Yun Shudai didn't need to watch the video, just hearing Tiantian's words made her happy for a long time: "Sister Yao, do they know this?"

"I said, so his team is now discussing countermeasures. They want to protect Jiang Yi and Shen Jimeng, but they can't bully us.

This is not the case when you were in their company before.

The fame is not what it was two years ago.

So if we want to use the previous method to influence you, we definitely don’t agree. "

Yun Shudai gave Sister Yao a big hug, which made Sister Yao smart.

"Sister Yao, thank you, thank you to the company for doing this for me."

"Oh, don't be so disgusting, I can't stand it."

Yun Shudai smiled and took out a miniature recording device from the bedside: "This is an audio and video recording device prepared for myself. I always carry it with me. I should have only turned on recording that day. I asked Jiang Yi There is a recorded sound in that part.”

As soon as she said this, several people in the room looked at her with wide eyes in surprise.

Sister Yao held the small thing as big as a peanut, looked at her in disbelief and said, "Shu Shu, why do you think of bringing this with you so often?"

"Sister Yao, I have prepared this since what happened with Producer Wang in Beijing, and I didn't tell anyone. Just to protect myself."

After all, she has been in the entertainment industry for so many years in her previous life, and she still has a strong sense of protection, especially in this circle.

Various emergencies may occur anytime and anywhere.

Sister Yao turned on the recording device and listened to a few paragraphs. In addition to the conversation between her and Jiang Yi that day, there was also the conversation with Sister Yao and the others when they entered the hotel.

The remaining segments are recordings taken during the most recent filming.

"Shu Shu, you are so surprising. You have a good sense of self-protection. Now we are not worried. As long as Jiang Yi makes any unfavorable remarks to us, we will immediately fight back with these evidences.

I have to communicate with the Propaganda Department quickly. Come up with a response policy. "

Sister Yao is not anxious at all now. She now hopes that this heat can last for a few days.

Yun Shudai was never worried from the beginning. She just wanted to see if Jiang Yi still wanted to be the same as before.

Sure enough, in front of the heroine, everything else is secondary, and there is no doubt about true love. Of course it's okay for the two of them to have sex, but it's not okay for her to be at the bottom.

A few people discussed it in the room, and then Sister Yao took An An and Tiantian to give gifts to the crew.

Sister Yao bought all gold jewelry and spent a lot of money.

She was troubled by public opinion all because she helped Shen Jimeng. She had to help Shen Jimeng with the money.

Gee, if you do good deeds these days, you have to pay for it yourself.

Yun Shudai couldn't go out and didn't even dare to open the curtains. She was bored and playing with Zai Zai in the room.

By the way, I sent a message to complain to Lao He.

From today on, He Wan no longer has to go to the fields and has returned to her job of cutting pig grass.

After going up the mountain in the morning, I went to the space and took the time to write a Jiufen song with a pen.

I plan to wait for them to come back in the evening and give each of them one copy. I will memorize it in the past two days.

Yesterday, she found a beautiful recitation about educated youth on the Internet. The background music behind it was very nice. It happened that the song in front of them also had an affectionate recitation.

At night, she came into the space. When Zhengyi saw the tape recorder, and He Wan was feeling happy, Lao Yun suddenly told her that something about the past few days had been exposed.

She wasn't surprised, after all, in the entertainment industry, things like this were often photographed: "Has it been resolved now?"

"Not yet. If it wasn't out of control, the team wouldn't let me speak out. They want to add some heat to me."

"You have evidence at the beginning, but if you release it too late, others will say that we are hypocritical and intentional.

What does Jiang Yi mean? "

Yun Shudai told her about the situation that Sister Yao had just discussed, and He Wan sent her a picture of her with her lips curled up: "We definitely don't agree with this. If we really send it out, he will be clean and you will be in trouble." .

When you meet the director, you meet the director. Just a coincidence. Why did you rush over to say hello? Mainly because of these photos I posted. I feel like you are chasing Jiang Yi on a pole, and Jiang Yi disdains to pay attention to you. "(End of chapter)

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