Lord of the Dry Witch Who Devours the Starry Sky.

Chapter 111 The Lord of Chaos City Shows His Power

Chapter 111 The Lord of Chaos City Shows His Power
The power of time and space is superimposed on the domain, barely comparable to the domain formed by the two peak domain treasures of Chaos City Lord and Peng Gong Lord.

"Fight!" Lord Peng Gong held the Yun Shen stick and stared at the Salamander Whale clone.

"I will fight Lord Yunmeng, and you will fight Lord Penggong." The Lord of Chaos City said, "Show your strongest strength, and whoever can win the treasure will depend on your own strength."

At this moment, the three of them had no way out, so they had to engage in the most realistic exercise.

Lord Peng Gong, as the fifth-level Lord of the Universe, is extremely powerful. Although there is some gap between him and the Lord of Chaos City, the gap is not big.

The 'Yun Shen Stick' in his hand is the best among the pinnacle treasures. If it is combined with the fusion secret attack, the Lord of the Universe with lower strength may be killed by one move.

The previous Lord of Ember Soul, with a divine body that was 20,000 kilometers high and 200,000 kilometers long, had one third of his divine power annihilated by one move. He almost killed him with two consecutive moves.

"I cast the fusion secret method 'Meteor Star', which consumes a lot of divine power. However, I carry a clone with me that can replenish my divine power. You have to be careful." said the Master of Peng Gong.

"Xingxing, I will deal with the Lord of Chaos City. Can you withstand the battle with Lord Peng Gong?" Lord Yunmeng said.

"Don't worry, I can handle him!" said the Salamander Whale clone.

"It seems that this fight must be fought!"

"Meteor!" Lord Peng Gong shouted, and directly used his strongest move. This is his ultimate trick, which consumes a lot of divine power. However, he can use the clone to restore his divine power, so he can use it several times more.

He closed his eyes tightly, and the space around him instantly darkened, leaving only the gorgeous long stick emitting dazzling light.

As the long stick danced, the twilight light shone, and the Yun Shen stick was driven by divine power. Its length reached 2000 million kilometers, and the space it cut became blurred.

The Yun Shen stick seemed to be carrying a vast divine kingdom, possessing endless power and suddenly smashed down, like a cosmic explosion. The huge long stick was not over after it was smashed down.

Lord Peng Gong rotated the Yun Shen stick in a circle around the body of the god and continued to smash it down.

The second blow fell almost at the same time as the first blow, and a dazzling light erupted from the impact point.

"So strong!" the salamander whale clone exclaimed.

"The Sorrow of the Ultimate Secret Technique!"

Instantly activate the divine power burning, and the entire divine body bursts out with intense blue-purple light, burning five thousandths of the divine power in one second, and increasing the attack power by 15 times!
Coupled with the power provided by the incarnation of Zhou Hai, the salamander whale clone only feels that it has endless power.

"Ang!" This surging power made him couldn't help but let out a whale cry.

"Star Eater!" He held the Star Eater Mad Hammer and blasted it out.

The length of the war hammer is as long as the Yun Shen Stick, reaching 2000 million kilometers. This top attack treasure is driven to the extreme by powerful divine power, and the scarlet light dyes the space blood red.

The four pairs of wings of the divine body, plus the two sets of wings of the Flare Divine Armor, make a total of twelve wings vibrating, and the secret technique of body technique 'Twelve Wings of Light' is used to continue to enhance the attack.

With its powerful divine body quality and many bonuses, the attack of the Salamander Whale clone is extremely powerful.

Use two hammers in a row to resist the ultimate trick of Lord Peng Gong.

"What?" Lord Peng Gong was also shocked. He didn't expect that the secret fusion method he had spent countless years creating was as good as the Salamander Whale clone.

"I have ten thousand times the gene, the best peak attack treasure, and the fusion secret method. My strength is among the fifth-level universe masters. Although I am not among the strongest, I can still be considered the top." Lord Peng Gong was stunned.

"As expected of a clone of the only special life, with ten thousand times the genes, and such heaven-defying talents and secrets."

Master Peng Gong finally figured it out. The Salamander Whale clone must have an innate secret method that defies heaven. Otherwise, how could the attack power be so high?

Most of the power of the move just now was blocked by the scarlet war hammer, and only a very small part of the power hit the divine body.

But the Salamander Whale clone possesses the ultimate armor, the Flare Divine Armor, which weakens the attack power to one hundred thousandth, and the Zhouhai Incarnation Armor, which weakens it to one percent.

Most of the power of this fifth-level peak fusion secret attack was intercepted by the Star-Eating Warhammer. A small part of the power hit the divine body and was weakened to one ten millionth. The annihilated divine power was so insignificant that it was almost undetectable.

At the first collision, the salamander whale clone shocked the three universe masters present.

Needless to say, Lord Peng Gong fully felt his monstrous strength. The Lord of Chaos City was as calm as him and couldn't help but be surprised. In just a few million epochs, he had a combat power that was on par with Lord Peng Gong. How shocking.

As for the Lord of Yunmeng, he was even more shocked. Where does this pervert come from? With a top attack treasure, the secret method is only at the level of the Lord of the Ultimate Universe, and the attack power is comparable to the fusion secret method.

If he is given more time to create the most powerful secret method, it will be extremely powerful even without using the innate secret method.

Coupled with this huge divine body, I am afraid not many universe masters want to fight with it.

"Abnormal!" The Lord of Yunmeng couldn't help but said.

"Your opponent is me!" The Lord of Chaos City saw that they were almost evenly matched with one move from the other side. He felt confident and fought with the Lord of Yunmeng with all his heart.

"Chaos, open."

The Lord of Chaos City greeted him with a palm. The palm quickly grew in size and turned directly into a huge golden palm. A universe gradually took shape in the golden palm.

Chaos was divided, and the eight lower laws of metal, wood, water, fire, earth, wind, lightning, and light were born.

The huge golden palm smacked directly towards Lord Yunmeng's palace treasure.

Without any hesitation, 2000 top universe overlord-level Zerg warriors rushed out instantly, and light condensed in the mouths of all the Zerg warriors. 2000 rays of light shot out at the same time and converged on the palm of the Chaos City Lord.

This combined attack was equivalent to a full blow from two thousand top universe overlords, reaching the limit of level 5 attack.

The huge palm was concentrated by the combined attack and almost collapsed.

But the Lord of Chaos City followed up with another palm, and the golden palm that was about to collapse became solid again.

"Open! Open! Open!"

In the battle with the aliens, the Chaos City Lord directly opened up all firepower, leaving no room for error.

Huge palms formed one after another, either attacking with slaps, fists, or finger pokes.

Every palm or fist forms a small universe.

This made the Lord of Yunmeng very busy. He was completely focused and controlled the Zerg warriors to attack again and again.

"The Lord of Chaos City is really powerful." The Salamander Whale clone looked at the battlefield over there, almost suppressing the Lord of Yunmeng and beating him.

The Lord of Yunmeng had no power to resist the Chaos City Lord and could only barely resist. She had already reached the limit of her consciousness by controlling 2000 Zerg warriors. At this moment, she had to keep attacking and couldn't distract herself from using her soul attack.

Even if she is able to perform soul attacks, the Chaos City Lord is almost immune to her soul attacks. With her true god-level will, the Master of the Universe's soul attacks will not be affected at all.

Unless the strongest person's soul attacks, the Chaos City Lord has to spend a lot of effort to resist it.

"What do you say?" Master Peng Gong sent a message.

"What do you mean..." The Salamander Whale clone was stunned. There was a fierce fight over there. The battle between the Lord of Chaos City and the Lord of Yunmeng concentrated all their attention, so they couldn't care about this side.

The Salamander Whale clone and Lord Peng Gong were startled. Looking at the battle over there, the fighting here was about to stop.

"Keep fighting, don't stop. If you lose your divine power, come to me." The salamander whale clone said. It is rare to fight against the fifth-level master of the universe. Although it is not a life and death battle, you can still understand the secret method.

To perform a complete act, the Salamander Whale clone attacked suddenly, using the ultimate secret technique of Star Devouring again and again.

Relying on the master's top understanding of the universe and the accumulation of millions of years, the Salamander Whale clone searched for the direction of the most powerful secret method.

"It's really difficult." Lord Peng Gong used the strongest secret method to barely block the scarlet war hammer. If he used the fusion secret method, it would consume too much divine power.

For a while, the Lord of Peng Gong fought and retreated. Fighting this monster consumed too much power.

In the area of ​​'Zhenbao Waterfall', the two battlefields contain tremendous power.

The Lord of Chaos City on the side looked relaxed and contented, and he suppressed the Lord of Yunmeng with a wave of his hand.

The clone of the Salamander Whale on the other side is fighting against the Lord of Peng Gong. The treasures of weapons with tens of millions of kilometers collide with each other. Each collision is like a collision between the kingdoms of gods, with overwhelming power.

"Yunmeng, what's going on over there?" said the Salamander Whale clone.

"I...I was suppressed and beaten, and the top universe overlord's Zerg warriors lost dozens of them!" the Lord of Yunmeng said.

The value of a Zerg warrior is about 6 Queen Points. Losing 50 of them is 300 Queen Points, which can be exchanged for three top weapons and treasures, which will make the Lord of Yunmeng feel distressed.

"I have also lost a lot of my divine power, why don't I withdraw!" The battle only lasted for half a minute, and the Salamander Whale clone used the innate secret method Jizhou's Sorrow, which had already burned 15% of its divine power.

"My clone is not as big as my original self, and it can't add much divine power!" The salamander whale clone continued. As a special life, isn't it normal to have a clone?

The Lord of Chaos City then slapped the golden palm towards the palace treasure.

Before the other golden palm was scattered, another one came over.

He reluctantly attacked twice with the Zerg warrior, only consuming part of the power, and finally slapped the golden palm on the palace treasure.

The pervasive power directly annihilated more than 20 Zerg warriors around him. These top-notch Zerg warriors from the universe have strong attack power and weak defense, not to mention they were hit by the Chaos City Lord's attack.

Annihilated instantly, leaving no corpse behind.

"Damn it, the Lord of Chaos City is too strong!" Lord Yunmeng exclaimed.

It is said that the Lord of Chaos City is extremely powerful, but only when you actually face him do you know how strong he is.

"He is worthy of being hailed as the Lord of the Universe who is most likely to become the strongest." The Lord of Yunmeng had no choice but to follow the advice of the Salamander Whale clone.

"Let us leave. This peak soul treasure will be given to you!" the Lord of Yunmeng said.

"Hmph!" Lord Peng Gong snorted coldly: "If it weren't for the fact that the Queen is also in Liuzhong Mountain, I would have beaten you two alien bastards to death."

"Retreat quickly!" Chaos City Lord said

After the two closed the field, they teleported to get the peak soul treasure.

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(End of this chapter)

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