Lord of the Dry Witch Who Devours the Starry Sky.

Chapter 182 The most powerful treasure hunting plan

Chapter 182 The most powerful treasure hunting plan
"The seventh-level peak soul attack secret method, done!"

The Dark Lord is completely different now. If he was just full of evil aura before, now he is even darker and more dazzling.

He seemed to be the incarnation of darkness, with a demon king living in his eyes.

Some universe masters who are not very determined will also fall into darkness when they look into his eyes.

"Cooperating with the light of darkness, my current strength has temporarily reached the peak of the eighth level, and the gap between me and the ninth level is not big."

"I don't know how they are doing, so let's get the news out first."

The Dark Lord sent the message, and the founder of Giant Ax hurried back to the original universe after receiving the news.

"Darkness has created the seventh-level peak secret method, and the others should be close to it. There is no need for me to continue wandering in the three major Jedi. Just go back and wait."

The founder of the giant ax was driven out from the depths of Qingfeng Realm. This time he returned to the original universe after traveling for a billion epochs.

"There were some difficulties in creating the 18th Axe, and the rest cannot be achieved by simply accumulating time."

"According to the data, among the two sixth-level universe masters from the reincarnation era, the one who possesses the most powerful treasure is more suitable for everyone, and it is the sixth-level universe master from the Purple Moon Holy Land."

At this time, using the secret method of combined attack with Zhou Hai's incarnation and two most powerful treasures, it is equivalent to the strength of killing the shrimp king.

"Everyone, if we want to go head-to-head with the God Eye Clan and have the strength to crush them, we still feel a little bit behind." Yang Hao said.

"Of course it is to hunt down the sixth-level universe masters, seize their most powerful treasures, enhance everyone's strength, and make the human race the absolute number one force in the universe sea!"

"And there are only three powerful offensive treasures, and with Jiu Mengzhou included, it can barely count as four."

Giant Ax had already made a plan, waiting for everyone to break through, and now he revealed the plan in one go.

Eight of the six new strongest men and the founder of the giant axe, Yang Hao, gathered together.

"This time our troops are divided into three groups. I go with an incarnation of Gan Wu, carrying two most powerful treasures, so I have a strength close to the tenth level."

After hundreds of billions of adventures, the giant ax did not create the eighteenth ax, but the seventeenth ax improved a bit.

"They have a full nine of the most powerful treasures, while we only have six of the most powerful treasures."

"Axe, what do you mean?"

"Haha, now that our human race is so powerful, are we still afraid of not getting the most powerful treasure?"

"Darkness has the soul attack ability of the eighth level. Together with Peng Gong and Zhou Hai's incarnation, the three major divine bodies and the two most powerful treasures, he can use the combined attack secret method to reach the ninth level without any problem."

"My human race will be eternal!"

These are the most powerful treasures of attack type, which can increase the strength most quickly.

As for the most powerful treasure of telekinesis, it is for the use of the Lord Qingdong, and the most powerful treasure of the trident is for the use of the Lord of Virtual Gold.

Giant Ax laughed. At this moment, not only was he powerful, but the entire group was also extremely powerful, and he was full of confidence.

"The simplest and most effective way to improve everyone's strength is to use the Supreme Treasure!"

Everyone discussed that although the giant ax is more powerful than the First Lord, it is not much more powerful. If you really want to crush the God Eye Clan, relying on the people present and the six most powerful treasures is not enough.

"Well... although we have seven of the strongest, coupled with the strength of Qian Wu at the peak of the seventh level, and the help of Jiu Mengzhou, we are very powerful, but our average strength is still far behind that of the God Eye Clan. "

"The two holy land universes have spent countless reincarnations in the cosmic sea. They have many powerful treasures. There are also some sixth-level universe masters. Why don't you look at them?"

With the remaining four strongest masters, Bingfeng Allah, Xujin First Master, Qingdong Allah, and Huangjian Founder, they all created the seventh-level secret method.

The sound of the giant ax resounded, making the six new strongest men in the universe feel their minds heat up.

"It is not difficult for me to hunt down a sixth-level universe master along the way. I hunt down a universe master who possesses the most powerful treasure of the long stick type, named 'Lord of Time'."

"I have recovered from the seventh level peak secret technique, but without the most powerful treasure, I use the peak long stick secret technique, plus my 30,000 times life gene multiplier, I should be able to barely reach the eighth level."

Peng Gongzhen was overjoyed and finally created the seventh-level peak secret method.

"The will of the Lord of Riding should be at the peak of the strongest, but it is impossible to block the soul attack of the ninth-level peak."

"You are hunting the 'Lord of the Earthworm Fold' in the Purple Moon Holy Land. What he possesses is the most powerful trident."

The long stick-type supreme treasure of the Lord of Time is obviously intended for use by Peng Gongzhu. As one of the strongest people with the best foundation, paired with a supreme treasure, it can obviously greatly improve the strength and reach the peak of the eighth level. no problem.

"The second route consists of Darkness, Peng Gong, and an incarnation of Qian Wu, and then brings the most powerful treasure to the Palace of Purple Charm to hunt down a master of the universe who possesses the most powerful treasure of telekinesis, named 'Euchi' Lord'."

"Qingdong, Huangjian, Xujin, and Bingfeng are not at the peak of the seventh level, so our strength is still a little bit behind."

"I named this hunting operation 'Operation Eternity', which means that this is the beginning of eternity for the human race. What do you think?"

"The most powerful treasure? How can it be so easy to obtain? The giant ax has not been obtained for so long before."

Hunting and killing three sixth-level universe masters, all from the Purple Moon Holy Land. After all, it would not be good to offend both Holy Lands at once.

"The human race will be immortal!"

"With a ninth-level soul attack and an eighth-level physical attack, it's not a big problem to kill a powerful telepathic treasure."

"The God Eye Clan also has six major gods. Except for the first master, the others are all the strongest at the peak of the eighth level or close to the peak."

"On the last road, Bingfeng, Qingdong, Xujin, Huangjian, Ganwu and Jiu Mengzhou are together. The five of you are powerful together with a powerful treasure."

Yes, if you can get the most powerful treasure from the Universe Sea, you can not only get it from the three Jedi, but you can also hunt the sixth-level Lord of the Universe!
"I have already made a plan. If I don't take action, it will be a big one!" said the giant axe.

At this moment, he can barely reach the eighth level of strength. Among the many strongest people in the original universe, he is not the worst.

Discussing the tribe's next battle plan, the human race has been holding back for too long. Now that they are full-fledged, it is no longer the time to hold back.

The seven strongest men and Yang Hao shouted. The plan of the giant ax made them excited, especially the strongest ones who could get the most powerful treasure. They were looking forward to it.

For the human race, which has been immersed in hundreds of billions of epochs, the first battle is just an appetizer.

"Okay! Let's act together, preferably at about the same time, and try to get three of the most powerful treasures at once!"

Operation 'Eternity' troops are divided into three groups. The giant ax has set off with a clone and two powerful treasures.

He is the strongest. He does not need palace-type supreme treasures to hunt down a sixth-level universe lord. He has an incarnation to supplement his divine power, and he can always use the giant ax Wuming to maintain extremely high speeds.

"The Lord of Time usually wanders around the Qingfeng Realm. I encountered him once tens of millions of epochs ago, but I didn't plan to hunt him down at that time."

"First find his figure in Qingfeng Realm, confirm the location and contact the other two groups, and wait until they are found before taking action!"

The giant ax secretly said that the huge ax Wu Ming had torn apart the space and was rapidly advancing in the Qingfeng Realm.

The second team of Darkness and Peng Gong carried an incarnation and drove the Purple Charm Palace to search in Liuzhong Mountain.

"The most powerful treasure of the palace type is great. Under our control, it can be as dangerous as a gentle breeze."

"I wonder when we will have such a treasure."

"Haha, the strength of my human race will only get stronger and stronger, and there will be many opportunities to obtain the most powerful palace-type treasures in the future."

"The Lord of Chaos usually takes risks in the depths of Liuzhong Mountain. I hope I'll be lucky enough to meet him as soon as possible."

"Well, I didn't expect that our first battle as the strongest would be to join forces to bully the Lord of the Universe. I feel a little embarrassed."

"It's all for the sake of the clan, so what if he sacrifices himself as the master of the universe."

The Lord of Darkness is disdainful. Just because he doesn't attack the Lord of the Universe easily doesn't mean he can't do it, so what if he kills him. These are just stepping stones on the road to prosperity for the human race and are nothing to worry about.

"This is just an appetizer. There are more intense battles waiting for us in the future."

As for the last leg, since they are considered the weakest group, the strength of these four strongest people has not even reached the peak of the seventh level, but the quality is not enough to make up for the quantity.

Coupled with Yang Hao's seventh-level strength and Jiu Mengzhou, there are five seventh-level divine bodies and two most powerful treasures, and the actual combat power is not weak.

"This is the spaceship. To be honest, this is my first time entering the interior of the spaceship." Qingdong said while looking at the external screen of Jiu Mengzhou's simulation.

In the past, Qingdong was only a fourth-level universe master, and the human race had almost no map of the interior of the space ship, so he only took a few glances outside the space ship from a distance to open his eyes.

Now that I entered the interior of the spaceship for the first time, it looked magical.

"Haha, Qingdong, when this period of time is over, where can't the three great Jedi of our human race go?" Huang Jian said with a smile.

"Yes, the map of Liuzhong Mountain that Ganwu waited for from the Zerg, plus the map of the space ship left behind by the former strong men. We all have maps in the depths of the three major Jedi of our human race. We can indeed go wherever we want!"

Just now everyone knew that the Lord of Star Devouring Stars was actually the clone of Qian Wu. Those who didn't know the details, like Huang Jianxu, Jin Qingdong, looked even more delighted.

"So, the 'Star Devourer Lord' is already at the eighth level of strength?"

"My clone has a powerful innate secret method, and its ultimate combat power is indeed stronger than my original body." Yang Hao said with a smile.

"The Queen of the Zerg Race is so kind to your clone. I didn't expect it to be a strong person from the human race who lurked inside."

"Hey, you think no matter how much stronger Gan Wu is, wouldn't the Star Devourer Lord be stronger than the Queen?"

"Hahaha, you have been lurking for so long, and you are almost becoming the leader of the Zerg clan!"

"My God, it's really..."

Nowadays, these strongest people stand higher and see farther. In the past, Xujin, Qingdong and Huangjian often fought over some interests. There is no need to worry about these at this time.

The so-called six major forces have no influence at all on the strongest.

There is no barrier between everyone, and their relationship with each other is closer.

Nowadays, it is only for the sake of the ethnic group that we focus on making the human group bigger and stronger. There is no need to do it for the sake of petty profits within the group.

For example, the Lord of Virtual Gold, by virtue of being a powerful force in the Giant Ax Arena, used to be unforgiving in terms of competing for interests.

Only now did I realize how small my vision was at the beginning.

"The goal of the Lord of Gansha is to escape reincarnation and lead the human race to live in the universe forever, but I actually..."

The Lord of Virtual Gold could only shake his head. Fortunately, he came to apologize before and didn't carry too much burden.

It’s only now that I have become the strongest that I realize how ridiculous it was before.

"Everyone, I seem to have found the Lord of the Earthworm Fold," Yang Hao said.

This Jiumengzhou can scan a range of dozens of light years, which is equivalent to the scanning effect of the domain treasure. In terms of exploration function, it is far superior to the top-notch domain treasures, but of course it is still far behind compared to the domain supreme treasures.

Looking at the powerful man with three sides and eight arms appearing on the scanning screen, he is the Lord of the Universe of Ziyue Holy Land.

The main ethnic group in Ziyue Holy Land is the powerful Ziyue clan, and their appearance is very distinctive.

The purest bloodline is the eight-faced and twenty-four-armed one, followed by the four-faced and sixteen-armed one, then the three-faced and eight-armed one, and the most common single-faced two-armed one.

This also represents the four classes within the Ziyue clan. The eight-faced and twenty-four-armed ones are the rarest, have the purest blood, and have the greatest potential.

But this is for the weak of the Ziyue clan, and once you become the master of the universe, there is no distinction between high and low. After all, they are all super strong and speak according to their strength.

This three-faced and eight-armed Lord of the Centipede Fold possesses a trident, the most powerful treasure. Its attack power reaches the peak of the sixth level, and its defense is also very good.

And after practicing for countless reincarnations, his life-preserving ability is also excellent. Even the strongest eighth level person can easily save his life.

Normally, only the strongest at level nine can kill him in a short time.

However, as the strong men of the two holy places, few forces except the lone travelers are willing to provoke them. After all, there are many masters of the universe in the two holy places, and there are also the strongest ones.

But for today's human race, they are not afraid of offending a Ziyue Holy Land.

"Purple Moon Holy Land? Regardless of what kind of bullshit Holy Land it is, Ziyue Ancestor can't come to the Universe Sea, so what if he kills several of his Universe Lords?"

Yang Hao once told the founder of Giant Ax that these two holy places only looked powerful and possessed many powerful treasures.

When the crisis comes, the two holy places will still beg me, the human race.

"I know!" Juaxe nodded. For him, Gan Wu's words were never deceptive, and he already believed in what Gan Wu said.


"where is it?"

"Haha, I finally found this guy."

"In a dangerous place thirty light years away from us, please take a look." The screen scanned by Jiu Mengzhou was displayed.

I saw the Lord of the Centipede Fold, carrying a trident on his back, waiting quietly. "It's really him!" The Lord of Virtual Gold was delighted.

If everything goes well, he will be able to use the most powerful and powerful trident, and he will soon have the most powerful and powerful treasure. Naturally, he will be extremely happy in his heart.

"Let's wait for Giant Ax and Darkness first. In order for the operation to be successful, we'd better take action at the same time."



"If we take action later, the five of us will directly use the secret technique of joint attack, and the fused Tianji Demon God will be controlled by me."

"Coupled with Jiu Mengzhou's attack, the Lord of the Earthworm Fold was directly killed."

The leader of this team is Yang Hao, who only has the realm of the Lord of the Universe, but the other four strongest men also obey him and there is no fight for power.

"Okay, we listen to you."

After confirming the next battle, Yang Hao waited quietly. Both the Dark and Giant Ax teams had his Zhouhai incarnation, so they could know what happened immediately.

"Have you found the target?" The giant ax was stunned, and he kept shuttling through the Qingfeng Realm.

Only with great strength can I search like this, but I haven't found the target yet.

"I found it, just waiting for you and Dark Peng Gong and the others."

Soon, the giant ax found the Lord of Time. This was a one-sided and two-armed Ziyue clan. In terms of status, it was still the lowest status of the Ziyue clan, but he was able to go all the way upstream and become the Lord of the sixth-level universe. There was also someone behind him. A wonderful story.

"I'll hide it for a while first." Giant Ax said secretly.

As the strongest person, able to speak Dharma Sui, hiding far away from the Lord of Yue at that time was not a big problem.

Unless he has a domain-type supreme treasure, it will take a lot of effort to find the giant axe.

"The giant axe and Ganwu have been found, and they are just waiting for us. We don't know where the Lord of Riding is. He can't be in a place where we don't have a map." Lord Peng Gong said.

If the three Jedi explore the depths without a map, they have to move forward slowly and remember the route.

Otherwise, it is very likely to get lost among the three Jedi.

"I hope you have better luck." The Lord of Darkness muttered silently.

He kept recalling the most powerful secret method in his heart, and if he doesn't take action later, he will definitely win it in one go.

Beside a huge river waterfall, an eight-faced and twenty-four-armed Lord of the Universe of the Ziyue Clan was waiting quietly.

"I am very lucky in this era of reincarnation. The harvest of treasures is almost close to that in the last era of reincarnation. When it is almost the same as in the last era of reincarnation, I will return to the Holy Land to practice cultivation."

"Hey, it's a pity that no matter how hard I practice, I can't advance further."

"It is said that the ancestor of Ziyue actually has a way to advance our realm further, and even help us create a small universe."

"It's just that if this is the case, it will destroy the origin of the Holy Land universe, making it difficult for the ancestor's strength to go further..."

The Lord of Chaoshan thought silently, who doesn't want to have his own small universe, but with the 21 billion light-year universe of the Purple Moon Holy Land, he can breed a small universe of million light-years in size.

How much of one's roots have to be lost, and waiting for a breakthrough for him is not worth the loss.

Unless the ancestor of Ziyue can advance further, perhaps he can consider helping to breed two or three small universes.

"Huh? Palace of Purple Charm?"

Seeing the most powerful palace-like treasure appear, the Lord of Chaoshan secretly thought something was wrong.

"This is the palace treasure of the founder of the giant axe, the most powerful person in the universe sea. It's really unlucky to encounter him, so stay away first."

Suddenly, a man wearing a black robe with a bald head and many secret patterns on his bald head appeared. His divine body was a full 100 million kilometers tall.

"Haha, the two of us worked together with the incarnation of Qian Wu, and we were able to reach a body of 100 million kilometers in size. How happy!" The Lord of Peng Gong said with a smile.

He completely handed over the control of this divine body to the Dark Lord.

"Well, I feel that relying on this divine body to cast the most powerful secret technique has already crossed the threshold of the ninth level."

"Darkness is coming..."

Suddenly, the Lord of Chaoshan felt his eyes go dark and entered a place with endless darkness. In this extremely dark place, there was a ray of light in the distance.

With a dull look on his face, he moved towards the light.

"The Demon Lord is born!"

Wow! Wow! Wow!
In this dark space with only a glimmer of light, nine ancient demon gods were suddenly born. The nine demon gods had nine horns on their heads, and the horns formed a crown according to a specific shape.

boom! boom! boom!
The nine demon kings took action and attacked the sluggish-looking Lord with all their strength.

Still moving towards that ray of light, the Lord of Chaoshan suddenly felt something was wrong, but the nine different huge demon gods, holding nine different weapons and using nine different secret techniques, were already attacking.


The huge divine body of 100 million kilometers has its mouth slightly open.

"No, this is the secret method of soul attack!" The Lord of Chaoshan had already reacted, but it was too late at this time.

The secret method of soul attack that has reached the ninth level, and is assisted by the most powerful treasure, can suddenly attack the master of the universe who is at the limit of the strongest, and can kill him.

In less than the blink of an eye, the lord of speed had become a corpse.

Because the soul was killed, no divine power was damaged, and the entire corpse was completely preserved.

"Quickly, take it with the body!"

"Gan Wu asked us to collect these corpses. I don't know what he can do with them."

With a wave of his hand, Peng Gong collected the complete Lord of Chaos into the world ring and took off his telepathy weapon.

"This three thousand shuttle looks like a long shuttle, but under the control of telepathy, it can form the desired telepathy weapon for attack." The Lord of Darkness said secretly while holding the three thousand shuttle.

As the strongest soul attack person, he also has the secret method of telepathy attack.

Use this time to observe the secret patterns on it, and you can gain something.

"Everything goes well, Qingdong's most powerful treasure is in hand!"

The team of Dark Peng Gong relied on soul attacks to easily kill them in one shot. They were the first among the three teams to complete their goal.

"Let's go back to the original universe first and wait for their good news."

Deep in Qingfeng Realm.

"The founder of the giant axe?" The Lord of Time was stunned, how could he meet this savage?

"Run away, run away."

However, the Lord of Time was ready to run away immediately, but the founder of the giant ax could not fulfill his wish.

"What does the giant axe mean?" The Lord of Time said something bad secretly. What does this savage want to do? Isn't he going to attack himself?

"Haha, what do I want to do? I want the treasured long stick in your hand!" Giant Ax said with a smile.

"Giant Axe, I advise you to think twice. You humans have already angered the Shenyan clan, and now you want to anger me, the Purple Moon Holy Land?"

"Purple Moon Holy Land?"

"It's a joke. With our current strength, we, the human race, are not afraid of the Purple Moon Holy Land, unless you, the Purple Moon Ancestors, can come to the Universe Sea."

"The Demon God of Heaven!"

If you don't take action, use it. Once you take action, use all your strength.

A transcendent existence like an ancient god appeared. His divine body was 100 million kilometers tall, with messy hair floating around. He was wearing the most powerful and precious mad devil armor, and held the huge ax Wu Ming in his hand.

"The seventeenth axe!"

In an instant, seventeen huge axes appeared, each one comparable to a world.

"No, he wants to kill me!" The Lord of Time only had a shocked look on his face.

As a sixth-level universe master, although he can fight against some weak and powerful people with various secret techniques, he has no resistance in front of the number one existence in the universe sea.

Moreover, this is the founder of the giant ax who uses the secret method of combined attack.

The giant ax Wu Ming condensed the shadows of seventeen huge giant axes, and struck suddenly.

How could the Lord of Time avoid this move? He could only use the most powerful weapon like a long stick, the 'Yu Shen Stick' to resist.


Even the Master Xiajue would have to be bombarded a very long distance when faced with this move, let alone the sixth-order Lord of the Universe.

"One third of my divine power was annihilated by this move!" The Lord of Time was shocked. He had already seen the God of Death waving to him.

The Lord of the Universe, who had lived for at least dozens of reincarnation eras, was struck with three axes by Wu Ming and disappeared completely.

Only some treasures were left floating in the air, indicating that a battle had taken place before, and a savage-like wave of his hand collected everything.

Before the Lord of Time died, he spread the news.

"The founder of the giant ax killed the Lord of Time. He should have only one purpose in taking action, which is to obtain the most powerful treasure." True God Juehua is mainly responsible for handling external affairs.

The strongest person in this universe sea takes action. How can those sixth-level universe masters resist?

"This damn giant ax is as crazy as the Supreme Treasure."

"Wait a minute, the Lord of Chaos is also dead?"

"The Lord of Chao is a sixth-level universe master with a clone. His clone that stayed in the Purple Moon Holy Land also died. Could it be that he was killed by a soul attack?"

"But with his strength, he can withstand the soul attack of the eighth level peak. Only when he reaches the ninth level can he be directly soul-killed."

"There is no strongest person in the Universe Sea whose soul attack reaches the ninth level. Could it be that he encountered a soul attack that reached the ninth level in the depths of Liuzhong Mountain?"

True God Juehua also feels overwhelmed, even though as a holy land universe, there are a large number of universe sages who can break through and become the master of the universe at any time.

But losing two sixth-level universe masters at the same time, including the most powerful treasure in their hands, is a big loss.

After all, the Purple Moon Holy Land is not as rich as the Eastern Emperor Holy Land, and it does not have as many powerful treasures.

The loss of two sixth-order universe masters has greatly weakened the strength of the Holy Land.

"I have to go to the place where the Lord of Chaos last appeared. If he is killed by the natural environment of Liuzhong Mountain, he might be able to recover the most powerful treasure."


"It's our turn!" Yang Hao said.

"Darkness has completed its mission. The giant ax will be dealt with immediately. Let's take action."

"bring it on!"

"The Demon God of Heaven!"

The four strongest men in the universe, plus Yang Hao's human form, teamed up to perform the secret technique of joint attack.

It's just that the bodies of these four strongest ones are not big, only 100 kilometers, and Yang Hao's human body is only million kilometers in size.

When they all merge into one, they only turn into a divine body that is 1000 million kilometers in size.

This divine body holds the most powerful spear-like treasure, Silent Night, and is integrated with Jiu Mengzhou.

Jiu Mengzhou first transformed into an armor covering the divine body, and then eight turrets full of destructive aura emerged behind the divine body.

Three of the largest turrets can bombard together, reaching the peak of the eighth level of power, and the other five smaller turrets can each launch attacks of the seventh level.

At the same time, Jiu Mengzhou's energy core is filled with divine power, and energy continuously replenishes the divine body with divine power.

(End of this chapter)

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