Chapter 297 I’m not doing well, so don’t even think about it

[I really like Xia Qing. Shen Jimeng is Xia Qing himself. 】

[When will the misunderstanding between the two of them be solved? I want to see their sweet interaction. 】

[I think Jiang Yi and Shen Jimeng in "The Stars Are Coming" are more CP-like. 】

[It seems that Shen Jimeng did not have a road show with the male lead of this drama, and he did not speculate on CP]

[If you can’t act in a drama, just have a CP with the male protagonist. What do you think of our cute girl? 】

Zheng Xinyao, who had not announced anything for half a year, saw Shen Jimeng's face on TV, and the ferocious look on her face gradually became sudden.

"I'm not having a good time, why should you feel better?"

As he spoke, he picked up the phone in his hand and dialed.

"Which one?"

"Is this Jiang Yi? I'm Zheng Xinyao. Can we chat?"

The person on the other end of the phone paused for a moment, and then said politely and distantly: "Sorry, my schedule has been quite full recently, so I hung up beforehand."

The moment she put down the phone, Zheng Xinyao said calmly: "Don't you want to know about your girlfriend Shen Jimeng?"

Jiang Yi looked at the busy studio not far away, turned around and got into his nanny car: "What do you want to do again?"

Zheng Xinyao on the other end of the phone curled her lips as she listened to his dissatisfied words: "What can I, a low-level actor, do? I just want to reveal something to you and get some benefits."

"I have been in the industry for so long and I have never let anyone with ill intentions succeed."

"Don't worry, my material will definitely surprise you."

"After all, my time is limited."

"Say yes, I need you to help me provide the female leads for two dramas."

"Zheng Xinyao, do you think I will agree?"

"I will." Zheng Xinyao said, sent him a MMS, and hung up the phone immediately after sending it. The reason why she hung up the phone was that she had enough confidence to let Jiang Yi call him again.

Ever since she was kicked out of the crew of "Mountain Journey", even if she offended Shen Jimeng, she also offended her boss because of Shen Jimeng. Now she is almost like Xuezang in the company.

Except for one drama to be aired, live broadcasts have been started online during this period. In daily life, she went from being a third- and fourth-tier actress to now having nothing to film, all because of Shen Jimeng.

But she, Zheng Xinyao, is a smart person. What she lost from Shen Jimeng, she picked up from her.

Sure enough, at night, Zheng Xinyao received a call from Jiang Yi.

"Brother Jiang, how's it going? Is it an accident?"

"When was it taken?"

"As you know from the previous paragraph, He Qingyi was my boyfriend before, so you can completely trust the authenticity I gave you.

In addition to this photo, I can also send you an agreement document, which is the custody agreement signed by He Qingyi and Shen Jimeng in the early years. "

"That's enough. I'll give you 30 million, and you can bring the original."

Zheng Xinyao shook her head: "I can't get the original, and I don't want money. As I said, I'm the heroine of two big productions."

"You are not qualified to negotiate terms with me."

"Isn't this what we're talking about? It seems Brother Jiang hasn't figured it out yet, so let's talk about it another day."

"Wait, let's meet?"

Zheng Xinyao on the other end of the phone smiled: "Okay, should I go find Brother Jiang, or should Brother Jiang come over?"

"I do not have time."

"Then I'll go, but Brother Jiang has to reimburse the round trip fare."

Zheng Xinyao hung up the phone and looked at Shen Jimeng on the TV with pride, with obvious sarcasm at the corner of her mouth.

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