Chapter 91 Fight Ouyang again
After thinking about it, Li Chuan simply counter-followed him and followed him, hanging far behind the two Beggar Clan disciples, ready to see what Elder Peng's purpose was in sending people to follow him.

After burning a stick of incense, Li Chuan followed the two men back to the Beggar Clan branch. When the two Beggar Clan disciples walked into the branch, Li Chuan also quietly flew to the roof and landed on the roof. He circulated his internal energy to his ears and acupoints, strengthening his body. With strong ears, he listened to the conversation between the two people and Elder Peng.

"Lost you? Did Li Zhichuan find you?"

"We didn't know either. In just a blink of an eye, he was gone."

"Forget it, since I lost you, let's forget it. Don't alert the snake and arouse his suspicion. Well, you should pay more attention to the situation in the western suburbs. If there is any news about Li Zhichuan and Ouyang Feng, come immediately Report."

"Yes, Elder Peng."

Elder Peng was cautious. He simply chatted with the two people for a few words without revealing too much information. He couldn't get any clues from their words, and he didn't know what their purpose was.

Li Chuan thought about simply capturing Elder Peng and interrogating him if it didn't work out, but after thinking about it carefully, it was not appropriate.

After all, Elder Peng is also an elder of the Beggar Clan, and judging from his character, he does not seem to be the kind of person who can tell the truth easily. If he fails to ask anything at the time and is bitten by him, It's also troublesome.

Forget it, Elder Peng will let it go for now. The most important thing is to deal with Ouyang Feng first.

From their conversation, the news that Ouyang Feng was currently recovering from his injuries in Zhuangzi on the western outskirts of Lin'an City should be true.

In this case, then rush over and take a look.

After making up his mind, Li Chuan didn't stay any longer. He turned around and evacuated the Beggar Gang's branch silently again, then left the city and headed all the way to the western suburbs.

In a mountain forest forty miles away in the western suburbs of the city, Li Chuan discovered a snake slave of the White Camel Villa who was herding snakes in the forest. After this, it was almost certain that Ouyang Feng should be nearby now.

Li Chuan directly stepped forward and captured the snake slave. He wanted to interrogate him about Ouyang Feng's whereabouts, but he didn't expect that the snake slave manipulated the poisonous snake hidden in his chest and bit him without saying a word, killing him immediately. .

Li Chuan pointed out and killed the venomous snake that jumped out from the snake slave's chest and lapel. He secretly said that the people of the White Camel Villa in the Western Region are really not particular at all.

Forget it if you seek death yourself, you should at least deal with the snakes that are grazing before you die, right? Now that the other person is dead, those poisonous snakes are no longer under control and have scurried into the local mountains and forests. Who knows how much trouble they will cause.

Just like the snakes that Ouyang Ke brought to Baoying County earlier, they have now made their home in the nearby mountains and forests. They have caused harm to many small forest beasts and injured many people. I heard that until now, the Cheng family Biandu has not completely eliminated the local snake problem.

'It seems that we will have to capture a snake slave who knows how to control snakes later to solve the hidden dangers here. '

While Li Chuan was thinking this, he continued to go west. After traveling for several more miles, he saw the Zhuangzi mentioned in the intelligence.

This village was secretly bought by Wanyan Honglie many years ago. People are stationed here all year round to inquire about the goings-on in Lin'an Mansion in the capital. Previously, Ouyang Feng claimed that he wanted to go out of the city for a while, so Wanyan Honglie gave this village to him. Ouyang Feng.

In Zhuangzi, Ouyang Feng was retreating in his room to heal his wounds. Suddenly, he opened his eyes and looked at the small green snake that had entered the room from the edge of the door.

The moment he saw the little snake, Ouyang Feng knew that a stranger had come to Zhuangzi. This was his unique method. He used venomous snakes as his eyes and ears to warn others. Normal methods could not avoid the detection of these venomous snakes. Not long afterward, a voice was heard reaching the room.

"Senior Ouyang, we said goodbye ten days ago. Senior escaped with injuries. Junior was really worried about him. It took a lot of effort to find traces of senior, and then he rushed over without any delay. I wonder if Senior Ouyang will be able to return. Okay? The injury should be fine, right?"

Hearing Li Chuan's voice, the expression on Ouyang Feng's face instantly darkened. This kid actually chased him all the way!
For a moment, Ouyang Feng couldn't help but feel an uncontrollable anger in his heart. He didn't expect that Ouyang Feng would have such a day and suffer such repeated humiliation from this junior.

Do you really think I can't kill you? !
The door shattered, and Ouyang Feng strode out of the room with a stern expression.

"Boy, you are so brave! You actually dare to come looking for me!"

"Since you want to die, I will help you today!"

Without any foreshadowing or pretext, Ouyang Feng attacked directly.

After all, he had already experienced the power of Li Chuan's words before. He could be said to be sharp-tongued and sharp-tongued, and every time he could make a burst of evil fire rise in him.

So he didn't bother to waste any more words with Li Chuan, and stepped out directly. In an instant, he was in front of Li Chuan in the courtyard, and he raised his hand to fight!

Li Chuan was not polite. After all, there was really nothing to say between him and Ouyang Feng. He also raised his palm to greet him!
Bang Bang The two sides exchanged several moves, and Li Chuan also noticed that although Ouyang Feng had recovered more than half of his strength and his arms had regained mobility, the injuries on the meridians of both arms had not fully recovered, and the strength in his hands They are much weaker than before.

"It seems that the injuries on Senior Ouyang's body are not healed yet."

Ouyang Feng, however, had a cold face and did not answer. He just suddenly used the Toad Kung Fu, raised his energy and struck hard at Li Chuan in response.

The palms of the two people met, and under the conflict of energy, Li Chuan's chest felt tight, and he took a few steps back. Then he raised his hand and pulled out the black iron epee carried on his back. The true energy was poured into it, and with the help of the power of the epee, The Toad Kung Fu that defeated Ouyang Feng.

The Dark Iron Heavy Sword is extremely heavy. When it was cast, the number of ninety-nine was taken, and it weighed a full eighty-one kilograms. It already weighed nearly a hundred kilograms, plus Li Chuan's own strength and a large amount of true power poured into it. Qi, in one blow, the force is more than hundreds of kilograms.

Even Ouyang Feng's arms were shaken by Li Chuan's sword, and he felt a little unable to resist.

If Li Chuan hadn't mastered the heavy sword technique yet, and hadn't yet understood the realm of how to lift a heavy sword with ease, he could only use his own strength and true energy to force it, which would consume a lot of energy. If he couldn't maintain the offensive for a long time, he might not even be able to sustain it for a long time. Ouyang Feng couldn't survive a hundred moves either.

After bang bang attacked a few more times, Li Chuan also felt his right arm was sore and numb, and he felt a little weak. Then he put away the dark iron heavy sword and drew out another sharp sword on his back. Use your left hand sword to face the enemy.

Ouyang Feng felt that the pressure was slightly relieved, but Li Chuan's sword skills with his left hand were equally fierce, as fast as the wind and his moves were fierce.

In addition, Li Chuan would use his hands to show off his skills from time to time. He would suddenly raise his right arm and point his fingers at him, forcing Ouyang Feng to tense up to avoid being hit.

(End of this chapter)

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