Lord of the Dry Witch Who Devours the Starry Sky.

Chapter 103 The clone is just a little bigger

Chapter 103 The clone is just a little bigger

"How about Lord An Yong?" The Lord of Arrows continued to shoot from behind with arrows condensed by divine power.

There is no way, no matter how wealthy you are, you can't build it like this. You can only rely on arrows condensed with divine power to attack, so that the attack power of each arrow is greatly reduced.

"It's a bit difficult to deal with, but it's not a big problem. I can already feel that his aura has become weaker." The Lord of Anyong said.

"It's good that the aura is getting weaker." The Master of Arrows thought to himself, it seemed like he was lucky today.

"What a lunatic. How dare you exchange injuries for injuries with me." The Lord of An Yong laughed.

Under normal circumstances, when strong men at their level fight, they will use treasured weapons to block arcane attacks, or dodge with weird body skills.

If you really want to hit the opponent solidly with every move, exchanging injuries for injuries is not something you can do just because you want to.

However, Yang Hao's attack was not strong in the first place, so he would naturally suffer a loss if he collided with his secret method. Instead, he directly exchanged divine power with him according to the effect desired by the Lord of An Yong.

"Isn't this your favorite way of fighting?" Yang Hao said coldly.

"Why, you don't dare to continue exchanging divine power with me?"

"They say that those in our first reincarnation era are madmen, but I think you are the real madman." The Lord of Anyong said while maintaining a high frequency of attacks with his staff.

"Life is limited, eternity is hard to find. I have faced the end and need to find a way out from the endless killing. This is my only way."

"Even if you are a special being, you are just a stepping stone for me."

boom! boom! boom!
Under attack again and again, even if the attack can be weakened to one millionth, the breath will become weaker.

"You have lost 3% of your divine power, but I have lost nothing, how about it?" The Lord of Anyong lost a little of his divine power, so he extracted the divine power from his clone to maintain peak condition at all times.

"Are you talking too much?" Yang Hao didn't care about the arrows shooting from a distance and fought with all his strength against the Lord of Anyong.

"The Lord of An Yong wears the best of the best armor. If I hit him with one attack, the divine power will be annihilated very little." Yang Hao thought to himself.

"Let's just use him as a sparring partner for practicing secret techniques."

The thoughts in my mind are changing, and I am thinking while maintaining the attack.

The ultimate secret method of the Lord of the Universe is really not enough in the cosmic sea. It will take a lot of time to create the most powerful secret method.

Or find experience in battle after battle.

"Haha, 10% has been annihilated. Let's work harder, Lord of Arrows!" Lord Anyong hadn't realized that he had become a sparring partner, and sent a message to the Master of Arrows: "Take out your strongest arrows." Use it, don’t be reluctant to part with it!”

"Okay!" The Master of Arrows nodded.

"I only have 30 of my strongest arrows left. They will only be used in special circumstances. Each one is worth the equivalent of five high-level attack treasures..."

The Master of Arrows held his breath, adjusted to his strongest state, and then took out a huge arrow with a length of 100,000 kilometers. The arrow had many secret patterns.

This was something he got unexpectedly while wandering in the Jedi. Arrows of this level cannot be regenerated. If they cannot be recycled, one will be used less than one.

In order to control this arrow, he had to enlarge his divine body, and the pinnacle bow and arrow treasure in his hand also became enlarged.

Countless divine powers were poured into it. In order to shoot this arrow and achieve the strongest attack, he consumed one percent of his divine powers.

"If my secret method is a fusion secret method, the power of this arrow will be among the best among the fifth-level universe masters!" the master of arrows thought.

This move requires a long preparation time, but fortunately, the Lord of Anyong is there to hold him back, allowing him to prepare with peace of mind.

call out!
A huge arrow with a length of 100,000 kilometers was shot out fiercely. Due to the huge size of the arrow, the flight speed was slower, but the Lord of Anyong had already closed the distance.

"Lord of Gan Wu, I'm coming!" The Lord of Flintstone hurriedly hurriedly arrived, finally arriving.

Because Yang Hao controls the realm of the Twilight Dark Realm and the Pale Kingdom to confront the Blade Core Realm and Ice Sand Sea.

These three strong men continued to reduce the scope of the domain to achieve the strongest effect against each other, and finally covered less than 100 million kilometers of space.

Anyway, just follow me, why can’t I see someone after 100 million kilometers? As long as you can't teleport.

This allowed the Lord of Flint to teleport outside the domain and fly in at high speed.

"Look at the shield!" The huge divine body of the Lord of Flint flashed behind Yang Hao.

He raised a huge hexagonal shield in his right hand, and the arrows carrying monstrous power were perfectly blocked by the hexagonal shield.

The powerful impact was transmitted to the body of the Lord of Flint, causing him to retreat a million kilometers before regaining his balance.

"Haha, my shield is the ultimate treasure shield, but your arrows are still too weak." The Lord of Flintstone picked up the huge arrow stuck on the shield and put it directly into the world ring.

"What? My move was blocked?" The Master of Arrows was so angry.

Even the most powerful expert in refining the treasure of the God Eye Clan cannot refine this arrow. Of the 50 arrows obtained in total, more than ten have been lost over the years.

After all, it is not possible to retrieve the arrow in every situation.

"Forget it if you missed it, but you still got the arrow robbed! Where did the life from the stinking stone come from?"

"Lord of Flintstone, help me block the harassment of Lord of Arrows, and I will fight with Lord Anyong!" Yang Hao sent a message.

The power of the arrow just now may have reached the fifth level of attack, but the master of arrows would not use that move casually.

After all, in order to shoot this arrow, one percent of the divine power is consumed. The Lord of Flintstone has a shield in his right hand and a long shuttle in his left hand, back to back with Yang Hao. The shield blocks the incoming arrows, and the long shuttle can still find time to attack the Lord of Yong'an.

"Huo, help is here, but it will always end in death." Mr. An is so confident that one more person is just a treasure given to him by many strong men.

"First consume this human being, and then work with Zhu Jian to deal with the flint life."

"Haha, I'm not afraid of your attacks!" As soon as the breath of Lord An Yong weakened, he immediately replenished his divine power.

"Human, you have lost 20% of your divine power and your strength has become much weaker. Death is not far away from you!"

The lower the divine power, the weaker the strength. The weaker the strength, the lower the resistance, so the higher the damage received.

"Lord of Flintstone, don't worry, I still have backup plans." Yang Hao sent a message.

If you call the Lord of Flintstone, you will naturally not trick him. He has a bold personality, and although he is not a strong human being, he is still a member of the Hongmeng.

Yang Hao just wanted to find a free training partner, so that the Lord of Flintstone could resist the harassing attacks of the Lord of Arrows, so that he could create secret techniques with peace of mind.

Yes, Yang Hao plans to create secret techniques while fighting.

"That's it?"

The divine power of Zhou Hai's incarnation armor surges, and the pure divine power is directly supplemented to the body of the deity. The original deity, who had only 80% of his divine power, instantly returned to full strength.

"What? You also carry a clone with you?" Lord An Yong exclaimed, not expecting that this human being really has a clone.

"Humph, if you replenish your divine power so carefully, I guess the clone won't be big."

"It doesn't matter, just use up more divine power."

"Gan Wu, do you also have a clone?" The Lord of Flintstone put the shield in front of him, perfectly blocking all the attacks from Zui Arrow. Zui Arrow was so angry that he wanted to fly over and fight, but after thinking about it, he decided not to do it.

"Is the clone big? The clone of Lord Anyong is millions of kilometers of plant life!"

"Haha, don't worry, I will definitely outlast him. Millions of kilometers are nothing, just guess how big my clone is." Yang Hao laughed and signaled to the Lord of Flint to feel at ease.

"Come on, how can you describe the huge divine power of millions of kilometers?" The Lord of Flintstone was stunned.

This dry witch has not been seen for millions of years. It is unbelievable that he is so strong and has a clone.

"Tens of millions of kilometers? Or hundreds of millions of kilometers?" The Lord of Flintstone guessed.

"It's probably a tree-type clone, or a mountain-type clone, otherwise it wouldn't be that big."

"Could it be that your avatar is a divine body with a mountain-like life that reaches tens of millions of kilometers?" The Lord of Flint couldn't help but ask.

"Haha, you're pretty much guessing. I do carry a mountain-like clone, but it's a little bigger than you think." Yang Hao laughed.

The incarnation of Zhouhai, known only to a few universe masters and the founders of the giant ax in the Virtual Universe Company, is one of the trump cards of the human race, comparable to the trump card of the most powerful treasure, and can only be vaguely mentioned to the Lord of Flintstone.

"That's good, kill him!" The Lord of Flint laughed, and hit the Lord of Anyong with a long shuttle.

The Lord of Anyong didn't know who to attack for a while.

"The Lord of Dry Witches has a clone to replenish his divine body. The size of the clone is unknown. The Lord of Flintstone has a hexagonal shield to resist. There is nothing I can do against him with my scepter attack..."

"Forget it, the plant clones still have a lot of magical power. Let's gamble first. At worst, we won't call the strongest among the tribe!"

When one more strong person comes, one more person will share the treasure. Lord An Yong has long wanted a peak domain treasure. He finally caught the big fish of the third reincarnation era, how can he give up the opportunity?
boom! boom! boom…

In a high-intensity battle, Lord An Yong and Yang Hao used attack secrets crazily, exchanging injuries for injuries and annihilating divine power in the most brutal way.

Continuously releasing the ultimate secret attack of Star Canopy, my proficiency is getting higher and higher, and the thoughts in my mind are surging like spring water.

"Haha, after fighting for so long, my secret skills have improved a bit." Yang Hao smiled inwardly.

"But we can't let him find out. We need to practice together for a while."

"Damn, his clone is not small either. My plant clone has lost ten percent of its divine power. How much divine power does this human clone still have?"

The Lord of Yong'an was hesitant. Should he continue fighting or call for help?
"No, we can't lose such a good sparring opportunity. I have to pretend."

After Yang Hao's divine body lost 10% again, it was replenished to 98% through the incarnation of Zhou Hai, but it did not return to full state.

"Huh? No more divine power?" The Lord of Yong'an felt that Yang Hao had not fully replenished his divine body.

"What's wrong? The clone has no power?"

"What does it have to do with you whether you have divine power or not?" Yang Hao pretended to grit his teeth.

"My first time in the cosmic sea, I only gained a top-notch giant ax treasure. Why do you need to use so much divine power to fight me?"

"Haha, what a joke!" The Lord of Yong'an laughed wildly.

"Do you think we are interested in the treasure of the giant axe? We are interested in the treasure on your body!"

"I, the strong man from the human race, will be coming soon, the Lord of Chaos City will be coming soon, you guys should leave immediately!"

(A Night Shift has updated three chapters. Please encourage me to continue updating when I wake up!)
(End of this chapter)

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