The strongest healer

Chapter 299 Temporary Allies

Chapter 299 Temporary Allies
Song Shi took cover from the trees, dodging and hiding behind different tree trunks. He carefully moved to the river bank that was perpendicular to the two teams, making sure that the target persons were within the range of the sniper rifle, and climbed up another camphor tree to hide his body.

Carrying a sniper rifle, he focused on the riverbed opposite.

The plan they developed was divided into two steps and one purpose.

Step 1: Song Shi stays here and snipes the healer in the target team.

Step 2: Tang You, Wen Duolin, and Wang Xiaoman attract the strange beasts nearby.

The purpose is to give full play to one's own strengths.

The advantage of their 222 team is that they have two healers.

Song Shi and Wang Xiaoman.

Song Shi herself is a hexagonal warrior with strong self-protection ability. The so-called "healers are weak and cannot protect themselves" does not apply to her. She comes and goes freely and it is difficult for anyone to eliminate her.

This time the team formation is free to choose. Other teams do not have the opportunity to select two healers for their team. More healers means more combat shortcomings of the team, and more energy must be devoted to protecting them, and the risk of losing points is also greater.

No matter how powerful these teams are, without a healer, they will be lambs to be slaughtered when facing the black energy of strange beasts.

In the sight of the Song Dynasty.

The 3S-level healer in Lu Qian's team, a young woman named Audrea, reacted quickly to support Lu Qian and repair his brain nerves.

Lu Qian's expression softened a little.

He scanned the surroundings vigilantly, looking for potential hiding places.

During this time, he swept past the camphor tree where Song Shi was hiding. Song Shi lowered the muzzle of the gun to avoid pointing it directly at Lu Qian.

The existence of a sense of crisis has been verified in the Federal Research Institute. The higher the level of the awakened person, the stronger the sense of uneasiness when danger is about to come.

When Lu Qian's gaze shifted elsewhere, Song Shi aimed the gun back at his left shoulder - between Audrea's eyebrows.

Her mind quickly planned how to successfully shoot the three healers present.

It was relatively easy to eliminate Wu Zhilu because Lu Xing was busy fighting.

But it would be best to eliminate Wu Zhilu with the first shot. If you shoot other people first, Lu Xing will definitely be alert, and the gap between two shots will be enough for him to block Wu Zhilu.

Combat awakening systems above S level, no matter which system they are, will have rich intuition and combat experience. When they are alert, it is difficult for mental bullets to successfully penetrate their bodies. They have various ways to block mental bullets.

She was able to successfully snipe them because of the moment when they were off guard.

The second shot eliminated Odelia.

The second shot also had its conditions. Lu Qian had to endure the torture of mental attacks and he would not be able to respond quickly to the bullets in order to have a hope of hitting the target.

The third shot.

Song Shi glanced at the young man in the middle of the six people who were lying in ambush on the embankment.

Before Tang You left, she told her that the young man with chestnut wool curly hair and a clean face was the healer of the team.

She fired the first two shots, which took 3 to 4 seconds. This time was enough for Gong Wanyun to react, realize what she was going to do, and immediately protect the healer with his teammates.

Once the healer is protected by layers of defense, she will have no chance, especially since there is a psychic awakener in their team. The materialization of the psychic awakener's mental power can block psychic bullets.

The directions of the two shots could be used to guess where she was hiding.

Gong Wanyun will bring the entire team to investigate the situation.

As long as they walk 100 meters towards this side, the psychic awakener will be able to immediately detect her exact location.

The other two teams that lost their healers will also rush towards her.

The strange beast has not been attracted yet. She alone will not be a match for this group of people. She will be easily eliminated by them.

...temporarily give up the healer in Gong Wanyun's team.

You will always find an opportunity, don't be in a hurry.

After reviewing the progress of the incident in his mind, Song Shi put his index finger on the trigger, and saw Wu Zhilu in the scope. He still needed to wait, waiting for the mental system to attack Lu Qian.

3 second, 5 seconds, 10 seconds...

Lu Qian suddenly half-knelt on one knee on the ground with a painful look on his face. Audrea held his hand nervously, and the power of repair passed to him one after another.

The time has come!
Song Shi pulled the trigger.

The bullet rotates at high speed and there is no deviation in its trajectory.


[You killed a member of Team 06, points +612]

Wu Zhilu's body was thrown away by the huge impact force of the bullet.

After hearing the noise, Lu Xing turned his head to look, his eyes bloodshot. He wanted to pick up Wu Zhilu, but was tripped by the three people in front of him. He suddenly went crazy, bursting out with unprecedented fighting power.

Zhang Wenjing and his two companions were beaten back step by step.

Lu Xing brandished his sword and shouted angrily: "Gong Wanyun! Is this what you call cooperation?!"

Lu Xing did cooperate with Gong Wanyun.

But this partner is not very reliable.

In the end, Lu Xing failed to catch Wu Zhilu.

By the time he broke free from the siege of the three people, Wu Zhilu had already turned into smoke and left this world. Lu Xing only caught a wisp of white smoke.

His eyes suddenly turned blood red as he stared at the camphor tree where Song Shi was hiding.

Song Shi did not pay much attention to the subsequent developments. After she fired a shot, she immediately moved the sniper rifle horizontally and aimed the scope at Audrea, who was one hundred meters in front of Wu Zhilu.

Audrea half-knelt, holding Lu Qian's hand tightly, and the healing power enveloped Lu Qian.

The moment he heard the gunshot, Lu Qian realized that something was wrong. He asked Audrea to lie down immediately and turned around to call on other members not to fight.

Each of these steps takes time.

Song Shi only needed to move the sight slightly.


Song Shi pulled the trigger decisively.

Lu Qian forced himself to raise his sword to cut off the bullet.

The bullet was spinning at high speed, and Song Shi's heart sank slightly. Lu Qian was able to hold the sword under the 2S-level mental attack!

One more shot!
Song Shi calmly loaded his gun and decisively gave Lu Qian and Audrea one bullet each.

There are no permanent enemies, only permanent benefits.

At this critical juncture, Song Shi briefly became an ally of Gong Wanyun.

They worked together to weaken the power of Lu Qian's team.

The moment the bullet flew over, Lu Qian was subjected to an even more violent mental attack.

His hands trembled, his face lost color, and the sword almost slipped out of his hand, let alone blocking Song Shi's bullet.

After being fired, the high-speed rotating mental bullet passed through three centimeters from Lu Qian's sword blade, carrying a terrifying force and entering Audrea's head.

[You killed a member of the 1969 team, points: +520]

There is a second and a third bullet.

The second bullet fired at Audrea missed and passed through Audrea's body which turned into smoke.

Lu Qian endured the pain as if his head was being repeatedly crushed by a strange beast, and rolled on the ground to avoid the bullet that was shot at his forehead.

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