Lord of the Dry Witch Who Devours the Starry Sky.

Chapter 198 Deceiving the original will?

Chapter 198 Deceiving the original will?

After two thousand epochs, the huge ship-shaped palace was finally born.

There is a spire in the middle of this huge palace that can pierce the starry sky. The spire is 800 light-years high!

The ship is 600 light years long, 100 light years wide, and 120 light years high. This huge hull was born and even destroyed Yuyan Sacred Mountain.

This place, which existed in countless high-level dangerous places in the reincarnation era, shattered like this. Two huge mountains fell down, and countless amounts of magma flowed out of them.

The temperature of the entire space was brought to extremely high temperatures by the lava. The Lord of the Universe without the Peak Armor would feel extremely hot and his body would be damaged.

"hold head high!"

Just when the powerful men were preparing to take action to fight for the opportunity, the three-headed demon god, the guardian of Yuyan Mountain, flew out from the broken mountain.

His three pairs of huge wings flapped, turning the hot lava into a tornado reaching the sky.


The three-headed demon god is already at the highest level among the many guardians of the three Jedi, reaching the peak of the 11th level.

There may be some kind of rule that prevents it from attacking the strong men of the Cosmic Sea arbitrarily.

"The three-headed demon has never been so powerful!" The giant ax was also horrified.

Or maybe it's the destruction rays ejected by the three heads.

Yang Hao suddenly guessed that it was no wonder he always felt weird.

"According to the original plot, this huge palace was not born. Why was this huge palace born?" Yang Hao wondered.

"Even the dark places in the cosmic sea not only breed crises against the original universe, but may also breed crises against themselves and the 'system'!"

But if there is more than one crisis, it will be troublesome.

All in all, these 'good luck' would not be possible without systematic help.

The other strong men are still too weak and can't help much in that crisis, so it's better not to tell them for now.

"Yes, that crisis is extremely powerful, so powerful that even the original universe..."

However, despite turning the lava into a lava tornado with a diameter of a hundred light years, he still used his phantom giant claws to grab the palace and try to move it.

"Could it be that the original will has discovered that the crisis is beginning to brew, and the crisis will become more powerful?"

The tornado tried to roll up the huge 'ship', but it had no effect at all. The three dragon-headed heads of the three-headed demon roared angrily.

There are many speculations in my mind. After all, compared with the original work, the biggest variable is myself, or in other words, besides myself, there is also the system in my mind.

After all kinds of efforts, the three-headed demon god had no choice but to give up, let out an unwilling roar, flapped its huge wings and left the Hell Flame Mountain.

"Ang!" "Ang!" "Ang!"

"Yes or no, then I have to be prepared for 'yes'..."

"My system should be able to deceive the original will to help me get what I need, but it is obviously impossible to deceive the creation of this ancient civilization..."

A long time ago, Yang Hao felt that this reincarnation era was not that simple. After all, the 'World Beast Crisis' was known.

No matter how many methods are used, the palace cannot be shaken even one bit.

Yang Hao was helpless. Even in the depths of the spaceship, his words were restricted, and some contents could not be spoken.

However, for the sake of safety, I still drove Jiu Mengzhou back crazily. The claws of a shadow that is dozens of light years old can grab Jiu Mengzhou and smash it, let alone one that is thousands of light years old.

"It's not coming for us." Yang Hao said.

I didn't expect the guardian of the dangerous place to be so powerful, much stronger than the strong man who attacked the cosmic sea!
The three-headed demon dragon's attack just now would cause any of the strongest people present to fall.

"Presumably the system and my appearance will inevitably bring about changes, which will change the entire timeline."

"Can it still be like this?" Yang Hao was stunned.

"What? Such an exaggeration?" Giant Ax was shocked in his heart, but fortunately he didn't show it to other strong men.

Simply solving the world beast crisis is actually not a big problem. After all, even without Yang Hao, there is still Luo Feng.

Then three huge claw phantoms appeared, each claw phantom reaching a thousand light-years in length!
You must know that the phantom of the claw that captured Jiu Mengzhou was only dozens of light-years in size.

His hometown was destroyed by this palace, so he naturally wanted revenge.

Yang Hao naturally knew that his 'good luck' was not really good luck, but the system's help.

"Is there still a crisis in the system?" Yang Hao couldn't help but ask.

"Otherwise, why are the most powerful and powerful treasures appearing in the universe sea so frequently recently, and why are creations of this ancient civilization born..."

However, the giant ax can also make a rough guess, and he feels a heavy pressure in his heart.

"Giant Axe, have you seen it? The crisis in the future is much more powerful than the three-headed dragon!" Yang Hao said.

With three heads and six pairs of crimson eyes, after scanning many powerful men, he flicked his head and went to another dangerous place in the space ship to become a guardian.

Although there is no sign-in reward, there are a lot of benefits. For example, the frequency of obtaining the most powerful treasures is higher, and even several pieces of the most powerful treasures are obtained.

Another example is when helping disciples search for special beings, they can meet powerful special beings within a very short window period.

But looking at it getting angry and frantically attacking the palace where it was born, its power must have exceeded the 11th level. Perhaps this Hell Flame Sacred Mountain was the place where he was conceived.

"Yes... or not, I'm not sure." The system's answer was vague and not entirely sure.

"It seems that this ancient creation opportunity should be related to the changes in me and the system."

"Wait a minute, could it be that the crisis that was originally meant to deal with me and the system, but the system deceived the original will to deal with the original universe?"

"It's extremely possible. Otherwise, how could there have been so many changes in the original universe?"

According to Yang Hao's speculation, although the world beast crisis is powerful, the final king of world beasts can even swallow a certain amount of the original universe.

But the primitive universe allows extremely powerful opportunities to come into being, which should also consume the source, so the primitive universe should make a choice.

Even in the face of the crisis of world beasts, the original work only brought the world of Jin and became the fourth Jedi.

If it weren't for Luo Feng, it would be extremely difficult to deal with the realm beasts with the help of the Fourth Jedi. Then the Nine-Headed Demon Lord felt that the victory rate of the original universe was not high, so he would take refuge in the realm beasts.

It seems that the original universe will bring more powerful opportunities, so the lost origin of the universe will even exceed the origin devoured by the world beast.

"If the crisis caused by deceiving the original will is stronger and the original universe is depleted of more sources, then it is very likely that a stronger opportunity will be born."

After some speculation, Yang Hao was able to explain why this palace was born.

Of course, it took a very short time to think about these things. After the three-headed demons flew away, a group of strong men landed directly on the deck of the 'ship'.

The ship is 600 light years long and 120 light years wide. It is extremely huge and can easily accommodate all powerful people.

All the strong men were searching on the deck, the hull, and even the bottom of the ship, trying to find the entrance inside.

Or touch the hull of the boat in an attempt to identify its owner. There was just an influx of divine power, but there was no reaction at all, just like a strong man who came to the Star Tower for the first time and tried to recognize the Star Tower as its master.

On the deck, there were eight powerful people from the human race and nine powerful people from the crystal clan. They were flying on the deck vigilantly, constantly observing their surroundings.

"What should I do now?" Juaxe couldn't help but ask.

"I'm not sure either." Yang Hao shook his head. He was not an encyclopedia, so he only made a general guess. It was not clear how he should fight for the opportunity.



While the strong men were searching, a slight vibration came from the ship's hull, and a roaring sound was transmitted, which all the strong men could hear.

A large black hole with a diameter of 100 million kilometers was exposed on the plywood in front of the hull, and a lot of precious materials were suddenly sprayed out of the hole.

These materials are all kinds of strange, including those for refining weapons and treasures, and those for refining domain treasures. There are all kinds of materials. "Quick! There are treasure materials!" Giant Ax reacted quickly and immediately led everyone towards the black cave entrance.

"Something is coming out, go quickly!"

"Treasure materials? Let's take it first." The Demon God who was closest to the cave entrance laughed and accepted all the treasure materials.

"Hand it over!" the Nine-Headed Demon Lord shouted.

"Heng Xing, hand over the treasure materials quickly!" Juehezhen said together.

"Haha, I will spit out what I took in?" Hengxing Demon God sneered: "What, you want to join forces to bully the few? I'm not afraid of you joining forces!"

The Rampant Demon God has excellent defense. Although he can't defeat these two, he can still save his life easily.

Relying on the powerful divine body of the Armored Supreme Treasure, the attacks of the Nine-Headed Demon Lord and True God Juehe hit the divine body without any pain.

"Damn it, Rampant Demon God is so lucky, I guess he just got some shit luck!"

"It's just some treasure materials. There are only a few that can be used to refine the ultimate treasure. What's so surprising about it."

"That's right, the pinnacle treasure is better than rubbish for us. Only the most powerful treasure will interest us."

Those two people were helpless and could only say that the Rampant Demon God was lucky.

"I'm leaving first, haha!" Seeing the strong men rushing here, the Rampant Demon God had no choice but to retreat temporarily.

The big black hole ejected three times in a row, each ejection carrying a pinnacle treasure, including even a pinnacle soul treasure.

Suddenly, various attacks appeared. There are various telekinesis weapon treasures, various melee treasures, and even some soul attacks.

"Damn it, they're coming!" the rampant demon screamed, and had to run away first.

"Haha, I didn't get the chance, let's get two treasures before we talk!"


The skeleton owner's book of death flipped, and countless ghost souls appeared, forming a field with a diameter of one trillion kilometers.

Although this is not the maximum range of the Book of Death, the intensity of the field is extremely high, achieving the strongest effect of the Book of Death.

Suddenly, those weakest and strongest people without the most powerful treasures felt instantly trapped in the quagmire.

Not only is the divine body hindered by various ghosts, but also attacked by many ghosts.

Although it can't cause too strong an attack on them, it still makes them feel a little uncomfortable.

A group of strong men were hindered by the Book of Death domain and had no way to rush into the black hole to fight for the treasure.

"Hmph! What a trick!" The third master of the Divine Eye Clan shouted coldly, and immediately mobilized the most powerful and precious star kingdom.

This side of time and space was instantly distorted, and countless stars appeared instantly, squeezing the souls of those ghosts.

Countless stars turned into streams of light and smashed against all the powerful men in the field. The Third God actually formed a tacit understanding with the Skeleton Master.

Do not suppress the opponent's field, clear the range of all strong men around the big black hole.

The black hole only ejected twice, the first time it was a treasure material, and the second time it was the ultimate treasure. If it continued to eject, it is unimaginable what kind of treasure it would eject.

There are too many strong men competing for the treasures, so some strong men must dare to leave.

"Damn it, resisting the most powerful treasures in two realms at the same time makes me feel uncomfortable!" The Rampant Demon God felt like he was stuck in a swamp and moved very slowly.

The star's attack on him and the ghost soul caused no serious harm to him, but his speed was blocked too much, making it difficult for him to return to snatch the treasure that spewed out.

"Haha, you're giving me an advantage!" The nine heads of the Nine-Headed Demon God couldn't help roaring.

It is said that when a snipe and a clam compete, the fisherman benefits, and he is the one who benefits.

"It would be an advantage for me if the two idiots released the territory before they arrived."

When the strength reaches the ninth level, the influence of the two major areas is not that great. At least it is easy to get a few treasures.

Some of the strongest people who did not have the most powerful treasures saw the situation and found it difficult to fish in troubled waters, so they had to temporarily withdraw from the domain and wait for opportunities on the periphery.

"Hmph, the first reincarnation era was full of lunatics. They attacked everyone as soon as they attacked. I don't want to mess with this group of lunatics." The owner of Shihua Island said secretly in the palace's most powerful treasure, Shihua.

Driving the palace, which is like a floating island, slowly moves forward in the field.

"My Shihua Island has the ability to swallow. I can't believe it will allow me to swallow two treasures. It would be perfect if it could eject the most powerful treasure..."

As for the strong man who possesses the most powerful treasure, he is not afraid at all. Instead, he keeps flying towards the big black hole.

In this small area of ​​time and space, there were actually fifty strongest people in one moment!
Without any pause, three treasures were ejected from the cave again. This time, the three treasures were all of the highest quality.

A palace, a realm and a winged flying treasure.

"Haha, so many treasures!" Giant Ax laughed.

With his giant ax opening the way, the two major areas had little impact on him and had already been squeezed into the innermost place.

With a wave of his hand, he grabbed a top-grade feathered treasure.

One of the other two pieces was snatched by the extremely lucky owner of Shihua Island using his treasure-sucking ability, and the other piece fell into the hands of the Third God.

"Damn it, why didn't you grab one?" The skeleton owner was slightly angry.

They are all areas of control, why can one of them fall into the hands of the Third God?

"This damn Holy Lord of the Crystal Clan reacted so quickly and actually joined the human race directly!" The owner of Shihua Island has always felt that he is very popular.

Unexpectedly, the Holy Master of the Crystal Clan has better connections and quicker reactions. He can get some soup by following the Human Clan.


"So many treasures!"

Although other powerful people missed it, they will continue to spray out treasures like this. Although they have the most powerful treasures, the top ones are also very good.

Besides, many ethnic groups need these treasures even more.


This time more treasures were sprayed out, and those treasures were connected in a row, constantly pouring out of the big black hole.

One after another, there are more than ten pieces in total, and these more than ten pieces are sprayed out in different directions.

Half of them were top-grade treasures, and the other half were also top-grade treasures. For a time, many strong men used their own methods to fight for them crazily.

Just like using the huge ax to directly chop the Fireworm Lord with Wu Ming, and once again obtained a top-grade treasure, Yang Hao also used Jiu Mengzhou to activate a volley.

Join forces with Darkness, Peng Gong, and the Holy Lord of the Crystal Clan to snatch a pinnacle treasure from the Dark Lord.

"So cool!"

"Hahaha..." The owner of Shihua Island did not expect to encounter such a situation, and swallowed four more treasures!

"Damn it, I actually made the Master of Shihua Island in the Third Reincarnation Era crazily swallow the treasure, and he took away less than half of the ejected treasure!" As the strongest God-Eye clan in the past, he only managed to grab one treasure. How can I bear it?

"Lao Qi, quickly use the Ice Cliff Castle to seal his Shihua Island!"

Of course, they are all palace-type supreme treasures. It is almost impossible to seal them, but it is also excellent to weaken the swallowing effect of the Shihua Island.

Otherwise, how can we fight for the treasure if all the treasures are snatched away by those little guys from the third reincarnation era?

The big black hole sprayed out a sword treasure, and the aura of the sword treasure was completely different from the previous one.

"The most powerful treasure!"

(End of this chapter)

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