Traveling through the heavens begins with shooting the eagle

Chapter 99 When disaster strikes, we all fly away

Chapter 99 When disaster strikes, we all fly away

Seeing that Qiu Qianchi thought he was deceiving her, Li Chuan didn't bother to play tricks with her. He tried his words and just said.

"There is an old saying that all the poisons in the world must be within ten steps of each other. There is also a record in that ancient book, 'Only a broken heart can relieve the sorrow of love.' If my prediction is correct, then the flowers of love will There must be a lot of heartbroken grass growing down there, right?”

Hearing this, Qiu Qianchi's face couldn't help but change. She actually didn't know what the antidote to the love flower poison was. She only knew that the Jueqing Pill could cure the love flower poison, but she also didn't know what kind of herbs the Jueqing Pill was made from. Not sure.

But looking at Li Chuan's words, it didn't seem like he was deceiving him. Even Qiu Qianchi was confused for a moment.

After all, the reason why she felt confident before was because she had hostages in hand, and Zhou Botong and Wang Chuyi were poisoned by love flowers, so she naturally believed that the situation was still under her control.

So even if she fell into Li Chuan's hands and was caught by him, she was not worried or afraid that Li Chuan would do anything bad to her.

But if it is true as he said, heartbroken grass can cure the poison of love flowers, then her previous calculations and confidence will really become a joke!
Qiu Qianchi was panicked in his heart, but he still insisted: "Humph! What a joke!"

"That heartbroken grass is extremely poisonous. If you take it, your liver and intestines will be severed and you will die. How can it be an antidote? I'm afraid you deliberately made it up to deceive me!"

"I don't care about your little trick! If you don't want them to be tortured to death by the poison of love, you'd better stop playing tricks with me and go kill that woman. I'll do it myself I will take out the Heartless Pill to detoxify you."

Li Chuan shook his head and said, "Stubborn."

Having said that, Li Chuan didn't bother to talk to Qiu Qianchi anymore. He directly raised his hand and pointed a yang finger at her dantian, which destroyed the inner strength of her dantian and abolished her martial arts.

When Gongsun Zhi saw this, he exclaimed and wanted to escape from the hall, but Zhou Botong stepped forward and stopped him.

"The martial arts skills of your sword and sword wielder are quite exquisite and interesting. Come and show them to me quickly."

When Zhou Botong saw Gongsun Zhi's Yin Yang Chaos Blade Technique before, he was very interested in it, and felt that it was somewhat similar to his own two-hand technique.

But after playing more than a dozen moves with Gongsun Zhi, Zhou Botong also saw the inside story of his martial arts. It was just a trick of using the sword to make sword moves, the sword to use sword moves, and then relying on the change of moves to connect them. .

Although this set of kung fu is indeed very sophisticated and the moves are extremely powerful, it still cannot reach the level where his hands can compete with each other.

So Zhou Botong lost interest. After all, his martial arts had reached such a stage that although some exquisite martial arts moves could not be said to be useless to him, they were indeed of little use.

And when it comes to the coordination of moves, isn't the combination of the Quanzhen Sword Technique and the Jade Girl Sword Technique even more exquisite and profound?

Feeling bored, Zhou Botong stopped entangled with Gongsun Zhi, and instantly inserted his hands into Gongsun Zhi's interlaced blades flying up and down. He held up with one hand and pressed down with the other, and instantly grabbed Gongsun Zhi's arms accurately. wrist.

Then he saw Zhou Botong exerting force with both arms, and Gongsun Zhi immediately screamed in pain, and the gold and black swords in his hands came out at the same time. Then he was punched in the chest by Zhou Botong, and he fell to the ground in defeat.

At this point, Qiu Qianchi and the others had all been defeated. Upon seeing this, Gongsun Zhi also knew that the situation was over and he immediately admitted defeat.

"Senior, I admit defeat!" Gongsun Zhi raised his hand and covered his chest and said, "This time I didn't know the inside story before, so I have the courage to become an enemy of you seniors."

"Now that my husband and I have been defeated by you, I naturally have nothing to say. I just hope that you can spare the lives of my husband and me." "If you can spare my husband and I, the two of my predecessors will Disciple, I will release you immediately, and I will also take my wife back to Jueqing Valley, and I will never embarrass you seniors again."

"Shut up!" Even now, Qiu Qianchi still refused to comply and cursed, "Don't beg them for mercy. At worst, you will die. Why bow to them!"

"Just shut up!" Gongsun Zhi was also angry, "Now, why are you still being tough? Do you have to force us to be buried with your second brother?!"

"It was your second brother who hurt the child back then. If I had known about it before, I would never have agreed to follow you in this nonsense!"

After seeing Qiu Qianchi being deprived of his martial arts skills by Li Chuan, Gongsun Zhi's mentality changed a bit. Although he had not shown it on his face before, he had always been dissatisfied with this tiger wife in his heart.

Even though Qiu Qianchi had always been very kind to him and helped him complete the family's martial arts, Qiu Qianchi's strong personality and style still made him feel very aggrieved as a husband.

But there was nothing he could do about it. After all, Qiu Qianchi's martial arts skills were higher than his own, and he also had a second brother whose martial arts skills were not inferior to those of the Five Ultimate Masters. Even if he felt aggrieved and dissatisfied, he would not dare to explode.

But now that Qiu Qianren is dead and Qiu Qianchi's martial arts has been abolished, he naturally doesn't want to endure it anymore.

Especially now, before life and death, Qiu Qianchi still looked so unyielding. Gongsun Zhi was also afraid of making Li Chuan and others dissatisfied and implicate him.

"Brother Zhi, you?!"

Gongsun Zhi scolded: "That's enough! If you must seek death, don't take me with you. This matter has nothing to do with me. Now that I have helped you to this point, I have done my best to be benevolent and righteous."

After saying that, he turned to look at Zhou Botong: "Senior, I don't want to deal with this matter anymore. I would like to ask you to do it for your convenience and leave."

Hearing this, even Zhou Botong looked at Gongsun Zhi with a bit of contempt. He had forgotten about his past.
Yinggu on the side looked at Gongsun Zhi with an unkind expression, even though Qiu Qianchi had threatened Li Chuan and the others several times before, asking them to kill him.

However, the way Gongsun Zhi and his wife were birds of the same forest and flew away when disaster struck, still made her subconsciously feel sorry for Qiu Qianchi and lament that he was unkind to others.

Seeing that Zhou Botong and the others did not respond, Gongsun Zhi was also very shameless. He got up from the ground, hugged several people and then turned around and left without looking back.

"Brother Zhi!"

Seeing that Gongsun Zhi had really abandoned him and left, Qiu Qianchi smiled miserably.

"Haha, please kill me!"

Li Chuan turned to look at everyone, nodded, and then everyone turned and left the hall, but ignored Qiu Qianchi.

Since her martial arts skills were useless, she could be considered a punishment. In addition, after what happened in the hall earlier, no one had the intention to kill them all, so they just left her alone.

(End of this chapter)

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