Chapter 121 Garment Factory

When He Qinqin heard that a security guard on the ground had been arrested, he couldn't even make an expression for a moment. It couldn't be Shi Yao, and Shi Yao wouldn't steal anything.

But then she listened to Si Jiuyin say:
"It's not surprising that this happens at the construction site. I don't think it's necessary to call me."

"However, the foreman said that when the security guard was arrested, he kept saying that he was the son-in-law of the Si Group, so he couldn't make up his mind so he called the leader of the project team."

"Finally the call came to me."

He Qinqin's heart was completely cold. As expected, the one who was arrested was Shi Yao.

He Qinqin resisted the urge to beg Si Jiuyin to let Shi Yao go.

Now that Shi Yao was in deep trouble, she couldn't afford to lose control at the critical moment. She hadn't gotten back the Zhuo family's clothing factory yet.

For the sake of the child in her belly, she couldn't be exposed at this time.

He Qinqin said stiffly: "Those who steal things should be punished and punished, so that our group's affairs can operate normally."

"Mom, I heard that Shi Yao was working as a security guard at Si's construction site, and I've broken up with him."

He Qinqin thought for a while and then added: "What he said is his business. Do you believe him or not me?"

When He Qinqin said these words, she felt that cracks were breaking out in her heart.

Si Jiuyin looked at her deeply: "The fact that you can say that means you are overthinking it."

Si Jiuyin thought about it. Since He Qinqin had found out Aunt Ling's secret and sent her to the police station, He Qinqin could not be left in private. As long as He Qinqin was a little self-motivated and honest, she would It's not that bad.

She knew that He Qinqin might be asking her about the garment factory where Zhuo Qin stayed.

The clothing factory Zhuo Qin left behind was not in Haicheng, but in a county near Haicheng. Compared with the old clothing factory.

The millions that the original owner invested in He Qinqin were not worth mentioning at all.

The original owner never mentioned these garment factories to He Qinqin, not because he was greedy for this small and broken factory, but because this garment factory would cause a lot of trouble in the future and was a hot potato, so he simply didn't mention it at all.

Moreover, Zhuo Qin made a will when she suffered from postpartum depression and donated the clothing factory to her friend Si Jiuyin.

Si Jiuyin didn't understand why Zhuo Qin, but now this garment factory only had commemorative significance to her and had no value. Keeping it in her hands would be even more problematic.

It is easy for people to talk about people who are under the influence of melons and plums.

Although Zhuo Qin's will stated that the garment factory was given to the original owner, it was ultimately the product of Zhuo Qin's parents and Zhuo Qin's hard work.

It was the original owner who replaced the old equipment in the garment factory with new ones. After spending more than 100 million to update the garment factory, it was not used for profit. Instead, it was used for craft production activities and provided services to children in orphanages, welfare homes and impoverished mountainous areas. Produces winter clothing.

Zhuo Qin was kind-hearted, so the original owner wanted to use Zhuo Qin to send it to his clothing factory to carry forward Zhuo Qin's gentleness and kindness.

Now Si Jiuyin decided to return the factory to He Qinqin to let her know how powerful a real top relative is.

He Qinqin tried every means to find Li Han's adoptive parents and wanted to interrupt Li Han's bright future.

I don’t know how He Qinqin would feel after meeting his best relatives.

During this period, Si Jiuyin had already asked people to move back the original batch of old machines and move away the new machines that he purchased at his own expense.

He Qinqin breathed a sigh of relief when he saw that Si Jiuyin didn't pursue the matter about Shi Yao anymore.

He Qinqin comforted himself in his heart that saying this was just a temporary measure, and he felt even more guilty for Shi Yao. When she got home later, she had to quickly inquire about Shi Yao to see how serious the matter was.

Time goes back to yesterday afternoon.

Shi Yao was sitting in the security booth watching the stock trend.

The market supervision department has intervened in the case that Shanjiang Group's skin care products contain carcinogens.

Shanjiang's stock price fell sharply, and Shi Yao's face became greener and greener every day.

Watching the 30 he invested in the stock market shrink by hundreds or thousands every day was like holding a knife to him.

Of the 30 yuan, 19 yuan belonged to He Qinqin, and the other 6 yuan was borrowed from the Internet cafe manager Mou Zitong.

So during this period, he stole materials from the construction site more frequently. In addition to the remuneration for doing things for others, he had a deposit of 2 in his pocket, and he felt a little relieved.

At this time, there was a vague noise coming from outside the security booth. Shi Yao got up from his seat and stretched impatiently. Then he saw Wuyangyang, a large number of people holding banners blocking the entrance and exit of the construction site. Parking pole door.

The banners held by these people read "The Black Heart Group uses inferior building materials."

"He is driven by greed and regards human life as nothing more than a piece of grass"

And these people were very aggressive and looked like they were ready to fight with others at any time, making noises in front of the construction site.

6:30 pm is the rush hour for getting off work.

This group of property owners who claimed to have bought off-plan properties held a banner and sat in front of the Sishi Group's construction site to protest against the use of inferior engineering materials at the Sishi Group's construction site and their disregard for the safety of consumers for the sake of profit.

This property is in a school district, and many people want to buy it, so many people stopped outside the construction site.

"Is it true? With such a big group, how could he dare to use substandard materials in the house where this person lives?"

"My fellow man was moving bricks on this construction site, and he saw with his own eyes that the materials delivered by trucks were hollow."

"Oh my God, I bought their off-plan property just because I thought Si's Group was reliable. Now instead of the bad news, it's revealed that there is a problem with the building materials. How can I protect my rights? It's very troublesome, right? ?”

There were two people at the scene who were live broadcasting with their mobile phones. His posture and remarks during the live broadcast were very professional.

"Shi Yao, go and take care of those people who are making trouble."

The supervisor patted the window of the security booth: "Our truck transporting materials is already on the road! There are also sand trucks coming in and out. If they are blocked at the door later, sooner or later it will affect the traffic on Binhai Fifth Avenue."

The supervisor held up the white safety helmet on his head, speechless and angry: "I'm really convinced. Now that the inspection is so strict, who dares to use synthetic materials? It's life-threatening."

"I know, I know, I'll deal with it right away."

Shi Yao threw the cigarette in his hand on the ground and stamped it with his foot: "But I can't protect myself against so many people by myself. Can I control it?"

Supervisor: "I have already dispatched manpower. You go up and stop it first."

Shi Yao walked up to the group of owners who claimed to want to conduct a thorough inspection of the building materials at the construction site and said a few words in a nonchalant manner.

"Don't be angry. Everyone has heard about it, and there is no direct evidence to prove that we used substandard construction materials at our construction site."

"Unless the regulatory authorities come to investigate, you have no right to make a fuss here."

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