The strongest healer

Chapter 309 War

Chapter 309 War
That afternoon, everyone moved to their dormitories together.

Song Shi, Tang You, Wang Xiaoman, and Wen Duolin live together in a five-person suite. Jiang Chifeng did not move in. Whether he can join depends on how well he fits in with the four members of the team in the next month.

the next day.

Train as usual.

Chang Yurui received a communication and hurriedly left the training ground.

The deputy instructor temporarily took over her job, inspecting the students who were practicing and teaching them one or two techniques.

In the open-air outdoor training ground, teams can practice with each other.

There are now more than 500 teams that have been temporarily formed, and the rest are still in the wait-and-see stage.

Those who failed to form a team can practice with their usual partners.

The training ground was full of people fighting each other.

Song Shi was fighting with Wen Duolin bare-handed, and sweat was on both of their foreheads.

The fists hit the body, bang bang dong dong, and the sound of each punch hitting the flesh was particularly solid.

Song Shi and Wen Duolin were unwilling to give in to each other.

Tang You stood aside and watched the fight, learning the fighting techniques of the two.

Wang Xiaoman is not here. She is a healer and her training place is on the other side of the training ground separated by a row of tennis nets.

The deputy instructor stayed in front of Song Shi and Wen Duolin for two minutes, nodded with satisfaction, and without much instruction, he walked towards the next team and was almost tripped by Jiang Chifeng, who was lying flat on the ground with his arms and legs spread out.

The deputy instructor was a strict one. He thought Jiang Chifeng was slacking off, so he kicked Jiang Chifeng's calves twice and said sternly, "What time is it now? Still slacking off! Stand up and train!"

Jiang Chifeng propped up his upper body with a bitter face, his eye sockets were full of bruises, like a giant panda, and the corners of his mouth were also black and blue.

The deputy instructor wanted to teach him a lesson, but when he saw his expression, the words that were about to come out of his mouth got stuck in his throat.

"I just finished practicing. I'll lie down and rest for a while." Jiang Chifeng protested unhappily. The movement of his voice pulled the wound at the corner of his mouth, and he grimaced in pain.

The deputy instructor coughed twice and said, "If you want to rest, go to the chair over there and rest."

The assistant instructor pointed to a circle of seats surrounding the drill ground.

"The ground is cold."

Leaving behind these words, the deputy instructor left in a hurry.

Jiang Chifeng glanced at the chair far away in the sky. His whole body felt sore. He didn't want to move, but he couldn't take a step.

Jiang Chifeng lay down on the spot, completely disfigured, rubbing his eyes gently, his heart trembling with pain.

It is now ten o'clock in the morning, the sun is halfway up the sky, and the sunshine is just right.

Suddenly, a shadow blocked Jiang Chifeng's head.

Jiang Chifeng opened his eyes and looked.

Tang You.

"Have you rested? I haven't fought with you yet."

"…Do I look like I've had a good rest?"

Jiang Chifeng pointed at his own eyes and accused, saying that one of the punches was from Song Shi, and the other one was from Wen Duolin.

"It's just a minor injury. Your movements are not affected." Tang You watched the entire fight between Jiang Chifeng and Song Shiwen Duolin and knew very well how badly he was injured.

Jiang Chifeng was incredulous: "..." Do these people still have any humanity left?
"Hurry up and get up. When you go to the battlefield in the future, will you be unwilling to move after getting injured like this?" Tang You asked.

Jiang Chifeng reluctantly got up and touched the dark blue wolf totem on the side of his neck. With the contracted beast here, no one could hurt him. Unfortunately, the use of contracted beasts was not allowed today.


Chang Yurui returned to the training ground, and the winner between Tang You and Jiang Chifeng had not yet been decided.

Jiang Chifeng's melee strength is very weak compared to his talent for taming beasts.

The man who was lying on the ground with two black circles under his eyes after being hit had never experienced the hardship of actual combat before coming to the training base.

The winner between Song Shi and Wen Duolin has been decided, with Song Shi having a slight advantage.

The two watched the fight between Tang You and Jiang Chifeng.

Wen Duolin rubbed the shoulder that Song Shi had just removed and looked at the time. 20 minutes had passed. She and Song Shi had fought many games. Song Shi challenged her by crossing levels every time, and in the end, Song Shi won every time.

Is she really destined to be second forever?

It used to be Lu Xing, and now it is Song Shi.

"Once you upgrade to 3S, it will probably take less than five minutes before I lose to you." Wen Duolin said in a complicated tone.

Song Shi handed Wen Duolin a pure white towel to wipe his sweat, "Then you have to work harder and try not to lose so badly in the future."

Wen Duolin's mouth twitched. He took the towel, wiped his face twice, and said in a muffled voice, "...You are so immodest."

Song Shi raised his eyebrows, "We are from the same school, so we are the same."

Wendolin: “…”

Chang Yurui returned to the center of the training ground and stopped the training.

"I have something to say."

The training ground gradually became quiet, and everyone looked at Chang Yurui, who was standing on the central platform with a serious expression.

"I just received a message, an emergency communication from the federal government."

"The first-level wanted person Song Ye led his forces to attack the walls of the ninth and tenth bases, causing extensive damage to the walls and influx of alien beasts. The army is resisting the human rebels on the front line, while alien beasts are rampant in the rear. The two bases are severely affected and need support."

"I think this is an opportunity to train your combat skills, to truly face life and death."

"I have applied to send you out for training, and the higher-ups have approved it. You will set off this afternoon. Now I will assign you tasks."

It happened so suddenly that no one had time to prepare.

How could a wanted criminal's power contend with the federal government's troops stationed on the front lines? How did a solid wall made of special materials get destroyed?

Chang Yu Rui didn't explain any of this, she just quickly assigned the tasks.

"There are no team members yet. You can form a team now, or let me randomly assign teammates for you."

"We have 1,000 teams, divided into three groups. One group will go to clean up the monsters in the ninth base, one group will go to clean up the monsters in the tenth base, and the last group will support the front line."

"Since we are still in the Forerunner Program training period, all our actions will be counted for points, and this time is no exception. Killing alien beasts and Song Ye's subordinates will add points. The one with the most points wins."

"You must wear recorders throughout the process. After this matter is handled, I will send someone to count your points from the recorders and rank you."

"That's all for the rules. Now I give you the right to choose. You are free to choose which mission to perform. The time limit is ten minutes."

Everyone received a program on their optical computer, with three options on the mini-program: the ninth base, the tenth base, and the front line.

"Of course, choose the front line. There's no need to look for them. The enemies are right in front of you, as are the exotic beasts. Kill as many as you want. It's the easiest way to get points." Jiang Chifeng said, and was about to click the "Front Line" button.

Song Shi grabbed Jiang Chifeng's arm to stop him, looked at Tang You worriedly, and said in a firm tone, "Go to the Ninth Base."

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