Chasing Love of Underworld Bullies

047 Shangguan Haonan Injured 2

Nu Su remained silent the entire time.He was just quietly recalling the days when he was with Shangguan Haonan.

The man sitting next to Guizitou suddenly said, "Brother, why hasn't that boy Shangguan come here yet! Shall we call?"

"Don't worry? That boy Shangguan will definitely come." The head of the devil also said worriedly, "Brother, it's too chatty! Why don't we come and play with this chick? Let's see what that kid Shangguan chose .”

"Well, be careful, brothers, let me show you how your eldest brother and I molested this woman." Said, the devil threw away the cigarette in his hand, and walked towards Miss Su.

Nu Su was scared, she was really scared at this moment. "What are you doing? Stay away from me." Su Nu yelled, because the devil's head was getting closer and closer to her.

Guizi head blew hot air in my ear, "Little girl, don't worry? Brother Guizi will make you very comfortable, and will bring you more joy than that kid from Shangguan. If you do it once, you will need brother Guizi again." Yes." The devil whispered nasty things in a low voice, and even touched me with his hands.Su Nu finally burst into tears.The body kept shaking, hoping that the devil would let him go.

"The way you look is becoming more and more attractive. Do you want me to go in directly? Or do you want me to be gentle?" The devil smiled evilly.I'm about to take off my clothes.

"Bang" the door was kicked open, and the younger brother of Guizitou immediately surrounded him and started fighting.Shangguan Haonan kept accepting the iron rod's chasing and hitting with both hands, and he was able to hit everyone with style.The devil immediately grabbed my neck and said, "Stop, or I will strangle her to death."

Shangguan Haonan looked at me with tears streaming down his face, and put down the iron rod in his hand that he had avoided just now. "You let her go, and I'll let you dispose of her." The voice was still so cold.But I shook my head. "No, Haonan, don't be so stupid! Don't save me, we have already broken up, haven't we? Are you quick?" I couldn't hold back my tears, seeing Shangguan Haonan coming here empty-handed, my My heart is drunk, what should I do if something happens to him?

"Okay, very good, Shangguan Haonan, you are so courageous that you came here alone. You can let her go if you want, but we want your life." The devil shook his head, and the little man rushed forward and counted The iron rod fell on Shangguan Haonan, and I yelled, "Don't hit me, don't hit me anymore, Haonan, change hands!"

Shangguan Haonan clenched his fists and looked at me without saying a word.My heart aches so badly, I can hardly breathe.Suddenly, when I saw that the iron rod was about to hit Shangguan Haonan, I was so surprised that I couldn't speak.I suddenly felt in my heart:

What fills the world with joy?

What fills the world with misery?

What makes life lose the color of life?

What deprives life of its brilliance?

What makes the world appear so cruel?

All this comes from human greed?

Everything in front of me proves that tolerance to the enemy is cruelty to oneself

You are right.

I lost my voice and cried, why did you treat me like this, heaven and earth created life, gave life, but took it away in such a hurry?It was about to fall.I kept shaking my head to remind Shangguan Haonan.But Shangguan Haonan still stood and looked at me with a nice smile on his mouth

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