Lord of the Dry Witch Who Devours the Starry Sky.

Chapter 177 The most powerful spear type, Silent Night

Chapter 177 The most powerful spear type, Silent Night

"What are you going to do with a giant axe?" Xijuezhen felt bad.

The founder of this giant ax was so powerful that he even took off the treasured battle ax on his back.

"What are you doing? I owe the Lord of Gansha two powerful treasures. But my luck is bad, so I have to get one from your pliers."

The giant axe said, the secret pattern of Wu Ming, the most precious treasure in his hand, shining.

He has owned Wu Ming for a long time, and he has also studied a lot of the secret patterns on it. The speed of studying the secret patterns to create the secret patterns is much faster.

"The seventeenth axe!"

In an instant, seventeen huge axes appeared on this space island and outside the island, each axe was like a world.

This giant ax shadow seems to be in another space, unaffected by this strange space.

Each giant ax is extremely huge, and other space islands are shrouded in shadows.

The peak collision of the two strongest men is like two universes colliding together, with overwhelming power that shocks the universe.

Although this move was completely at a disadvantage, in the collision of the treasure weapons, most of the power was blocked by the treasure spear.

"It's the first time I use the secret technique of combined attack, Tianji Demon God. This feeling is really amazing."

Only a small part of the power bombarded the divine body, and the power was weakened to one ten thousandth by the armor formed by the most powerful treasure.

"what is this?"

"It's really difficult to kill the strongest person at the eighth level."


"The incarnation armor of Gan Wu can be cast together with me. The Heavenly Demon God we cast together, I can cast the seventeenth ax faster!"

The seventh-level peak secret method was displayed by the most powerful treasure, bursting out with the power of the eighth-level peak, and colliding with the incoming treasure Wu Ming.

"Calculating, my attack has increased by more than 100%, and the new divine armor, which is a combination of the new Purple Charm Palace and the Demon Sealing Armor, has stronger defensive power."

He is still too young, and it seems that his strength will not grow too fast.

"It's not enough to kill me with your strength."

Possessing both divinity like a god and overlord like a demon, the giant ax at this moment feels full of surging power.


For example, the ancestor of the Stone Kite turned into a huge Demonic Kite of Despair after using it.

It was like the transcendent existence of an ancient god appeared. His divine body was 100 million kilometers tall, with messy hair flowing, and he was wearing divine armor composed of the two most powerful treasures, the Purple Charm Palace and the Demon Sealing Armor.

"They and I are both the strongest men in the reincarnation era. Even now, I can still take risks in the three Jedi."

No matter how powerful he is, it is so easy to kill the strongest person who possesses the most powerful treasure.

Coupled with the huge divine body of Xiajuezhen, the loss of divine power in this duel is minimal.

The space trembled for a moment, and this strange space island swayed, as if it was about to break at any time.

The Tianji Demon God is more flexible and can be formed into different forms according to the powerful treasures incorporated into it and the consciousness of the user.

Because there are 2000 billion kilometers of huge incarnations working together, the giant ax can enlarge the divine body to a size of million kilometers.

"Just treat what happened just now as nothing happened. I have enough respect for you to let me leave."

boom! Seventeen gigantic giant axes instantly condensed into the Wu Ming, which shone with light and split the space with the power to create the world.

The giant ax has three most powerful treasures. After using the fusion secret method, although it has not yet reached the 10th level of strength, it can be stronger than the current seventeenth ax.

"Giant Ax, although you are the strongest person in the universe, you are not much more powerful than the Divine Eye Skeleton Master."

The Tianji Demon God was obtained from the ancestor of Shi Yuan. This ancient combined attack secret method is combined with the most powerful treasures to fight.

The 120 million-kilometer divine body of Xia Jue Zhen was knocked back by the huge ax whose body was far smaller than his.

boom! boom! boom!
Suddenly, the most powerful magic-sealing armor worn by the giant ax was suspended in the air, the most powerful treasure Wu Ming, and the most powerful treasure Purple Charm Palace were all floating in front of him.


"Although I am not at the tenth level at the moment, I am very close to the tenth level. I can also use the seventeenth axe, which is much more powerful than before, and I can use the secret method faster."

Just the aftermath of the battle could bring down the Master of the Universe.


Xiajuezhen's pair of pliers clamped a treasured spear that was as black as ink, with ten secret lines running through the body, showing ten colors, and a length of 300 million kilometers.

Xia Jue Zhenzhen had only heard about the power of the number one in the universe, but it was only when he actually met him that he realized why he was so powerful. The prelude to this secret method alone frightened him.

When the voice of Xijue Zhen came, I felt that the descendants of the third reincarnation era were a little naive.

Holding the battle ax Wu Ming with a distance of more than 100 million kilometers.

Three supreme treasures, a statue of the strongest person in the universe, and a huge incarnation of 2000 billion kilometers and 31000 times the life genes are condensed into one.

"What a powerful move!"

"But I not only possess the seventeenth secret method, but also possess the ancient combined attack secret method Tianji Demon God."

"The Demon God of Heaven!"

"My divine body only needs to withstand one millionth of the attack power, but using the Tianji Demon God consumes a lot of divine power every minute. Fortunately, I have the incarnation of Zhou Hai."

The founder of the giant ax sensed the combat power of the new divine body, and this feeling of sudden increase in strength made him feel extremely happy.

"What is this?" Lord Xiajue saw the founder of the 100 million kilometer giant ax in front of him, like an ancient god.

Where have I seen such a scene?

The smell gave off a familiar smell to Xia Jue Zhen.

"This...isn't this the secret method of combined attack?"

"It's a bit similar to the Eternal True God of the Shenyan Clan!"

Although he has never fought with the Eternal True God of the God Eye Clan, after all, with his strength, he is not worthy of letting the God Eye Clan use the secret method of combined attack.

But after a long time, I have naturally seen the secret method of combined attack.

"When did the human race have the secret method of combined attack?"

However, the giant ax would never give him time to think. After a little feeling of itself, the huge battle ax of more than 100 million kilometers shone brightly.

"The seventeenth axe!"

Seventeen giant axes appeared again. This time the shadow of the giant ax was larger than before and contained more power.

"He's gotten stronger!"


Without any time to think, the pair of pincers picked up the most powerful treasure 'Silent Night' and used the strongest trick to meet the giant ax Wu Ming.

Another collision, a powerful explosion comparable to the collision of two universes shook the space island.

"Using the same move, his attack power is even stronger!"

Xia Jue Zhen retreats crazily. If he is attacked a few more times, he will be shaken out of the space island.
"The seventeenth axe!"

Wow! Without giving him time to breathe, the founder of the giant ax used his unique trick again.

"So fast?" Xia Jue Zhen was secretly shocked.

This is the eighth-level peak secret method. How can it be used so fast? I have been in the cosmic sea for more than two epochs, and I have never encountered such an outrageous situation.

boom! boom! boom…

Under the super collisions again and again, the island was completely shaken, and many cracks appeared. The strange air flow between the islands has hit, constantly impacting the cracks.

The cracks in the space were getting bigger and bigger, and as they collided and attacked again and again, the space island suddenly disintegrated.

Wow...Many strange air currents are coming. Even the strongest person will lose his power due to this air current. The Lord of the Universe wearing the most powerful treasure cannot hold on for too long.

"not good!"

Xiajuezhen, who was hit by the strange air current, secretly thought that something was wrong. He was at a disadvantage against the continuous attacks of the giant ax, and it was difficult to resist with all his strength. At this moment, his divine power was slowly annihilated by the air current.

In this weird space, you can jump between islands. Once you move too fast and do not record the changes of other islands, you will most likely get lost in it.

Moreover, the founder of the giant axe, who is stronger than him, can easily catch up.

If you were in the outside world, you could still find a way to escape, but in this weird space, it would take a lot of time to get out.

Strange air currents blew his divine body. Although the armor formed by the most powerful treasure Silent Night could block most of the power, some air currents invaded the divine body.

The divine power is constantly being annihilated, and the amount is not much, but there is still a giant ax founder who is constantly attacking, which is simply adding insult to injury to the Xijue God.

"I can still resist for a long time, but if I continue like this, I will very likely fall."

"What should I do?"

"First try to escape by jumping on the space island..."

Xia Juezhen moved quickly and entered another space island.

"Enter the center of the island, find the coordinates of the center of the island you want to jump to, and communicate with the island in this space to jump."

"The coordinates have been found, jump!"

"Where to run!"

The giant ax founder of the 100 million kilometer divine body, the armor outlined with purple light, and billions of rays of light appeared behind it to push the entire divine body forward.

The shrimp Jue Zhen borrowed the power of being bombarded to speed up his escape, but it was far less than the speed of the giant ax at the moment.

Just as we arrived at the center and found the coordinates for the jump, the huge ax was already coming.

Wu Ming was so fast that he had no time to use his strongest secret technique to resist, so he had no choice but to stab Ji Ye out.

This move caused him to lose a lot of divine power, because the treasure weapon only blocked part of the power, and it was almost an attack with tenth level power. Even the part of the power that was offset was extremely powerful.

The 120 million-kilometer-long divine body of Xia Jue Zhen has received the seventeenth axe.

"I can't stop it!"

"Where to run?"

"The seventeenth axe!"

boom! boom! boom!
In the almost crazy battle, where is the energy to calculate the coordinates, and can only fly through the island.

One island after another was shattered, and strange air currents kept washing away the two strongest men.

But the armor of the founder of the giant ax is so powerful at this time. It is a super armor composed of the palace supreme treasure and the armor supreme treasure.

The defensive power is extremely powerful and can weaken the attack power to one millionth. These air currents cannot wash away the divine body at all.

The armor can also emit billions of rays of light to increase speed. The founder of the giant ax who uses the secret method of combined attack can improve all aspects of attack, defense, and speed, and it is a substantial improvement.

"Stop hitting the giant axe!"

Xia Jue Allah had no choice but to beg for mercy. Now he has lost a lot of his divine power. If he continues like this, he will fall sooner or later.

"I will hand over the most powerful treasure to you, spare me a way to live..."

He had no choice but to hand over Ji Ye to save his life. After all, the giant ax said at the beginning that he owed the Lord of Gan Wu two powerful treasures.

"Although the giant ax is powerful, he is unlucky. Two of the three most powerful treasures were given to him by the Lord of Gan Wu of the human race."

"He is almost the first to blame the Universe Sea. I met him in this weird place and had to hand over Ji Ye..."

"Kill you and get your most powerful treasure!"

If the founder of the giant ax is a lone traveler, it is not impossible to choose to save trouble and let him go, but behind it is the entire human race.

For the safety of the ethnic group, this strongest man must be killed no matter what.

"Why! Why must you kill me!"

"I am the strongest person who walks alone. Let me go with my giant axe. I will not look for trouble from the human race!"

The founder of the giant ax could only shake his head. Although the strongest people usually say one is one and two is two, the end is approaching for the strongest person in the first reincarnation era.

There is no hope of surviving reincarnation, and if you lose the most powerful treasure, there is no hope at all.

He might go completely crazy, so he had to kill him to be on the safe side!

"I can't believe your promise."

"There is a huge ethnic group behind me. For the safety of the ethnic group, I have to kill you!"

"Big axe! Big axe! If I can escape and ascend to heaven, I will definitely hunt down you, the master of the human universe, and make every master of the universe in your human race in the universe sea die."

"I will exterminate your human race, leaving you alone in the sea of ​​space!"


Xia Juezhen has gone completely crazy, and there is a high probability that he will die in this battle, but the universe is magical, what if there is a chance to escape?
If so, the entire human race and the master of the universe will face crazy revenge.


The founder of the giant ax said angrily: "My giant ax is the strongest at the ninth level, and it is only a matter of time before it reaches the tenth level."

"You, the strongest person in two reincarnation eras, dare to say that you will wipe out my human race?"

"Today you will die!"

After the original ancestor was suppressed by the original star, and before the rise of the Lord of Ganwu, the giant ax struggled to support the clan, and even if he had the strength, he did not dare to show it.

Now that the human race is about to usher in prosperity, even the strongest person at the peak of the eighth level dares to speak wild words.

Regardless of whether he has that strength or not, he has already angered the founder of the giant axe.

Even the incarnation of Zhou Hai who merged with him was angry.

"What a loud tone, kill him with the giant axe!"


"The seventeenth axe!"

The angry giant ax used the ultimate trick, and this time it was even more powerful.


"I am the only special life born in the original universe. I am born powerful. I am the strongest person in the universe alone. I am an extremely chic existence."

"Can you, a little guy from the third reincarnation era, kill me?"

"Why is the original universe in this era of reincarnation so biased towards your human race? An original ancestor appears and then you appear!"

"No, I can't die! I want to break through reincarnation and open up a holy land and become an eternal existence!"

Xia Jue Zhen is extremely crazy.

The strongest person who walked alone in the first reincarnation era was extremely cool, even in the struggle for hegemony between the God Eye Clan and the Skeleton Clan, he was able to stand alone.

"Big axe, you can't kill me! I will give you all the treasures and let me live. I promise not to do anything to the human race!"

No matter what he said, the founder of the giant ax kept moving his hands, and he continued to use the most powerful secret techniques.

When he was the strongest man alone who possessed the most powerful weapon like a spear, he was already sentenced to death.

Unless there is a clan behind him who can hand over the treasure like the ancestor of Shi Yuan and let him go.

"Stop struggling in vain. There is only one way for you, and that is death!"

(End of this chapter)

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