Chapter 27 Whetstone, Experience Pack

The clay figurine was still angry, let alone Ouyang Ke. He was so angry that he immediately launched a fierce counterattack towards Li Chuan.

I have to say that although Ouyang Ke is a villain, he is really not weak in martial arts.

After all, he is Ouyang Feng's nephew (son), and he has a five-level master who gives him daily guidance. After decades of hard training, his skills are not only outstanding among the others, but they are enough to surpass most people in the world.

Except for the top five masters, it is really not that easy for the rest of them to defeat Ouyang Ke.

Even if Ouyang Ke is defeated by masters such as Qiu Chuji and Mei Chaofeng who are only under the Five Ultimate Skills, he will not be completely unable to fight back.

It is precisely because of this that Ouyang Ke has always regarded himself very highly. Except for his uncle and other top five masters, he has always looked down upon others with disdain.

Even against Qiu Chuji and Mei Chaofeng, Ouyang Ke actually felt a faint sense of dissatisfaction and even superiority in his heart.

Although his kung fu is indeed not as good as these two, but similarly, he is much younger than Qiu Mei and Qiu Mei. He is only thirty-five or sixty years old now. When he reaches the age of being with Qiu Mei, At an ordinary age, he would have thought that he was definitely much stronger than the two of them.

But since Li Chuan appeared, his sense of superiority disappeared instantly, because Li Chuan was younger than him!
He was only less than 20 years old, but he had already acquired such superior martial arts. Even when he, Sha Tongtian and others were besieging him, they were not defeated, but they suffered even more.

This couldn't help but make him inexplicably irritated and angry, and at the same time he couldn't help but have a complex feeling of jealousy and fear towards Li Chuan.

Jealousy is because Li Chuan is younger than him, and his martial arts skills are no worse than his own, and fear is also because Li Chuan is young. Ouyang Ke doesn't even want to think about it. If Li Chuan is given another ten or twenty years to become an adult, what will happen to him by then? How high will his martial arts reach in that time?

Therefore, he was full of ill feelings toward Li Chuan. He had previously teamed up with Sha Tongtian and others to besiege Li Chuan, hoping to eliminate the threat of Li Chuan as soon as possible.

But unfortunately, even when faced with the siege from the masters of Prince Zhao's Mansion, Li Chuan managed to escape easily in the end.

But when he faced Li Chuan again tonight, Ouyang Ke felt that he was a little stronger than before. This made him feel even more irritated and secretly resentful. He was already ruthless and wanted to make Li Chuan good. You can't bear the consequences.

Thinking of this, Ouyang Ke no longer held anything back and used all his strength to deal with Li Chuan.

After Qiang Qiang and Li Chuan exchanged more than twenty moves, the folding fan in Ouyang Ke's hand was already riddled with holes, and the priceless fan's handbook was so broken that it was impossible to see.

Ouyang Ke then simply gave up the folding fan in his hand, and used the same technique to lock the long sword in Li Chuan's hand with the gold steel fan bone. Then he used his strength to force the sword out of both men's hands.

Anyway, Ouyang Ke's kung fu training is very complete. From weapons to fists, kicks and body movements, they are all matched. Even if he abandons the folding fan, it will not have any impact on his combat effectiveness.

It can even be said that his combat power is the strongest when he is empty-handed. After all, he uses the folding fan as a weapon, just pretending to be cool.

After giving up his weapon, he was able to display the cunning and wonder of his Bai Tuo Shan Zhuang family kung fu even more when he was empty-handed. Ouyang Ke punched Li Chuan. Li Chuan didn't notice anything wrong and punched him casually, but he didn't want to play into Ouyang Ke's hands.

Seeing that the two were about to collide with their fists, Ouyang Ke suddenly shook his right shoulder, and his entire right arm suddenly seemed to have no bones, like a soft whip, or like a poisonous snake that bent out of the body. He passed Li Chuan's attack and turned back in mid-air to hit Li Chuan's forearm.

After knocking back Li Chuan with one blow, Ouyang Ke couldn't help but smile proudly and said, "Boy, how about my move?"

Li Chuan waved his arm and shook it. As his internal energy circulated, the swelling, pain and numbness in his forearm immediately subsided, and he said, "Is it the Spirit Snake Boxing Technique of White Camel Villa? Sure enough, there are some skills. Let's try it again!"

It has to be said that although Ouyang Ke's performance in the original work has never been good, he is either deflated or on the way to being deflated, but his skill should not be underestimated, and his experience in fighting with others is far greater than that of Li Chuan. If you don't pay attention, , it’s really easy to suffer a loss.

But then again, although Ouyang Ke has strange martial arts and quick movements, his internal strength is not enough. Even if he hits Li Chuan with a punch, it will only cause Li Chuan a little pain. Minor skin injuries that are not itchy.

As long as you pay attention to his weird moves and be careful, Li Chuan is absolutely confident that he can take him down!
And such an opponent is perfect for Li Chuan today.

After all, he had lived on Zhongnan Mountain for so many years, and he really lacked experience in fighting with others. He just used Ouyang Ke as the whetstone and experience bag.

The next moment, Li Chuan once again took the initiative to attack and fought with Ouyang Ke. This time, he deliberately reduced the frequency of active attacks. While observing the flaws in Ouyang Ke's moves, he tried to defend and counterattack. Come and train yourself.

Only when he felt that he could no longer hold on, did he suddenly burst out with all his internal strength, forcing Ouyang Ke to fight with his own internal strength to force him back, and then take the opportunity to regain his strength and start over with Ouyang Ke.

After Ouyang Ke exchanged more than ten moves with Li Chuan, he also noticed part of Li Chuan's thoughts and understood that the other party was using him to gain experience. For a moment, he felt an evil fire welling up in his heart!
This kid! How dare you use me to practice? !
For a moment, Ouyang Ke's offensive was even more intense, and he only wanted to give a lesson to Li Chuan, a boy who didn't know the heights of the world.

However, Li Chuan's playing style was also really rogue. He noticed that his internal strength was not as good as his own, and repeatedly forced Ouyang Ke to compete with him in internal strength.

After several duels, Li Chuan only breathed a little heavier. With his innate skills, he not only has pure and strong internal energy, but also has the ability to protect his body independently. As long as his internal energy is not far superior to him, he will not be able to fight with him. Internal strength will never bring you any relief.

What's more, Ouyang Ke's internal strength is not as good as Li Chuan, so he has already suffered a big loss.

Ouyang Ke felt a surge of energy and blood in his chest, a dull pain, and his breath was suffocated due to the shock.

If we continue to fight like this, I'm afraid we will be shocked and internally injured!

Ouyang Ke glanced at Li Chuan with a sinister expression, and secretly wondered if this kid grew up eating genius Dibao? Or is it that a senior master passed down his skills to him?
Otherwise, how could he have such strong internal strength when he is only that young? !

(End of this chapter)

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