Chapter 96 Ambush
Iron Palm Peak.

In the hall, Qiu Qianzhang was talking with a young man and woman in their thirties.

"Little sister, I think we should let those two Quanzhen sect disciples go. The Quanzhen sect is the largest sect in the martial arts world today, with many masters. Even the second brother is no match for them. We have How can I defeat them?"

Hearing this, the woman couldn't help turning her head and glaring at Qiu Qianzhang angrily, and said, "Brother! The second brother was kidnapped by Zhou Botong of the Quanzhen Sect. He still doesn't know whether he is alive or dead. Don't you care at all?!"

"In the final analysis, it was because of your mischief, eldest brother, that you pretended to be the second brother and hang out in the world all day long. That's why you offended Zhou Botong and the Quanzhen Sect. In the end, you let the second brother take the blame for you!"

This woman is surprisingly the younger sister of brothers Qiu Qianren and Qiu Qianzhang, Qiu Qianchi.

As for the other young man, he was Qiu Qianchi's husband, Gongsun Zhi, the owner of Jueqing Valley.

This time, the couple returned from the Heartless Valley and returned to the Iron Palm Gang to visit relatives. They learned that their second brother had been kidnapped by Zhou Botong, so they sent people to arrest Zhao Zhijing and his junior brother who were working down the mountain, and told Zhou Botong and Li Chuan came to ask for people, so he dealt with them and asked for news about Qiu Qianren.

Being scolded by Qiu Qianchi, Qiu Qianzhang couldn't help but feel a little embarrassed on his face.

On weekdays, Qiu Qianren would just scold him. After all, although he was the eldest brother, he was only born half a cup of tea earlier than Qiu Qianren, and Qiu Qianren's martial arts and majesty were beyond his comparison.

But Qiu Qianchi was much younger than him. His parents were old enough to give birth to the child. She was his real little sister, so how could she scold him like this?

"Little sister!" Qiu Qianzhang said dissatisfiedly, "My second brother was taken away. Of course I am also worried."

"But what can I do? Zhou Botong is so powerful in martial arts that he is no match for his second brother. What can I do to him?"

"Now you insist on arresting their Quanzhen sect members and forcing them to go up the mountain to demand their lives. But after they come, how are you going to deal with them? Could it be that you let them arrest us three brothers and sisters, plus my brother-in-law?" ?"

Qiu Qianchi glanced at Qiu Qianzhang, then at his husband Gongsun Zhi who was standing aside, and said, "Brother, don't worry about this. Since I dare to let them come, I have a way to deal with them."

"Although the Quanzhen sect is powerful and Zhou Botong is very powerful in martial arts, I, the disciple of Jueqing Valley, am not a weakling!"

"Coupled with the fishing net formation inherited from Zhidi's family, various hidden weapons, and the love poison unique to our Jueqing Valley, no matter how powerful Zhou Botong is, he can't even think of causing any trouble!"

Gongsun Zhi on the side also nodded and smiled: "Brother, you don't have to worry so much. Although my Jueqing Valley lineage has lived in seclusion all year round and has no contact with the outside world, I still have some skills that are enough to deal with Zhou Botong and others. .”

"Second Brother's justice, this time it will be up to me and Sister Chi to seek justice from the Quanzhen Sect!"

Seeing that the two of them were so confident, Qiu Qianzhang felt a little more at ease. Then he thought that with his ability, he couldn't deal with Zhou Botong and the Quanzhen Sect, and he couldn't control Qiu Qianchi and the others, so he simply ignored these things. , let them go.

On the other side, after Li Chuan and Wang Chu got off the mountain, they immediately headed towards Xiangxi without stopping. Under the starry night, with the strength of their feet, they had reached the border of Xiangxi in just ten days. .

Later, Li Chuan made a special trip to the Black Mire, found Zhou Botong, and explained the matter to him. When he learned that the Iron Palm Gang wanted to seek revenge on them, Zhou Botong didn't have much reaction. Since he was asked to go there by name, he would go there and settle the grudge once and for all.

In addition, Ying Gu also came over. After all, she was also a party to this matter. Qiu Qianren secretly murdered her child back then, and she was the one who killed Qiu Qianren with a single blow. She should go there because of the circumstances.

So, one day later, the four of them, Li Chuan, went up to the Iron Palm Peak together.

Li Chuan originally thought that he would have to fight up the mountain this time. Unexpectedly, the disciples on duty at the Iron Palm Peak were quite polite and came up to them with smiles on their faces to guide them up the mountain.

Well, it may be that when Li Chuan climbed to the Iron Palm Peak, he was convinced by these Iron Palm Gang disciples and did not dare to make mistakes easily.

The four of them went up to Tiezhang Peak and walked into the living room. Then they saw Qiu Qianchi sitting in the main seat and thought that this person should be the person in charge of this matter.

Zhou Botong glanced at the woman, and then said: "Hey, who are you? You were the one who caught my Quanzhen disciple and then told us to come over, right?"

"Now that we have arrived, you should let us go quickly. The silkworms I raised will spin silk and form cocoons in the next two days. I have to go back and watch."

He is not polite at all, and he is not like ordinary people in the world. He also pays attention to the scene and so on. He goes straight to the topic as soon as he comes, and looks like he has no time to waste time with you.

Qiu Qianchi glanced at Zhou Botong with a sharp expression: "You are Zhou Botong, my name is Qiu Qianchi, and Qiu Qianren, the leader of the Iron Palm Gang, is my second brother."

"You captured my second brother earlier and he has not returned yet. I would like to ask you why you are making things difficult for my second brother, and whether he is alive or dead now. What did you do to him?!"

After hearing Qiu Qianchi announcing her family status, everyone learned her identity and were all surprised. Qiu Qianren was so old, but he had such a young girl?
And Li Chuan couldn't help but take a closer look at Qiu Qianchi, and saw that although his face was a bit ferocious, his appearance was still pretty. If she hadn't mentioned it herself, Li Chuan would have really There was no way to connect her with the half-bald and ugly woman more than ten years later.

When several people didn't answer, Qiu Qianchi said in a bad tone: "Why don't you answer? Could it be that my second brother has already screwed you up?!"

"Of course I've already killed him!" But it was Yinggu who answered, "That Qiu Qianren, who assassinated my child back then, how could I allow him to continue to live in the world, and then kill him with one palm, what are you going to do?!"

Qiu Qianchi turned around in an instant, looked at Yinggu with a sinister expression and said, "Okay! Since you have killed my second brother, you should also go down and bury him with me!"

"Where are the disciples of Jueqing Valley? Why don't you quickly set up the fishing net formation and catch these murderers for me!"

Qiu Qianchi also had a fierce and ruthless temper. After hearing the news that Qiu Qianren was dead, he immediately wanted to take action and shouted out to the people ambush in the hall to take action!

In an instant, many Jueqinggu disciples who were hiding on the beams at the top of the hall jumped down from the top. In groups of four, they worked together to spread several shining silver fishing nets and cover the heads of the people in Li Chuan below.

(End of this chapter)

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