Chapter 72 Master Yideng

In the flash of lightning, Li Chuan and the fisherman met their palms and exchanged palms.

With just one palm, the fisherman was shaken to the point where his muscles and bones were weak. His chest felt tight and he couldn't help but groan. Unable to hold on any longer, he flew out and fell straight into the river under the bridge.

With a pop, the fisherman fell into the water. Li Chuan lowered his head and glanced at the fisherman who was involuntarily swept downstream by the current. He didn't pay any more attention and turned around to say hello to the two women to follow him.

His previous palm didn't really mean to hurt anyone, it just knocked the fisherman away. After he recovered his strength, he was fine.

After all, he is also the "fish" in the reading of fishermen, woodcutter and farmers. The water quality will definitely be good. He can get up from the water in a while, and there is no danger of drowning.

The three of them continued to move forward, and then encountered the three remaining woodcutter Gengdu. These three were also like the fisherman, refusing to let them pass no matter what, and went up the mountain to find Master Yideng.

In desperation, Li Chuan had no choice but to fight hard with them, subduing them one by one and forcing his way through.

Phew, after pointing out the scholar who was studying as a fisherman, woodcutter and farmer, the four guards had all been defeated by Li Chuan, and they did not encounter any obstacles along the way.

After successfully arriving at the temple on the mountain, Li Chuan came to the door of the temple and exhaled.

"Li Zhichuan, a disciple of the Quanzhen sect, came here to pay a visit to Master Yideng. I have something important to ask of you. I hope Master Yideng will show up."

After paying his respects, Li Chuan waited in front of the temple, waiting for Master Yideng's response.

Not long after, a monk from the temple opened the mountain door and raised his palm in salute to Li Chuan.

"Amitabha, this young hero, Master Yideng invites you, please come with me."

Li Chuan nodded, and then the three of them followed the monk into the temple and arrived at a wing on the south side of the temple.

"Master Yideng is in the wing, you can go there on your own."

"Thank you."

Arriving outside the wing, Li Chuan was about to say hello when he heard a greeting coming from the room.

"My friends, let's go into the room and talk."

Hearing this, Li Chuan opened the door and walked into the room with the two women.

Entering the room, Li Chuan immediately saw the middle-aged monk sitting cross-legged on the bed.

I saw him wearing a cassock, sitting cross-legged on the bed, with a beard under his chin, an upright face, and a peaceful expression, especially his eyes, which were very bright and gentle, just like a newborn baby.

Although Li Chuan had never met Master Yideng before, he was still able to confirm his identity at a glance. After all, anyone with such an attitude must be a person with profound inner strength, and there are only a few people in the world.

"Li Zhichuan, a disciple of Quanzhen, pays homage to Master Yideng."

"Cheng Yaojia, a disciple of Quanzhen Sect, pays homage to Master Yideng."

"Li Mochou, a disciple of the Ancient Tomb Sect"

The three of them bowed to Master Yideng, and Master Yideng nodded with a smile: "Okay, there is no need to be so grand. All three of you, please get up."

After a courtesy visit, Master Yideng spoke up and asked Li Chuan about their purpose of coming.

And Li Chuan also took the opportunity to talk about Ouyang Feng's return to the world after many years and the grievances he had with them. "I see. It seems that after so many years, Mr. Ouyang has finally returned to practicing his toad skills."

Master Yideng nodded clearly, and then said: "When your Quanzhen sect Master Chongyang came to Dali, exchanged martial arts with the poor monk, and practiced martial arts and discussed Taoism together, he specifically mentioned it to the poor monk. "

"Master Chongyang was afraid that after his death, if Ouyang Feng caused trouble in the martial arts world, no one would be able to control it, so he came to Dali specifically to exchange his innate skills for the Yiyang Finger inherited from the poor monk's family."

"Then he faked his death to attract Ouyang Feng, and used his Yang Finger to break the Toad Kung Fu he had cultivated for many years. This made Ouyang Feng silent for so many years."

"However." Master Yideng changed his voice and said, "Back then, Master Chongyang didn't directly get rid of Ouyang Feng, because he thought that God has the virtue of good life, and Ouyang Feng was able to cultivate martial arts to such a level, and he had to sacrifice a lot. I know how hard it is.”

"That's why I only broke his Toad Kung Fu, instead of directly removing it. The reason is that I hope Ouyang Feng can calm down, re-understand his normal self, and make changes."

"If this can change his murderous and evil nature, and use his martial arts to benefit the world, it will be a good thing."

"What a pity."

Master Yideng sighed and shook his head. Judging from Li Chuan's story, Ouyang Feng's temperament has not changed much even after so many years.

Otherwise, he would not have allowed his nephew to do such evil things as robbing civilian girls and destroying people's innocence.

Not to mention that Li Chuan and the others would not come to the Central Plains again to seek revenge because of their actions to punish Ouyang Ke.

"I already know about Ouyang Feng. If there is anything I need help from, please feel free to tell me."

"When Master Chongyang taught me the innate skills, it was just a precaution. If Ouyang Feng's nature is hard to change and he breaks out to cause trouble many years later, there are poor monks who can restrain him."

"Although the poor monk has not been involved in world affairs for many years now, if this happens, the poor monk is willing to go out again to confront Ouyang Feng. After all, this is what the poor monk promised to Master Chongyang back then, and he must be obliged to do so."

Hearing that Master Yideng readily agreed to help deal with Ouyang Feng, Li Chuan bowed again and said, "Master Yideng is highly righteous."

While several people were talking, a burst of noise suddenly came from the temple outside the house.

"Master! Are you okay?" An anxious voice came into the room from outside.

Listening to the voice, it was the voice of the scholar who was studying, the fisherman, woodcutter and farmer. It turned out that after the four people escaped from the predicament, they chased Li Chuan and the others back to the temple.

"It's Zi Liu, don't worry, I'm fine."

Hearing Master Yideng's reply, Yuqiao Gengdu and others breathed a sigh of relief, then pushed the door open and entered the room, glaring at Li Chuan.

"You kid, you are so rude! Didn't I tell you that my master, Master Yideng, doesn't see outsiders, but you insist on forcing your way here? What's your intention?!"

"I see that your three companions all have no injuries or pain on their bodies. They must not have come to seek treatment from my master. Could it be that they were sent by the enemy to plot and harm my master?!"

"Zi Liu." Master Yideng said, "Don't be rude and cause trouble. Young Master Li came to see me to discuss important matters. It's not what you think."

"But..." Scholar Zhu Ziliu looked at Li Chuan with suspicion and said, "The day is coming soon. According to the usual practice, master, your enemy will definitely take action."

"But these people are looking for you at this juncture. It's really hard for me to believe them!"

(End of this chapter)

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