Traveling through the heavens begins with shooting the eagle

Chapter 40 The ghostly wind roars in the ghost prison

Chapter 40 The ghostly wind roars in the ghost prison

The effect of Li Chuan's 'Ghost Prison Wind Roar' was far better than he expected.

Ouyang Ke's snake manipulation technique originally included part of the sound wave technique. He used internal force to activate the sound of snake flutes, control the movement of snakes, and bite the enemy.

However, because the emphasis is on controlling snakes with sound, the sound of the flute has no lethality to humans. However, it is still a type of sonic skill. Once encountered with similar martial arts, it can be easily restrained, just like Huang Yaoshi's The blue sea tide sounds like music.

And Li Chuan's Ghost Prison Yin Wind Roar not only broke Ouyang Ke's snake manipulation skills, but also directly disrupted the internal energy in his body, causing it to bite him back. Coupled with Li Chuan's Ghost Prison Yin Wind Roar, it directly Suffered serious internal injuries.

Even the snakes in the mansion were directly shocked to death by Li Chuan's loud roar. Within ten feet of the body, there were stiff snake corpses everywhere.

The internal organs and gallbladders in the bodies of these poisonous snakes and long worms were directly shattered, so even though they were not injured on the outside, they still quickly died.

As for the snakes further away, they were also frightened and began to flee crazily in the opposite direction of Cheng Mansion.

Although snakes are not sensitive to ordinary sounds, the internal force and special vibration frequency contained in Li Chuan's Ghost Prison Wind Roar still made these poisonous snakes feel fatal danger.

In addition, Ouyang Ke's snake handling skills have been broken, and without control and restraint, these venomous snakes naturally fled away one after another due to their natural instincts, and soon disappeared into the mountains and forests outside the house.

"Pfft!" Ouyang Ke opened his mouth and spat out a mouthful of blood. His mouth was filled with the sweet taste of rust, and his head was buzzing. The world was spinning for a while, and he could hardly stand.

He was seen holding his head and groaning in pain. Blood even oozed from his seven orifices. It was extremely miserable.

Li Chuan, on the other hand, also felt bad. In addition to the throbbing pain in his chest and lungs, he even felt like stars were shining in his eyes and he was suffocating due to lack of oxygen.

A special martial art called Sonic Kung Fu is not so easy to practice and then perform.

In particular, the sonic technique, which is performed directly with one's own body, is even more difficult to learn and practice.

For example, Huang Yaoshi's Blue Sea Tide Sound Song or Ouyang Ke's snake manipulation skills are better, after all, they are released with the help of equipment.

Using a special method to move the internal force, and then using instruments to play a unique melody, although the requirements are a bit more sophisticated and complicated, at least apart from the internal force and frequency, the burden on itself is not that big.

As for the sonic skills performed by oneself, such as the ghost prison roar performed by Li Chuan and the lion's roar of Shaolin Temple, although they are much simpler and more crude than using tools, they also have extremely high requirements for the performers themselves.

The first is that the internal strength must be strong enough, and the second is that your body and internal organs must be supported!

Ordinary people will feel exhausted even if they yell a few times, let alone the sonic power that requires a large amount of internal energy.

For example, those monks in Shaolin Temple who specialize in lion roar need to be selected from the beginning of practice. People who are not physically strong and energetic cannot practice this skill.

And this is just the qualification for practice. After that, special training methods and some drugs are needed to exercise and strengthen the ability of the lungs.

When you can dive deep underwater and hold your breath for more than half a stick of incense, blow the goose feathers and float in the air in one breath, hold a cup of tea without losing your breath, and have a continuous breath, then you have officially reached the standard and can start practicing the lion's roar.

Therefore, it is difficult for those who are not gifted to practice sonic skills. Li Chuan initially practiced the Ghost Prison Yin Wind Roar because it was difficult to learn and master it, and Wang Chongyang only carved the martial arts of the Ghost Prison Yin Wind Roar in the ancient tomb, but did not leave any supporting training methods. After a while, I stopped practicing this skill.

After all, Wang Chongyang originally only wanted to crack the ancient tomb sect's martial arts and gain a breath. Naturally, the various martial arts methods in Chongyang's legacy will not be too complete.

Most of the ancient tomb sect's martial arts are light and agile, and the light kung fu of the body technique is the most outstanding. Therefore, the kung fu techniques in the Chongyang Inscriptions are the most detailed and include various light kung fu and body techniques.

Like the Nine Spiral Shadows, Snake Walking and Tanuki, the Golden Goose Kung Fu taught by Quanzhen, and some body skills and techniques that are not even named.

It looked like Wang Chongyang had engraved all the Shen Qinggong he had seen and practiced in order to suppress the extremely powerful Shen Qinggong of the Ancient Tomb Sect.

And Li Chuan's current body skills and lightness skills are so strong, it is also thanks to the Chongyang legacy left by Wang Chongyang.

After forcibly executing a Ghost Prison Wind Roar, Li Chuan also felt that he had used too much force, and because he was not proficient in the technique, he had suffered backlash.

Unsure whether it was possible or not, he subconsciously mobilized all his strength.

So much so that after a sharp roar, the power was quite terrifying and the effect was good, but he himself was also very uncomfortable. He even felt the exhaustion that he had never felt since the innate skill broke through the second level for a long time. feel.

That feeling of exhaustion and discomfort is really not something that can be explained to outsiders.

After Ouyang Ke calmed down for a while, he finally regained some consciousness. When he looked at Li Chuan again, the fear that he had almost died in Prince Zhao's mansion could not help but surge into his heart again.

Even if he could vaguely see that Li Chuan seemed to be in poor condition, he didn't dare to come forward to test him. After all, he was almost half alive now. After giving Li Chuan a frightened look, he turned around with his hands on his chest. He fled hastily outside Cheng's mansion.

When Li Chuan saw this, he wanted to catch up, but as soon as he moved a little, he felt a sharp pain in his chest. He groaned and had to stop, and adjusted his breathing on the spot.

He really didn't expect that this kind of stupid thing, which hurts both the enemy and himself, would happen to him one day.

After half a cup of tea, Li Mochou and the others came here. When they saw Li Chuan sitting cross-legged on the ground adjusting his breathing, they hurriedly came up to ask about the situation.

"Brother Li, are you okay?"

Li Chuan opened his eyes and glanced at her. After adjusting his breath for a while, he recovered a lot, but when he opened his mouth, he couldn't speak. He could only nodded to her, indicating that he was fine.

At this time, the turmoil in the Cheng Mansion gradually subsided.

This time Ouyang Ke drove a swarm of snakes to invade the Cheng Mansion. Although they were quickly defeated by Li Chuan, they still caused considerable damage to the entire Cheng Mansion.

Many people were bitten and poisoned by the snake attacks, and several people died of the poison before they could receive treatment.

Fortunately, many of Li Sheng and his fellow disciples of the Beggar Clan are good at poisoning snakes. Li Sheng is even nicknamed the "Jiangdong Snake King". He is very familiar with snake venom and is also good at detoxifying it. Now he has begun to treat the victims. The person bitten by a poisonous snake was bled to cure the poison.

(End of this chapter)

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