Chapter 524 Jumping the Train

He Wan's face instantly showed some embarrassment, but it was not obvious. She was afraid that Zhou Tingyu would think too much. She actually had other things to do and couldn't tell him. She hurriedly found an excuse and said: "I actually The bus is at noon, but I haven’t bought a ticket yet.”

Zhou Tingyu looked at his watch and saw that it was almost eleven o'clock. He said hurriedly: "The shopping mall is not far from the train station. I'll see you off."

As he said this, he took her to the parking area behind the mall, and he actually came in a military vehicle: "Isn't this appropriate?"

"Don't worry, we went out to do some errands today and helped some comrades buy some things back. We drove two cars here."

He Wan said oh and got into the passenger seat.

I have to say that driving is fast, from the shopping mall to the train station, it only takes ten minutes.

In order not to make Zhou Tingyu suspicious, He Wan quickly ran to the lobby to check the bus route.

When Zhou Tingyu came over, he pointed to the nearest bus: "I'm going to Panjin this afternoon, and this is the bus I'm taking."

Zhou Tingyu saw that the train was leaving in half an hour, and quickly bought a ticket for He Wan.

Then he took out a wad of money and some tickets from his body, and gave them all to He Wan without even counting them: "You take these money, I don't have a holiday soon, so I can't visit you. When the Chinese New Year comes, I’ll try my best to come over and see you during my vacation.”

He Wan saw that there were several pieces of money and hurriedly pushed them over: "Brother Ting Yu, I have money. I get subsidies on weekdays and there are cents in the village. I am not short of money at all."

Zhou Tingyu did not refute, but said: "I know, you don't lack these here." For fear of worrying her, he took out a few pieces of change from his pocket and said: "I still have it. I also have a lot of allowances on weekdays, including food and drink." It doesn't cost much to be in the army. Now that I have a sister, I have to take good care of you. Don't worry about it. If something happens in the village, don't bear it alone. Remember that you have relatives now. "

He Wan felt like crying at Zhou Tingyu's words, and her eyes suddenly became sore. She forced herself to nod towards him: "Okay, I understand, Brother Tingyu."

If it was just a whim before, now she really felt that it was really different to have a brother to protect her. "Do you have pockets inside your clothes? Hide your money, be careful in the car, and don't eat what others give you. If you are hungry on the road, don't ask the flight attendant to buy hot meals just to save cold food."

Listening to Zhou Tingyu's words, He Wan was a little addicted to his gentle smile and gentle and meticulous care. Suddenly, she thought for a moment, why didn't she go to the countryside and live in Spring City?

When they got to the car, Zhou Tingyu gave her uneasy instructions at the window.

He Wan waved her hand towards him and said, "Brother Ting Yu, you must come to see me during the holiday."

"Okay. Remember to call me when you get there, or write me a letter."

"I know, just go back."

While He Wan said goodbye to him, she was worried. She couldn't get off now. It took more than an hour to get from Chuncheng to Panjin.

It was almost twelve o'clock now. Obviously, her deal with Ma Wei was going to be delayed, and she had to find a way.

After the train left the station, He Wan hurriedly went to the toilet.

I looked left and right from the toilet window and saw no one's head sticking out of the window.

He closed his eyes and jumped down. When he was about to land, he used his mind to flash into the space. He found two thick clothes, one to wrap his head and one to wear on his body. Then he left the space again. It fell straight to the ground.

Fortunately, there was space to help, and I didn't feel much pain. I rolled a few times and landed safely.

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