Chapter 36 Two swords combined
After listening to Li Sheng's story, Li Chuan finally understood why he had stopped him before and asked him if he was here to help.

The cause of the matter has to start half a month ago.

Half a month ago, out of nowhere, Ouyang Ke suddenly arrived in the Jiangnan area. He secretly and openly robbed women along the way, causing harm to many beautiful women.

Later, when he attacked a woman, he happened to meet Cheng Yaojia, the eldest daughter of the Cheng family, who was passing by outside the city. Cheng Yaojia, who was born in the Quanzhen Sect, had been taught by his mentor Sun Buer since he was a child. Chivalrous, he stepped forward to help the woman without thinking.

When Ouyang Ke saw another beauty surrendering to the trap, he beamed with joy. He just thought that he was lucky today and could take two more beauties into his room at the same time.

But he didn't expect that the two girls were not very strong in martial arts, but when they joined forces, they had a magical effect. When they joined forces to fight against him, he couldn't defeat those two!
It was also because he was too careless at first and still had the idea of ​​teasing and teasing in his heart. He just wanted to play with these two beauties to add to the fun.

Unexpectedly, the two men suddenly joined forces. With the swords combined, the power of their moves was instantly increased several times. In his carelessness, the jade belt around his waist was actually cut off by a sword. He was so embarrassed that he had to turn around and leave in embarrassment.

But Ouyang Ke has always been obsessed with lust, so even though he retreated, he did not give up. After returning, after careful consideration, he also saw the secret behind it.

When he thought about it, those two girls had mediocre martial arts skills. There should be some kind of senior elders with strong martial arts skills who had tailor-made a unique martial arts skill for them that combined two swords, allowing the two of them to work together. , can exert far beyond ordinary power.

But even so, with his own martial arts, after seeing through the secrets, and being more careful when dealing with them, he can still win over those two women.

So Ouyang Ke thought again and sent his concubine Ji to find out that one of the women was the eldest lady of the local Cheng family. He specially sent someone to send a greeting message. After half a month, the meeting came again to ask for help. Marry two ladies.

After the Cheng family received the news, they naturally could not sit still and wait for death, so the head of the Cheng family immediately found the disciples of the Beggar Clan in the city and asked the heroes of the Beggar Clan to help.

Cheng Yaojia also wrote a letter asking for help overnight and rushed to Zhongnan Mountain for help.

But half a month is definitely not enough for the time it takes to come and go, so everyone actually has no expectations in their hearts.

Just at this time, Li Chuan came to Jiangnan, and Li Sheng came up to ask.

"I see." Li Chuan nodded and said, "Although I have not received a letter asking for help, now that I have heard about it and my fellow sect is in trouble, I naturally cannot sit idly by and ignore it."

"I also ask Brother Li to help guide me to Chengjiazhuang to pay a visit to my junior sister."

Li Sheng nodded: "It should be."

Li Sheng responded politely, but felt a little disappointed in his heart.

He originally thought that the Quanzhen Sect had received the news and specially sent help, but after talking to Li Chuan, he learned that Li Chuan only came here on his own, and he was alone.

Judging from Li Chuan's age, he is only a weakling, and he has no profound martial arts skills. I'm afraid he won't be able to provide much help in this matter.

However, he didn't show anything on his face. After all, when people heard about this, they expressed their desire to help. This kindred spirit is worthy of praise.

After two sticks of incense, the two of them had arrived at Chengjiazhuang outside the city, and in Chengjiazhuang, Li Chuan met an unexpected person.

It turned out to be Li Mochou!

"I didn't expect that Miss Li is also here." Li Chuan greeted Li Mochou.

Li Mochou also glanced at Li Chuan in surprise: "It's you."

Seeing this, several people were a little surprised. Judging from the situation, these two people obviously knew each other. The beautiful girl in white next to Li Mochou said, "Sister Mochou, do you know Senior Brother Li?"

Li Mochou glanced at Li Chuan and said, "We know him, I guess. We've met him once before."

Li Chuan looked at Li Mochou and secretly wondered why she was here, but after much thought, he couldn't guess it, so he gave up.

It has nothing to do with her anyway.

Seeing Li Chuan and Li Mochou, they just said hello and stopped talking. Then the girl in white raised her hand and saluted Li Chuan.

"Cheng Yaojia has met senior brother."

Li Chuan returned the greeting and cupped his fists: "Junior sister, there is no need to be polite."

Afterwards, the two of them had a pleasant conversation. Although they had never met before, they were naturally close to each other because they were from the same school. In addition, Li Chuan's appearance and temperament were extraordinary, so Cheng Yaojia could not help but feel fond of him. Very enthusiastic.

He only said that although he had become a disciple of Sun Buer, he had never returned to his apprenticeship. He didn't know what the Chongyang Palace on Zhongnan Mountain looked like, so he kept chasing Li Chuan to ask.

Seeing the two of them chatting happily, Li Mochou on the side frowned secretly and suddenly said.

"Li Zhichuan, Sister Cheng, I have something to tell you. Please ask Sister Cheng to ask the servants to go down first."

Hearing this, although Cheng Yaojia was a little puzzled, he still asked the maids and servants in the hall to leave first.

After seeing that there were only three of them left in the field, Li Mochou said with a solemn expression: "I have a secret about our two factions that I want to tell you."

Just half a month ago, when she and Cheng Yaojia joined forces to fight against Ouyang Ke, she accidentally discovered a big secret about their Tomb Sect and the Quanzhen Sect!
That is, if the swordsmanship of the two factions is used by two people at the same time, they can actually have the power of two swords combined to dominate!

Hearing this, Cheng Yaojia couldn't help but look at Li Mochou curiously and asked, "What? Sister Li, does your sect have any connection with our Quanzhen Sect?"

Li Chuan glanced at Li Mochou. It seemed that she had never told anyone about her origins.

Li Mochou glanced at Li Chuan. Li Chuan knew her origins, so he didn't need to say anything more. He only needed to explain it to Cheng Yaojia.

"I'm from the Tomb Sect."

"Ah?!" Cheng Yaojia exclaimed. She was also a disciple of the Quanzhen Sect. Although she had never been to Chongyang Palace, she had heard Sun Buer mention the relationship between the Quanzhen Sect and the Ancient Tomb Sect. .

Li Mochou nodded to Cheng Yaojia and continued: "I won't mention the grievances between our two factions. What I want to tell you is."

"In fact, if the swordsmanship of our two sects is performed at the same time by members of both sects, the power of the two swords will be increased several times immediately!"

"The sword moves of the two echo each other, and the flaws in the opponent's moves can be filled by the other person. Even if the enemy is stronger than oneself, they can still resist it."

As she said that, she looked at Li Chuan again: "Previously, my sister from the Cheng family and I accidentally used this method of combining swords. We were able to repel Ouyang Ke with just hasty cooperation."

"Now if it were me and you, with your skills far superior to those of me and Sister Cheng, if the two of us practice together in advance, even Ouyang Ke would be able to win!"

(End of this chapter)

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