Chapter 149 The Sixth Turn of the Ten Turns of Hunyuan!
As the first Lord of the Universe gave up, as time went by, more Lords of the Universe continued to give up.

After all, not all strong people are suitable for the divine power route. The divine power route is a road to the sky, but it is still extremely difficult.

These strong people are self-aware and choose to give up when they know they are not suitable. Of course, they have gained something more or less, at least the life gene multiplier can be increased a little.

Yang Hao has been very busy during this period, and he has never had time to practice the sixth turn he received as a reward from the sign-in system.

The first is to help everyone exchange lives, special materials, etc. among the billions of ethnic groups in the universe. There are so many ordinary ethnic groups in the universe that it would take a lot of time to visit them all.

Fortunately, the whole universe already knows about his reputation. He just traded some materials and everyone was happy to hear about it without spending many words.

"Oh? This treasure is really good. I can help you repair it, but it won't be free." said Mountain Guest.

The Crazy Demon God-Destroying Armor with many problems was manipulated by the mountain guest. This special treasure made him unable to help but take a second look.

"One peak armor-type treasure, or three peak attack-type treasures, you choose."

"I have a piece of supreme treasure armor here." Yang Hao took out a piece of treasure armor and said.

"It's a pity that all the powerful people in the human race are in retreat now, and major decision-making has basically stopped. Otherwise, a sixth force could be created."

The five weapon refiners stopped what they were doing and hurried over. Although their status was high now, comparable to that of the Lord of the Universe, they were nothing compared to Yang Hao.

"After all, if you want to refine a top treasure, you won't be able to refine it even if your own strength is too weak."

"Okay." Yang Hao nodded.

I thought I was lucky enough to be here today, but I didn't expect that wealth and wealth would come at a moment's notice.

"Everyone has been working hard lately."

"If anyone else fully masters the second level of the Nine Refiners of Gods and Demons, I will directly let you break through to the Supreme Master of the Universe."

"I took out the first level of the secret method of the Nine Refinings of Gods and Demons. The five people present can fully control it. Now I take out the second level of the Ninth Refining of Gods and Demons!"

There has been some training over the years, and talents can be quickly cultivated after being collected.

This can be regarded as a virtuous circle. Even if this road is not completely opened, it can still provide them with a way to survive.

These five people will never forget who gave them the secret method. Without the Nine Refinements of Gods and Demons, they don’t know where they would be.

"I'll tell you after it's been repaired. The Yan God Clan has handed it over to you. Don't waste their talents." The mountain rider couldn't help but said.

Those weapon refiners who have not controlled the first level have not been abandoned.

There are very few people with weapon refining talents in the human race, let alone only looking for them in the Qianwu Universe Kingdom. Only when the sixth force is created can the weapon refining talents be collected from the entire human race.

"Continue! I hope I can break through this perfect gene soon. As long as it is doubled, I can become the strongest in a moment."

The five refiners who are customizing treasures for the great lords of the human race are extremely busy. The treasures to be refined have been queued up for millions of epochs.

However, the innate secret method given by the original will is equivalent to the strongest secret method of the Lord of the Universe. Although it is more special than the strongest secret method created by the strong, it is not enough for the fifth-level Master of the Universe.

For example, some of them can still refine heavy treasures, or they can turn around and become teachers to train little guys with the talent of refining weapons.

When I think of refining the treasure for millions of years, my vision goes dark.

As a weapon refiner, how could he not know the reputation of the Master God of Craftsmen? He was famous in the primitive universe for his ability to refine top treasures. All the major forces were vying to win over him, and almost no one dared to offend him.

After Yang Hao finished speaking, the five weapon refiners were also shocked.

"Do you know, the Master of the Craftsman God? He can only refine treasures of this level, and he can make hundreds of millions of people in the universe fawn over him."

"Perfect genes!" The Lord of Darkness looked delighted. He never thought that it would only take 10 epochs to refine the genes to 10081 times, reaching the level of perfect genes.

Now the opportunity to become the strongest is in front of you, but when you become the strongest in the future, what else will you hide?

"Now the real opportunity to reach heaven is right in front of you. If you learn the second level, your status will at least reach the level of the Lord of the Universe. Let's stop refining treasures and quickly retreat to learn the second level!"

As the pinnacle palace treasure, the Yaoguang Palace not only has the regular function of flying palace treasures, but also has the function of suppressing it, and the refining of the treasures in it has also been improved.

In the future, if there are weapon refiners who can refine the top treasures like the Master of the Craftsman God, although the divine body is not as good as the Master of the Craftsman God, there are still advantages in refining it in the Yaoguang Palace.

Just like the master of the God of Craftsman uses the God of Craftsman to refine the treasure, the God of Craftsman is nothing more than a top palace treasure.

"It turns out that achieving perfect genetic origin will also give me a secret talent..."

"It is lucky that one of these five weapon refiners can fully control the second level of the Nine Refiners of Gods and Demons." Yang Hao shook his head and had to ask Huiyun to pay more attention in the Universe Kingdom.

In the vast divine kingdom, all these weapon refiners were placed in the Yaoguang Hall for further training.

Now things are turning for the better. After all, it is the ethnic group that I created, so I am always a little bit reluctant to let go.

"Everyone, come here!" Yang Hao said with a smile.

"If we can perfectly control the second level, we can refine top-level attack treasures and high-level palace treasures."

"I didn't expect the Lord of Darkness to be the first to achieve perfect genes. From this point of view, he is really suitable for the divine power route." Yang Hao thought to himself.

The inventory of the Salamander Whale God is too large. It is estimated that none of the peak groups in the original universe is as luxurious as Yang Hao's treasure.

As the hidden master of the universe of the human race, the Lord of Darkness survives in anonymity. Even if his strength reaches the top level 5, unless he encounters absolute danger, as a lone traveler, he needs to be extremely careful when venturing in the cosmic sea under normal circumstances.

"It seems that I am quite suitable for taking the divine power route."

It seems that he really put a lot of effort into creating the Yan God Clan. He was tortured by Emperor Yan before, so he originally thought that it was nothing.

The territory of the human race, in the secret realm of Qianwu.

"The inheritance Gan Wu has received is really good. When I become the strongest, will I still need to remain anonymous?"

"No matter what, let him use the light of the blue eyes after he finishes his retreat. There is no strong man in the human race who is more suitable for that most powerful treasure than darkness."

Darkness can reach the top level of fifth level by using soul attack. Among the many universe masters in the original universe, the strength of soul attack is one of the best.

Even if you don't become the strongest person in the universe, you can reach the sixth level of strength with the light of blue eyes.

However, because of his apparent identity as a lone traveler, as the lone lord of the universe, possessing a most powerful treasure will provoke many of the strongest people to take action.

So Yang Hao is not in a hurry. The blue-eyed light is there and cannot escape. Sooner or later it will be used by the Lord of Darkness.

"What's going on with the human race now?" The founder of the giant ax has finished his retreat and has created the seventeenth ax of the secret method.

"It took 10 epochs to create the Seventeenth Axe. During the creation process, I looked at the secret patterns on Wu Ming and realized that the actual power is stronger than I expected..."

"Now that I face the First Allah, I should be able to suppress him. Of course, I am just suppressing him. Generally speaking, I am stronger than him now, but not much."

After coming out of the Giant Ax universe and understanding the recent events, Giant Ax breathed a sigh of relief.

"No wonder Gan Wu dared to take action decisively. With the inheritance of the divine power route, our human race can indeed stay in the original universe for a while."

"It seems I'm nervous." Because Yang Hao killed the Blue-Eyed Lord before, the Divine Eye Clan targeted the entire human race. As a result, the human race's Master of the Universe could not venture into the cosmic sea, which actually weakened the human race. Potential, which makes Giant Ax a little dissatisfied.

Under normal circumstances, relying on the giant ax's own self-confidence, as long as it takes more time, not to mention reaching the level of the original ancestor, at least the strength can surpass the First Allah.

With his great strength, he will slowly guide the human race. Only when the second or even third strongest person appears in the future will the entire human race become strong again.

Now that there is only one strongest person in the tribe, it is really not worth the gain to anger the God Eye Clan.

However, Yang Hao's unexpected ancient inheritance allowed the Lord of the Universe in his race to take the path of divine power. He only needed to cultivate quietly in the original universe, and the need for adventure in the universe sea was reduced.

In the foreseeable future, it is estimated that two or three people will become the strongest, and the potential of the entire group has been improved.

Coupled with the fact that I can get a powerful treasure, it seems that I still made a profit.

"With his divine body being so big, Gan Wu must be following the path of divine power. It is estimated that he was taking the path of divine power a long time ago, at least before he received the ancient inheritance."

"I really don't know how he did it."

"If according to the description of the divine power route, and Ganwu really follows the divine power route, wouldn't he be able to become the strongest in a single thought?"

The founder of the giant ax couldn't help but guess, and his heart moved slightly.

"No, I still have to ask."

"I have indeed taken the path of divine power. Now it has reached 20000 times the life gene. As long as I want, I can make the Kingdom of God evolve into a small universe." Yang Hao nodded, confirming Juaxe's guess.

"But my circumstances are special and I can't let everyone learn from me."

"I'm relieved that you've come out of seclusion, Giant Axe. I've gained something, so I'm going to go into seclusion."

"When I come out of seclusion, the life gene multiplier should reach 30000 times..."

Yang Hao is anxious in his heart, but there is nothing he can do. Almost the entire human race is in retreat now. If he goes to retreat, what if he encounters an emergency?
Fortunately, Giant Ax finally came out of seclusion, but I don’t know what his strength is.

"What? 30000 times! This life gene can reach what you call the first level, right?" After hearing this, Giant Ax felt happy in his heart.

They are all members of the human race. The stronger Yang Hao is, the stronger the human race will be.

And from this point of view, he must be able to become the strongest. With a strong person to share the pressure, he can be more domineering in doing things.

In the event of an emergency, or even death, the human race can immediately have a strongest person to withstand it, and they will still be the pinnacle race.

"Okay!" Giant Ax said decisively.

"Hurry up and go into seclusion. Most of the powerful human beings are in seclusion now. I will take over your job. There is no big danger in the primitive universe."

"Well, I'll go first..." Yang Hao nodded.

With the Great Ax Founder here, there is nothing to worry about.

Golden light flashed and appeared in the Kingdom of God.

The Kingdom of God has gradually grown in size over time, but the time to become the Lord of the Universe is too short. Even if the Zhouhai clone can speed up the growth of the Kingdom of God, the Kingdom of God is still too small compared with other Lords of the Universe.

"Ten rounds of Hunyuan, my foundation..."

"Sixth turn, let's begin."

My mind began to analyze the sixth revolution of the Ten Revolutions of Hunyuan. The later secret techniques became more complex and the longer it took to practice.

100 epochs, 1000 epochs passed by in a blink of an eye, even if a thousand epochs passed, it was only the beginning.

"It's really complicated, but I have plenty of time."

It took a total of ten thousand epochs to fully learn the sixth turn.

"As expected, the sixth transformation allowed me to increase my life gene to 30000 times, but it was a little better than I expected. My current self has reached 31000 times!"

The huge divine body, which reaches 100 million kilometers, is directly integrated into the Zhouhai Mountains.


A huge divine body condensed, and a huge divine body with a height of 1000 million kilometers appeared. That was the human race's original divine body.

"In the sixth transfer, my human body's divine body has reached the level of tens of millions of kilometers, but my divine power has reached an exaggerated level."

In addition, the purity of the divine power essence has been greatly improved, and the height of the divine body has been increased ten times. Now, the power of using the same secret method is equivalent to 1.5 times more than before.

"More than 30000 times, there is a qualitative improvement. I am now equivalent to the first level of the divine power route. However, the Tenth Transformation of Chaotic Source is even more powerful, making the size of my true body exceed the usual limit."

"Now that I have learned it, let's start the Zhou Hai clone too."

With the experience of the human being, the Zhouhai clone spent five thousand epochs to successfully cultivate.

"A mountain-like life with 31000 times the genes, this clone is much more powerful," Zhou Hai's clone thought to himself.

Genetic improvement makes the Kingdom of God more solid.

The incarnation of Zhou Hai, whose divine body suddenly improved, continued to grow in size from a divine body of nearly 2 light years.

"After my clone reaches 31000 times the life gene, it can increase the divine body to 3.1 light-years in a short time. Now it is close to 2 light-years. It will take a long time to replenish the divine body." Zhou Hai's clone darkened think.

Due to the sudden improvement of Zhou Hai's incarnation, the Kingdom of God, which was less than 10,000 light years old, suddenly expanded to a diameter of 30,000 light years, and countless original energy of the universe was siphoned into Zhou Hai's clone.

The divine power gathers and continuously replenishes the divine power of Zhou Hai's clone.

To replenish a divine body with 31000 times life genes to 3.1 light-years, it would take tens of thousands of epochs with the help of today's huge divine kingdom.

Zhou Hai's clone is integrated with the Kingdom of God. With the help of the huge Kingdom of God, even the original treasure cannot recover as much divine power as Zhou Hai's incarnation.

"It seems that every time you practice Hunyuan for ten turns, this clone can greatly increase the size of the divine body. After the sixth turn, it only takes 3.1 to epochs for the divine body to reach light years."

"As a mountain-type being, my clone's divine power is actually more solid, and its density is much higher than that of a river-type creature."

"It can only be said that the divine power I possess is unimaginable!" Zhou Hai's clone thought.

"Well... As I expected, the innate secret method has also been enhanced." Zhou Hai's clone sensed the huge divine body.

The original incarnation of Zhouhai could only reach a height of 500 billion kilometers at most. Now after the life gene multiple breakthrough, the incarnation can reach 2000 billion kilometers.

"The incarnation of 2000 billion kilometers, enjoying 31000 times life genes."

"In the past, the power generated by the self-destruction of an incarnation of 500 billion kilometers and 20000 times reached the peak of the ninth level. Now, the self-destruction of an incarnation of 31000 times and 2000 billion kilometers should be able to barely reach the tenth level."

"Two incarnations are equivalent to two level 10 attacks. The strongest ones like the ancestors of monsters must be careful. If you get angry, I will blow you up twice and scare you to death."

(End of this chapter)

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