Chapter 120 Drama

Zhu Badger stopped the man and refused to let him go, which made the three people in the town anxious. They wanted to come to rescue him, but they were afraid of the thin dogs and pig badgers at Zhu Badger's feet. The man had already been killed by the thin dogs and pig badgers. Pigs and badgers surrounded him.

The three men in the town walked around in circles for a while and then shouted to Zhu Badger: "Hey, do you know who he is?" "He is the leader of the county." "You must not be shameless. , I won’t be able to eat anymore and walk around.”

"Can I be arrested and imprisoned in the town for a few years?" Zhu Badger asked three people in the town loudly.

The three townspeople responded: "It's good that you know." "Get out of the way." "Watch your beasts."

"You all come here and apologize to Ms. Zhu Badger." The man shouted, and the three people in the town had to walk up to Zhu Badger, but they did not dare to get too close.

Zhu Badger didn't wait for the three people in the town to speak, and asked the man: "Didn't you call me a deaf and mute girl at the beginning? Why are you calling me Ms. Zhu Badger now?"

"Zhu Badger, didn't I say it? It was a misunderstanding, a misunderstanding." The man smiled with a smile on his face.

Zhu Badger said: "Oh, misunderstanding? It's just a misunderstanding. Then I'll ask you a few questions. You can explain it to me and then hurry up and leave."

"Okay, okay, you say it." The man took a step forward.

Zhu Badger stood still and asked the man word by word: "The three of them have always threatened me that they could arrest me and imprison me in the town for a few years. Do you think they have this right?"

"No, absolutely not." The man answered simply.

"Okay, let me ask you again. You said I was suspected of obstructing official duties and you can detain me. Did I obstruct official duties? Are you performing official duties? Do you have the right to detain me?" Zhu Badger asked righteously.

The man blushed and said with a smile: "Misunderstanding, misunderstanding, I said it was all a misunderstanding."

"Please answer me directly." Zhu Badger raised his voice.

The man hesitated for a while and said, "I'm sorry, I was really excited at the time, and I spoke a little carelessly. Please forgive me."

"Please answer directly, are you deaf?" Zhu Badger glared at the man.

The man coughed twice and said, "We are not performing official duties. You did not obstruct official duties, and I have no right to detain you."

"Okay, then let me ask you, what are you doing in our village? Why do you want to enter the old house?" Zhu Badger asked.

The man was stunned for a moment and replied: "We were invited by Boss Huang to come to your village for an outing. Boss Huang said that the old house is her home, so naturally we wanted to go in and have a cup of tea."

"Oh, did she just invite you to come to our village for an outing? Do you just want to have a cup of tea in the old house? In that case, what kind of troupe will you bring? Do you know what day it is? The old house belongs to her Huang Okra "Home?" Zhu Badger asked the man one after another.

The man frowned and asked Zhu Badger: "What day is it today? Isn't the old house the home of Boss Huang?"

"What day is today? Today is the birthday of Huang Qiukui's dead father. Do you, like her, come to celebrate her dead father's birthday as a filial son and grandson? Also, I just made it clear that the only one in the old house is I am the head of the household, and my name is only written on the land deed of the old house. My grandfather was compassionate towards their family. He thought her father was good at masonry work, and his own house suffered a fire, so he allowed them to move into the old house. Stay." Zhu Badger replied word for word.

The man turned around and asked Huang Qiukui: "Boss Huang, what do you mean? Didn't you say that you don't want to go to the beautiful countryside and invite adults to come over for an outing and let us accompany you? Also, you said that the old house is owned by your family, what are you going to do next? Are you planning to renovate your old house and let us come over to provide you with advice? "

"I, I, I..." Huang Okra's face turned red and she felt ashamed.

The man turned around and said to Zhu Badger: "I'm sorry for disturbing you. I will explain some things to you. Boss Huang seems to have ulterior motives. We will pay more attention to it in the future."

Zhu Badger calmly said to the man: "As an ordinary girl in a mountain village, I don't understand what is going on in your scene, but I have been familiar with the books of sages since I was a child, and I know that 'if you live high in the temple, you worry about the people; if you live far away from the rivers and lakes, you worry. Your Majesty, you can't worry about the world's worries first, and be happy after the world's happiness, but you should always keep yourself clean and take care of yourself, right?"

"Zhu Badger, you are right. If you need help from the higher-ups for anything in the future, just come to the county to see me. I will do my best within the scope of my responsibilities." The man nodded frequently and smiled broadly. .

Zhu Badger responded: "Then let me say thank you first. Now there is one thing I need to trouble you to take care of."

"Say, you say." The man's demeanor returned to normal.

Zhu Badger said: "As far as I know, our old house has been approved as a cultural relic protection site, and the documents have been issued, but it is stuck with some people. I hope you can help to inquire and implement it as soon as possible. Also Yes, the two gentlemen from Laozhai have already submitted the relevant materials, but some of you here are just delaying the application. I hope you can ask about it. Of course, if you are busy, don't take it too seriously. The two gentlemen are going to hand over the materials directly to the top. Mr. Liu, Mr. Lu, are you planning to go to Beijing soon?" Zhu Badger raised his head and asked Uncle Liu and Lu Bo.

Uncle Liu and Lu Bo were squatting on the ridge at the back door of the old house, concentrating on protecting the hanging beast. When Zhu Badger asked them, they all replied in unison: "I will go to Beijing early tomorrow morning."

"Two gentlemen, don't be in a hurry, wait until I go back to implement it, then implement it." The man hurriedly raised his head and said to Uncle Liu and Lu Bo.

Uncle Liu and Lu Bo ignored the man, but were talking to themselves while defending Chui Shou: "Do you think we should go to Beijing tomorrow to see the academician or the president first?" "Of course we should go to see the president first, not the one sent by him. Did someone book a plane ticket for us? ""Well, we can go over to the academician's place to report at any time, and give him a good rub by the way." "The president and the academician have always said that they want to come to the old house to visit, so let them set a time this time. Come." "The president and the academicians not only want to see the old house, they also want to see the fairy of the old house." "Yes, the fairy of the old house protects the elves of the old house. Can the president and the academicians not miss such a good story? ?”

"Two gentlemen, I'm sorry for my clumsy eyes, but I hope you can't help me. Your Excellency has sent a message, please come over and talk to me face to face." The man greeted Uncle Liu and Lu Bo.

Uncle Liu and Lu Bo still ignored the man and said to Zhu Badger respectively: "Fairy, are you thirsty after talking for so long? Go back and drink a glass of water." "By the way, close the door of the old house and be careful of some wild cats and wild boars coming in. "

"Okay, you guys also come down and have a glass of water. I'll leave a small door for the neighbors to come in and out." Zhu Badger turned around and closed the back door of the old house.

Uncle Liu and Lu Bo straightened up, looked up to the sky and chanted: "Don't talk about fame and fortune, fame and fortune are personal enemies." Then they both flew away from the back door of the old house, stepped on the roof of the red fan and entered the ancestral hall.

The man froze in place, Huang Qiukui froze in place, and the three people in the town even froze in place and did not dare to move.



A dazzling bolt of lightning struck the big camphor tree, and a thunder shook the village so hard that the mountains shook. Those people covered their ears and ran away. When they escaped to the car, they were all drowned.

Huang Qiukui wanted to chase those people out of the old house, but the back door of the old house had been tightly closed by Zhu Badger. She had been away from home for many years, and she didn't know where the newly opened small door of the old house was? He had no choice but to run home, but as soon as he took a step, he tripped and fell to the ground.

Those people fled back to the car and started the car in a panic. As a result, the car veered off the road and fell into a mountain field and a small river.

Huang Okra wanted to get up from the ground and went back to ask Huang Doujiang where the small door of Huang Doujiang's old house was? Go out and tell those people not to rush back just yet. If it rains like this, the road she temporarily opened will definitely become muddy, and the car will definitely get stuck when driving up it.

The car that was stuck in the mountains and rivers was naturally unable to move, and the people in the car were even more afraid to move. The car stuck in the mud was still struggling to survive, but no matter how hard the accelerator was pressed, it still didn't help. It only used gasoline. When the gasoline burned out, it turned into a turtle shell lying in the mud.

Another bolt of lightning flashed, and another thunder rolled past. Huang Qiukui was so frightened that she hugged her head tightly with both hands, not daring to move anymore. Her body was shaking like chaff until finally she had no strength left to tremble, and she collapsed on the ground and let the heavy rain pour on her.

The storm, lightning and thunder showed no sign of stopping and continued until the early morning of the next day.

In the early morning, the first ray of dawn greets the east, birds sing happily on the big camphor tree, and the donkey leaves the village to start a new day.

A loud voice broke the tranquility of the early morning: "You have done something wrong and pissed off the old house fairy. This punishment has just begun."

Huang Doujiang secretly came out and dragged Huang Okra back. Huang Okra lay in the old house for a whole month before she recovered, and secretly returned to the provincial capital one early morning.

How did those people spend that night and how did they return to the town, county and provincial capital? Zhu Badger didn't care. He only heard Dan'er say with a smile: "One-armed Luo, Stilt-legged Man and Tian's father and son were cheap. They said they took the opportunity to give those people a good blow. Huang Doujiang was so angry that he went over and scolded them for several days. ”

Zhu Badger asked Dan'er: "How did the three little leprechauns from the Tian family get out of the Zhu Fan House?" Dan'er replied: "Tian Lezi and his wife came back from picking tea leaves and saw that their three last descendants were locked in the Zhu Fan House in the heavy rain. It took a lot of effort to move them out using two large bamboo ladders.”

"What about Zhu Fan?"

"Zhu Shanzi hasn't been out for more than a month. You locked him outside and no one moved the bamboo ladder for him. Can he still come out?"

"Can a lock lock him? He deliberately pretended to be dead, just to show me."

"Pretending to show you? What are you doing pretending to show?"

"Let me relax my vigilance, so that I can wait for his jade willow to come and seek revenge on me."

"Hmph, does Lan Yuliu dare to come again?"

"Not only does Blue Jade Liu dare to come back, but Huang Okra also dares to come back."

"Oh, there's still something fun to watch."

"The real show never happened, but it should be coming soon."

"Sister, Huang Qiukui brought back a troupe that day. It's a pity not to see it."

"What's a pity? From now on, the old house will act every day, you have seen enough." "Acting every day? Pull it down, how can the old house act every day? I don't want to watch the plays performed by the three little scoundrels from the Tian family and the one-armed stilt-legged ones." ”

"Of course it's a play performed by a troupe."

"A drama troupe? There is a drama troupe performing in the old house every day?"

"Believe it or not, but by then you may not want to stay in the old house anymore."

"Is it possible? Where would I stay if I didn't stay in my old house?"

"Go and stay with your sister Huanhuan in the provincial capital."

"real or fake?"

"When have I told you lies? But you have to listen to me next."

"When did I not listen to you? Can I go to the provincial capital with Sister Huanhuan if I listen to you?"

"That's right. Do you want to be a man as beautiful as dad?"

"I am a man to begin with, it's just that the jade tree cannot stand against the wind."

"No skin, no shame. During this time, I checked the medical books in the study. You can't grow up because you have cretinism."

"What is cretinism? Doesn't it mean that I can't grow because I don't have balls?"

"Don't you know whether you have balls or not?"

"Do you know that?"

"Of course I know."

"Hey, are you ashamed? A big girl is checking to see if I have balls?"

"I'm your sister, can't I?"

"Yes, of course you can, but you are not allowed to say it in front of outsiders."

"You can't say that I'm going to use you to put on a big show."

"Hey, hey, are you still my sister? Do you want to use me to put on a big show?"

"In order for our father and mother to live a normal life, and for you to live a good life with Huanhuan in the provincial capital, I have to use you to put on a big show."

"Oh, then you can take advantage of it, but you can't just check to see if I have balls? Hehe."

"Do you think I want to check it out? I'm warning you, don't imitate the king's glasses, otherwise even if you are like a tree, your sister Huanhuan will not live with you."

"I know, why do you look like my two mothers? Oh, by the way, didn't you say that Wang Jingbing became like that because he was possessed by Lu Dongbin?"

"I'm not sure about this yet, I'll find out. By the way, I also wonder if you are also possessed?"

"I'm possessed? Are you trying to laugh the one-armed cow to death?"

"Are One-Armed and Cross-legged always visiting sick cats' homes these days?"

"Well, it's said that Sick Cat invited the two of them to drink."

"That's not a good drink."

"Absolutely. How could the sick cat, who is usually so stingy, become so generous all of a sudden? It must be the weasel paying New Year greetings to the chicken, and he has no good intentions."

"I suspect that the weasel is not dead at all, and will come to wish me New Year's greetings sooner or later."

"The weasel is not dead? Sooner or later he will come to wish you a happy New Year?"

"Well, Huang Qiakui left him to act in the big drama."

"Huang Qiukui let him act in a big drama? Are you using me to act in a big drama? Is it really going to be a good show?"

"Just wait and see the show unfold."

"I am the protagonist, and I only act."

"It's not a good thing for a small mouth to become more and more sharp-tongued."

"Could it be that I'm really possessed?"

"It's completely possible, but it's not an evil god or evil immortal. It should be one of the 'Eight Immortals' who are good to me."

"Nine Immortals, long time no see. I really treat you with admiration as a scholar after three days of separation."

"Haha, it is indeed you, Han Xiangzi."

"Why did the fairy think it was me?"

"A handsome young man with a sharp tongue, isn't it you Han Xiangzi?"

"The Nine Immortals have won the prize. If it weren't for your guidance, I would have been transformed into Zhongnan Mountain long ago."

"Xiangzi is humble. With Xiangzi's talent, knowledge and practice, even if the little girl doesn't help you, you will definitely achieve success."

"The Nine Immortals are indeed different from what they used to be. Not only are they more stable than before, but they are also much more comfortable. Why worry about the evildoers not being eliminated? Returning to heaven is just around the corner."

"Xiangzi is wrong. The little girl does not want to go to heaven again. The little girl only wants the safety of her old house, the health of her family, the peace of her neighbors, and her own safety."

"Aren't the Heavenly Jade Emperor and the Queen Mother family members of the Nine Immortals? There are also your eight sisters. They all hope that you can return to heaven and share a family relationship."

"I never thought that Han Xiangzi, an upright and kind-hearted person, would say things that go against his will. My parents in heaven are the Jade Emperor and Queen Mother. Do I need to be there to support them? I have eight sisters who even I have forgotten their existence. They will Do you remember my existence? Unless someone has evil intentions and wants to take advantage of me, he will pretend to be like a sister. "

"Xiangzi is ashamed. Xiangzi admits his mistake to the Nine Immortals. Since the Nine Immortals know everything, why don't they explain everything directly to the Jade Emperor and Queen Mother? Explain everything to Guanyin? I believe that the Jade Emperor and Queen Mother and Guanyin will definitely help."

"You possessing the egg, doesn't it mean that Master Guanyin has already come to help? As for the Jade Emperor and Queen Mother, they already overlook all living beings. If they really care about me, why do I need to take off my pants and fart to explain it?"

"Hahaha, the Nine Immortals are still the same Nine Immortals. Taking off their pants and farting is really unnecessary. Xiangzi will say goodbye for now."

"Xiangzi, go slowly. One day, when Dan'er's jade trees are in the wind, he will be asked to go to Mount Zhongnan to offer sacrifices."

"Sister, where is Zhongnan Mountain? Who do you want me to sacrifice?"

"Eh? Did I just fall asleep?"

"Well, you are indeed my sister. You can even fall asleep sitting on this borneol camphor."

"Where's Dad?"

"He said that you and your mother should go to a place and ask you to go back to find your grandpa and uncle as soon as you wake up. They have something to do."

"I also have something to discuss with them."

Zhu Badger takes Dan'er back to his old home.

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