Chasing Love of Underworld Bullies

017 Shangguan Haonan's Confession

Seeing Shangguan Haonan talking hoarsely, my heart felt like being pricked by a needle, which was more intense than what Xiaomin brought.I ran up quickly and hugged Shangguan Haonan tightly from behind, "Shangguan Haonan, stop talking and stop thinking about unhappy things, okay?" , I don't want to see Shangguan Haonan look sad.

"No, I have to say it, and you have to listen clearly," Shangguan Haonan turned around, and put my hands on his waist tightly. "Do you know? Why would I beg her to kill me then, but she just didn't want to, and said she would stay with me forever and help me find a girl who was with her to love me? In the end, she asked me to replace her Revenge, she said that she will only love me forever. Do you know? For me who has no maternal love since I was a child, how much I wish to have a mother who can love me, and the result? You Rou told me that she came to kill me Father.

After I finished speaking, I died in my arms. When I learned that my father was killed and was in the hospital for emergency treatment, I couldn't hold on anymore. It made me lose all my feelings and embarked on the underworld. I finally Revenge, but I still can't be happy?Tears appeared on Shangguan Haonan's face from time to time. It turned out that he had pretended too well, and it turned out that his heart was so kind.

Even if it's revenge, You Rou still can't return to your side, so you can only continue to hang around in the underworld.Su Nu went on for him, "Shangguan Haonan, let him lose what he loses! I don't think Sister Yourou wants to see you like this."

"At first, I thought your eyes and your tone were very similar to You Rou. I thought you were You Rou, but today I realized that I have fallen in love with you. You are a good girl just like You Rou, Miss Su, Let me protect you, okay? Be my girlfriend, okay!" Shangguan Haonan tightened my hand again, expecting my answer.However, I didn't know my true intentions, and I blushed because I was holding back.

Shangguan Haonan seemed to understand my psychology, "Say, it's okay, I will give you one night to think about it, and I will answer tomorrow." Shangguan Haonan let go of my hand, so-called, "Tomorrow I want an answer, can you give me a satisfactory answer?"

Shangguan Haonan looked into the distance, looking for my answer, I nodded silently.I wish we could hold hands all the time instead

Let's go back, you're hungry too, let's go eat first, shall we?As Shangguan Haonan said, he took my hand and walked towards the car.

On the way back, I was thinking, if I reject him, then he will still pretend to be himself in the future, but I really hope to see his smiling face, if I accept, all the sources will make me breathless.Along the way, we didn't speak, and went directly to the restaurant for dinner.

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