Chapter 93 Ouyang Feng’s back-up plan
Click. Poof!
With a crisp sound of bone cracking, most of Ouyang Feng's chest sank in an instant, and blood immediately sprayed into the sky. He opened his mouth and spat out a handful of blood mist. His whole body flew backwards a foot away before he fell heavily to the ground. , vomiting blood without stopping.

Even after suffering such severe injuries, Ouyang Feng still refused to give up and struggled to get up from the ground. However, most of his chest was smashed by Li Chuan's sword. The broken bones had already pierced his internal organs. How could he still stand? stand up.

"Uh." In the end, Ouyang Feng accepted his death calmly. As he lay dying, the ferocious look on his face gradually softened, and he just stared blankly at the floating clouds in the sky with his eyes wide open.

Or maybe what he saw in his eyes was not the floating clouds, but the cherished things in his heart. No matter who he was, whether he was a trafficker or a martial arts master, when he finally died, it would probably be like this. Bar.

Li Chuan sheathed his sword and stepped forward. He glanced at Ouyang Feng, who had lost his voice. He breathed a sigh of relief and sighed at the same time.

Ouyang Feng was considered a person. Although they were enemies of each other, he couldn't just be exposed to the wilderness like this.

Later, Li Chuan went to dig a pit in the bamboo forest outside the village, buried Ouyang Feng, and built a simple tomb for him. After thinking about it, he finally did not erect a monument for him.

After all, Ouyang Feng is not an ordinary person, and he has many enemies in the martial arts world. If someone learns his identity through the tombstone and wants to search for his martial arts secrets from his corpse, or simply digs up the corpse to vent their anger, that is trouble.

It is also worth mentioning that even after Ouyang Feng died, he still wanted to mess with Li Chuan.

Guessing that Li Chuan might bury his body after his death, or crush his ashes to vent his anger, he deliberately hid two colorful and venomous snakes in his sleeves, hoping to trick Li Chuan in the end.

Fortunately, Li Chuan had already taken precautions, so he didn't fall for it.

An hour later, Li Chuan took a snake slave caught from Zhuangzi back to the mountain forest where Ouyang Feng had sent people to herd snakes, and ordered him to gather the snakes in the forest. After dealing with them, this Then he left this place.

One day later, Wanyan Honglie led people to the Zhuangzi, found the bamboo forest behind the Zhuangzi where Ouyang Feng was buried, and dug out Ouyang Feng's body.

It can only be said that Ouyang Feng should have suffered this disaster after his death. Even though Li Chuan did not even erect a monument for him in order to prevent his body from being disturbed after his death, he still did not escape being dug up in the end. the result of.

"Ouyang Feng is actually dead?!" Wanyan Honglie looked at Ouyang Feng's body in disbelief, "Then Li Zhichuan's martial arts is actually so strong?!"

The other people also had stern looks on their faces. They originally planned to let the two fight and use Ouyang Feng's hands to get rid of Li Chuan, or wait until both of them were injured before taking action to kill them all together. , reap the benefits of being a fisherman.

Unexpectedly, the majestic Western Poison Ouyang Feng would fall into the hands of a junior like Li Chuan.

"Your Majesty." But Sha Tongtian saw that the atmosphere was a bit stiff and spoke to calm the atmosphere, "In my opinion, although Li Chuan's methods are indeed somewhat true, if he wanted to kill Ouyang Feng, he would definitely be severely injured. light."

"Why don't we take this opportunity to deal with Li Chuan as well."

Hearing this, Wanyan Honglie felt that it was reasonable and nodded: "It is true. Although Ouyang Feng was injured before, his martial arts skills cannot be underestimated. Li Chuan must have fought hard before he managed to kill him. "

"And he should be very weak at this time. It is the best time to eradicate this beast. Kang'er, what do you think?"

He turned to look at Yang Kang, who was standing a few feet away. After plotting against the old eunuch and absorbing his power, Yang Kang left the palace and returned to Wanyan Honglie.

When Yang Kang heard this, he just smiled and said: "Father, it's up to you to decide. As long as we find out where Li Zhichuan is, I will definitely bring his head back to you for my father!"

Wanyan Honglie nodded with a smile. Although Yang Kang did not find Wu Mu's suicide note when he entered the palace this time, when he came back, his martial arts not only fully recovered, but also improved so much that even Sha Tongtian was easily subdued by him with just a few moves.

It was precisely because of this that Wanyan Honglie had the idea of ​​letting Li Chuan and Ouyang Feng fight each other, and then they would reap the benefits.

"Okay, Kang'er, if we join forces with my father and son, are you still worried about something big happening? Whether it's Li Zhichuan, Qiu Chuji or even the Quanzhen Sect, my father will definitely destroy them for you in the future!"

After saying that, he turned around and ordered everyone to go check out Li Chuan's news and whereabouts before making a final plan.

Then Wanyan Honglie remembered something again and said.

"Although Ouyang Feng is dead, his martial arts skills are extraordinary. Go and search his body to see if he has any martial arts secrets with him."

Several palace attendants immediately took the order and went forward to search for Ouyang Feng's body. Sure enough, they found a blood-stained pamphlet from his arms.

Seeing this, Sha Tongtian also said: "Your Majesty, Ouyang Feng is already dead anyway. How about I chop off his head and take it back to make a wine glass collection?"

When he went with Wanyan Honglie to recruit Ouyang Feng, he was very unhappy because of Ouyang Feng's arrogant attitude, and even had a conflict with Ouyang Feng.

As a result, Ouyang Feng restrained him with a claw and removed one of his arms as punishment. From then on, Sha Tongtian held a grudge against Ouyang Feng.

Just because he was not as strong as Ouyang Feng, he could not retaliate. Now that Ouyang Feng was dead, Sha Tongtian had some thoughts. He actually wanted to cut off his head and take it back to use the skull to make a wine glass collection.

One was to vent his anger, and the other was to show off. After all, that was Ouyang Feng's head. It would be a beautiful thing to use his head to make a wine glass and show it to others in the future.

Wanyan Honglie glanced at Sha Tongtian, and he probably knew what he was thinking, but he didn't care. After all, Ouyang Feng was dead now, and half of his use value was gone. He might as well fulfill Sha Tongtian's wish. Win him over.

With Wanyan Honglie's permission, Sha Tongtian smiled and stepped forward with his knife, slashing the neck of Ouyang Feng's body with the knife.

But when he slashed with the sword, a sudden change occurred in an instant!


A fountain-like stream of blood suddenly gushes out from Ouyang Feng's broken neck, and then emits a fishy-sweet smell when it encounters the air, quickly spreading to the surrounding area!
It was obvious that Ouyang Feng had been dead for a long time. Although the blood in his body had not yet solidified and dried up, it was impossible for him to still be so fresh. That was why he realized something was wrong with everyone and hurriedly wanted to get away.

(End of this chapter)

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