Chapter 9 Monkey

Zhu Badger didn't expect that when he said "stop", he was so frightened that the cross-eyed woman fell straight onto the snow.

At this time, Squinty-eyed Po and Mr. Zhu happened to walk under the persimmon tree in the yard. I don’t know whether the snow on the tree was shaken off by Zhu Badger’s “stand” or when Squinted-eyed Po fell to the ground. Submerged in the snow.

"Why are you running? Pull her up quickly." Seeing that Mr. Zhu was running faster than a rabbit, Zhu Badger grabbed a handful of snow on the ground, shaped it into a ball, and threw it at Mr. Zhu.

Mr. Zhu dodged the snowball thrown by Zhu Badger, and responded loudly as he ran: "She is a monkey. Pull her up quickly, otherwise it will be her monkey who will see blood next."

Badger Zhu didn't want to pull Squinty-eyed Po, as he had hated her since he was a child. Mr. Zhu said that the monkey who would see blood next would be Squinted-eyed Po, so he had to go and pull her.

When they got closer, the puddle of snow that submerged the cross-eyed woman was already bright red. Zhu Badger quickly clasped his hands into the snow, tightly grasped the hair of the cross-eyed woman, and dragged her home with all his strength.

When the cross-eyed woman fell down, the big iron pot she was holding hit her head hard, causing blood to flow.

"Dan'er, bring the dogs here."


Before Dan'er could chase away the eight thin dogs, a gust of wind blew from the snow into Granny Xieyan's house.

"Dog, lick." As soon as Zhu Badger finished speaking, eight thin dogs surrounded the cross-eyed woman and licked her non-stop.

"Ouch, you scared me to death. The Eight Badger Immortals scared me to death." The squinty-eyed woman murmured before she even opened her eyes. Her body was fresh and refreshing, with no blood stains left on her body. It was better than when she came out just now. Even more refreshing.

The red badger nuzzled at the eight thin dogs, and the eight thin dogs followed the red badger quietly out of the cross-eyed husband's house.

"Sister, she won't die, right?" Dan'er had been leaning on the door frame of Xianyan's mother-in-law's house, looking around at the thin dog licking Xianyan's mother-in-law, nervous and curious.

Zhu Badger pulled Dan'er to the gate and lowered his voice and said to him: "Don't tell anyone about the dog licking the living widow, otherwise the dog will lick you too."

"Sister, the dog licked me just now. Look, the black sore on my face is gone." Dan'er was unusually excited.

Zhu Badger took a closer look and saw that the scary black sores on Dan'er's face had disappeared, and his face was as smooth as a freshly peeled hard-boiled egg.

"Come here, everyone." Zhu Badger greeted, and eight thin dogs quickly gathered at her feet, shaking their heads and wagging their tails.

After licking the blood of the cross-eyed woman, the eight thin dogs officially grew up, with lean and muscular bodies, wide chests and abdomens, narrow waists, long legs, and bright and majestic eyes.

Zhu Badger raised his eyes and looked at the pig-butcher's house halfway up the west mountain. People were coming there one after another, probably to help arrange the funeral arrangements.

Zhu Badger retracted his gaze and looked at the cross-eyed mother-in-law, who was lying on the kitchen window sill looking out at Zhu Badger. Zhu Badger blinked and smiled slightly. The cross-eyed woman fell from the window sill to the ground, and Zhu Badger heard the "bang" sound to confirm that she had not fallen lightly.

"Dan'er, how about going to see Mr. Zhu?" Zhu Badger returned to the house with eight small dogs.

Ma Yasha was still sleeping soundly, and the two dairy goats got up from the ground when they saw the red badger coming in.

"Let's go back to your own nest." Zhu Badger drove the two dairy goats out of the house.

The two dairy goats seemed to understand the red badger's words and ran back to the sheepfold.

"Dan'er, fasten the door of the sheepfold." Seeing Dan'er jumping back, Zhu Badger knew that Mr. Zhu was fine. Dan'er went over to fasten the door of the sheepfold and ran to Zhu Badger. He said to Zhu Badger in a low voice: "Mr. Zhu asked me to tell you that he already knows who wrote the demolition notice. That person wrote that He also understands what the demolition notice means. What you need to do now is to go to the Pig Killer's house and expose the cause of the Pig Killer's death, otherwise the old house will see blood."

"You still want to see blood? Then let him see it. My thin dog still wants to lick it again." Zhu Badger didn't care.

Dan'er pulled Zhu Badger to the corner, stood on tiptoes and said with her mouth close to Zhu Badger's ear: "Sister, if you can't bear it, you will mess up your plans. You have to keep the old house, you are the real owner of the old house."

Zhu Badger was stunned and asked Dan'er: "Is this what Mr. Zhu said?"

"Sister, can't I have my own ideas?" Dan'er asked Zhu Badger.

Zhu Badger stared at Dan'er closely, and saw that he had become a handsome young man in front of him, completely different from before.

"Bang! Bang! Bang!" Three gongs sounded, and a voice came from the west mountainside: "There is a deceased person in the village. Doing chores is prohibited. Anyone who is willing to give a red envelope is welcome."

This was officially announced to the outside world that the Pig Butcher's family was having a happy affair. Zhu Badger entered Mayaksha's house and dug out a piece of red cloth, wrapped it in three ten-yuan notes, and then scooped three liters of Luo Xin rice from the rice vat and wrapped it up. (Shengluo, an old farm rice measuring instrument, is generally made of bamboo and wood, and comes in two types: square and round.)
"Let's go." Zhu Badger took Dan'er and eight small dogs out of the old house and headed towards the west mountain.

Xishan, as the name suggests, is located to the west of Lvbuo Village. Lvbuo Village is centered on the old house and has four mountains in the east, south, west and north respectively. The east mountain is the highest, with an altitude of nearly two thousand meters, the north mountain is the second, the south mountain is the third, and the west mountain is the lowest, which is completely consistent with Qinglong, Baihu and Zhuque. , Xuanwu appears in all directions.

Xishan is a shady place, so the cemeteries of Lvbuo Village are concentrated in Xishan.

In order to make up for the guilt of killing, the ancestors of the pig-butcher chose to live alone on the mountainside of Xishan Mountain, and asked the women in the family to chant Buddha and chant sutras all day long. Later, due to the obstruction of Grandma Zhu Badger, the Butcher family still could not enter the old house and had to continue to settle in the same place. However, the Butcher family became a well-known goddess in the mountains.

The so-called goddess has a way of pretending to be gods and ghosts. In addition to pinching and counting, she can also cure diseases and exorcise evil spirits. A spell is guaranteed to turn your misfortune into good luck and everything will go smoothly.

Although Zhu Badger is young, he has a thorough understanding of the tricks of the pig-butcher and his wife. This flat-mouthed woman is very evil-minded and tries her best to trick the villagers into pocketing their already thin pockets. Unexpectedly, this time he turned a rock over his own feet and killed his son.

Hum, old monkey jumping up and down, where are you going to escape today? Zhu Badger decided to expose the old monkey’s true face today.

The pig-butcher's wife is also a monkey, and she is a big squinty-eyed woman. Zhu Badger usually heard from the squinty-eyed woman that the mountains around the village were all monkeys before the donkeys came. Zhu Yuanzhang's army was trapped in the valley by Chen Youliang's army. After the food was cut off, monkeys were caught for food. Without these monkeys, there might not have been the Ming Dynasty in the future.

Zhu Badger understood that this was a nonsense made up by the flat-mouthed woman in front of the neighbors in order to live in the old house, but since she was also a monkey, she would be the one to see the blood next.

Having made up his mind, Zhu Badger went straight to Xishan with the red envelope in his arms.

I don’t know whether he was paying attention or whether the pouty-mouthed woman is really good at pinching. As soon as Zhu Badger turned around the mountain bay, the pig butcher’s family cried loudly. The pig butcher’s wife cried sadly and sang: "My that Poor man, if you don’t enjoy all the good things, why would you go to that old house to join in the fun for no reason? How can you mess with the Eight Badger Immortals? No, are you handing over your life to me? Ahhh, I’m miserable. Man, how can we live without you?"

Dan'er caught up with Zhu Badger and reminded: "Mr. Zhu said, be careful of the flat-mouthed woman, she is not a good person."

"She is not a good person. Everyone in the village knows it." Zhu Badger smiled, but immediately stopped smiling. After making a face at Dan'er, his face was filled with sadness.

Calmly walked into the pig butcher's house, presented a red envelope to the bookkeeper, and then went to burn incense in front of the tomb. He bowed down three times and cried loudly while doing so: "Ouch, pig butcher, you died so unjustly." , even the King of Hell can’t cleanse him of his grievances.”

Butcher's wife and everyone present listened to Zhu Badger crying and said that Butcher died unjustly. They all listened attentively, wanting to know how the Butcher died unjustly.

The flat-mouthed woman came over and said in a strange tone: "There is no need for a cat to cry like a mouse. Please get out."

"Do you think I want to come? If it wasn't to tell everyone how unjust the death of the pig butcher was, I wouldn't bother to come." After Zhu Badger bowed, the three sticks of fragrance in his hand were firmly inserted into the incense burner.

(End of this chapter)

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