Chapter 144 Cuffs

Zhu Hu was the first to walk out of the cellar. After Uncle Liu and Lu Bo came out and moved the millstone back, he carefully checked it again. After confirming that outsiders could not see any clues, he went over to warn Ma Yasha, Uncle Liu and Lu Bo: "Heaven knows, earth knows, you know, and I know. In fact, you and I know nothing. We know nothing."

"I don't know." Ma Yasha, Uncle Liu and Lu Bo responded in unison.

Zhu Hao turned and walked towards the backyard, saying as he walked: "Hurry up and have breakfast. Be energetic today."

"It's natural to be more energetic, but..." "It's natural to be more energetic, but..." Uncle Liu and Lu Bo caught up with Zhu Hao, and were hesitant to speak.

Ma Yacha chased up and lowered his voice to ask Zhu Huan directly: "How did you know there was a cellar under the millstone? Is there good wine hidden in the cellar?"

"Why don't you come under the big camphor tree and ask me in front of everyone?" Zhu Huan walked quickly to the porch of the back door of the old house and stopped.

Ma Yasha chuckled and said, "Isn't this just a very gentle question?"

"How quiet can your loud voice be? I'm afraid my father in the county can hear it, and Dan'er in the provincial capital can hear it." Zhu Hu turned around and entered the porch.

Ma Yasha chased into the porch. Uncle Liu and Lu Bo looked at each other, then also chased into the porch and stood beside Zhu Huan without moving.

Zhu Hu smiled bitterly and said, "If I don't tell you the answer, will you never move? Well, it was Grandma Taizu who told me in a dream. Believe it or not, it's up to you."

"Yes!" Ma Yasha, Uncle Liu and Lu Bo answered in unison, then marched out of the porch in unison.

Zhu Hu threw the back door key to Ma Yasha and scolded him, "Are you afraid that others won't notice your abnormality? Why are you marching in step? Why don't you just hop like a frog?"

Ma Yasha stretched out his hands to catch the key and opened the back door of the old house. When he threw the key back to Zhu Huan, he smiled at him and said, "Hehe, it's good to walk by jumping. It's good for exercise."

“I am the Ninth Immortal, I am the Ninth Immortal…” Zhu Huan flew onto the door beam at the back door of the old house and sang loudly to the backs of Ma Yasha, Uncle Liu and Lu Bo. Only then did Ma Yasha, Uncle Liu and Lu Bo walk normally again and returned to the big camphor tree, talking and laughing.

When the construction team members finished breakfast and arrived at the old house, Zhu Hao was sitting upright on the porch.

According to convention, Zhu Huan should stand at the back door of the old house and check every engineering team member who comes in, but today Zhu Huan acted out of character, making the engineering team members a little uncomfortable.

Several engineering team members who were walking in the front habitually stood at the door waiting for Zhu Huan's inspection. Zhu Huan smiled at them and waved for them to go in, but they still did not dare to go in without permission.

Zhu Hao had no choice but to stand up and announce loudly: "Everyone just needs to be more careful today. I will not conduct routine inspections."

"Thank you, fairy." The engineering team members entered the old house one after another.

An engineer wearing a blue safety helmet and a set of blue work clothes walked into the old house, and Zhu Hao suddenly shouted, "Come here!"

"Me?" The blue engineering team member stopped and asked Zhu Hao.

Zhu Hao nodded and said, "That's right."

"Why do you want me to go over there? Hasn't everyone gone in?" The blue engineering team members stood where they were without moving.

Uncle Liu and Lu Bo went over to the blue engineer and said, "Why are there so many whys?" "If the fairy tells you to go over, just go over."

"I won't go over. Who does she think she is? I'm fed up with her tricks. Why is she so self-righteous? Body search? Inspection? What era is it now? Does she still want to be a body searcher? She is breaking the law and infringing on our personal freedom, personal dignity and personal privacy." The blue engineering team member stiffened his neck, looking righteous.

Uncle Liu and Lu Bo were speechless and froze in place.

Zhu Hu came out from the porch and said to Uncle Liu and Lu Bo, "You go back to work. I'll take care of him."

"You come to deal with me? Badger Baxian, let me tell you, I have called the police and they will be here soon." The blue engineering team members were neither humble nor arrogant.

Zhu Hao smiled and said, "I know you called the police, so I asked you to come over."

"Humph, you asked me to come over? No way. If you don't come over here obediently, I won't bother talking to you." The blue engineering team members looked at Zhu Hao with disdain.

Zhu Hu was not angry, nor did he lose his temper. He calmly asked the blue engineering team member: "When will the police come?"

"Are you feeling guilty? Are you nervous? Let me tell you, the police will be here soon. You should explain to the police what you have done. No one can help you this time." The blue engineering team members could not hide their excitement despite their disdainful expressions.

Red Badger still seemed calm, and said calmly to the blue engineering team members: "Since the police haven't arrived yet, let's go to the porch first."

"Why should I go into the porch? I'll go in if you tell me to? Badger Baxian, today I must let you go in and experience what it feels like to be locked up in there." The blue engineering team member looked ferocious.

Zhu Hu laughed and said, "It must be hard to keep you locked up in there. It's a pity that you have to go in again."

"Badger, I don't understand what you are saying. Don't be so arrogant. The law is fair. You will definitely be punished by the law. I will let you die in there." The blue engineering team member showed his vicious side.

Zhu Hao laughed: "I didn't expect you to understand that the law is fair. Well, then let the law punish you fairly."

"Woooa, wooa..." A police car with flashing lights drove to the big camphor tree. Three uniformed policemen got out of the car, two men and one woman. They went straight to the back door of the old house.

"Excuse me, are you Zhu Hu?" A young male policeman walked up to Zhu Hu and asked.

Zhu Badger calmly replied: "I am."

"Okay, we received a report that you searched the bodies of engineering team members without permission. Please come with us to the station." The young policeman said majestically.

Zhu Huan asked calmly, "Excuse me, who are you? Why should I go with you to the station?"

"Badger, why are you still pretending to be so arrogant at this time? They are wearing police uniforms, so they are police officers. As police officers, they have the right to take you to the station." The blue engineering team members came over and accused Zhu Badger.

Zhu Hu ignored the blue engineering team members and continued to ask the young male policeman: "Do you have anything else to say? If not, I'm sorry, I have to go and stay with you."

Seeing Zhu Huan turning around to leave, the young male policeman stretched out his left hand and tightly grasped Zhu Huan's arm. He quickly took out a pair of handcuffs from his waistband with his right hand, handcuffed Zhu Huan's hands and said sternly: "Want to run? No way!"

Zhu Huan allowed the young male policeman to handcuff him. At this time, the engineering team members who had already entered the old house returned to the back door of the old house. The neighbors who were called back by Ma Yasha to work in the fields also gathered at the back door of the old house.

"What's going on? What exactly happened?" Ma Yasha came over and asked hurriedly.

The blue engineering team member said proudly: "It's against the law, so we have to go to jail."

"How could he break the law for no reason? He won't go to jail anyway, right?" Ma Yasha wanted to go over and pull Zhu Huan, but seeing that Zhu Huan was already handcuffed, he didn't dare to get too close.

The young male policeman cleared his throat and said to Ma Yasha righteously, "Zhu Hu's illegal body search violated the relevant provisions of the Public Security Administration Punishment Law and the Criminal Law. We have decided to arrest her."

"Arrest her? Police comrades, you must have made a mistake. How could a girl like her go for an illegal body search? Whose body were they searching? Whose body could she allow to be searched?" Ma Yasha acted like a rural woman.

The blue engineering team member sneered and said, "Ma Yasha, why are you pretending? As a mother, don't you know what kind of person your daughter is?"

"Huey, you must explain to the police that you did not break any law and they did not search you. You must not let them take you away." Ma Yasha ignored the blue engineering team member and said to Zhu Huan while crying.

Zhu Hu smiled and said to Ma Yasha, "Mom, it's okay. I'll go to the police station, and then go to the county, the province, and the capital. They know the law but break it. I'll come back naturally after I take off this uniform."

"What did you say?" Another male policeman came over and asked Zhu Hao. He was older and looked to be in his fifties.

Zhu Huan calmly replied: "You know the law but break it, am I wrong?" "How can we break the law knowingly?" The middle-aged male policeman walked up to Zhu Huan.

Zhu Hu answered word by word: "As police officers, you failed to follow the normal case handling procedures and you are breaking the law knowingly."

"Why didn't we follow the normal procedures?" the young male police officer asked Zhu Hao angrily.

Zhu Hu asked the young policeman calmly, "Did you show me your police ID when you came to investigate me?"

"Well..." The young male policeman was speechless.

Zhu Huan said righteously: "According to relevant laws and regulations, when police take compulsory measures against criminal suspects, they must show the suspect relevant documents to prove their police identity. If you do not show your documents, as a citizen you have the right to refuse inspection, questioning, etc."

"I'm sorry, we came in a hurry after receiving the call, and he is still young, so please forgive us for neglecting some procedures. We will make up for it now." The middle-aged male policeman showed his police officer ID to Zhu Hao.

Zhu Hu asked the middle-aged policeman calmly, "Did you come in a hurry after receiving the call? Didn't you conduct training regularly? Isn't 'Well-trained, safe with me' your slogan? Also, he is young, and he neglected some procedures, please forgive me? Then I am young, I killed someone, please forgive me, okay?"

"You are making specious arguments, changing the concepts, confusing the public, and conflating right and wrong." The young male policeman became angry and embarrassed.

Zhu Hao was as calm as ever, and calmly asked the young policeman: "Really? Then what does it mean that you handcuffed me? What does it mean that you announced my arrest?"

"If you conduct an illegal body search, I can declare you arrested. If you try to escape, I can handcuff you." The young male policeman was still as arrogant as ever.

Zhu Hao coldly questioned the young male policeman: "I searched you illegally? Do you have evidence? I want to escape? Do you have evidence?"

"We received a report that you conducted an illegal body search. Just now I wanted to take you back to the station, but you said you couldn't keep me company. Didn't that mean you wanted to escape?" The young male policeman was still very arrogant.

Zhu Huan laughed and said, "You received a call saying that I illegally searched you? If I call the police now and say that you killed someone, can your people come and arrest you directly? Don't think that I am just a girl from the mountains and don't understand the law. Let me tell you, if the public security organs want to arrest a criminal suspect, they need to report to the People's Procuratorate for approval. After receiving the People's Procuratorate's approval of the arrest decision, the head of the public security organs at or above the county level will issue an arrest warrant and execute it immediately. Excuse me, do you have an arrest warrant?"

"This..." The young male policeman couldn't answer.

The middle-aged male policeman apologized to Zhu Hao: "He announced your arrest in a hurry. It was a slip of the tongue. Please forgive me."

"Ask me to forgive you? What if I don't forgive you?" Zhu Hu asked the middle-aged male policeman.

The blue engineering team member interrupted: "Badger Baxian, don't be so shameless. The police have plenty of ways to deal with you."

"Haha, really? Excuse me, uncle policeman, have you really thought of many ways to deal with me?" Zhu Hu asked the middle-aged male policeman with a smile.

The middle-aged male police officer turned around and glared at the blue engineering team members, then said to Zhu Hao: "We always act in accordance with the law. I will uncuff you now. Please come with us to the police station to verify the relevant situation."

"No, how can you open the handcuffs easily after they're already on? I've never worn handcuffs in my life, not even bracelets or watches. I think these two big bracelets are good to wear." Zhu Hao laughed, causing all the onlookers to laugh, even Uncle Liu, Lu Bo and Ma Yasha laughed out loud.

The young male police officer shouted, "Be serious, we are investigating a case. Badger Baxian, don't be so shameless, I will definitely put the handcuffs on you."

"Okay, I hope you can remain so arrogant forever." Zhu Hao was not afraid at all.

The young male police officer came over and pushed Zhu Hao: "Let's go, get in the car, and go to the station."

"Wait." The young female police officer who came with them spoke. She had not participated in the so-called arrest of Zhu Hao and had just left the scene for a while.

The young male police officer looked at the young female police officer and said, "Why? Do you sympathize with her?"

"Are you still a people's policeman? Are you qualified to be a people's policeman? How dare you say such a thing." The young female police officer walked up to the young male police officer and said sternly: "Uncuff her, apologize to her, explain the relevant matters in public, admit your mistakes, and gain everyone's understanding. Otherwise, I will report to the bureau now."

"Unlock the handcuffs? Is it possible? I apologize to her? Is it possible? I admit my mistake? Is it possible?" The young male policeman did not take the young female policeman seriously at all.

The young female police officer responded word by word: "Everything is possible, including taking off this uniform yourself and sending yourself in."

"What do you mean?" The young male policeman stepped back.

The middle-aged male policeman stopped the young male policeman and asked the young female policeman: "Do you have any new information?"

"Yes, I just went over to check out the situation. According to the craftsmen at the scene, the facts are not as described by the person who reported the case. I will explain this in detail later. The most urgent thing is to open the handcuffs, apologize to the person involved, and eliminate all negative impacts." The tone of the young female police officer was undeniable.

The middle-aged male police officer nodded and said to the young male police officer, "Uncuff them and apologize."

"This, this, this..." The young male policeman hesitated, glancing at the blue engineering team member from time to time.

The blue engineering team member said: "Since they are handcuffed, how can they be opened casually? Where is the dignity of the police?"

"Do you have the right to speak?" The middle-aged male policeman glared at the blue engineering team members fiercely, snatched the handcuff key from the young male policeman, and went over to open the handcuffs on Zhu Hao's hands.

Zhu Badger raised his hands high and shouted: "Slow down!"

"What do you have to say?" the middle-aged male policeman asked Zhu Huan. He didn't dare to force it.

Zhu Hu turned to the crowd and asked loudly, "Everyone, they came over in uniform and handcuffed me without explanation, and now they want to open the cuffs. Don't you think they should give me an explanation?"

"Yes, you must give an explanation!"

"You can't suffer this for no reason."

"Can you just handcuff people like this while you're in uniform?"


The crowd was excited and the shouts shook the sky.

The young male police officer wanted to retreat, but Uncle Liu and Lu Bo were standing on his left and right, so it was impossible for him to squeeze past them. At the same time, Ma Yasha stood next to the blue engineering team member.

"Everyone, listen to me for a moment." The young female police officer stood on the steps of the porch and waved to the crowd. After the scene calmed down, she said calmly, "Everyone, we did make a mistake this time, and it was not a small one. When I go back, I will report the whole process to our leaders, deal with the relevant personnel, and I will also reflect on myself."

"Well, that's how you talk like a man in uniform."

"If you make a mistake, you make a mistake. You should correct it if you know it."

"Well, I applaud you. I hope you can clear our fairy's name."


Everyone applauded the young female police officer.

The young female police officer walked up to Zhu Hu and bowed, then said to him sincerely: "I'm sorry, it's really our fault this time. Please forgive me and remove the handcuffs."

Zhu Hu smiled faintly at the young female police officer and said, "Don't rush to open the cuffs. I still have something to ask you."

"Please ask." The young female police officer smiled at Zhu Hao.

Zhu Hao asked the young female police officer word by word: "Did you really just make a mistake? Isn't that against the law?"

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