Zhutian: My skills are not serious

Chapter 360 Zhong Wanchou: Baby, how can I live without you?

Chapter 360 Zhong Wanchou: Baby, how can I live without you?

A month later.

The Central Plains is covered in silver and snow, but most areas in Dali are still like spring, with camellia flowers in full bloom.

The same is true inside and outside the Wanjie Valley.

Shi Qinglu, a young flower-growing woman, knows how to plant and raise flowers, and she loves flowers even more. Ever since she and Gou Du came to Wanjie Valley and drove Zhong Wanchou away and took over the valley, in less than half a year, the courtyard inside and outside, and the rooftops and floors below, are almost covered with flowers of various colors, as if they were in a fairyland.

On this day, she carried two pottery basins from the mountain path into the valley. In the basins were two golden camellia flowers that she found in the back mountain. When the flowers are in full bloom, they are golden and pearly, and have great ornamental value. Most importantly, there are not many of them left in the world, and they are extremely rare.

"Hey, Senior Brother, you got up really early today."

Nearing the courtyard in the valley, she saw Gou Du holding an old book he had bought at the Dali city market some time ago. He was shaking his head and humming softly under the banyan tree with a large crack in the middle, as if he was reading a beautiful sentence and was completely intoxicated by it.

"Oh, it's Junior Sister." He was awakened by Shi Qinglu's voice, looked up, and said with a smile: "Is the green tree in the pottery pot the golden camellia you mentioned?"


"Junior sister, you said before that these trees are precious and you want to move them to the backyard flower garden. Have you ever thought about this: if our uncle comes and we complete our mission and leave here, who will take care of these flowers you have raised in the future?"

"Brother, I have decided not to return to Central Plains."

"Not going back to Central Plains?" Gou Du was shocked.

"Now I know why our master moved from Piaomiao Peak to Dali."

“These…these…these…” Gou Du pointed at the flower fields in front and behind the courtyard and said, “No wonder you put so much thought into this. Wanjie Valley, I think we should change its name to Wanhua Valley in the future.”

As the two were talking, Kang Guangling, with his flowing beard, walked out of the courtyard, rubbing his forehead.

"Heh... Junior brother, Junior sister, good morning."

After the battle of Shaolin Temple, he followed Su Xinghe to the Song-Liao border. After settling Azhu and Xiao Feng, he and Fan Bailing went straight to Dali, because Su Xinghe was worried that the people of the Dali royal family would cause trouble for Gan Baobao and her daughter. Although Ku Rong, Ben Xiang and Ben Can were abolished, Ben Guan and Ben Yin's martial arts were still there, and Duan Zhengming and the Yellow-browed Monk were also good. If it comes to fighting alone, he may be inferior to these people, but if he wants to escape with Chu Tongtong, it won't be a big problem, unless Duan Zhengming slaps himself in the face, destroys the rule that martial arts matters should be resolved by martial arts means, and sends out troops to intercept.

But what surprised them was that even though the Dali Duan family suffered such a great loss at the hands of Monk Kongxu, there had been no movement until more than a month ago, when Duan Zhengming issued an edict to appoint Duan Yu as the crown prince. Only then did they understand.

Duan Yu is the son of Duan Zhengchun, but he is also the apprentice of Monk Kongxu. The Duan family suffered a great loss, but after all, Monk Kongxu did not kill anyone. Duan Zhengming has to take care of the master-apprentice relationship between Duan Yu and Monk Kongxu, but also has to worry about touching Monk Kongxu's reverse scale and what price the Dali Duan family will pay. He also has to consider the impact of a country's royal family making things difficult for Gan Baobao and her daughter.

After weighing the pros and cons, it is understandable that Emperor Baoding chose to turn a blind eye.

"Eight friends of Hangu, come out here. Kidnapping people's wives and daughters and occupying my land is not... not what a gentleman does, and it is a disgrace to... the righteousness of the martial arts world."

"Kang Guangling, Fan Bailing, Gou Du, and that woman surnamed Shi, are you bullying me because I have no one in Dali? Ah, stop being cowards and come out now."

"If you don't come out, I will lead my men to kill you."


Fan Bailing walked out of the east wing with dark circles under his eyes and pointed in the direction of the valley entrance: "Zhong Wanchou?"

Shi Qinglu put down the pottery basin and said with a smile: "If not him, who else could it be?"

Fan Bailing resisted the urge to roll his eyes: "Is he done yet?"

During these days, Zhong Wanchou would come to the valley entrance every now and then to yell and curse at them, demanding that they return their property, their wives and their daughters. Perhaps he knew he couldn't beat them, so he only yelled and cursed and never took any action.

Gou Du was a scholar after all, and he was more reasonable than his two brothers: "He was not wrong. It was indeed us who occupied his land, took his wife and daughter, and drove him out."

Shi Qinglu said, "Brother, this is your fault. Zhong Wanchou imprisoned my grandmother and two uncles, and threatened to kill Uncle Tong'er to vent his anger. We didn't kill him with a single sword, which was already a good thing for him."

She knew how to rank them. Gan Baobao and Monk Kongxu were of the same generation, and Zhong Ling, Chu Tongtong and Su Xinghe were of the same generation. It was indeed correct to call him uncle master.

Kang Guangling thought for a moment and said, "Let's go to the entrance of the valley and take a look."

Shi Qinglu said, "You guys go ahead. I'll stay with Master's grandmother to prevent her from falling into Zhong Wanchou's trap of luring the tiger away from the mountain."

Kang Guangling and the other two thought that what he said made sense, so they did not object and walked towards the valley entrance together.

After Shi Qinglu left, a man jumped down from the big banyan tree. He was a monk. He looked at the entrance of the valley with a look of laughter and tears and said, "If there is a way to lick the Tao, Master Zhong will definitely be able to achieve immortality and be invincible in the world."

"Lick?" The little cutie on his shoulder didn't understand and asked in a baby voice.

"The way of a dog licker."

"Are you scolding him, or are you mocking yourself for being immoral?"

"Senior sister, you are wrong. I am saving people."

"Junior brother, look at what you said, do you believe it yourself?"

"Of course I believe it. Look, Gan Baobao has been married to Zhong Wanchou for more than ten years, but she has never let him sleep with her. What's the point of such a marriage? Not only has it delayed the continuation of the Zhong family line, but it has also delayed Gan Baobao's beautiful years. When it comes to matters between men and women, a short pain is worse than a long one."

He put his fingers together and said, "Only a sword of wisdom can cut through the thread of love. Unfortunately, he doesn't have it. I can only help him out of reluctance." The little cutie said, "So, Master Zhong should thank you for sleeping with his wife?"

"Amitabha, helping others is the duty of a monk."

The little cutie grabbed his ears.

"How can you be so shameless? If Master knew that the position of Xiaoyao Sect's leader was passed to you, he would be so angry that he would die."

"Tell me where he is buried, and I will nail the lid of his coffin shut."


When Chu Pingsheng and Senior Sister Qinqin were walking towards the room of Gan Baobao and her daughter, they saw Kang Guangling and the other two coming in the direction of the sound. Zhong Wanchou was cursing even more vigorously outside the valley.

Unlike in the past, this time he was not alone, there were also Ma Wude, Gan Guanghao, Gong Guangjie and other heroes from Dali Kingdom. Their martial arts skills were not high, so it would be better to say that they were invited by Valley Master Zhong to help, rather than to join in the fun. After all, there were not many people like Valley Master Zhong in the world - the eldest daughter who had been raised for eighteen years was Duan Zhengchun's, and the youngest daughter who was found after a year of pursuit was Monk Kongxu's.

Such heroes are truly unparalleled in the world and rarely seen in the world.

"Today I invite you all to come here to bear witness and see what these top-notch martial artists in the Central Plains, the Eight Friends of Hangu, really look like."

"This is not the first time that you have come to my Wanjie Valley. Now, not only have they occupied my property, but they have also imprisoned my wife and daughter. They are truly heartless and worse than beasts."

Zhong Wanchou wore a dark green turban and held a nine-ring knife in his hand. He looked at the visitor and said loudly, "They are bullying us because we have no one in Dali."

After hearing the first two sentences, people were still talking about it and speaking up for him. But when they heard the six words "No one in Dali bullies us", the atmosphere changed abruptly, as if an invisible hand had strangled Ma Wude and others by the neck.

Ninety nine percent of the people who come here are here to watch the fun. It's ok to complain about the Eight Friends of Hangu, but no one wants to take it seriously. Besides, everyone knows that Gan Baobao's youngest daughter is the monk Kongxu's. Zhong Wanchou hopes to stir up regional hatred to provoke confrontation. Everyone present is a shrewd person. Who would be stupid enough to fall for such a trick?
"Why are you silent? Today, my Wanjie Valley was occupied by someone. Tomorrow, it may be the turn of the Wuliang Sect's Jianhu Palace, the Shennong Gang's Liqing Pool, and your Huanglong Village, Master Ma..."

At this time, someone couldn't bear it and pointed behind him.

"Master Zhong, look who's coming out of the valley."

When Zhong Wanchou heard this, he turned around and saw that three of the Eight Friends of Hangu, Kang Guangling, Fan Bailing, and Gou Du, retreated to both sides and saluted the people who were coming on horseback.

There were three people sitting on the tall green horse in front. The middle-aged woman in front was his wife Gan Baobao, who still had charm. In her arms was a little girl who was a little over one year old. Her big black eyes were moving around, very lively. Behind them was a monk who was hugging the mother and daughter closely. The family of three rode on one horse and pedaled forward.

The girl sitting behind the yellow horse was about seven or eight years old. She looked at people with a coldness that was not in line with her age.

"Mr. Kongxu, it's you!"

All the hair on Zhong Wanchou's body stood up and he rushed forward with his knife in hand without saying a word.

With his mediocre martial arts skills, Chu Pingsheng just waved his robe sleeve lightly and flew two meters away, diving into the bushes on the side of the road.

"Zhong Wanchou, your Wanjie Valley is high in the west and low in the east, and the Azure Dragon cannot wrap around it. The Feng Shui is not good. Give it to my disciple. Of course, I will not let you suffer any loss. Next year, Duan Yu will inherit the throne and Zhong Ling will enter the palace as the queen. I will ask him to give you another Feng Shui treasure land. How do you think?"

"Who wants your Feng Shui treasure land? I just want my baby, my baby..." Zhong Wanchou struggled to get up, with some dandelion seeds on the corners of his mouth, making it all white.

Baby Gan didn't look back, didn't look at him, and didn't say anything. She looked at the babbling little girl with eyes full of motherly love, held her chubby little hand, and taught her to call daddy.

Chu Pingsheng squeezed the horse's belly, and the horse raised its head and neighed loudly, running forward with all four hooves. Ma Wude and others all got out of the way and let the family of three leave.

"Baby, don't be silent."

"Baby, look at me."

Zhong Wanchou was chasing after him with a knife in his hand. After running two steps, he tripped over a raised mound of earth and fell down. He got up and continued chasing.

"Baby, don't leave, come back."


"How can I live without you?"


Two months later.


The spring breeze blows gently, the waves are calm, and both sides of Taihu Lake are covered with red flowers and green willows.

"The old lady must remind the young lady more often that she should avoid getting angry or doing heavy work during pregnancy, and should not touch cold water. When the dampness and coldness are heavy, remember to drink more ginger soup and red bean porridge."

"Okay, I'll remember that. Doctor Wang, take care."

In Chanhe Village, the doctor who received a big red envelope walked away from the village with his medicine box on his back.

(End of this chapter)

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