Traveling through the heavens begins with shooting the eagle

Chapter 38 The evil star that cannot be avoided

Chapter 38 The evil star that cannot be avoided
On the other side, in a wing room on the west side of Cheng Mansion, Cheng Yaojia and Li Mochou were sitting on the bed talking, while Li Chuan was sitting at the table in the room drinking tea.

Needless to say, the tea from this Jiangnan land tastes really good. It tastes bitter at first, but the sweet and refreshing taste afterwards is very memorable. It is much better than the tea they drank on Zhongnan Mountain.

Bang Bang The sound of fighting coming from outside the room was getting closer and closer. Soon there was a sound of footsteps outside the room, and then two maids in white clothes with silk scarves covering their faces kicked out of the room. He opened the door and broke in with a sword.

But before they could see clearly what was going on in the room, Li Chuan had already teleported in front of the two of them. Without even seeing him make any move, the two of them collapsed on the ground helplessly.

As expected, Ouyang Ke had already guessed that the Cheng Mansion would definitely be on guard, so although he went to Cheng Yaojia's boudoir himself, he also secretly ordered his concubines and maids to go to other places in the mansion. Looking for someone.

Ouyang Ke himself was responsible for attracting the guards in the mansion and then dragging them away. The real arresters were his maids and concubines.

If Li Chuan hadn't already guessed and stayed here specially, the two daughters Cheng and Li might have been in danger.

"Miss Li, Junior Sister Cheng, please wait here for a moment while I go and deal with those people outside the door." After saying that, Li Chuan stepped out of the house.

Just as he walked out of the house, Li Chuan suddenly felt the urge to draw his sword and raise it to the top of his head. In a flash of sword light, two green venomous snakes shot down from the beam above his head were instantly shattered into pieces that filled the sky with Li Chuan's sword. Crushed.

The blood rained all over the sky and the pieces of meat were scattered all over the ground. Li Chuan dodged and looked at the remains of the snake head that had been chopped off and only half of the snake head was still left, with its snout still open and biting the air frantically. Li Chuan couldn't help but twitch his eyes.

It has to be said that their method of playing with snakes and controlling snakes at White Camel Villa is really quite disturbing.

After all, this kind of cold-blooded worm is really difficult for ordinary people to deal with.

The sound of the howling evil wind brought Li Chuan back to his senses instantly. He moved his feet, turned around, and two long swords thrust forward one after another, almost grazing his chest and back.

It seemed very dangerous, but the difference was a thousand miles. Two maids in white passed by Li Chuan on the left and right. Then they felt pain and numbness in the back of their necks, and they immediately rushed forward and fell to the ground. Life and death. I don’t know.

After taking care of these two people, there were only two male snake slaves left in the courtyard. Seeing how easily Li Chuan had taken care of several people, the two snake slaves panicked and hurriedly raised the special snakes in their hands. The flute started to play.

After a strange flute sound, more than a dozen poisonous long insects of various sizes and colors crawled out from several corners in the courtyard and swarmed toward Li Chuan.

Li Chuan frowned. Although he was not that afraid of snakes, so many spicy sticks gathered together, twisting and intertwining and rushing towards him, he still couldn't help but feel disgusted and repulsed in his heart.

At this moment, the sound of the flute suddenly became sharper, and the poisonous snakes seemed to have received some instructions. They jumped up from the ground, opened their snake kisses and bit Li Chuan!

"Hmph!" Li Chuan snorted coldly. With a twist of the long sword in his hand, he slashed with several swords in an instant. The sword light almost merged into one piece. With the sword energy flowing horizontally, the poisonous snakes in the sky were immediately smashed into pieces. Crushed.

Seeing that the group of snakes he was relying on was easily wiped out by Li Chuan, the two snake slaves wanted to escape, but before they could run a few steps, they were caught up by Li Chuan and slashed one by one to the ground.

These snake slaves are almost all capable of herding and controlling snakes, and their own kung fu is almost not good. Without the support of their snakes, they are not the enemy of Li Chuan at all.

After dealing with the enemies in the courtyard and relieving his worries, Li Chuan returned to the room, greeted the two women and then went to Li Sheng and Ouyang Ke. In the room, Li Sheng was still entangled with Ouyang Ke.

After a brief exchange with Bang Bang, Ouyang Ke gradually took control of the situation.

Although Li Sheng was not weak in martial arts, he was still far behind Ouyang Ke. Ouyang Ke was just a little wary of his Eighteen Dragon Subduing Palms before, so Ouyang Ke was more cautious and did not directly attack with all his strength.

After all, when he was at White Camel Villa, he often heard his uncle Ouyang Feng mention the Eighteen Dragon Subduing Palms of Hong Qigong of the Beggar Clan, calling it the most powerful palm technique in the world, so even though Li Sheng's skills were mediocre, he Don't dare to be too careless and underestimate the enemy.

It wasn't until the two sides fought for a while that Li Sheng's Eighteen Dragon Subduing Palms came back and forth, which was just the dragon's tail swing, which made Ouyang Ke understand.

Is this the only palm you can use? That being the case, what else do I have to worry about?
So Ouyang Ke immediately changed his attack, no longer moving to dodge, and directly used the Divine Camel Snow Mountain Palm of their White Camel Villa to fight Li Sheng head-on.

However, Li Sheng's internal strength in martial arts is not as good as Ouyang Ke's. He has not yet mastered the Shenlong Tail Swing style, so how can he beat Ouyang Ke? The two sides only exchanged two palms, and Li Sheng could no longer resist, and was defeated by Ouyang Ke. The force of his palm retreated, and blood oozed from the corners of his mouth.

"Haha, it seems that your Beggar Clan's Eighteen Dragon Subduing Palms are nothing more than this? Even my 60% skill cannot resist it."

Li Sheng couldn't help but get angry when he heard Ouyang Ke's nonsense, which was quite insulting towards the Beggar Clan's Eighteen Dragon Subduing Palms.

"Shut up! I lost to you because of my own incompetence, but my Beggar Clan's Eighteen Dragon Subduing Palms are not something that a kid like you can insult and ridicule."

"Ha" Ouyang Ke smiled disdainfully, "Really? If that's the case, then I invite you to try the Divine Camel Snow Mountain Palm of my White Camel Villa!"

Ouyang Ke looked at Li Sheng with a teasing expression. Just as he was about to attack again, he heard a voice coming from behind.

"By coincidence, I also want you, Young Master Ouyang, to try my Quanzhen Cult's Ice-breaking Palm!"

Hearing the familiar voice coming from behind, Ouyang Ke's expression suddenly changed!

Just a voice made him recognize Li Chuan's identity. Even if several months had passed, how could he forget Li Chuan? !

Before Li Chuan arrived, the cold wind from his palms had already stirred up a strong wind in the room. Ouyang Ke's expression changed drastically, and he didn't even dare to turn around to meet him. Instead, he rolled forward like a lazy ass regardless of his identity and posture. And go.

Li Chuan struck the air with a palm, and without even hitting it, the ferocious force of the palm shattered the tea table in the room and scattered it in all directions!
"Li Zhichuan!" Ouyang Ke stood up from the ground and shouted angrily at Li Chuan.

He really didn't expect that even though he had come to Jiangnan, he would still meet the evil star Li Chuan!
In the previous battle at Prince Zhao's Mansion, he was beaten by Li Chuan until he vomited blood and fled in embarrassment. He hid in the wilderness for nearly a month before he recovered from his injuries and finally dared to show up again.

He was also worried that if he returned to Prince Zhao's Mansion, he might meet Li Chuan again, so he simply left the North and came to the border of Jiangnan in the Song Dynasty. However, he did not expect that even if he came to Jiangnan, he still could not escape Li Chuan!

This Li Zhichuan is like his nemesis! He is everywhere! ! !
(End of this chapter)

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