Chasing Love of Underworld Bullies

029 Meet Shangguan Guorong 2

The next day, when the first ray of sunlight came in, Shangguan Haonan opened his eyes and got out of bed to wash up.Walking to the living room, "Mother Zhang, is my dad still awake?" "Young master, the master went out early in the morning, and he made breakfast for you?" Zhang Ying said with a smile, and served breakfast.

Haonan sniffed it with his nose, "It smells so good! It seems that it has improved a lot." While talking, he did not forget to pick up a piece of meat and put it in his mouth to eat.

Shangguan Guorong came to Tulip Middle School early in the morning, "Go and ask, that girl named Su is in that class, come back and tell me right away." After speaking, he closed his eyes and walked to the campus. "Hey, who is this! Is this a new student? He's so handsome!" Shangguan Guorong caused the girls to scream as soon as he stepped into Tulip Middle School. He smiled with satisfaction, completely forgetting that he was already over 40 At the age of 50, he still winked at the girls, which made the girls obsessed.

"I don't know if I saw that handsome guy again today, and these nympho screamed again." Lin Ke pouted, put down the soy milk and fried dough sticks, and ran up to have a look, "Wow, another handsome guy, Miss Su , come quickly! Come quickly!" Saying that, she did not forget to call Su Nu.At this time, Shangguan Guorong heard the word Su Nv, and immediately stopped to observe seriously.

Su Nu ran up to Lin Ke's side and pulled Lin Ke and said, "Xiao Ke, we're going to the dormitory, Xiaomei and the others are still waiting?" Su Nu nodded slightly to Shangguan Guorong and said, "I'm sorry, my sister Rumang bothered you." After speaking, he pulled Lin Ke away.

"Wait a minute," Shangguan Guorong liked this child as soon as he saw Su Nu, "Are you Su Nu? I don't know if you have time to have a cup of coffee with me." Shangguan Guorong walked up to Su Nu, carefully probing .

"Excuse me, do we still need military training? Let's talk when we have time." Just as he was about to turn around and leave, he was blocked by four men in black. I just want to have a good talk with you." Shangguan Guorong lowered his eyes and stared at Su Nu, "It's okay if you don't agree, your sister can't leave with you," said one person Lin Ke was caught, and Lin Ke realized that he had caused trouble.

Su Nu looked at Lin Ke and said angrily, "You are so domineering! How could you threaten me? What do you think?" After speaking, she raised her head to look at the man in front of her, and suddenly said no. Speaking, this man looks so much like Shangguan Haonan, could it be his elder brother? "Okay, I'll go with you, you let him go."

open. "Sister Su, don't go with him, he must be a bad person, let's delay and wait for Shangguan Haonan to come and talk about it." Lin Ke held on to Su Nu. "Xiao Ke, you go back first. In case I need anything, you can tell Haonan to come to me, okay? Be good." After speaking, he followed behind them and walked out of the school gate.

At the same time, Shangguan Haonan also drove into the school. As soon as Lin Ke saw Shangguan Haonan, he chased after him, "Shangguan Haonan, Miss Su was taken away." Lin Ke watched the nymphomaniacs surround Shangguan Haonan Just yelled. "What are you talking about? Who took Miss Su away." Shangguan Haonan grabbed Lin Ke's hand and said coldly. "I don't know, they just went out." "Okay, I know, you go back and wait for the news!" After speaking, he quickly got into the car and went straight out.I thought to myself, I finally got Su Nu to accept me, I can't just give up like this, if I give up, he will regret it.

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