Chapter 185 Eight Hundred Star Sectors

"All the powerful men who are immortal and above from the race, quickly return to the ethnic group's territory and guard the ethnic group!"

An email appeared. The human race reached the realm of immortality and above, including powerful men such as the Venerable Overlord of the Universe.

I don’t know what happened for a while to make the founder of Giant Ax send such an email.

These strong men guard different territories according to orders. Like some medium-sized cosmic countries, they are at least guarded by feudal lords.

In the large-scale universe kingdom, in addition to the king, several additional sages came to guard various parts of the universe kingdom.

"What happened?" The leader of Beichen asked secretly.

They are not yet aware of the changes at the top of the human race. It's just that everyone obeys the orders issued by the giant axe.

"Li Hao, Cao Qingcang, Huiyun, and Tian Eclipse, you guard the headquarters of the Refining Group."

"Xi Zhu, if you need help somewhere, you should go and help."


His two main battle clones are already ready, waiting to kill the enemy.

The headquarters of the six peak forces are guarded by the Lords of the Universe.

"The Mechanical Father God is the master of the entire ethnic group, how can we not unite?"

As for those of the ethnic groups, let them fight, they will be wiped out by the aliens sooner or later.

They all guard ethnic groups according to arrangements.

"Children, secure this territory!"

At the moment when the mechanical father was killed, in order to prevent the mechanical race from rioting, the human race came to wreak havoc.

"But I have no choice. Father God is dead, and it is my duty to rebuild the glory of the Machine Tribe!"

The moment they appeared, they didn't have time to take action.

"Senior sister, where else was Tiangong Universe Kingdom attacked?"

"Not yet. I have made arrangements. If there is any danger, I will ask you to help." Huiyun said.

"After this territory is transformed, new tribesmen will be born."

boom! boom! boom!
At the headquarters of the Universe Refining Group, due to Jiu Mengzhou's absence, several sages from the mechanical tribe suddenly arrived, including a Universe Overlord.

Whether it is the immortal gods wandering in the battlefield outside the territory, the cosmic sages wandering in the secret realm of the universe, or the masters of the universe who are practicing the path of divine power.

He was killed by four powerful men, including the Lord of the Mountains and Seas, the Lord of the Mountains and the Gods, and the Heavenly Eclipse, who had been on guard for a long time.

"Haha, they say that our demon tribe is not united, but the machine tribe is extremely united. I think that's just a rumor."

"This place is good, but there is an ordinary ethnic group who wants to occupy this territory first and then talk about the rest."

Without the suppression of the Mechanical Father God, the cohesion of the Mechanical Race is extremely poor.

The Tiangong Universe Kingdom is huge and has already opened up more than twenty cosmic passages to various places in the Universe Kingdom.

"Why is it not as strong as expected?" Li Hao shook his head.

The Lord of Time God secretly said that he already regarded himself as the successor of the Machinery Clan, and he was the orthodox Machinery Clan.

Today's Lord of the Demons and Li Hao are both deeply engaged in the divine power route, and their strength is very close to the fifth level.

The strong men were already prepared. Those strong mechanical men who came to wreak havoc appeared and were quickly killed.

It shouldn't be too easy to kill several venerables and a universe overlord.

A person like Lord Zhuanmei who reacts quickly joins the Zerg race immediately. In addition to the Masters of the Universe who joined the Zerg Clan, there were also those who joined the Monster Clan.

There has been chaos within the territory of the Machine Clan, and the masters of the major universes are fighting each other in order to compete for the clan members.

Even the demon clan is so united compared to them.

"Father God's research and insights on the puppets, as well as getting almost half of the treasures, my background exceeds that of most powerful ethnic groups."

I have been in the original universe for a long time, and I am almost smoking. I really want to fight. However, things went against expectations, and there were not many strong men from the damn mechanical race who came to attack the human race's territory.

There is also a fifth-level master of the universe of the mechanical race, leading hundreds of sages to find a territory to survive in a remote part of the original universe.

Except for the eight strong men who are still outside, all other strong men are guarding.

"This territory is only equivalent to the size of two star districts, and it is not a core place. The potential of life born is average."

"However, the territory is still too small, but in order not to attract the attention of other ethnic groups, I have to keep a low profile."

Wherever you encounter danger, you can always go there and help.

Then he led a large number of mechanical tribesmen to search for territory.

Many strong men from the mechanical race who recognized him as their master appeared together and headed towards the territory ahead.


Only an ordinary ethnic group survives in this territory, with only two powerful men at the cosmic overlord level. They have no power to resist in front of the Lord of Time.

It's just that the expected large-scale retaliation did not happen, and only sporadic strong men from the mechanical race came to destroy it.

As the only fifth-level universe master in the mechanical clan, the Lord of Time immediately plundered the mechanical universe for valuable items.

"Mengcha, if a strong man from the Machine Tribe joins the Demon Tribe, he can accept it if he can, but he must control the size of his subordinates."

"This time when the human race rises, I will be the first to use mechanical surgery." Zhenjiao's turtle head looked at the silver-white snake and said.

"Fortunately, our demon clan has you and me as the two strongest people. No matter how strong the human clan is, we don't dare to offend easily."

The two strongest men of the demon race discussed for a while, and finally decided that it was best for the Lord of the Universe and them not to provoke the human race.

The cohesion of the human race is also extremely strong, and those who offend them might be in trouble.

"Hmph! It doesn't matter if we don't provoke the Lord of the Universe, but those little guys have to fight when they should."

"It's impossible for the human race to protect their shortcomings and let the Immortal Lords grow up in an absolutely safe environment. Then how can strong people emerge?"

"They won't be so short-sighted," Mengcha said.

"The extraterritorial battlefield can continue to be opened, but from four forces to three forces, it may need to be closed and integrated for a period of time."

The extraterritorial battlefield is a battlefield opened by the four peak ethnic groups, allowing ethnic groups from the cosmic level to the immortal king to fight in it.

Continuously improving their strength in life and death battles, as time goes by, more and more ethnic groups find that the outer battlefield is an excellent place for training.

In addition to the four peak ethnic groups and their corresponding alliances, there are billions of ethnic groups in the universe, and many ethnic groups have joined the four major forces to fight on battlefields outside the territory.

Among the lives currently being fought on battlefields outside the territory, the proportion of lives from the four major ethnic groups and corresponding alliances is extremely small.

Now that the mechanical clan has almost disappeared, the four major forces have become three major forces, and it is natural to reintegrate them.

The original universe was rarely chaotic.

In addition to a large peak group disappearing almost instantly, the escaped mechanical race master of the universe is also occupying the mountain and becoming the king.

After the Lord of Time God found a suitable territory, he immediately joined the Northern Territory Alliance.

Most of the hundreds of universe masters in the Northern Xinjiang Alliance are weak beings. It is rare for a fifth-level universe master to join in and they are all welcomed.

After all, your human race's killing machines are mainly for the territory, and they have withdrawn from the territory and become a new ethnic group.

There is no need to kill them all. …

"Let's go back to the original universe quickly. The human race occupies at least half of the territory of the mechanical race!"

If it weren't for the fact that there were too few masters of the human universe, the giant ax would have even planned to take over the entire territory of the mechanical race.

But it’s great to win most of them.

boom! boom!
The two most powerful treasures of the two palaces were activated at the same time and flew towards the original universe at high speed, because this was the place close to the cyan token space deep in the space ship.

Piloting the Arcana with the Strongest One also takes some time.

Simply use the giant ax to put everyone into the world ring, and use divine power to continuously split the space and rush on at high speed.

With a giant ax that is the most powerful weapon in armor, most dangerous places are nothing to him.

There was a cosmic void in the original universe, and a total of ten strongest people from the human race, Zerg race, and monster race appeared at the same time.

Their powerful aura caused the rules of the universe to recede.

"Giant Axe, what are your plans for calling everyone here?" A voice came from the Queen's Palace.

"The machine has been solved by your human race. The human race is quite majestic. It is said that it can even fight head-on with the God Eye Clan."

"Hmph! Although there are many strongest people in your human race, there are only about ten masters of the universe now. If you want to take over the entire territory of the mechanical race, they are not qualified!" Zhenjiao snorted coldly.

Before the rise of the human race, the monster race was ranked first among the four races in terms of strength, with two strongest people, twenty universe masters, and only twenty top universe overlords.

No matter which realm the demon clan is in, there are more powerful ones than other clans.

In the original universe, there was a limit to the strength that the strongest could exert. Moreover, if the strongest killed the Lord of the Universe, he would be punished by the original will.
With the monster clan's strong strength, it is no problem to negotiate some conditions.

"What I mean is very simple. The mechanical race has 1000 star sectors, and our human race wants 800!"

The founder of the giant ax looked at the other three strongest men and said.

He had already made a plan, and giving up 20% was already a mercy.

After all, only the top level of the human race has good combat power, and the middle level combat power is not even as good as the monster race. If you eat this big fish from beginning to end, you will be able to hold on.

For the future harmonious development of the ethnic group, it is naturally best to give up part of it in exchange for peace at this time.

"Don't worry about the giant axe. In the future, our human race will give birth to more cosmic lords and more cosmic lords. Let them drink some soup first."

"Sooner or later, let them spit out what they have eaten and give up part of their territory."

Yang Hao said unwillingly because he was afraid of the giant axe. It would be a waste of time to fight with them now.

The first choice is to stabilize them first, take over the territory and cultivate the universe master, the universe master.

Even if you don't get the complete inheritance, you will get it sooner or later in the future.

At that time, hundreds of universe masters, tens of thousands of universe lords, monsters and Zerg from the human race will unconsciously give up their territory?

"Eighty percent, what a loud tone!" Zhenjiao didn't expect the giant ax to have such a loud tone.

The remaining 20% ​​has to be divided with the Zerg, which is only a little more than 10% at most.

"Why, it's enough mercy for me to give out 20%. If you think it's not enough, you monster clan may not even be able to go to the universe sea in this reincarnation era!"

As they spoke, these men were at war with each other, and the void of tens of thousands of light-years was trembling.

"The giant axe is really arrogant!"

"Haha, weren't the demon clan more arrogant before?" The dark voice came.

Wherever his eyes passed, Mengcha was secretly frightened.

"What a powerful soul attack!" Mengcha secretly said in shock. Fortunately, she was also the strongest and didn't reveal any flaws.

"This human race is really difficult to deal with. Suddenly, among the seven strongest people, five of them have the most powerful treasure. The most obvious attack on the powerful treasure is to increase their strength." The Queen secretly thought.

"I, the Zerg, want 80 star sectors, and the rest will be given to you, the Monster."

The Queen doesn't want to conflict with the demons and humans, so just drink some soup, and the territory of 80 star regions is enough.

"You guys are arguing slowly. So what if the human race rises? Can you survive the reincarnation?"

Especially for the demon clan, the two strongest ones are weaker than the other. Let alone Mengcha, who has the strongest treasure is still at the seventh level.

Although it is the most powerful armor type, there are still secret patterns on it that can be understood, and it not only has defensive capabilities.

A waste, even if he lives for the next three reincarnation eras, he will reach the eighth level at most.

The strength of Zhenjiao is also average. It is estimated that the fighting power of Lord Devouring Star is almost the same as him. With these two fools, the demon clan is like a meteor. After the three major reincarnation eras, it completely disappears.

Because the Queen received the message from the Salamander Whale's clone, she said that it would take a long time for him to become the strongest. Once he becomes the strongest, he will at least be at the level of the giant axe.

There are also some opportunities in the Cosmic Sea. According to him, he has great confidence to break through reincarnation and open up the eternal existence of the Cosmic Sea.

What is the use of fighting over these territories?

The Queen has set her sights a lot higher and doesn't want to cause too much trouble for the clan, so drinking some soup is enough for her.

"Queen, you!" Zhenjiao didn't expect the Queen to agree.

This means that only the demon clan can confront the human race head-on. However, the human race is so powerful today, and there is no way that the demon clan can resist it.

"Forget it, our demon clan wants 120 star sectors." Although Zhenjiao was unwilling to accept it, he had no choice but to accept it.

Something is better than nothing.

This is equivalent to one-tenth of the Monster Clan's territory, which is also a huge harvest, and it requires almost no effort.

Just watching the human race eat 800 star sectors, I couldn't accept it in my heart.

After all, if you don't make enough, you will suffer a loss. Compared with the human race, doesn't the demon race suffer a huge loss?

It's just that I don't have enough strength, so I can only eat these.

But it's not bad, at least it makes more money than the Zerg. Calculating it is 50% more than the Zerg, Zhenjiao and Mengcha can accept it for a while.

"let's go!"

The territory of the 1000 star sectors of the Machine Clan has been allocated by the three major ethnic groups, and the Human Race wants a full 800 star sectors.

The remaining Zerg tribes have 80 star districts and the Monster tribe has 120 star districts.

In this way, the territory of the three peak ethnic groups, the Human Race, has more than 1800 star regions, the Monster Race has 1320 star regions, and the Zerg Race has 880 star regions.

It's just that the territory of the Machinery Clan still needs a long time to transform. After all, it is a starry sky suitable for the Machinery Clan to survive.

Transforming 800 star sectors to be suitable for the survival of human life requires a lot of time and a large number of strong people to transform many treasures.

Those treasures are not very precious, but the human race does not store many treasures of this level, and they cannot come up with treasures that can transform 800 star sectors at the moment.

Fortunately, there are still some treasures in stock, and several powerful men brought them with them to trade with the major ethnic groups in the original universe.

He even went to the cosmic sea to look for ethnic groups to trade. When the skeleton master heard that the human race needed such treasures, he took the initiative to trade with the human race.

"You are so strong, when are you going to take action against the God Eye Clan?"

"When you take action, my skeleton clan will definitely help you!"

(End of this chapter)

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