Zhutian: My skills are not serious

Chapter 80 The mighty Tianlong subjugates the devil's palm

Chapter 80 The mighty heavenly dragon subjugates the devil's palm (third update)
"Old poisoner, you don't follow the rules." Zhou Botong screamed strangely and wanted to jump to the peach tree where Chu Pingsheng was to help him resist the blow. However, thinking about the rules of the game, once he left the peach tree, he would lose, so he hesitated.

At this moment, Ouyang Feng flew out with a roar of frogs. In mid-air, he clapped his hands forward, burped in his mouth, and an invisible energy spurted out.

The four people on the other side of the trestle stopped fighting and looked to the other side.

"Hey, this is it?"

Hong Qigong's solemn expression froze, and there was a hint of confusion in his eyes, because at the end of his line of sight, Chu Pingsheng made a half-hearted gesture with his left hand, and with his right hand, he made a gesture of riding on six dragons. With his two palms together, he could see Long Zaitian's trajectory was slashed with one palm.

hold head high……

A dragon's roar rose into the sky.

Two invisible energies collided in mid-air, causing a mass of turbulence. It seemed that the light was distorted, and a huge air mass was vaguely expanding.

Huang Yaoshi leaned to the right with a cold face, blocking Huang Rong behind him.

After two breaths.


The wind whistled.

A terrifying wave spread in all directions, and the petals on the peach trees on both sides were swept away. The waves on the lake receded, and the water body continued to stir.

Ouyang Feng flew backwards, turned somersaults to relieve some of his strength, and wanted to stand on the crown of the peach tree. Unexpectedly, there was a click under his feet, and the main trunk of the peach tree broke. He had to exert his strength with one step, jump down a second time, and fall. At the corner of the eaves of Jicui Hall.


The peach tree Chu Pingsheng was standing on was also broken, and the crown slowly fell. He jumped back and landed firmly on the handrail of the trestle railing. He glanced at the peach petals attached to his left sleeve and stretched out the back of his hand. Dusted off.

The audience was silent.

They all looked at him quietly.

In the previous competition with Huang Yaoshi in Guiyun Village for internal strength, the Quanzhen Six Sons had to use the ultimate move of Seven Stars Returning to One. In the end, he still defeated his opponent with the help of poisonous poison. Now, only more than half a month has passed, and he has actually managed to win without the help of poisonous poison and poisonous poison. While practicing kung fu horizontally, he was evenly matched with Ouyang Feng's toad kung fu by his own strength.

This... is really unacceptable.

Compared with this kid's entry, these old guys are simply ashamed.

Hong Qigong ignored Ouyang Ke and jumped from the peach tree onto the trestle, looking up at Chu Pingsheng: "What did you call this move just now?"

As he spoke, he made a few gestures with his hands.

Chu Pingsheng said: "This is my self-created martial arts, the mighty heavenly dragon subdues the devil's palm."

Create your own martial arts?

The mighty heavenly dragon subdues the devil's palm?
He also plays with his own creation?
How old is he that he can create his own martial arts?

Zhou Botong also abandoned Guo Jing and jumped over.

"Hahaha, Chu Pingsheng, tell me, did this powerful Heavenly Dragon Subduing Demon Palm use my left and right fighting?"

Chu Pingsheng did not deny it: "Not bad."

Hong Qigong then asked: "And the Eighteen Palms of Subduing the Dragon that I passed down?"


Before at the foot of the Monkey Paw Mountain, he could only store the power of two palms. Later, he used the succubus cultivation method to absorb Mei Ruohua's internal power. In addition, he learned Zhou Botong's left and right fighting, and he was able to combine the three palms into one. He did not rely on horizontal training. Kung Fu and Qi Jue Shadowless Sha can compete with the Four Jue in strength. Hong Qigong and Zhou Botong looked at each other and understood the shock in each other's eyes.

This guy is a monster!

Huang Yaoshi was also very sad. In the battle at Guiyun Village, he lost very embarrassingly and was very dissatisfied. At this time, when he saw that Ouyang Feng even used the Toad Kung Fu, but he only fought evenly with Chu Pingsheng, the resentment in his heart actually turned out. A lot has disappeared.

The way Huang Rong looked at Chu Pingsheng also changed somewhat. She really didn't expect that Chu Pingsheng, who could only be passively beaten by Ouyang Ke in Prince Zhao's Mansion two months ago, would be able to break up with Xidu Ouyang Feng two months later. So clever, this entry... is simply unprecedented.

"Old Poison, what are you doing there? Come down." Zhou Botong pulled Huang Yaoshi's sleeve and said, "Huang Laoxie, everyone has seen it. He used the Toad Kung Fu first. You can't favor him. .”

"let go."

Huang Yaoshi took off his sleeves with disgust on his face: "Brother Feng, you committed a foul."

Ouyang Feng jumped down and did not defend his actions. He narrowed his eyes tightly and said in a loud and excited voice: "Good work!"

In his opinion, Chu Pingsheng created a unique skill that could be compared with his Toad Kung Fu when he was in his early twenties, and he must have referred to the contents of the Nine Yin Manual.

This Nine Yin Scripture is indeed worthy of being called a martial arts treasure.

Zhou Botong had a naughty heart. Others were still shocked by Chu Pingsheng's strength. He had already turned his mind back to the competition: "Then who won this round? Who won?"

Guo Jing was honest: "I can't compare to Brother Chu."

Huang Rong was so angry that she was grinding her teeth and pinching him from behind.

Ouyang Ke turned away, not embarrassed to make a fuss about this matter. After all, Ouyang Feng praised Chu Pingsheng for his good kung fu.

"In this first round of competition, Chu Pingsheng won." Huang Yaoshi said expressionlessly, walked into Jicui Hall, and turned the jade flute in his hand half a circle: "In the second round of music competition."

When Huang Rong heard this, she became anxious and stamped her little feet and said, "Dad, aren't you making things difficult for brother Jing? He grew up in the desert and doesn't know anything about music."

Huang Yaoshi ignored her at all and continued to explain the details of the competition: "Next, I will play a piece of music. The three of you can hold bamboo branches and beat the time with the sound of my flute. Whoever plays the best will win the second game. "

Ouyang Ke looked proud. As the young master of Baituo Mountain, he was not only proficient in music, chess, calligraphy and painting, but also dabbled in many things. Chu Pingsheng was a scholar in southern Xinjiang, and Guo Jing was a herdsman in Mobei. How could they compare with him?

"Hey, Chu Pingsheng, do you understand the music?" Zhou Botong walked to Chu Pingsheng and said, "I can't help you with this."

"The music..."

He can sing well, at least he can howl the hot songs in KTV, but the problem is that he doesn't know anything about the ancient flute, harp, guzheng, etc.

"don't know."

"What should I do?"

"Cold salad."

While he was talking, the mute servant had already brought the bamboo branches and boards to the three of them. Huang Yaoshi also put Xiao to his lips, pressed it lightly with both hands, and began to play another of his favorite works, "Blue Sea Tide Music".

Huang Yaoshi's three most proud works in his life are the Peach Blossom Formation, in which the Four Wonders will get lost even if trapped in the formation; the magic power of a snap of the fingers, which is comparable to the Toad Kung Fu, the One Yang Finger, and the Eighteen Palms of Subduing the Dragon; and then there is "Blue Sea Tide Song" , people who do not have deep inner strength will feel excited and unbearably hot after listening to it. They will dance and scratch and move around. If they listen to it for a long time, it can even cause death.


A low flute sound sounded.

The rhythm was quite soothing at first, but as time went by, the melody became more and more weird and the key became higher and higher. While impacting people's eardrums and brains, it also had a certain impact on the movement of Qi in the body.

(End of this chapter)

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