You cultivate immortality, I cultivate merit

Chapter 177 The requirements are so high

Chapter 177 The requirements are so high

Shi Zelan said very casually: "Uncle, Master, I will meditate for a while."

Master Decheng and Master Shanzheng looked at her expression. Master Decheng smiled and said, "Okay, a snowy night is perfect for a heart-to-heart talk."

"Uncle, I think a night like this is suitable for a master of martial arts to play a flute on the top of a big tree."

"Pfft, what kind of weird hobby do you have."

Master Decheng couldn't help laughing: "There are no tall trees in our yard.

The trees beside the well in the alley are growing okay, but I don’t have the hobby of playing the flute on a snowy night. "

Shi Zelan lamented: "I was flipping through a storybook in a bookstore a few days ago, and I seemed to see such a scene written in it."

"Have you bought the storybook?"

"No, it's so well written and profound, I was trying to think of what story he wanted to say while reading it.

If the writing is too straightforward, I would read it after flipping through it a few times, and then I would have no idea of ​​reading it again. "

Shi Zelan wanted to buy some story books that were worth reading again and again, but she didn't see any such book in the bookstore.

Since Shi Zelan embarked on the path of spiritual practice, half of her heart has been to believe in chance and not to force people and things that are not her own.

When Shi Xiaoliu asked Shi Zelan what his other half believed in, she was a little confused at the time and said: "I won't know what I will ultimately believe in until I open up a little more."

"Shan Zheng, you don't like reading story books. You miss countless interesting stories."

Master Decheng listened to Shi Zelan's words and spoke to Master Shanzheng sincerely.

"Senior brother, if you write down what you have experienced, it will definitely be more exciting than just making it up in a storybook, and the climax and ups and downs will be thrilling."

Shi Xiaoliu and Shi Zelan listened to Master Shanzheng's words, and they immediately turned to Master Decheng: "Master (Uncle), can you talk to us?"

Master Decheng looked at the curiosity in their eyes and said, "Didn't you also experience the snow cave?"

Shi Xiaoliu pursed his lips and said nothing, but Shi Zelan shook his head and said, "Master, you can tell us about your first experience of leaving the sect."

Master Decheng was silent for a long time. When Shi Xiaoliu and Shi Zelan thought he couldn't speak, he suddenly spoke.

"I was really young at that time, and I was a little ignorant. I thought that my cultivation level was at least among the top three among my brothers, and I was also an alchemy doctor."

Shi Xiaoliu and Shi Zelan nodded aside, and Shi Zelan asked curiously: "Do you have many people traveling?"

“There were so many, dozens of people came in total.

Oh, Sister Lan, your uncle and your father were also there at that time. "

Shi Zelan became more and more interested. Her father was a legendary figure in the sect, but everyone described him as too fantasy.

"Uncle, was my father ranked fourth in cultivation at that time?"

"Hehe, hehe, hehe, the young genius has seven exquisite orifices, and your uncle has lost a bit of his luster because of him."

Shi Zelan frowned slightly after listening to Master Decheng's words: "They said that my father is not a flamboyant person."

Master Shanzheng nodded at the side: "Your uncle is kind-hearted, and he has the best relationship with your father.

Don't listen to your uncle's nonsense. He is jealous of your father's first time out of the sect and how he amazed everyone in the world. "

"Xiao Liu, it's good for us like this. No one notices us. We practice and grow silently." Shi Zelan believed in Shanzheng Zhenren's words. If Shi Beichen was an overly public person, her uncles would not love her so much.

Shi Xiaoliu nodded after listening to Shi Zelan's words: "Uncle Beichen is so outstanding. I like my current life."

"Xiao Liu is fine, but Sister Lan, you are not quite like your father and mother. Their personalities are as dazzling as the sun and moon in the sky."

"Then I will be a star among the stars, shining with my own light, and I can also illuminate a small area of ​​the sky."

Shi Xiaoliu strongly agreed from the side, how hard it must be for someone who shines like the sun and the moon behind someone else's back.

Master Decheng looked at Shi Xiaoliu and felt that he was too hopeless.

He always followed Shi Zelan together. In the eyes of outsiders, the two of them seemed to have little potential.

Then Master Decheng was very pleased. At Shi Xiaoliu's current age, he already knew the path he should take.

At his age, he was somewhat showy and flamboyant. No wonder he suffered setbacks later.

He secretly glared at Master Shanzheng and motioned for him to go into the room first to avoid the experience he was about to tell.

Master Shanzheng just pretended not to see Master Decheng's eyes, but urged: "Senior brother, you have been chatting for a long time. When will you officially tell the story?"

“Bah, you’re the one telling stories.

It is said that the first time I went out of the sect, there was a huge formation, led by two true monarchs, and dozens of us brothers formed a team to enter a mysterious cave together with the sect disciples nearby. "

Master Decheng frowned. He actually didn't want to recall that experience. Some of them stayed in that cave forever.

When Shi Xiaoliu saw the tangled look on Decheng's face, he shook his head at Shi Zelan.

After meeting Master Shanzheng, he said to Master Decheng: "You have been unwilling to tell them this experience. Is it because you yourself have never come out of that incident?"

Master Decheng sighed: "Actually, it's not that I don't want to say it. It's just that when I say it, I always feel sad in my heart when I think of my senior brother who I will never see again.

We were too young back then and had many plans for the future. We all believed that we would meet our own opportunities after going to the cave.

The two true kings repeatedly reminded us that we needed to pay attention to our affairs during the journey. At that time, I just felt that they were too worried about us. "

Master Decheng talked about the experience of entering the cave for the first time. He said that the cave was full of the best elixir, but when he reached out to pick the elixir, he was almost injured by the red ants on the root of the elixir.

As he spoke, he turned to remind Shi Xiaoliu and Shi Zelan: "When you encounter situations like this in the future, you must make proper preparations before reaching out."

Shi Xiaoliu and Shi Zelan both nodded, and Master Decheng continued to talk about his subsequent experience of almost facing death.

"I walked for three days and three nights and couldn't get out of the cave. Later, Master Fang Cheng had no intention of using it as a cave.

He quickly found a way out, and we came out of the cave together, but fell into a cave.

I still remember that the cave was as beautiful as a fairy cave. Master Fang Cheng told me at the time that it was too beautiful to be true. "

Master Decheng stopped, Shi Zelan took a breath and said, "Uncle, have you encountered the psychedelic array again?"

"Yes, what I saw was the Immortal Cave. Your uncle told me later that he saw flowers all over the mountains and fields."

Shi Xiaoliu turned to Shi Zelan and said, "We learn the formation from Xia Yu. We must at least know where the formation's eye is."

"Xiao Liu, you have really high demands on the two of us."

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