Chapter 582 Everyone's Changes

Xue Zhenzhen also took out the snacks in her room, and brought a small bowl of millet that was mailed to her from home, and asked Zhang Cuicao to directly change it into millet porridge.

In the evening, a portion of green vegetables, a portion of roast chicken, a portion of scrambled eggs with tomatoes, and drinks.

He Wan also took out the good things he collected in Haicheng.

"I didn't get a silk scarf this year, but a woolen scarf. I also got a few watches, autumn clothes, underwear, and cotton socks. There are also good-quality fabrics. Take a look and see what you want. "

Su Ranran put down the bowl and chopsticks, touched the red scarf and said, "Chen Qing had one last year. This one is prettier than hers. How much does He Zhiqing's one cost?"

"No ticket, three yuan."

"It's three yuan. I went to the department store last year and asked, and it cost at least five yuan, plus a ticket."

"These are wholesale prices. Autumn clothes and long trousers cost two yuan a set. Socks cost five cents for three pairs."

Su Ranran touched it and finally asked for a light blue one with red edges and tassels.

Xue Zhenzhen asked for the yellow one, and Zhang Cuicao asked for the bright red one.

In fact, Su Ranran deliberately left the big red one to her. The reason, ah, will be discussed later.

Xue Zhenzhen also wanted a set of autumn clothes and trousers and two pairs of socks.

He Wan gave them a pair of cotton socks.

In fact, she asked Lao Yun to buy these scarves for her online. The reason was that she wanted to give them to them, and she was afraid that they would not accept them, so she sold them at a low price.

Find yourself a job that makes money. After all, you have to get some benefits from traveling such a long distance, and selling some goods is not an exaggeration.

Several people had a meal happily, and Zhang Jianjun came over with a bag of fruits to thank her.

He said cheerfully: "He Zhiqing, when you asked me to read the preface, I didn't like it because there were too many words. Haha, if it weren't for you, we wouldn't have thought that such a good thing would happen."

"Zhang Zhiqing, you have good innate conditions. Seeing as we participated at the same time, why were you two selected? You should work hard when you go."

"Yes, you can eat these fruits." He Wan was not polite and asked with a smile: "When will you report over?"

"Just transfer the files. The captain wants us to finish dividing the grain during the autumn harvest and bring it with us. We won't panic wherever we have food."

He Wan nodded. When Wang Xiaorong and the others were eating, they heard the laughter of several lesbians and knew that He Wan had brought back a lot of good things.

Ask what is available.

He Wan took them into the house and took out scarves, autumn clothes, gloves, socks, cotton shoes, enamel jars, enamel basins, and toilet paper.

It became a small stall in her house.

Zhang Jianjun picked out an enamel basin, a gray scarf, and some pairs of socks.

Wang Xiaorong and the others asked for socks, cotton shoes, and autumn clothes and trousers.

When Su Ranran saw that there was still toilet paper, several lesbians asked for more toilet paper.

After Zhang Jianjun took it back, Wang Jianguo and Zhang Deping also came to pick it up.

Two new gay men came with us.

Zhang Zhiqiang and Li Liqun greeted her with a smile, and each picked out an enamel basin, gloves, socks, cotton shoes, autumn clothes and long trousers, and toilet paper.

Sure enough, the pockets of the newly arrived educated youths are bulging.

Not as good as when they first arrived.

It's only in the past two years that things have gotten better for their educated youth.

Everyone saved some money this year by selling dry goods.

Wang Xiaorong, Li Chunsheng and the others even made a lot of profits by raising fish.

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