Lord of the Dry Witch Who Devours the Starry Sky.

Chapter 194: Exploding the Skeleton Master!

Chapter 194: Exploding the Skeleton Master!
"My true self is only at the peak of the seventh level, and the gap between me and my clone is getting bigger and bigger..."

In the Jiumengzhou flying deep in the spaceship, Yang Hao himself looked helpless, and the salamander whale clone had just beaten the ancestor of the monster beast violently.

The clone has reached the ninth level of strength, which is the top strength of the universe sea.

"I don't have a secret method to burn my divine power, my basic abilities are much lower, and my secret method is completely original."

"The clone also has a complete set of secret techniques to learn from. It is impossible to catch up. On the contrary, the gap will become wider and wider."

Yang Hao is also helpless. If this continues, the clone may even reach the tenth level of strength, while the original body will only be at the eighth level.

"I need to fight more and create the secret method as quickly as possible."

"Huh? Is this the fifth-level universe master of the Shiyuan clan, Lord Xuanyuan?"

Seeing the familiar figure in front of him, Yang Hao smiled instantly.

"Finally I met you, kid."

"So what about the ninth level? There is only one strongest member of the Shiyuan Clan. How dare you offend my human race?"

Jiu Mengzhou's turret was activated again, and eight rays bombarded the body of Lord Xuanyuan, annihilating all his divine power.

"Lord of Qianwu, spare my life. The ancestor Shi Yuan has created the eighth-level secret method, and now his strength has reached the ninth level!"

Jiu Mengzhou's eight huge turrets fired rays full of destructive aura, one eighth-level peak attack, and five seven-level peak attacks all attacked the main body of Xuanyuan.

boom! boom! boom…

"Haha... Ancestor Shi Yuan, he hasn't entered the three Jedi for a long time, can he appear here in an instant?"


"Damn it, I suffered such a big loss at the hands of the human race, and I still don't plan to let the Shi Yuan clan go."

Only the treasure is left suspended in the air, as well as various random items, which are the items in the world ring.

"I once drove him to a dead end. He must be full of hatred towards me and the Shiyuan Clan."

Of course, these are just the deepest thoughts. It would be impossible for him to give up the clan.

For a moment, the ancestor of Shi Yuan had no choice but to ask the Lord of the Universe of the tribe to pay attention to the human race when venturing in the cosmic sea.

"The reaction is quite fast. Use the weapon treasure to resist some power, otherwise you will die directly."

"Master of Ganwu?" Master Xuanyuan was shocked. He didn't expect to meet his former enemy!

In Shi Yuan's ancestor universe, the ancestor who was polishing the secret method sensed the message sent by the Lord Xuanyuan before his death.

Collecting the valuable items, Lord Xuanyuan's most valuable treasure is a top-notch telepathy treasure.

"Forget it, wait until I finish polishing the eighth-level secret method and negotiate with him, otherwise the clan, the lord of the universe, will not be able to resist the human race's attack."

"Damn it, this Jiu Mengzhou was not a complete treasure at the beginning. I never thought that the complete form would be a palace-type supreme treasure and also have eighth-level attack capabilities!"

It was this guy who was fighting for the treasure but couldn't get it, so he called the ancestor Shi Yuan to kill people and seize the treasure.

At the beginning, Jiu Mengzhou only had the power of the fifth level peak, but now he can actually reach such terrifying power.

"Finally killed a strong man from the Shiyuan Clan."

And in that powerful will impact, the will was raised to the level of the strongest.

Without too much nonsense, no matter who appears here, they cannot save the life of the master of Xuanyuan.

In order to survive, Lord Xuanyuan had no choice but to tell the story of his ancestor.

"A combined attack almost killed me, what should I do?"

The entire group relies on him for support, and sometimes I feel like giving up. It's better to be the strongest one alone.

However, Yang Hao found a chance to survive in a desperate situation, but was a blessing in disguise and obtained the giant ax and the most powerful treasure Wu Ming.

"Today is your day of death, and even the ancestor Shi Yuan can't save you!"

"Don't kill me, the ancestor of Shiyuan is coming to save me right away!"

"When I met the strong men of the Shiyuan tribe, I swore that I would kill them one by one, let alone the master of Xuanyuan who forced me to a dead end."

The world ring also shattered in the face of such an attack, and all items poured out.

"You guys covet my Jiu Mengzhou, how do you feel now?"

"Damn it, our Shiyuan tribe doesn't have many Universe Masters to begin with. Xuan Yuan is one of the two strongest Universe Masters in the tribe. He was killed by Gan Wu, a bastard. He suffered a huge loss."

"It's a pity that he has the capital to be so arrogant. His own strength is not weak. He also has palace-like supreme treasures and a powerful ethnic group. He can indeed be arrogant..."

No wonder he dared to bet on two powerful treasures, and it turned out that he had some gains and could reach the ninth level of strength.

"A person with a ninth-level strength is not afraid of even witches. This kid is really arrogant!"

The Master of Xuan Yuan was hit by six powerful bombardments. Even though he was wearing the ultimate treasure armor, he was only hit by 20% of his divine power.


The ancestor of Shi Yuan rolled his eyes and felt huge pressure. As the only strongest person in the tribe, especially after leaving the original universe, there was almost no hope.

"This telekinesis-type treasure is pretty good. If you have the chance, you can give it to the Master of the Pidgeot."

"Oh? Ninth level strength?" Yang Hao was slightly surprised.

"It's a pity that what I got in the cyan token space has allowed me to reach the ninth level of strength. It's almost impossible to go further..."

"The secret technique is almost polished, let's return to the cosmic sea!"

In the space boat, he slowly advanced along a route and passed through dangerous places one after another.

"I'm lucky, I picked up two treasures before reaching the finish line."

There are many dangerous places in the depths of the spaceship. With good luck, it is indeed possible to pick up a treasure.

Of course, high-grade treasures are difficult to pick up, and it takes a long time for one to come out.

For example, the two treasures that Yang Hao picked up were only at the top level, and they were only attack and armor types.

Contributing to the clan in exchange for treasure points at this level is considered a small gain.

"This is the Hell Flame Sacred Mountain, a highly dangerous place. Generally, only the strongest or sixth-level universe masters dare to take risks here."

Yang Hao flew to the dangerous place of Yuyan Mountain, and he didn't know why there was a huge volcano in the universe.

The volcano is called Yuyan Sacred Mountain, which is 500 light-years high. The largest diameter at the bottom of the volcano is 1000 light-years.

The huge crater is also 50 light-years across, and the diameter of the entire dangerous place is about 5000 light-years, which is considered very large among the many dangerous places in the spaceship.

"This place is nice, let's try our luck here for the time being."

The treasures of Yuyan Sacred Mountain gush out from the crater, and Yang Hao is waiting quietly at the crater.

"The skeleton owner is also here..."

boom! boom! boom!
Suddenly, a trillion-kilometer giant beast appeared suddenly in the huge crater.

The giant beast had three heads, three long tails, three pairs of wings, and six hooves and claws. Its entire body crawled out of the crater.

The head like a dragon roared violently, shaking the space.

"This is the 'Three-Headed Demon God'!" Yang Hao's eyes trembled.

What unlucky luck, unexpectedly encountering the birth of three-headed demons. Those three-headed demons are the guardians of the highly dangerous place "Hell Flame Mountain".

It has no intelligence, only relies on instinct, and will attack all external enemies it encounters.

"I can meet the 11th-level three-headed demon god! Run!"

"Human witch, wait for me!" came the voice of the skeleton master.

The skeleton owner had a skeleton-like divine body, holding a sickle in his right hand and a Book of Death in his left hand. When he saw the emergence of the three-headed demon, he had to run away madly.

"Fly when disaster strikes!"

"Turn on engine overload!" Boom! boom! boom!
The three heads of the three-headed demon shot out death rays, all of which bombarded Jiumeng Zhou.

"I'm so unlucky, why did the skeleton master hit me when he was there!"

Fortunately, overload has been turned on, and Jiu Mengzhou accelerates violently. The powerful acceleration is almost comparable to the strongest person who uses the most powerful treasure to open the way.

"hold head high!"

The three dragon heads let out fierce roars, and six giant claws crossed the void and instantly caught Jiu Mengzhou, who was running frantically for his life.


Yang Hao was stunned. He couldn't escape even by turning on the overloaded Jiumengzhou?

"Haha, they all fly away when disaster strikes. Goodbye first!" The skeleton owner laughed in a hoarse voice.

"Fortunately, it was this kid who was captured. This human kid is among the most powerful treasures in the palace. He should not perish, but he will suffer some losses."

The Skeleton Master's ability to escape is outstanding. After all, he must have some unique skills to be able to fight against the seven gods of the Divine Eye Clan for so long.

"Damn it, I'm going to be tortured by the three-headed demon..."

boom! boom! boom!
Even though Jiu Mengzhou was 18 light-years long, the three-headed demon gods almost condensed time and space, and six giant claws grabbed Jiu Mengzhou and smashed it.

Yang Hao inside was in trouble.

"Hold on!"

"Too bad luck!"

"I hope it can end as soon as possible!" Yang Hao thought to himself.

The three-headed demon god doesn't have much time to be born each time. As long as you can hold on during the time it is born and wait for it to return to the Hell Mountain, then it will be fine.


The Yuyan Sacred Mountain suddenly erupted with powerful vibrations, and the crater suddenly ejected billowing lava straight into the sky.

The temperature of this lava is extremely high and the speed is extremely fast. If the master of the universe is hit, his life will probably not be saved.

"What? Such a powerful movement, could it be the birth of a treasure?" The skeleton owner who had just run away felt the movement behind him.

He has stayed in Yuyan Mountain for a long time and is extremely familiar with it.

"With such a strong movement, there is a high probability that the most powerful treasure will be born!" The skeleton owner was overjoyed.

"Haha, I can meet this!"

"Although I have four most powerful treasures, attack, defense, palace, and domain are all in place."

"But the other three strongest members of the tribe are not as lucky as me to put together a set."

The Book of Death flipped rapidly, and suddenly dark rays of light shot out. Countless dark rays of light formed a powerful field three light years in diameter.

The field is filled with countless ghost souls. These ghosts can hold back enemies in the field and have attack capabilities.

"What? The Book of Death?" Yang Hao was shocked. Didn't the owner of the skeleton run away, so why did he return?
"According to records, there is a high probability that a treasure will be born from the magma ejected from Hell Flame Sacred Mountain. The more powerful the spray is, the stronger the treasure will be."

"It is so powerful that the skeleton owner dares to return under the threat of the three-headed demon. Could it be the most powerful treasure?"

"Haha, human race, thank you for the good luck you have brought. When I get the most powerful treasure, I will give you two top-grade palace treasures!"

The skeleton owner was overjoyed and regarded the treasure as his own.

"hold head high!"

The violent roar of the three-headed demon resounded throughout this dangerous place with a diameter of 5000 light years.

In the end, it let go of Jiu Mengzhou and slowly flew towards Yuyan Mountain. The moment it landed in the crater, an armor-shaped treasure burst out.

"Haha, mine!"

"Think beautifully!"

Without the three-headed demon ravaging him, Jiu Mengzhou accelerated again.

"Hmph! The little guy wants it too?" The Skeleton Master said disdainfully: "If you rob it with me, the pinnacle treasure will be gone."

Yang Hao couldn't help but roll his eyes. This skeleton owner is really funny. Compared with the two top-level treasures and the most powerful treasure, everyone would choose to fight for the most powerful treasure.

"The Book of the Dead!"

The skeleton master's divine power was crazily injected into the Book of Death, and the pages of the book turned crazily, and many dark lights emerged again.

The area of ​​three light-years in diameter instantly expanded to six light-years.

"Hmph, I have the Book of Death. Let's see how you fight for it." The skeleton owner snorted coldly.

The sickle he held in his right hand tore through space, and with domain assistance, his speed had reached the extreme.

And Jiu Mengzhou's ultimate speed is not as good as that of the strongest, let alone being suppressed by the strongest treasure in the field.

"Can I launch the incarnation of Zhou Hai?" Yang Hao suddenly thought of a way.

"According to calculations, there is an 80% chance of success." The treasure spirit replied immediately.

"Then act quickly!"

The incarnation of Zhou Hai appeared, passed through the transmission device inside Jiumengzhou, and came to the turret base. Follow the guidance of the treasure spirit and enter the turret.


The incarnation of Zhou Hai has activated his divine power and entered a state where he can self-destruct at any time. Of course, before that, the spirit of the treasure must be allowed to change the launch procedure.

"Wait a minute!"

Seeing the skeleton owner getting closer and closer to the armored treasure, Yang Hao was extremely anxious.

"Hurry, hurry, hurry!"

"The launch program has been changed and can be activated at any time!"


Jiu Mengzhou was able to shoot out one of the three turrets with the peak power of level 8, and suddenly shot out the divine body of Zhou Hai.


Although there is an 80% chance of success, I am still afraid of failure.

If he fails, not only will he not be able to win the treasure, but he might also detonate the incarnation of Zhou Hai.

You must know that the current incarnation of Zhouhai has reached 5000 billion kilometers, 46000 times the life gene, and the power generated after detonation can barely reach the 11th level!
In terms of strength, Jiumengzhou is the most powerful treasure in palaces. It can explode internally. If the power is too great, some device may be damaged.

"What went by so fast?" The skeleton owner sensed something extremely fast.

Even with his strength, he couldn't sense what it was.

"It's now!" The incarnation of Zhou Hai that was launched didn't know his specific location and could only roughly estimate his location.

You must know that the bombardment intensity of Jiu Mengzhou's turret is so powerful that it far exceeds the speed of the strongest people. Even the strongest people have no time to sense it.

Therefore, Zhou Hai's incarnation does not know its specific location.

"The most powerful treasure of armor, here I come!" The skeleton owner was happy in his heart. He would be able to get the most powerful treasure immediately. The strength of the clan would become stronger and the gap with the God Eye clan would be narrowed.

"Although this Lord of Gan Wu is quite strong and has Jiu Mengzhou, he still takes it for granted that he can compete with my strongest person for the treasure."

The skeleton master's powerful divine power was injected into the Book of Death, creating a huge six-light-year domain. Countless ghost souls in the domain grabbed Jiu Mengzhou, temporarily slowing down Jiu Mengzhou's speed by 20%.

Even in the overloaded state, one can imagine how powerful this field-like supreme treasure is. Of course, with such a powerful range, even with the skeleton master, it cannot be used for a long time. It takes too much mental energy.

"What an idiot. I originally planned to give him two treasures after seeing that the human race was so powerful that he could join forces with them to fight against the God-Eye Clan."

"Who knew this kid was so heartless and dared to compete with me for the treasure? If he makes such a choice, then all the treasures will be gone!"

Just when the skeleton owner thought he was about to get the treasure, he suddenly felt something was wrong. The thing launched by Jiu Mengzhou exploded between him and the most powerful treasure!

(End of this chapter)

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