both hands, he easily deflected his tiger crane. Double line!
In fact, it's not that simple. Li Yunfeng's killing move is also very subtle. If he encounters other people, he may not be able to catch it so easily.

But for Li Chuan, who has the skill to use both hands, no matter how exquisite the moves are, they are useless to him.

After all, no matter how brilliant your combined attacks are, no matter how exquisite your moves are, can they compare to using two different sets of martial arts with your hands?

Ever since Li Chuan mastered the art of interplay between his hands, he has never suffered a loss in a move-dismantling duel!
Pushing away Li Yunfeng's tiger claw, Li Chuan was about to seize the opportunity to attack and take control of the situation, but Liu Xuemei's whip came again, forcing him to move half a foot sideways to avoid its whip.

When Li Yunfeng saw this, he naturally would not miss this opportunity. He also cooperated with Liu Xuemei and attacked Li Chuan again. While restraining Li Chuan head-on, he also tried to find ways to create opportunities for Liu Xuemei.

Bang bang bang bang
Li Chuan and Li Yunfeng fought quickly, but in the blink of an eye, they had already exchanged more than a dozen moves.

Li Yunfeng's Sanshou skills are indeed very good. Whether it is boxing, palm skills, grappling, or even sumo, wrestling and other techniques, he has also integrated them into his own Sanshou, making it a school of its own. Just this alone In terms of Sanshou Kung Fu, this person is enough to be called a half-step master.

But under the interaction between Li Chuan's hands, no matter how exquisite Li Yunfeng's Sanshou moves were, they could not exert their power at all. Instead, they were shaken by the tremendous force attached to Li Chuan's fists, which shook his arms to the point of trembling. The pain was unbearable, and my fingertips were trembling slightly.

'This kid is actually a master of external arts who has achieved great success! '

Li Yunfeng didn't know that Li Chuan had already learned the magical skills of their Ming sect, and thought that Li Chuan had practiced some foreign martial arts to increase the strength of his muscles and bones.

(End of this chapter)

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