Lord of the Dry Witch Who Devours the Starry Sky.

Chapter 170 Battle of Peak Geniuses

Chapter 170 Battle of Peak Geniuses

The Qianming Universe Kingdom was formerly known as the Qianwu Universe Kingdom.

This kind of ordinary universe country has the lord of the universe as its leader, which puts too much pressure on other kings. It happened that the Tiangong Universe Kingdom was created.

Taking this opportunity, Yang Hao resigned as the leader of Qianwu Universe Kingdom and became the leader of Tiangong Universe Kingdom.

The leader of the Qianwu Universe Kingdom is handed over to Qian Ming. Because Qian Ming is now a high-level Universe Venerable, he is qualified to be the leader of the Universe Kingdom.

And because he is the son of Gan Wu, other strong men of the human race have no objection.

At this moment, the name has been changed to Qianming Cosmic Kingdom, Qianwu Dojo has also been renamed Qianming Dojo, and the same is true for the core cosmic secret realm.

"Now I am also the leader of a large universe country." Qian Ming sat on the throne and looked at the many people below.

Due to the special nature of Tiangong Universe Kingdom, it is not included in the large universe states, but is divided into giant universe states separately.

These are the middle and high-level officials of Qianming Universe State, and they are responsible for many affairs such as military, administration, and diplomacy.

Most of them are the team left by Yang Hao, which makes it easier for Qian Ming to take over.

In the virtual universe, on the Qianming Continent, on the Black Dragon Mountain Island, in an ordinary small bar.

The person ranked first can usually become an immortal lord, but it is uncertain whether he will become an immortal king.

"Would this be too much of a gimmick..."

Generally, in a genius battle that occurs once every 5000 years, only a few dozen people can become immortal gods.

Qian Ming's first meeting after taking the throne. After talking about some things, he asked everyone to shift their focus to the next genius battle.

"Huiyun, there is going to be a genius competition soon. How are you preparing?" Yang Hao asked.

"Well...promotion activities must be done."

"In this way, we will increase publicity and promotion activities. Another gimmick."

"According to the plan, the next genius battle will be hosted by the Universe Refining Group."

Fortunately, there will be a genius war for the entire universe in a thousand years.

After everything was arranged, vigorous promotional activities were launched one after another.

Except for the so-called geniuses who appear once in a hundred thousand eras or once in a million eras over a long period of time, they will attract the likes of the Lord of the Universe to become their disciples.

As the leader of the universe, one of the biggest missions is to help the ethnic group cultivate geniuses. A battle between geniuses and strong men is a time to test the results of cultivation.

The other universe masters could only shake their heads after receiving the news. Although they were a little shocked, they could understand it.

So it's okay to let the Lord of the Demon and Li Hao help.

"In order to attract enough talents to participate in the first event, we have launched promotion activities to the entire universe."

"I have already discussed it with Lord Ji Zhu and Li Hao. They agree with me. The genius who is the best in the battle between geniuses and strong men will be accepted as a disciple."

"What is the Lord of the Universe?"

"Is there any powerful leader of the Universe Kingdom?"

"The cohesion of the three Universe Masters in this Universe Artifact Refining Group is quite high, so it's not a big deal to help recruit a disciple for guidance."

"It's okay. The Weapon Refining Group is different from other forces. We have money and resources, but we lack talent. We made this move in order to successfully hold the first genius battle."

"Our Refining Group was founded too short ago. Although we have developed a large number of businesses for ordinary citizens over the years, it is still not deeply rooted in the hearts of the people."

"What, the number one genius in the universe would actually become a disciple of the Lord of the Universe? It's simply crazy!"

"Teacher, this..." Huiyun was a little confused.

When they are weak, they can just leave it to the Venerable or Immortal for guidance. The Lords of the Universe only need to provide some resource assistance.

"The first genius battle and strong battle held by the Weapon Refining Group. The number one genius in the universe can become the disciple of the Lord of the Universe."

"Tsk, the Lord of the Universe Country means nothing in front of the Lord of the Universe." A well-informed star boasted.

Besides, this is the first time for the force founded by my father to host it, so the scene must be held up.

"As expected of the Lord of Qianwu, if you want to play, play big. With this news, the first genius battle held by the Universe Refining Group will be no problem."

In addition to various regular promotional activities, a piece of crazy news quickly spread throughout the entire human race, causing shock to the race.

"I understand." Huiyun nodded. Since it was the teacher's intention, there was no need to be too entangled.

In fact, even the Venerable Universe disdains the existence of such talents as disciples.

In fact, being accepted as a disciple by the Lord of the Universe, the most important thing for these geniuses with mediocre talents is the improvement in status.

"In addition to Gan Wu, there is also the Lord of the Mountains and Seas, the Lord Zhu Zhu. One is Gan Wu's disciple, and the other is a life and death friend."

"Teacher, the group will undertake the next genius battle and use a lot of manpower and material resources on it."

A group of star-level beings received messages and chatted with each other. They had been in the star-level for a while, and it was difficult to meet opponents of the same level in reality, which made them feel as lonely as snow.

After all, for the Lord of the Universe, many have dozens of disciples. After receiving the talented disciples, just hand them over to other disciples for guidance. You only need to prepare resources for the disciples.

The slogan is also very shocking. If you can't find an opponent at the same level, come to the genius battle. Here are all the geniuses from 1008 large universe countries and 1 giant universe country.

"The Universe Refining Group is the sixth force founded by my father. This is the first time to host the genius battle. I hope that our Qianming Universe Nation can actively participate and get good results!"

Many geniuses from the entire universe gathered together, and billions of geniuses fought fiercely!
The number one existence in the universe will be accepted as a disciple by the Lord of the Universe. What are you waiting for?
Sign up quickly, maybe you will be a disciple of the Lord of the Universe!

"The Lord of the Universe can make the Lord of the Universe Kingdom fall ten times with just one move. How awesome is that, right?"

He described it vividly, as if he were the master of the universe.

"Oh my God, so powerful?"

"Of course, the Lord of the Universe is the real high-level leader of our human race. The six major forces were all created by the Lord of the Universe."

"They are powerful and they are the pillars of the race. Only with them can our human race become the pinnacle race in the original universe!"

"You must sign up! I want to become a disciple of the Lord of the Universe!"

Everyone was so excited that they couldn't wait to sign up to fight all the way through the universe and become the number one existence in the universe.

"Besides, you kid really dare to think that being among the top 1,000,000 in the Black Dragon Mountain Empire is considered a great achievement for you."

"What? There's so much competition?"

"Haha, of course the pressure of competition is great, and it's not like the old days."

"If you and I were born tens of millions of epochs ago, everyone's average strength would be much weaker than it is now."

"And with the promotion of the dry witchcraft model, the number of stars like ours is now infinitely greater than before."

"Just one galaxy is estimated to have tens of millions of stars, and a slightly larger galaxy may have hundreds of millions of stars."

"The Black Dragon Mountain Empire has more than 10,000 galaxies. How many stars do you think there should be?"

"Based on past experience, it is relatively rare for the most powerful stellar genius in our Black Dragon Mountain Empire to be among the top 10,000 in the Qianming Universe Kingdom's overall ranking."

"So difficult?" "That is, the Black Dragon Mountain Empire is just a medium-sized empire, and the emperor is just an immortal god. How many talents can be cultivated?"

"As for the Qianming Dojo, which can screen the geniuses of the entire universe country, there is also the more core Qianming Secret Realm. Do you think the gap is big?"

"So that's it..."

"There are crouching tigers, hidden dragons in the Qianming Universe Kingdom. Not only are there geniuses cultivated by the Universe Kingdom, but there are also some extremely powerful immortal gods and even the Universe Venerable who have also cultivated many geniuses."

"So if the Black Dragon Mountain Empire has one person who breaks into the top 10,000 of the Qianming Universe Kingdom, it will be considered a success."

"If any of us breaks into the top ten thousand, the emperor will reward us."

"The competition is too great!"

"Then does our Qianming Universe Kingdom have any super geniuses who can become number one in the universe?"

"It's hard to say. Although our Qianming Universe Nation is powerful, on average there is a high probability that one genius will break into the top ten in the universe rankings."

"As for number one, it may take dozens or even hundreds of years to see such a super genius."

"And now, in addition to the 1008 large-scale cosmic countries, there is also one giant cosmic country. That is the cosmic country directly under the Universe Refining Group, and the leader of the country is a super being like the Lord of the Universe."

"It is said that Tiangong Universe Kingdom has also launched the Ganwu Mode 2.0, and the geniuses it has cultivated are beyond our imagination."

"This session is interesting..."

"There are less than a thousand years left. We want to go further in this life. The Genius Battle is when we can prove our talent."

"Yes, becoming the number one in the universe is just a dream for us. If we can rank as high as possible in Qianming Universe Kingdom, wouldn't we take off if we are favored by some big forces?"

"Yes, there are various forces hidden in Qianming Universe Kingdom. The higher we rank, the more likely we are to be taken over by major forces."

Suddenly, the entire human race's star-level geniuses were working hard to cultivate.

In this genius battle, not only will the top-ranked super genius be accepted as a disciple by the Lord of the Universe, but the rewards for other rankings will also be greater than in previous years.

"A battle of geniuses?" A planetary level 4 existence was moved after receiving the news.

"According to the information I received, the genius battle is to select star-level geniuses. All battles take place in the virtual universe, and everyone uses the same body to fight."

"I need to break through to the stellar level as soon as possible, so that even if I am only at the stellar first level, I can participate in the genius battle. I must seize this opportunity!"

As the news spreads, people are increasingly looking forward to this genius battle to see which lucky person will be accepted as a disciple by the Lord of the Universe.

"The Lord of Qianwu is kind to me. The force he founded holds a genius war for the first time. We, Beichen Universe Kingdom, must give our full support."

The Lord of Beichen Kingdom immediately issued an order to fully cooperate with the work of the Universe Refining Group.

This genius war is led by the Universe Refining Group and organized jointly with all the major universe nations, and most of the universe nations give their full support.

In the virtual universe, each continent represents a large-scale universe country, and each island represents a medium-sized universe country.

A huge banner appeared above all the continents or islands at the same time.

"The battle between the pinnacle geniuses of mankind in the universe is about to take place!"

"This event is jointly organized by the Universe Refining Group and all the Universe countries."

"You are a genius and you can't find an opponent, so come and join the peak genius battle!"

"If you want to be competed by all the major forces, participate in the peak talent battle to show your potential!"

"Here are the billions of geniuses from the entire human race in the universe gathered here. All geniuses use the same body to fight fiercely!"

"In this peak genius battle, the super genius ranked first in the universe will be accepted as a disciple by the Lord of the Universe."

"The strength of the Lord of the Universe far exceeds that of the Lord of a large universe country. What are you waiting for?"

"Enter the official website of the Universe Refining Group through the Virtual Universe Assistant now to learn more and sign up!"

This huge announcement can be seen by looking up in the virtual universe.

"The Peak Genius Battle is a grand event for the human race!"

"Sure enough, as per the news, the number one in the universe will be accepted as a disciple by the Lord of the Universe..."

“In addition to first place, the rewards for other rankings are also far higher than those in previous years!”

"The Universe Refining Group holds a peak genius competition?"

"Interesting, now the peak genius competition is held by the three major forces in turn."

"I really can't find an opponent in the stellar level, so I'm going to sign up to hit the rankings."

"With the fact that I have six realms at the stellar level, humming... the first thousand in the universe is not a problem."

"The peak genius battle is finally about to begin, I can't wait!"

A lot of pre-warming work and super gimmicks have whetted everyone's appetite.

Those who have the strength to break through to the cosmic level can resist impulse and stay at the stellar level just to participate in the genius battle.

At this moment, the official list appeared, and just like various rumors, everyone quickly signed up.

The news was delivered so quickly that in just one night, most of the human beings in the universe knew the news.

The entire human race occupies such a huge territory, just one large cosmic country exceeds hundreds of millions of galaxies.

It is close to the huge territory of 200 billion galaxies, and there are a large number of stars in one galaxy.

Even if one genius appears in a galaxy, there are more than hundreds of millions of geniuses in a universe!

On the mainland of the Qianming Universe, on the Qingying Universe Island.

One of them has an ordinary appearance, the same as that of ordinary human beings. He has short hair and sharp eyes.

"A battle of peak geniuses?" Zhao Wantian was a little surprised when he saw the hanging list.

He has not entered the virtual universe for a long time and is practicing on an extremely remote planet.

"The teacher said that I am a peerless genius, and even with his world lord level, he can't teach me much."

"I understand a lot about the laws of gold, and even the laws of space..."

"General cosmic-level ones are like ants in front of me. Indeed, only this kind of genius battle for all mankind can allow me to find an opponent!"

"The top one thousand ranked in the universe will receive a reward of 100-10 Hunyuan units depending on the ranking."

"My teacher is already very powerful at the realm lord level, but his net worth is only over a thousand Hunyuan units."

"The Universe Weapon Refining Group is really rich and powerful. I have been practicing for only 50 years. It is my luck to meet this human race event!"

"The battle between peak geniuses, here I come!"

Zhaowantian was also moved after reading the detailed introduction. Because the teacher said that he was a peerless genius, he would definitely get a good ranking.

(End of this chapter)

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