Chapter 73 Prison

Zhu Badger was very satisfied with Lu Huan's operation, nodded to her, and then shouted in the direction of Zhu Hu's house: "Come out, everyone, I have something big to announce!"

"Come out, you must come out."

"It's a big deal, it's a big deal."

One-armed Luo and Stilt-legged Man were the first to show up, followed by Zhu Hu and Squinted Po respectively, and then the Tian family's father and son... All the people in the old house showed up, even the neighbors who lived outside the old house. , including the flat-mouthed woman.

"Everyone, I know you haven't gone far, let alone go home to sleep, and you can't fall asleep. Why? The old owner's house is too lively. In order to let the neighbors have a good sleep, I decided to have a Let's kill him." After Zhu Badger said this, he deliberately walked over to Daylily, who was still immersed in eating, grabbed a wine bottle on the table, and started drinking.

"Zhan Li Jue?"

"Want to kill someone?"

"is it possible?"


Everyone was whispering to each other.

Zhu Huzhai looked panicked and looked at Lan Yuliu nervously. Lan Yuliu pretended not to see it and just looked up at the stars.

At this moment, the nearly full moon is high in the sky, and its silver glow makes the front yard of the old house as bright as day.

Zhu Badger drank a pot of wine, walked to the black dot on the Yin-Yang Bagua diagram in the middle of the tunnel and stood there. He didn't speak immediately or make any next move. He just stood there quietly and looked up like Lan Yuliu. Star.

Seeing this, the neighbors who were whispering to each other did not dare to talk anymore. Zhu Huzhai looked even more nervous and couldn't help but walk up to Lan Yuliu and pull her clothes. Lan Yuliu turned aside and ignored Zhu Huzhai. Zhu Yunhe was half-lying under the eaves, unable to move. Most of his face was buried in the ground, and only one eye could see objects. The black eyeball of this eye kept turning around, probably looking for Zhu Huzhai, but all he saw was a few feet.


A sharp, rapid, and crisp whistle broke the silence, and eight thin dogs and eight pig badgers rushed to the feet of the red badger from outside the old house and from the main house respectively.

"Go over and drag him here." Zhu Badger leaned over and patted the necks of the two thin dogs with one hand and pointed at Zhu Yunhe with one hand.

Two thin dogs rushed over, one on the left and one on the right, grabbing Zhu Yunhe's collar and dragging him to Zhu Badger's feet.

Zhu Badger kicked Zhu Yunhe into the Yin half of the Yin Yang Bagua diagram, called the flat-mouthed woman to come closer, and asked her: "Xian Tai, to which level of the eighteen hells will those who sow discord, slander, defraud, and eloquent people go after death?" ?”

"Returning to the fairy, all those who sow dissension, slander, defraud, and quarrel with each other will go to the first level of the eighteen levels of hell after death, which is the [Tongue Pulling Hell]. At that time, the King of Hell will order a little devil to open his mouth. , use large iron pliers to clamp his tongue, and pull it out. This pullout is not all at once, but pulling it out slowly, and then pulling it out hard, which is even more uncomfortable than death." , the answer was vivid.

"Okay, then what level of hell should a person who doesn't care about brotherhood, doesn't care about the life and death of his brothers, and doesn't care about the life and death of his brothers and children when he's still alive be sent to?" Zhu Badger asked again.

The flat-mouthed woman replied: "If you don't care about brotherhood in this world, you will not care about the life and death of your brothers, and you will not care about the life and death of your brothers and children. If you die, you will be sent to the third level of the eighteen levels of hell, that is, the [Iron Tree Hell], on the tree of the Iron Tree Hell." They are all sharp blades. The King of Hell will order the kid to hang the man to an iron tree and let the sharp blades pierce his body from the back. "

"Then if this person commits adultery, steals, and seizes other people's property in the human world, which level of hell will he go to after death?" Zhu Badger continued to ask.

The flat-mouthed woman continued to answer: "Such a person has sinned so much that after death he will be sent to the ninth level of the eighteen levels of hell, which is the [Oil Pot Hell]. The King of Hell will order the kid to strip off his clothes and throw them into a boiling hot oil pan. Explosion. How many times will the judge punish him based on the severity of the case? "

"Xian Tai, if someone abandons a baby in the world, and the baby is still his biological niece, which level of the eighteen levels of hell will he be sent to after his death?" Zhu Badger glanced at Zhu Yunhe lying on the ground and asked the flat-mouthed woman .

The flat-mouthed woman also glanced at Zhu Yunhe and answered Zhu Badger loudly: "Fairy, after death, such abandoned babies will be sent to the eleventh level of the eighteen levels of hell, which is the [Stone Pressed Hell]. The Stone Pressed Hell is Hang him between two boulders, then use a sharp ax to cut the rope, and let him be crushed into a pulp by the boulders."

"Xian Tai, in addition to the several levels of hell you just mentioned, what other levels of hell are there? Do the heinous people have to be sent to the eighteen levels of hell?" Zhu Badger looked at Lan Yuliu.

The flat-mouthed woman pursed her lips and replied calmly: "Of course, the eighteen levels of hell are except for the first level [Tongue Pulling Hell], the third level [Iron Tree Hell], and the ninth level [Oil Pot Hell]. In addition to the eleventh level [Stone Pressed Hell], there are also the second level [Scissor Hell], the fourth level [Evil Mirror Hell], the fifth level [Steamer Hell], the sixth level [Bronze Pillar Hell], and the fourth level [Storm Hell]. The seventh level [Knife Mountain Hell], the eighth level [Iceberg Hell], the tenth level [Cow Pit Hell], the twelfth level [Chammortar Hell], the thirteenth level [Blood Pool Hell], the fourteenth level [ The Hell of Unearned Death, the Fifteenth Level of Punishment Hell, the Sixteenth Level of Volcano Hell, the Seventeenth Level of Stone Grinding Hell, and the Eighteenth Level of Saw Sword Hell.”

"Xian Tai deserves to be called Xian Tai. He remembers the eighteen levels of hell so clearly. I guess if this person has committed too many sins in the world, he will have to suffer a lot of sins when he is thrown into the eighteen levels of hell after death. If there are no bones left, I'm afraid it will last forever. It’s impossible to be reborn,” Zhu Badger sighed.

The flat-mouthed woman hurriedly replied: "Yes, yes, yes."

"So, this person must be a good person while alive. If you can't be a good person, at least don't lose your conscience and do all the bad things." Zhu Badger looked at Lan Yuliu again, and everyone followed Zhu Badger's gaze. To the blue jade willow.

The blue jade willow's face remained unchanged, her heartbeat was normal, and she looked as if it was none of my business. On the other hand, the woman with a flat mouth stammered and her legs were trembling. She couldn't take a step back even if she wanted to. She stood there and kept saying "Xian, Xian, Xian..."

Zhu Badger stopped paying attention to her, kicked Zhu Yunhe and said to everyone: "Everyone, everyone must already know who this person is? I wanted to let him spend the rest of his life in the old house with good intentions regardless of the past grudges. After all, he has many He's been punished to some extent. But he doesn't want to repent and thinks he is the only legitimate descendant of the old master's house. If he uses this to blackmail me, I won't be polite anymore. "

"No no, don't stop, I and I, my legs have been broken, it's broken for the old house, it's for you, you can't ..." Zhu Yunhe can't hold it on the ground Struggling and pleading.

"Shut up!" Zhu Badger spat on Zhu Yunhe and then scolded him: "Zhu Yunhe, you still want to quibble at this time? Do you think I don't know how your leg was broken?"

Zhu Badger then told the truth about Zhu Yunhe's broken leg in front of all the villagers.

Zhu Yunhe stole some hard goods from the old house owner's house and took them to the provincial capital, where he bought a house and lived a happy life. But such a good life only lasted for more than ten years. He was living in vain. In addition, he was involved in all kinds of food, drink, prostitution and gambling. In turn, he owed a lot of debt. Not only was he kicked out of the house, but he was also hunted down by his creditors. In desperation, he accidentally learned from a fellow villager that Huang Qiukui had become the third son of a big boss in the provincial capital, and went to find her as his life-saving straw.

After several days and nights of squatting, we finally found the okra. Huang Qiukui didn't know Zhu Yunhe. Huang Qiukui was only seven years old when the real Zhu Yunshan left. Although she had a little impression, it was basically blank. Zhu Yunhe pretended to be Zhu Yunshan to blackmail Huang Qiukui, saying that if he didn't give him money and help him pay off his debts, he would go back to the village to spread the word that Huang Qiukui was a mistress in the provincial capital, making her look ugly and making his parents weasel and Huangdoujiang. Ugly.

Huang Qiukui didn't talk much with Zhu Yunhe at first, because she didn't take him seriously at all, just treating him as a wild dog begging for food. Later, she learned that a railway was going to pass through the village, and she succeeded in taking over. She was planning to build the old house. She thought of Zhu Yunhe and asked him who he was. Zhu Yunhe insisted that it was Zhu Yunshan, saying that he had faked his death so that when Zhu Badger grew up, he would go back and take over the old house as the legitimate heir to the main house.

Huang Qiukui pretended to be casual when Weasel and Huang Doujiang came to visit her in the provincial capital and asked about Zhu Yunshan. Weasel and Huang Doujiang said in unison that they had died long ago. Huang Qiukui showed Zhu Yunhe's photos to Weasel and Huang Doujiang. Weasel and Huang Doujiang asked where did you get the photos of dead people? Huang Qiukui said that he accidentally came across Zhu Yunhe's photo when he was looking through the information, and immediately burned the photo of Zhu Yunhe. He just needed to make sure that it was Zhu Yunshan.

Zhu Yunhe and Zhu Yunshan are twin brothers, so naturally they look exactly the same. Weasel and Huang Doujiang will definitely not be able to tell the difference based on the photos.

Huang Qiukui met Zhu Yunhe in private and agreed to his conditions, but asked him to obey her own arrangements and the old house must belong to her. Zhu Yunhe opened his mouth and said that he would first help him pay off his debts and then discuss the ownership of the old owner's house. Huang Okra has problems with her IQ in other aspects, but no one can compare to her in calculations. She said that she must first sign and post the receipt, and then return to the village to declare in front of all the neighbors that the old owner's house belongs to her before she can help him repay his debt. In this case, she can also give him a large sum of money at that time. money.

Zhu Yunhe understood that the ownership of the old house owner's house could not be decided by him. If he returned to the village, his true identity would definitely be exposed, so he told Huang Qiukui that he was already dead and suddenly returned to the village. It will definitely scare everyone to death. Otherwise, Huang Qikui would first establish a written document, and Huang Qikui would help him pay off his debts, and then give him a sum of money. When the neighbors were mentally prepared, Huang Qikui would take him back to announce the ownership of the old owner's house.

Huang Qiukui thought, if you can run away, a monk can't run away from the temple. It's useless to sign a letter and sign a painting to postpone your cheating. Anyway, I am sure that you are Zhu Yunshan, and I can just ask my people to keep an eye on you. So the lawyer was asked to draw up the agreement and Zhu Yunhe signed it.

Zhu Yunhe thought his plan had succeeded and got carried away. When he took a large sum of money from Huang Qiukui, he couldn't help but feel lustful again. He touched Huang Qiukui's hand and asked Huang Qiukui to sleep with him for a night without saying anything.

Huang Qiukui immediately became alert and asked him if he was Zhu Yunshan? Zhu Yunhe regretted it, but still insisted that he was Zhu Yunshan. Huang Qiukui called for thugs and beat her severely, but Zhu Yunhe obediently told the truth. Huang Okra got angry and threw Zhu Yunhe to the creditors. The creditors wanted to eat him alive. One of the biggest creditors drove a car and ran over his crotch. Huang Qiukui was worried about killing someone, which would make him passive, so he stopped his creditors from torturing Zhu Yunhe again. After he was cured, he sent someone to secretly send him back to Lvbu Village for future emergencies.

"You, you, how do you know this?" Zhu Yunhe was lying on the ground, terrified.

Zhu Badger sneered and said: "If you don't know what to do except yourself, Zhu Yunhe, I tell you, you have been an outcast from the beginning. But if you can cultivate your character and be a good person, maybe you can really become A descendant of the old master, you are worse than a human being and are extremely evil. If you don’t go to hell, who will?”

"I, I, I am already disabled, can you, you, you, out of kindness, leave half of my body to survive? After all, I am your biological uncle, biological uncle." Zhu Yunhe burst into tears and begged from time to time.

Zhu Badger raised his head and did not look at Zhu Yunhe, but two lines of tears still flowed down his cheeks to the corners of his mouth, extremely bitter. After a while, Zhu Badger wiped away his tears and kicked Zhu Yunhe to Zhu Huzhai's feet, and asked Zhu Huzhai: "He is your biological father, right?"

"Yeah, yeah, that's right." Zhu Huzhai responded hurriedly and wanted to lean over to help Zhu Yunhe, but timidly looked at Zhu Badger and straightened up.

Zhu Badger choked and said, "Since he is your biological father, let him be dealt with by you."

"Leave it to me? I can't kill my biological father, I can't kill my biological father!" Zhu Huzhai ran around in the front yard like crazy.

Liu Ruyu went over and grabbed Zhu Huzhai, and said to him with the same choked sobs: "My child, Badger didn't mean for you to kill him. He is evil, Badger is not evil, Badger is a kind girl, and she is a fairy now, as long as If you don't help him, she will allow you to take your father away."

"Agree for me to take my father away? Do you agree for me to take my father away?" Zhu Huzhai looked at Zhu Badger in horror, in disbelief.

Zhu Badger's tone became cold again, and he scolded: "Zhu Huzhai, don't act in front of me. I said, if you don't know what to do, you can't do anything except yourself. How did you come to the village? After you came, you said What have you done? Don’t think I don’t know. I’ll give you five minutes to pack up your belongings and get your father out of the old house and out of the village. You’re not allowed to set foot in the village again!”

"Did you hear that? Don't force the badger to be cruel!" Liu Ruyu saw Zhu Huzhai standing still, looking at Lan Yuliu, but Lan Yuliu didn't even look at him.

Zhu Badger sneered and said: "Hahaha, it's humane to be infatuated and a woman to be a heartless man. I say passionate men and unfeeling women. Lan Yuliu, it's absolutely impossible for you to stay in the old house and stay in the village. Get out of here as soon as possible!" "

"Really?" Lan Yuliu walked up to Zhu Badger and asked Zhu Badger with a smile: "Can you give me a reason to get out?"

"The reason is very simple. You are not welcome in the village, and you are not welcome in the old house!" Zhu Badger replied sternly.

Lan Yuliu's smile remained the same, her tone remained the same, she stretched out her hand in front of Zhu Badger and said, "Take a look at this."

"What?" Zhu Badger didn't notice that Lan Yuliu was holding a small green notebook. She didn't want to take it, but she couldn't see Lan Yuliu's momentum and demeanor, so she hesitated for a while and took the green notebook. When she took a closer look, she was startled by the five red characters "Cultural Relics Census" on the cover of the small green notebook.

"Customers of cultural relics"? What kind of official or what kind of role is he specifically? Zhu Badger didn't understand, but the word "cultural relic" had a huge impact on her, because she had heard many times in the past few days that as long as the old house was listed as a cultural relic protection unit, no one would dare to touch it.

Nao Xi is a prisoner. Didn’t she say that she opened a photo studio in the county? How did you become a cultural relics enumerator? You're not lying to me, are you? I have to verify carefully and be careful not to be fooled. Zhu Badger opened the small green notebook and looked at it. At the top of one side of the small notebook was a two-inch standard photo of the blue jade willow. The blue jade willow in the photo was even more charming than the real blue jade willow. The pair of red and phoenix eyes were full of love. The badger didn't dare to look at it, but M's lips showed the same arrogance as now, looking down upon everyone and everything.

Above the Lan Yuliu photo is the seal of the issuing authority, followed by the standard format of the certificate.

Name: Lan Yuliu
No.: 00018
Date of issue: XXXX, XXXX, XXXX

Validity date: XXXX year XX month XX day

Produced by the Office of the XX Cultural Relics Census Leading Group

There were rows of small characters printed on the other side of the green notebook. One of the rows surprised Zhu Badger. This row of characters read: "Each township and village should actively provide clues to cultural relics within their jurisdiction and cooperate with the census enumerators in the investigation and registration work." , work together to ensure the safety and protection of cultural relics.”

"How about it? Welcome me or let me go?" Lan Yuliu took back the small green notebook from Zhu Badger. The smile on his face had disappeared, replaced by contempt and condescending contempt.

Zhu Badger was a little breathless. She felt that the blue jade willow tonight was so tall. It was only a head and a half taller than her. Now she stood in front of the blue jade willow. It was like a withered dogtail grass on a tree. Under the towering trees.

"Hehe, how could Badger tell Sister Liu to get out? Sister Liu has contributed a lot to Badger becoming a fairy. Next, Sister Liu and I will continue to be Badger's second general, as long as Badger, the fairy, needs , you hum me ha, ha ha ha ha ha, those evil people will all go to hell." Lu Huan ran over and pulled Zhu Badger and Lan Yuliu's hands together.

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