Chapter 160 None

Lu Huan said he would help Lan Yuliu find the traitor. Lan Yuliu was extremely surprised. She had seen Lu Huan's abilities, and even Lan Yuliu herself did not dare to take her lightly. She might fall into her trap while she was laughing and scolding, and in the end she would not even know how she died.

The experts and the cooks all looked at Lu Huan from the side, not daring to raise their heads too high, fearing that Lan Yuliu would suddenly hit them, but also worried that Lu Huan would testify that they were the traitors. So they all tilted their heads to look at Lu Huan, as if they had fallen asleep last night.

When Lu Huan heard Lan Yuliu ask her, she replied with a smile: "If it is, it is. If it is not, it is not. I can't make something out of nothing, right?"

"Have you determined who the traitor is?" Lan Yuliu's tone turned cold.

Lu Huan put away his smile and asked Lan Yuliu in the same cold tone: "Aren't you the commander of Jianliu Sect now? Are you not as good as the sister Liu who used to live with me on the second floor of this main house?"

"What do you mean?" Lan Yuliu was a little unhappy and frowned.

Lu Huan's face was even more drawn out than Lan Yuliu's. He angrily asked Lan Yuliu, "Don't you know what I mean? You used me as a pawn and a cover to do so many shameful things behind my back. Have you forgotten everything?"

"Huanhuan, I don't mean anything. I just want to find out the traitor. We are a family. You are Yuyu Lanlan's mother and I am Yuyu Lanlan's aunt." Lan Yuliu softened her tone.

Lu Huan straightened his back, pointed at the man in the swimsuit, and said loudly: "Okay, in this case, Yuyu Lanlan's aunt, why don't you take him down!"

"What do you mean?" The man in the swimsuit didn't take Lu Huan seriously at all. Instead, he rushed to Lu Huan and questioned him aggressively.

Lan Yuliu saw Lu Huan pointing at the man in the swimsuit, but the man in the swimsuit did not panic, retreat, or even run away. Instead, he asked Lu Huan in a dignified manner, so she did not react for the time being.

Seeing that the man in the swimsuit didn't take her seriously and Lan Yuliu didn't react, Lu Huan laughed and said, "Sure enough, the generals are all in the same nest, and the soldiers are all in the same nest. The whole Jianliu Sect only knows what I mean, so I'll give you some. So I'll give you some." As he said that, Lu Huan suddenly jumped up from the chair, pounced on the man in the swimsuit like a hungry wolf, and then tore off his swimsuit with force.

"Hey, hey, hey, daughter, what are you doing? It's so indecent in front of everyone. So indecent." The fake Lu Bo hurried over to stop him, but Lu Huan pushed him away and cursed, "Stop making trouble. Go where it's cooler."

"Huanhuan, what are you doing?" Lan Yuliu didn't want her brother to be cuckolded, so she went to stop Lu Huan. Lu Huan had already torn off the swimsuit of the man, threw him naked at Lan Yuliu's feet, and said, "Go and see for yourself."

Lan Yuliu took a closer look and was shocked to see that his body was covered with red scratches and spots, especially on his back. The spots were so dense that it looked like a group of ants crawling on it.

"Are you going to confess or not?" Lu Huan asked the man sternly.

The man said nothing, but stared at Lu Huan fiercely with his pair of lightbulb eyes.

Lu Huan sat back in his chair and sneered, "Okay, you're a tough guy, but it's a pity that heroes can't resist the temptation of beauty. Okra and soybean paste are really good at tempting men. Aunt Yuyulanlan, it seems that you have to learn from them."

"Huanhuan, what do you mean? Don't bring Yuyu and Lanlan with you." Lan Yuliu wanted to get angry, but when she heard Yuyu and Lanlan's names, she had to suppress her anger.

Lu Huanxiao asked Lan Yuliu: "You don't need to pretend to be deaf and dumb, right? Aren't scratches and spots like these caused by playing with women? Shouldn't you know better?"

"Huanhuan, what does this have to do with catching the traitor?" Lan Yuliu asked Lu Huan, kicking the swimsuit that had been torn into pieces by Lu Huan to the man's side. The man grabbed the pieces of the swimsuit to cover his vital parts and tried to get up from the ground. The fake Lu Bo stepped on him and prevented him from getting up.

Lu Huan was very satisfied with the fake Lu Bo's behavior, and said to Lan Yuliu with a smile: "If we talk about loyalty, it seems that the new slave has to be loyal."

"What do you mean?" Lan Yuliu wanted to stop the fake Lu Bo, but after hearing what Lu Huan said, she felt embarrassed to speak again.

Lu Huan said to himself in a sarcastic tone: "Alas, it seems that the Jianliu Sect is just like this. All they do all day long is ask what the meaning is, but they have no real intention at all. No wonder they have been going downhill over the years."

"Huanhuan, do you mean that he is in collusion with Huang Qiukui and is a traitor?" Lan Yuliu had to ask Lu Huan bluntly.

Lu Huan replied calmly: "Isn't it?"

"Don't slander me." The man lay on the ground and cursed Lu Huan.

Lu Huan asked the man coldly, "Am I slandering you? Well, then should I reveal all the ugly things you and Huang Qiukui did to you in front of everyone?"

"What do you know?" The man's tone was still tough.

Lu Huan asked the man sharply, "What do I know? Let's not talk about anything else. What did you and Huang Qiukui do in the cave in her house before entering the main house? What did you say? Do you want me to tell you everything?"

"You? You? You?" The man's arrogance subsided a little.

Lan Yuliu understood what was going on and asked the fake Luber to let go of the man. The man got up from the ground, covered his private parts with a piece of swimsuit with one hand, and shook his other hand, hurriedly explaining to Lan Yuliu: "Boss, don't listen to her nonsense. I just went to the toilet before entering the main house. I asked for leave from you."

"Really? If you hadn't told me, I would have forgotten that you had asked for leave from me. I actually thought my sister-in-law was joking. Tell the truth and don't worry my sister-in-law anymore." Lan Yuliu shook the hairband in her hand a few times.

The man knelt on the ground with a plop, and cried, "Boss, I was bewitched for a moment and was deceived by the okra. Please forgive me this time because I have always followed you. I will follow your lead and be loyal to you from now on."

"I'm sorry, I never have a next time, only this time." Lan Yuliu raised her hairband.

The man kowtowed and begged, "Boss, spare my life, boss, spare my life. I have an 80-year-old mother and a baby son at home. They can't live without me."

"Hey, didn't you say you didn't have a wife? How come you still have a baby son?" Lu Huan covered his mouth and laughed.

The man denied it flatly: "No, no, no, I never said anything like that. My wife is seriously ill and my whole family depends on me for support. If I die, they won't be able to survive. Woo woo woo..."

"Hmph, weren't you very tough just now? Why are you crying all the time now, even worse than a little woman like me? In this case, I will make you die clearly. Of course, whether to put you to death or not is up to your boss to decide. Aunt Yuyu Lanlan, did you scold him in the cave? Tell him to retire and go home to hug his wife?" Lu Huan asked Lan Yuliu after scolding the man.

Lan Yuliu nodded: "That's right, why am I scolding him for being nervous? If he's nervous, then he should just quit and go home and hug his wife."

"He replied, 'I dare not, I don't have a wife', right?" Lu Huan asked again.

Lan Yuliu raised the hairband in her hand higher and said bitterly, "I never thought you were such a liar. I was really blind."

"Boss, I was confused for a moment, wuwuwu..." The man burst into tears.

Lu Huan slammed the table and loudly rebuked the man: "Shut up, don't think I don't know, you are trying to delay time by crying to send a signal to Huang Qiukui to come and save you. You are dreaming, dreaming. Yuyulanlan's aunt, Huang Qiukui should be here soon, you must be ready."

"Huanhuan, don't worry. I don't need to prepare anything to deal with Huang Qiukui." Lan Yuliu said this, but she immediately stood up from the chair, kicked the man over, and began to deploy her troops: "Everyone, listen up. I order you to evacuate the old house immediately and rush back to the work shed. Lead all the leg soldiers and coolies to wait under the big camphor tree."

"Yes!" The cooks left the main room. Lan Yuliu shouted, "Everyone, listen to my orders!"

"Here!" The masters stood up and faced Lan Yuliu.

Lan Yuliu ordered: "This commander orders you to..."

"Oh no, oh no, we've been surrounded." All the people who had just gone out ran back.

Lan Yuliu scolded: "Why are you panicking? Can Huang Qiukui surround us?"

"Boss, Huang Qiukui brought a lot of people." An older pot-holder replied.

Lan Yuliu frowned, turned her head and said to the fake Lu Bo: "Send a signal and have all the legmen and coolies rush into the old house immediately. Humph, Huang Qiukui, you want to surround me? I'll counter-encircle you."

"Boss, all those runners and coolies have turned against us. They have rushed into the old house and surrounded us." The older one reported.

"What? What a bunch of ungrateful wolves." Lan Yuliu was extremely angry.

"Aunt Yuyu Lanlan, a wise man never suffers a loss in front of him. The situation is hopeless. It is best to run away. Let's go quickly." Lu Huan pulled Lan Yuliu up and wanted to run out.

"Want to run? No way!" The man threw the pieces of swimsuit in his hand at Lu Huan, and at the same time, he rushed to Lan Yuliu naked and tried to snatch her hairband.

Lu Huan dodged the swimsuit pieces, picked up a teapot on the table and smashed it hard on the man's head.

The man was only concerned with grabbing Lan Yuliu's hairband and didn't expect Lu Huan to do this. He couldn't dodge in time and was hit on the head by the big teapot. He screamed "Ah!" and fell to the ground. The fake Lu Bo went over and stepped on him heavily a few times. Seeing Lu Huan pulling Lan Yuliu to the second floor, he hurriedly followed.

When they reached the second floor, Lu Huan asked the fake Lu Bo to jump out of a window on the west side first, then asked Lan Yuliu to jump down, and he himself jumped down last, holding a large box that Lan Yuliu had.

After jumping to the ground, Lu Huan took Lan Yuliu and the fake Lu Bo and ran towards the west mountain. Soon they were submerged in the woods.

"What a willow spirit! It runs faster than a rabbit." Huang Qiukui proudly walked into the main house of the old house surrounded by the crowd.

Zhu Shanzi, who was walking beside Huang Qiukui, waved his folding fan and said slowly, "My daughter, the monk can run away but the temple cannot. Her treasures must still be in the old house."

"She is my daughter. What are the treasures of the willow fairy? The treasures hidden by Lan Yu in the old house are the real treasures." The weasel walked on the other side of Okra.

Huang Doujiang rushed into the main house of the old house again with great joy. He looked around and touched everything, saying, "Let's move the treasures in the main house first. We must move these treasures back home this time."

"Women are short-sighted and stupid. Doujiang, my wife, things are different now. This time is different from the time you and the father and son of the Tian family rushed in. There is no need to move the treasures in the main house." Zhu Shanzi happily sat on the middle chair and crossed his legs, waving a folding fan in his hand.

Huang Doujiang stroked the "Zhi Han Tu" and asked Zhu Shanzi, "Why don't we move it?"

"Because the main house of the old house already belongs to us, you can live in the room where Ma Yasha lived, and I will live in this one. It will be convenient for you to come and go at night." Zhu Shanzi pointed to the study with the folding fan in his hand. Zhu Huan wished he could chop off Zhu Shanzi's hand immediately.

The weasel came over and knocked the folding fan out of Zhu Shanzi's hand, cursing angrily, "Old man, get up, this is my seat."

"Who are you scolding? Try scolding him again?" Zhu Shanzi sat on the chair without moving.

The weasel took a few steps back and continued to curse: "Old man, no matter what, Doujiang is my wife and Qiukui is my daughter."

"Everything is based on facts. Pick up the fan for me." Zhu Shanzi ordered the weasel.

The weasel stiffened his neck and responded loudly: "I won't pick it up!"

"Do you want to pick it up or not?" As Zhu Shanzi spoke, he grabbed the weasel's neck with one hand.

The weasel was strangled by the red fan and could not breathe. He stammered and begged for mercy: "You, you, you let me go, I, I, I will pick it up, pick it up, pick it up."

"If I had known this would happen, why did I do it in the first place?" Zhu Shanzi let go of the weasel.

The weasel rubbed his neck, bent down to pick up the fan from the ground and handed it back to Zhu Shanzi. Zhu Shanzi was very proud and wanted to sit back on the chair, but when he saw Huang Qiukui sitting on it, he waved his folding fan and laughed, "It's still the most authentic place for my daughter to sit here, the authentic hostess of the old house."

"Of course, come here, and check each room to see what treasures are in the main house of this old house?" Huang Doujiang greeted Zhu Shanzi while reaching out to push the door of Zhu Huan's room.

"No, no, no, can't, can't..." Zhu Shanzi kept trying to stop him, but it was too late. Huang Doujiang's hands had already touched the door of Zhu Huan's room. Two cold lights flashed, and Huang Doujiang's body was split into two. His body was bounced in front of the weasel, and the weasel was so scared that he sat on the ground and trembled. His head fell at Huang Qiukui's feet, and Huang Qiukui was so scared that he rolled off the chair to the ground, unable to get up or speak for a long time.

Zhu Shanzi drove the followers who came in with Huang Qiukui out of the main house of the old house and warned them not to move. If they moved, they would suffer the same fate as Huang Doujiang.

Huang Qiukui's followers and those rebellious Jianliumen leaders, pot-holders, runners and coolies naturally did not dare to move. The fact that Huang Doujiang's body was cut into two was laid out before their eyes, and they would not dare to move even if they had a hundred guts.

Zhu Shanzi dragged Huang Doujiang's body out of the house, and then held Huang Doujiang's head over to put it back on, restoring its normal human form. It was really strange that Huang Doujiang's body was split in two by two cold lights, and it was actually split neatly, with the wound like a radish cut with a knife.

"Daughter, be strong. Your mother's spirit is still here. Go out and cry for a while, and then send her to Xishan to see her new home." Zhu Shanzi called Huang Qiukui softly. Huang Qiukui was still in shock. She looked up at Zhu Shanzi and burst into tears.

"Okay, okay, very good, just cry it out. Come on, go to your mother and cry for a while." Zhu Shanzi helped Huang Qiukui out of the main house.

The weasel had been in a state of bewilderment, sitting on the ground in a daze, not knowing what to do. When he saw Zhu Shanzi helping Huang Qiukui out, and he was the only one left in the huge main hall, he was so frightened that he shuddered in fear, and instantly came to his senses, and crawled out.

"Everyone, due to an unexpected change, the treasure hunt is suspended. You should go back to where you came from. No one is allowed to act on their own without the order of Boss Huang, and no one is allowed to go back to Lu Bu Dian village and enter the old house without permission." Zhu Shanzi jumped onto the millstone and announced loudly.

The Jianliu clan's masters, pot-holders, runners, and coolies had always been following the trend, thinking that Huang Qiukui had Zhu Shanzi's help, and that the treasures hidden by Lan Yu in the old house belonged to her, so they turned against Lan Yuliu. Now seeing that Huang Qiukui was even more miserable than Lan Yuliu, they all ran faster than rabbits and ran out of the old house in a blink of an eye.

Zhu Shanzi dismissed the Jianliu Sect because he was worried that they would return to Lan Yuliu's sect and attack him and Huang Qiukui from both inside and outside. So they ran away in an instant, and he was actually very happy. But Zhu Shanzi never expected that Huang Qiukui's followers would run away one by one. He also hoped that they could help take care of Huang Doujiang's funeral, and then regroup and continue to hunt for treasure.

"Dad, let's hold a memorial service for Mom here." Huang Qiukui slowly returned to normal.

Zhu Shanzi flatly denied it: "No, absolutely not. The main house is not a place you and I can mess around with. Although the owner of the main house is gone, the spirit of the old house is still here. We must respect it, otherwise your mother will be a lesson for us."

"Zhu Shanzi, you are not lying to us, are you?" the weasel said suddenly.

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