Traveling through the heavens begins with shooting the eagle

Chapter 9 As expected, I still don’t like killing people.

Chapter 9 I. Sure enough, I still don’t like killing people.

Li Chuan and the others did not stay in Lujiazhuang for too long. After all, because of Lu Zhanyuan's matter, Lujiazhuang would probably be busy for a while, and it was indeed not suitable for them to stay and disturb them for a long time.

So the three of them declined Lu Ji's offer to stay and quickly said their goodbyes and left.

After leaving Lujiazhuang, Zhen Zhibing did not immediately take Li Chuan back to Zhongnan Mountain to resume his life. He just asked Zhao Zhijing to return to Zhongnan Mountain first, while he and Li Chuan stayed in Jiaxing.

Because when he went down the mountain this time, Qiu Chuji had told Zhen Zhibing that he should take this opportunity to take Li Chuan on a tour in the rivers and lakes, and by the way, stay in Jiaxing for a while to see the Seven Jiangnan Monsters come back from the desert. No.

Many years ago, Qiu Chuji made an eighteen-year pact with the Jiangnan Seven Monsters. The two parties agreed that they would each find the widows of Yang Tiexin and Guo Xiaotian, and then teach their children martial arts.

Eighteen years later, when the two have grown up, they will return to the Yanyu Tower in Jiaxing and let the two have a fight to see who has the stronger apprentice and act as their master to decide the winner.

But now, the eighteen-year agreement has not been long gone. Presumably, the Jiangnan Seven Monsters have also begun preparations. Maybe they have returned to Jiaxing with Guo Jing, Guo Xiaotian's son.

And since Li Chuan and Zhen Zhibing happened to be sending Lu Zhanyuan's ashes back to Lujiazhuang in Jiaxing this time, they simply gave them another task and asked them to wait in Jiaxing for a while, which could be considered as an outpost for him.

If the Jiangnan Seven Monsters and others have returned to Jiaxing, then let the two of them pay a visit. The main reason is to let them see Li Chuan and let them see the skills of his disciples.

Then it wasn't too embarrassing when he gave in.

That's right, although the eighteen-year contract has not yet begun, Qiu Chuji is ready to admit defeat, or in other words, in his own heart, he has already decided that he has lost.

It's not that Yang Kang's martial arts is not as good as Guo Jing's. He knows Guo Jing's situation very well. Previously, he specially sent Zhen Zhibing to the desert to search for the Seven Monsters of Jiangnan, brought his message, and discussed with a few people the eighteen Year's appointment.

According to the news brought back by Zhen Zhibing, it seems that Guo Jing's talent is not very good, he can't help but have a dull temper, and his kung fu is also sparse. How could he be Yang Kang's opponent.

Therefore, his surrender was not due to the martial arts of both parties, but purely due to other reasons.

If nothing else, just because of this agreement, the Seven Jiangnan Monsters were able to go to the desert to find Guo Xiaotian's widow, and even lived in that bitter cold place for more than ten years to cultivate her.

This loyalty alone made Qiu Chuji feel ashamed.

Not to mention, his disciple Yang Kang still has the same moral character.

As for Guo Jing, although he is dull and stupid, under the guidance of the Jiangnan Seven Monsters, he can be regarded as loyal, simple and decent, but what about his disciple Yang Kang?
That boy looked like a golden prince. Although he looked innocent on the outside, he was cunning and sinister in his heart. How could Qiu Chuji not see that?

Besides, that boy holds himself to be the young prince of the Kingdom of Jin, with a distinguished status. Even for his master, he doesn't have much respect in his heart. I'm afraid he is still unwilling to come to this eighteen-year appointment.

Now that Yang Kang has grown into such a virtuous person, Qiu Chuji also feels guilty. He feels sorry for his late brother Yang Tiexin, and he no longer has the intention to compete with the Seven Monsters of Jiangnan.

But he was a man of great dignity. Even though he had already admitted defeat in his heart, he could not bring himself to go to the door and bow his head to admit defeat in person. Moreover, he only admired the loyalty of the Seven Heroes of Jiangnan and was willing to admit defeat, but he did not think that he was the disciple. The ability is poor.

Ever since, he took the opportunity to assign Li Chuan.

Let Li Chuan and the others admit defeat on their behalf, and let the Seven Monsters of Jiangnan take a look at Li Chuan and experience his ability to teach disciples.

It can only be said that Qiu Chuji is very good at calculating things. However, the Jiangnan Seven Monsters have not returned to Jiaxing yet.

After waiting for a few more days, there was still no news. After Zhen Zhibing thought about it, he simply left Jiaxing with Li Zhan and headed north.

He heard from Qiu Chuji that the Jiangnan Seven Monsters and Guo Jing must have gone all the way south when they returned from the desert to Jiaxing. If they couldn't wait in Jiaxing for a long time, they could take Li Chuan north to look for them, and they would also be able to take Li Chuan to see the world along the way. The scenery in it will give you some experience.

So the two set off again and headed north.

But this time, it was much more leisurely than before, and there was no need to rush. In order to let Li Chuan see more of the world, Zhen Zhibing even took the initiative to take him to some dangerous places to teach him personally. Fan.

A month later, an unknown bandit broke into the village.


The sharp sword edge slashed past, and before the bandit in front of him could stab the wooden spear in his hand, he knelt down weakly on the ground, and the bright red blood slowly seeped out, staining a large area of ​​land red.

Li Chuan waved his hand to shake off the blood on the blade of the sword. He turned to look at the bandits standing aside who were holding weapons in their hands and looking at him fiercely. However, the bandits at their feet were involuntarily retreating out of fear and raised their legs towards the bandits. They walked away.

"do not come!"

"Hero, please, please let us go. We were just forced to go up the mountain because we couldn't live any longer. We have never harmed anyone!"

"Yes! Hero, we are all bandits who have no choice but to do it. Even if we go up the mountain, we have never harmed anyone. Just let us go."

Li Chuan said expressionlessly: "If my senior brother hadn't taken me to a nearby village to find out the details about you, maybe I would have believed you."

Long before he and Zhen Zhibing attacked the bandit village, they had already found out the details of the bandit village.

In this cottage, every one of them is worthy of death. Every one of his subordinates has committed countless evil deeds. All of them are worthy of death!
Hearing what Li Chuan said, those people knew that they couldn't be fooled today, so they all became ruthless and rushed over with the intention of defeating everyone.

Li Chuan looked at them expressionlessly, and with a movement of his feet, he dashed into the group of bandits. With a turn of his sword, the cold sword light flashed, and blood rained down from the sky.

However, after a few breaths, the six bandits fell into a pool of blood.

Most of the bandits in this village were just ordinary people, and only the few who headed the village had worked as bodyguards in the bodyguard bureau for several years. They knew a few basic skills, and Li Chuan easily killed them. .

After another stick of incense, Li Chuan and Zhen Zhibing walked out of the cottage, and the cottage behind them was already shrouded in flames.

"Senior brother."

"Well, what's wrong, junior brother?"

"Let's go straight north. I really don't like killing people."

(End of this chapter)

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