Chapter 47 Bodhisattva Snake
Six days later, Xiangyang City.

Li Chuan and the other two people rushed all the way, but it took them less than six days to reach Xiangyang City.

Later, Hong Qigong found the Beggar Clan disciples in the city. After some inquiries, he soon found some information about the Bodhisattva Snake.

It must be said that the Beggar Clan is indeed known as the largest gang in the world. The intelligence network of the Beggar Clan disciples is indeed the best in the world of martial arts. In this regard, it is unmatched by any sect or gang.

According to the news sent back by the disciples of the Beggar Clan, Li Chuan and the others found a medicine shop in the city, and then saw the legendary Bodhisattva Snake with their own eyes in a jar of medicinal wine.

I saw that the Bodhisattva Snake was indeed just like what was described in the Buddhist scriptures. Its scales were golden in color and its head had a fleshy crown. It did not look like an ordinary snake.

According to the medicine shop owner, the medicinal wine brewed by this snake has the ability to strengthen the body, strengthen the body, and strengthen the blood. It is valuable. However, this snake is extremely precious, and it is ferocious by nature and difficult to catch, so it is almost rare to see it on weekdays. arrive.

Only Lao Wang, a herb collector in Wangjiawan outside the city, could occasionally catch one or two in winter and sell them to their medicine shop.

So, the three of them made a special trip to Wangjiawan outside the city to find the herb collector, Lao Wang, and promised him a lot of money. Finally, they got some accurate information from him.

"These 'horned snakes' are very ferocious in nature. Once someone comes close, they will attack them. And these horned snakes move very quickly. People are often bitten by them before they can react."

"And the venom of the horned snake is very strong. Once bitten, the poison will kill you immediately if you can't take more than three steps."

"Even the old man only dares to go to the mountains to try his luck in the winter when the horned snakes are hibernating to see if they can catch a few."

Lao Wang, the herb collector, was a very talkative person. He chatted with Li Chuan and the others for a long time, but did not talk about business.

Fortunately, Li Chuan and the others were quite patient, and they roughly guessed what Lao Wang was thinking. They knew that he thought the Bosi Snake was precious, and was afraid that if he and others were informed of the place where the Bosi Snake group lived, this Exclusive business will no longer be possible.

After all, according to what the drug store owner said before, he paid five to ten taels for a Bodhisattva snake, which was considered to be quite valuable.

So Hong Qigong simply promised Lao Wang a reward of one hundred taels of silver, and Lao Wang finally got to the point.

"This Bodhisattva snake usually only appears in the mountain forests dozens of miles southwest of Xiangyang City. And in that mountain forest, the forests are deep and dense, and miasma often breeds, and ferocious beasts appear. Most people don't dare to go there."

After finally knowing the exact location, the three of them said goodbye to Lao Wang and headed directly towards the mountain forest.

As for the danger mentioned by Lao Wang, it may be so for ordinary people, but for them, it is just a little troublesome at best, so just be careful.

Two hours later, Li Chuan and the others had gone deep into the forest. After some searching, they found traces of several Bodhisattva snakes in a forest of dead trees.

And the Bodhisattva Snake was indeed as fierce as Lao Wang said. After noticing the three people walking into the forest, it immediately crawled towards them quickly, but it regarded them as prey!
Those Bodhisattva Snakes were extremely fast, much faster than ordinary snakes. In just ten breaths, they had already arrived in front of the three people, and then jumped directly from the ground or flew from the treetops. He jumped down and attacked several people.

Their speed was so fast that their figures could not even be seen clearly with the naked eye. They could only catch a glimpse of a golden light flashing through the air, and the smelly snake kiss was already right in front of them!
It's no wonder that there are no traces of other wild beasts in the nearby mountains and forests for several miles. With the ferocious nature of these Bodhisattva Snakes, I am afraid that all the animals and wild beasts in the nearby mountains and forests have been hunted down by them. !
However, they chose the wrong opponent this time. Li Chuan and the others were not comparable to those wild beasts in the mountains and forests. Clang!
There was a sword cry, and a sharp sword light flashed through the mountain forest. The two Bodhisattva snakes instantly turned into several segments in the air, and fell to the ground helplessly.

But even though they were cut into several pieces, the corpse was still squirming and bouncing crazily on the dead leaves. A broken snake head even bit a dead tree in front of it, tearing it wildly, showing its ferocity. Violence.

Hong Qigong also raised his hand to grab a Bodhisattva snake, strangled its head with one hand, let its body wrap around and squeeze his right arm, and curiously picked it up and looked at it in front of his eyes. Eye.

"The temperament of this long insect is extremely ferocious. It is even more ferocious than the venomous snakes bred by Ouyang Feng's old poisoner. I wonder how it would taste if made into snake soup?"

As he spoke, he skillfully raised his other hand and pinched the seven inches of the Bodhisattva Snake. With a gentle squeeze and pull, the Bodhisattva Snake that was struggling crazily in his hand instantly disappeared. He went limp.

It can be seen that Hong Qigong's skillful snake-playing skills must have come into contact with this kind of venomous snakes before.

"Jinger, give me your dagger."


Hong Qigong asked Guo Jing for the dagger he carried with him, and expertly slashed the Bodhisattva snake. Then he squeezed along the wound, and a dark purple snake gall the size of a dragon's eye was squeezed out by him. Come out and tear it off casually.

Hong Qigong took the snake gallbladder and looked at it for a few times, then came closer and smelled it. There was no fishy smell, but unexpectedly there was a faint fragrance of grass and trees, which made people salivate and want to taste his taste. .

After that, Hong Qigong raised his head and stuffed the snake gall into his mouth, took out the wine gourd and mixed it with a sip of wine, but he wanted to experience for himself the medicinal effect of the snake gall.

Although it is recorded in the Buddhist scriptures that the gallbladder of the Bodhisattva Snake has very medicinal properties and has the ability to increase energy and internal strength, after all, it is only written in books, and it is still necessary to experience it in person before being sure.

So he was not just greedy, but more of trying the medicine for Guo Jing.

If the gallbladder of the Bodhisattva Snake is poisonous or has other hidden dangers, it's okay to use his power. He can then use his power to expel the poison.

After taking the snake gall, Hong Qigong immediately sat cross-legged on the spot, performed Qigong exercises and guided Qi, and experienced the medicinal effects of the snake gall of the Bodhisattva Snake.

A quarter of an hour later, Hong Qigong opened his eyes again, with a look of joy on his face.

"Xiaochuan, Jing'er, the gallbladder of this Bodhisattva Snake really has the ability to refresh people's spirits and enhance their strength, as recorded in the classics!"

“We’ve come to the right place in Xiangyang!”

(End of this chapter)

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