Chapter 92 transfer

When the squinty-eyed woman heard Zhu Badger say that the object Zhu Hu was looking for was on the bed, she quickly squinted at Zhu Fan with her squinty eyes.

Zhu Badger went over and said, "Go up quickly and find that object first. That is the evidence of your and Zhu Fanzi's quarrel."

"No, no, no, no, no, no, no." Xianyan Po hesitated, her eyes fixed on the Zhu fan on the Xian bed. Zhu Fan was pretending to be dead at this time and did not dare to show off.

Zhu Badger's ears squinted: "The object is under the quilt, and Zhu Fan is pressing on it. If you don't go up and find the object first and hide it, you won't be beaten when Brother Tiger comes and finds the object."

"Huh? Oh oh..." The cross-eyed woman squinted her eyes and finally made up her mind to jump on the bed. After jumping on the bed, he was still a little at a loss. He stood on the bed and looked around blankly. Zhu Badger reminded in a low voice: "Under the quilt, under the quilt, take off your clothes and look for it. Take off your clothes and look for it."

"Take off your clothes? Why do you need to take off your clothes?" The cross-eyed woman was even more confused. Badger Zhu reminded: "Mr. Zhu has mysophobia. If you have mysophobia, he won't let you get into bed with your clothes on. Come on, come on, Brother Tiger is coming right away."

"Oh oh oh..." The squinty-eyed woman hesitated for a while, then took off her clothes and pants, squatted down and reached into the quilt.

When Zhu Badger saw that the cross-eyed woman had taken off her clothes and was putting her hands into the quilt to touch, while Zhu Fanzi was still pretending to be dead, he suddenly shouted: "Brother Tiger, are you here?"

"My mother..." Upon hearing Zhu Hu's arrival, Xianyanpo trembled greatly, and instinctively hurriedly got under the quilt.

"Fuck couple, get under the quilt together in broad daylight?!" Daylily rushed to the bed.

Also rushing to the bed were Tian Da Lei, Tian Er Lei and Tian Xiao Lei. The three leprous men stood in front of the bed and cursed: "It's so shameless. He has a white beard and steals women." "The shameless one is a bitch. Come here and crawl under the coffin in broad daylight. "You guys are all shameless, drag them out and show them to the public under the big camphor tree!"

"It has to happen, I'll drag it!" "I'll drag it!" One-armed Luo and Stilt-legged Man rushed to the bed.

Zhu Badger stood at the door and spoke: "Don't make noises yet. It is of course necessary to drag them out to show them to the public under the big camphor tree, but at least let these two bitches wear some clothes, right?"

"Fairy, catch an adulterer and a couple. This pair of bitches were caught red-handed and raped in bed. How can you save their face?" "That's right, just drag them naked under the big camphor tree to show the public." The one-armed Luo and the swing-legged guy shouted It was loud enough.

Zhu Badger sighed and said: "Oh, it is disrespectful to be old, it is disrespectful to be old. But we should still remember that he and she are from the old house, and they should still wear clothes. Sister Huacai, you Pick up Mrs. Hu’s and Mr. Zhu’s clothes and put them on the bed and let them put them on themselves.”

"I won't pick it up, it's dirty!" Daylily turned and walked out of the room.

Zhu Badger picked up the coats of Squinty Eye Po and Zhu Fanzi that she had just thrown to the ground and threw them back to the bed. She turned to One-Armed Luo, Stilt-legged Man, Tian Da Lei, Tian Er Lei and Tian Xiao Lei and said, "You all go first. Go out and wait at the door.”

One-Armed Luo, Stilt-leg Man, Tian Da Lei, Tian Er Lei and Tian Xiao Lei reluctantly walked out of the room. Zhu Badger went over and lifted up the quilt and said to Zhu Fanzi and Squinty Eyes: "Why don't you get up quickly?"

"You, you, you..." Zhu Fanzi lay on the bed and looked at Zhu Badger, furious.

"I, I, I..." The cross-eyed woman threw herself on the bed and covered her face with her hands, feeling ashamed.

"Don't want to get up? Okay, Brother One-Armed and Brother Stilt-legged, they have already put on their underwear. Come in and drag them out!" Zhu Badger shouted, and One-Armed Luo and Stilt-legged Brother couldn't wait to rush in and drag Zhu Fan from the bed. Go out of the house with the cross-eyed woman.

Tian Da Lei, Tian Er Lei and Tian Xiao Lei came forward and competed with One-Armed Luo and Stilt-legged Man to drag Zhu Fanzi and Squinted Po. Zhu Badger shouted to them: "You three brothers have important things to do, come in quickly."

"Is there anything else important?"

"whats the matter?"

"Fairy, give me your orders quickly."

Tian Da Lei, Tian Er Lei and Tian Xiao Lei rushed to Zhu Badger first.

Zhu Badger pointed to a large cupboard in the house and said to Tian Da Lei, Tian Er Lei and Tian Xiao Lei: "Open it, drag out the goblins inside and show them to the public under the big camphor tree."


"Is there a goblin in there?"

"Really or not? You don't know how to eat people, do you?"

Tian Da Lei, Tian Er Lei and Tian Xiao Lei stood in front of the cabinet and were afraid to open it.

Zhu Badger scolded: "You have so much courage and still want to accompany you Sister Liu to conduct a census of cultural relics? I can't pass this level first, let alone Dr. Wang."

"Afraid of a ball."

"Yes, what are you afraid of?"

"Isn't he just a goblin?"

Tian Da Lei, Tian Er Lei and Tian Xiao Lei spoke so harshly that their feet trembled.

Zhu Badger changed his tone and said quietly: "Well, I originally wanted to give you a chance, but it seems that I still have to let the one-armed Luo and the cross-legged guy come. It's just that it's easier for them two old bachelors to have such a beautiful beauty become them dish.”


"A fairy is a beauty?"

"The goblin inside is really a beauty?"

Tian Da Lei, Tian Er Lei and Tian Xiao Lei's eyes lit up and their feet stopped trembling.

"She's ten minutes more beautiful than your Sister Liu." Zhu Badger said and walked out of the room.

After a while, Tian Da Lei and Tian Er Lei escorted a woman out of the house. Tian Xiao Lei came over and asked Zhu Badger: "Fairy, why does this woman look a bit like Aunt Ma?"

Zhu Badger went over and tore off a piece of skin from the woman's face and asked Tian Xiaolei: "Does it still look like it now?" "It doesn't look like it anymore, then who is she?" Tian Xiaolei looked up and down from the cupboard. The woman captured from inside.

"Fairies, drag us together under the big camphor tree to show us!" Zhu Badger held the piece of dough in his hand and strode towards the back door of the old house.

By the time Tian Da Lei, Tian Er Lei and Tian Xiao Lei escorted the woman to the big camphor tree, the one-armed Luo and the swing-legged man had already tied Zhu Fan and the cross-eyed woman to the big camphor tree. All the villagers who stayed in the village were all gone without the donkey. Gathered under the big camphor tree, including Ma Yasha and Dan'er Ta Niang, as well as Lu Huan, Uncle Liu, Lu Bo and Dr. Wang, Lan Yuliu did not show up.

"Everyone, you should know what's going on, right?" Zhu Badger stood on the platform and asked everyone.

The one-armed Luo responded loudly: "A man and a woman caught in bed must be exposed to the public!"

"Yes, it must be shown to the public!" The stiletto man shouted louder than the one-armed man.

Zhu Badger smiled and said: "You can't and shouldn't show it to the public. That's what they want. Brother One-Armed and Brother Stiletto, let's let them go." "Let them go?" "Really?" Let them go?" One-armed Luo and Stilt-legged Man thought they heard Zhu Badger's words wrongly.

Zhu Badger smiled and nodded to One-Armed Luo and Stilt-legged Man. After they went over and untied the ropes that bound Zhu Fanzi and Xianyan Po, he said to everyone: "Everyone, in our hometown, we should save face for each other. Today's Just keep it to yourself, especially don't tell Brother Hu. Brother Hu has a hot temper. If he comes back and finds out that something like this happened, he will probably cause trouble. "

Zhu Fanzi and Xianyanpo, who were running towards the old house with their heads down and covering their faces, stopped at the same time when they heard what Zhu Badger said. The squinty-eyed woman first spoke in a tearful voice: "Dear neighbors, the fairy is right. The one in my family has a very bad temper. Please be patient and don't gossip behind his back."

"We are gossiping behind our backs? You yourself did such a shameless thing and you still accuse us of gossiping behind our backs?" "That is, you still have the nerve to accuse us of gossiping behind our backs after being caught in the act? Fairy should not be so kind as to let you go." One-armed Luo and the cross-legged man yelled at the cross-eyed woman.

"One-armed, cross-legged, you two wallflowers don't let the wind fall. I tell you, this is all because of her, the Badger Immortals, who framed me for injustice. Sooner or later, she will regret it, and you will regret it sooner or later." Zhu Fanzi said, since Zhu Badger entered his house and remained silent until he was tied up by One-Armed Luo and Stilt-legged Man under the big camphor tree.

How could One-Armed Luo and Stilt-legged Man allow Zhu Fanzi to scold them at this time? He scolded Zhu Shanzi successively: "We regret it? What do we regret when we arrest you? Are you regretting the trouble with the fairy behind your back? You are really a sanctimonious hypocrite." There are male thieves and female prostitutes inside, it’s so filthy!”

"Eight Badger Immortals, the old man and the cross-eyed woman didn't take off their clothes at all. Why do you say that we are just doing things that are just around the corner?" Zhu Fanzi no longer paid attention to the one-armed Luo and the cross-legged man, but asked Zhu Badger loudly.

Zhu Badger still had a smile on his face and asked Zhu Fanzi calmly: "You didn't take off your clothes? Are you wearing a coat now? Did I tell you that you are doing sleazy things? What is sleazy things? Sister Huacai , you were the first one to rush into the house, what did you see then? "

"When I rushed in, the two of them were under the quilt, with all their clothes thrown on the floor. They could see clearly and clearly." Daylily responded loudly.

Zhu Badger nodded to Day Lily with satisfaction and said loudly: "Zhu Fan, I don't want to waste time with you, because you are no longer worthy of me saying another word to you. Da Lei, Er Lei, Xiao Lei, you ask Did she order anything? Pull her up and confront Zhu Shanzi."

After arriving under the big camphor tree, Zhu Badger did not immediately let the woman Tian Da Lei, Tian Er Lei and Tian Xiao Leila appear in front of everyone. Instead, he asked the three boys from the Tian family to go behind the big camphor tree to interrogate the woman.

Tian Da Lei, Tian Er Lei and Tian Xiao Lei listened to Zhu Badger's call to ask them, and after saying yes, they pulled the woman onto the platform. Tian Xiao Lei loudly asked Zhu Shanzi: "Zhu Shanzi, you are such a sanctimonious hypocrite, you are all a mess." Are you still so disgusting? Are you afraid of dying on a woman?"

"Tian Xiaolei, you are disgusting, don't be disgusted and old!" Zhu Fanzi scolded Tian Xiaolei. He wanted to wave the fan out of habit, but unfortunately he had nothing in his hands and could only shake his arms.

Tian Xiaolei did not show any weakness and scolded Zhu Fanzi: "Just wait for me, and I will tear off your fig leaf in front of everyone." After that, Tian Xiaolei pointed at the woman next to him and said to everyone: "Everyone, you know Is this woman a piece of shit that Zhu Fanzi has found? She usually does it for Zhu Fanzi’s pleasure, but when Auntie Ma is out, she acts as a scapegoat for Auntie Ma. "

"You are spitting blood, I want you to die!" Zhu Fanzi jumped up and ran straight to the platform.

Tian Xiaolei was so frightened that he shrunk his neck and fell down on the earthen platform. Zhu Badger went over and stood in front of Tian Xiaolei. Unexpectedly, Zhu Shanzi did not come for Tian Xiaolei, but he said he wanted Tian Xiaolei to die, but in fact he wanted the woman to die.

I saw Zhu Fanzi plucking green onions from dry land and leaping onto the platform, then a roc spread its wings and flew towards the woman. When Tian Da Le and Tian Er Lei saw Zhu Shanzi's posture, they were so frightened that they slumped down on the earthen platform and did not even bother to catch the woman again.

When the woman saw that Zhu Fanzi wanted her to die, she rolled down the earth platform. Seeing that the woman was about to run away, Zhu Fanzi flew down from the earth platform, spread out his arms and grabbed the woman like a hawk catching a chicken.

The woman's feet were tripped by a piece of dirt, and she stumbled and fell to the ground. Zhu Fan swooped down and grabbed the woman with both hands.

Soon after, Daner came over like a bolt of lightning and stood in front of the woman. At the same time, Ma Yasha flew over and pulled the woman up onto the platform again.

Zhu Shanzi's hands that were grabbing the woman changed to grabbing Dan'er's mother's face with his left hand and grabbing Dan'er's mother's heart with his right hand. Dan'er his mother didn't dodge. When Zhu Shanzi's hands came closer, her own hands Lifting up and down, the left hand lifts towards Zhu Fanzi's limb socket and the right hand points directly to Zhu Fanzi's navel.

With a "Hey!", Zhu Fan fell to the ground, unable to move.

"Mighty!" Lu Huan shouted and clapped vigorously.

"Mighty! Mighty!" Wang Jinggang clapped his hands and turned red.

Zhu Badger stood on the earth platform and shouted to Lu Huan: "Surround Zhu Fan, be careful someone wants to kill him!"

"Want to kill someone and silence them? I'll let you die first!" Dan'er's mother-in-law said loudly, an arc passed across the Taiping Pond, and he slipped back from behind a willow tree on the opposite side to the front of the earth platform, and threw it on Zhu Fanzi's hand. around.

Lu Huan was already standing next to Zhu Fanzi. Dan'er damned, he threw someone down. Lu Huan moved like a rabbit, then lowered his eyebrows and then moved to his heart. With these two moves, the person was dying.

"Okay, the authentic Emei Plum Blossom Palm!" While Zhu Badger was cheering for Lu Huan, a ray of white light shined directly on the earthen platform, directly on the woman. With quick eyesight and quick hands, Ma Yaksha picked up the woman and landed next to Zhu Fanzi, shouting: "What's the point of using dirty tricks behind your back? If you have the ability, let's come over and compete in person!"

No one responded, there was silence under the big camphor tree, the whole village was silent, and the old house was unusually quiet.

After a while, there was still no sound, and Zhu Badger spoke: "Did you all hear and see it? Since some people can't see the light, let's continue to let them be ghosts. Next, let's see if the three people in the audience are human beings or not. Ghost? Huanhuan, pull the person you stepped on up and show it to everyone? "

"Okay!" Lu Huan pulled up the person who just slipped over from behind the willow tree.

"It's him?"

"How could it be him?"

"Isn't he gone?"

Everyone took a closer look and found out that the person was Zhu Huzhai.

Zhu Badger shouted: "Zhu Huzhai, do you still dare to come here to stir up trouble?"

Zhu Huzhai had his head drooped and his face was pale. If Lu Huan hadn't held him back, he probably wouldn't have been able to stand still. Zhu Badger asked several times, but Zhu Huzhai just didn't speak.

Zhu Badger turned to Zhu Fanzi: "What else do you have to say?" "Don't you want to waste time with me? Aren't I no longer worthy of you saying another word to me? Then what else do you ask me?" Zhu Fan was lying on the ground looking like a rogue, not at all as gentle as before.

"You?" Faced with Zhu Fanzi's rogue appearance, Zhu Badger was speechless for a moment.

Zhu Shanzi got up from the ground, and while gently patting the dust on his clothes, he said to Zhu Badger slowly: "Badger Badger, you have to be yourself and continue to do it. I don't want to play with you anymore. You call me a sanctimonious hypocrite." Okay, it doesn’t matter if it’s a coffin or old man, the seventh owner of the old house, you want to drive him out of the old house? Oh, by the way, from now on, if the old man’s body is even slightly damaged, then It was your fault. If the old man died like this, it was your fault."

"Zhu Fanzi, don't be so self-righteous. Do you think you can scare me like this?" Zhu Badger was furious.

Zhu Shanzi walked slowly to the old house, and said as he walked: "I have the capital to be so self-righteous. If you can't stand it or don't believe it, then try touching a hair of my hair? I'm warning you, there are many people in this old man."

"No matter how many people you have, I just don't believe you can't be touched!" Zhu Badger got angry.

Zhu Fanzi turned around and smiled at Zhu Badger: "Do you think that with this woman and Zhu Huzhai in hand, you can bring down this old man? I would like to advise you, it's still too late to take it in as soon as you see it, otherwise it will cost you the life of two people. Neither your father nor your mother can save you."

"You dare to get involved with my heavenly father and mother? I will kill you now!" Zhu Badger was about to rush towards Zhu Fanzi. Ma Yasha and Dan'er's mother grabbed Zhu Badger from the left and the right, and persuaded her: "Be patient for now, the time is not yet." "Let Zhu Huzhai go and send that woman away from here."

"I, I, I..." Zhu Badger couldn't swallow this breath no matter what, but when he looked up, he saw Zhu Fanzi openly holding the hand of the cross-eyed woman and walking towards the back door with Lan Yuliu who was waiting by the wall of the old house talking and laughing. Sitting on the dirt platform, he looked like a deflated rubber ball.

A loud voice came from Xishan: "If the mountains don't turn, the water will turn. If the water doesn't turn, the road will turn. If the road doesn't turn, people will turn. If people don't turn, the heart will turn. For this reason, it's better to visit the old house more often."

"Dad, my daughter knows that she will go back and take a look around now." Zhu Badger knelt down and kowtowed to Xishan three times, then jumped off the platform and headed towards the old house.

Ma Yaksha went over and asked Lu Huan to let Zhu Huzhai go, and then whispered a few words in Lu Huan's ear. Lu Huan nodded, pulled the woman in front of Wang Jingyan, and said to him: "Don't you want to go back to the provincial capital?" ? Let’s go together now.”

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