Chapter 132 No Peace
"Mom, don't worry."

Si Jin arranged the work in a rational and orderly manner: "I have strengthened the security of the residence and the company, and the victims of the Shanjiang Group who are willing to appear in court are also well protected."

"I can rest assured that you are doing things."

At this time, the door to the living room opened and Li Han came back.

There was joy on her face, "Mom, Orange Heart Nursing Home will open next Monday!"

When Si Jiuyin and Si Jin heard the good news brought by Li Han, they were infected by the smile on her face.

Si Jin has been watching Li Han's rapid growth in the past three months, putting the projects on paper into reality, and he is sincerely happy for her: "Xiao Han's first project has been completed, and I will definitely support it when it opens. ”

Si Jiuyin was also quite pleased. She joked: "It seems that I am not far away from lying down."

Li Han rubbed his hands: "Then I would like to greet the two bosses and cut the ribbon to support them!"

Li Han is also looking forward to the opening of Orange Heart Nursing Home, which means it can officially start making money.

In order to train herself, she regarded the start-up capital as borrowing from Si Jiuyin, and agreed on the interest. Only when she was under pressure would she be motivated.

With the solid textbook knowledge he learned at university and the experience accumulated in social practice, coupled with the platform provided by the Si family, Li Han grew up very quickly.

The three of them talked lively for a while, and then had dinner together. The atmosphere was quite harmonious and warm.

After experiencing various turmoils, another month passed, and the decline in Shanjiang Group's stock slowed down.

The number of people who originally shouted slogans to boycott Shanjiang Group's products has decreased significantly.

As for the victims of these turmoils, many gave up defending their rights after being paid hush money by Shanjiang Group.

Just when many people with a guilty conscience breathed a sigh of relief and thought that the dark history of the Shanjiang Group would be forgotten over time, the Shanjiang Group was sued!
And it involves more than one case.

In addition to the victims whose faces were ruined by using KA beauty products, there are also creators from various fields who have been plagiarized by Shanjiang Group and are jointly suing for their rights.

And the Si Group made a promise to support these people and would fight to the end with the Shanjiang Group.

The Si Group's failure to counterattack in the face of repeated provocations from the Shanjiang Group is not a Buddhist type, but rather it is holding back a big move.

During this time, they were looking for the victims of persecution by the Shanjiang Group. Of course, the Shanjiang Group heard the news and quickly sent people to silence them.

However, they didn't know that the victims the Si Group apparently found were actually bait to lure the Shanjiang Group into action.

The Si Group has retained evidence of Shanjiang Group's bad behavior of threatening victims.

In Si Jiuyin's chairman's office, the private detective she hired with a large sum of money looked solemn: "President Si, I brought a very crucial piece of news this time."

During this "fishing" process, the private detective sent by Si Jiuyin sought victory in the dangers of Southeast Asia, and the security and road management alone cost six figures.

Spending money wisely, it took him two months to finally figure out the background behind Shanjiang Group: "Shanjiang Group has strong funds and generous spending. It has a fraudulent industrial park in neighboring countries in Southeast Asia.

"The Shanjiang Group makes various bad dramas that cost over 100 million yuan for newcomers Xiaohua and Xiaosheng. They spend money step by step to promote people to the top, and pay all kinds of sky-high endorsement fees that fans are bragging about. All kinds of behaviors are money laundering. Suspicion."

Si Jiuyin raised his eyebrows. No wonder Shanjiang Group was so confident. It relied on the fact that these domestic groups that he had dealt with were beyond the reach of him.

But Si Jiuyin is so serious.

"It's just that the source of the clues for this blockbuster news is relatively secretive, and no direct evidence can be found on the surface to prove that Shanjiang Group is related to this industrial park."

"In addition, it involves cross-border cooperation, so it is very difficult. But the good news is that my informant has taken root in their hometown." Si Jiuyin contacted Commander Fang and handed over to Fang all the information that the private detective had gathered. commander.

Commander Fang was extremely excited after receiving the news from Si Jiuyin, "Shanjiang Group has made a lot of small moves recently, and we are paying close attention to it."

"We were planning, but we didn't expect that the private detective you sent has gone deep into the dangerous area."

"With a lot of money, there must be a brave man." Si Jiuyin heard Commander Fang's words, and her chances of winning became a little better: "I hope my news will be useful to you."

Commander Fang nodded repeatedly: "Very useful! Telecommunications fraud has torn apart many families. We must crack down hard."

After communicating with Commander Fang, the Si Group openly targeted the Shanjiang Group.

Not only did he compare the products and packaging of 723 convenience stores with those of Shanjiang Haoshi convenience store on his official blog, but he also openly mocked Shanjiang Group as the king of piracy.

And from time to time, we have to give exclusive interviews to the creators who have been plagiarized to accuse Shanjiang Group of how shameless they are.

Shanjiang Group, on the other hand, issued a lawyer's letter warning the Si Group for defamation, but other than that, they did nothing else. Instead, they had an attitude of "I just like that you can't stand me but can't kill me."

They are very confident in the lawsuit filed by Sishi Group against them for intellectual property infringement.

After all, so many people had sued them before but none of them had won.

Shanjiang plagiarized all over the place, and it was very difficult to define plagiarism in many parts. All blame was placed on AI.

Because the legislation regarding the creation of artificial intelligence is not yet complete, and there is no prior judicial precedent.

Even if Si Jiuyin can win this long lawsuit, the most they can get is compensation. Anyway, their funds openly and secretly are much richer than those of the Si Group. They can afford it, and the Si Group The group will surely be severely damaged.

Maybe Shanjiang will be able to acquire the Si Group by then.

Jiang Shen, the president of Shanjiang Group, made a good calculation.

Little did they know that Si Jiuyin, who had already changed her core, was the number one person in the field of intellectual property protection in her previous life.

He has handled hundreds of infringement cases, and has rich experience in AI infringement in particular.

Si Jiuyin has a way to deal with Shanjiang Group's plagiarism.

In her previous life, Si Jiuyin's experience and insights gained from working hard day and night when she was a lawyer were all put to use in collecting evidence of Shanjiang Group's infringement during this period.

The sentence suddenly came to mind in her mind, "Everything you learn, every hardship you encounter, will come in handy at some point in your life."

On the surface, Si Jiuyin made a big move to fight the Shanjiang Group to the end. He wanted to fight a long lawsuit with them and sue the Shanjiang Group until it went bankrupt.

This matter is now making a fuss in the business world, and everyone thinks this is Si Jiuyin's ultimate move.

But in fact, the Si Group sued the Shanjiang Group and demanded sky-high compensation. From time to time, they would come up with some tricks to make Shanjiang miserable, just to covertly cover this official anti-fraud operation.

He Qinqin saw the recent heated news about the split between the Si Group and the Shanjiang Group, and was only thankful that he ran fast.

In her opinion, if both sides are torn to this point, one side will surely decline.

She feels that the Shanjiang Group is more powerful. It can complete the listing within two years, and it can be endorsed by top celebrities casually. Moreover, it is said that the Shanjiang Group has a big backer.

As for the Si Group, He Qinqin knew very well that there were only Si Jin and Si Jiuyin.

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