Chapter 285 Movement
There is a small town in the direction of Rongjiang County from Qianping County, under the jurisdiction of which there is a village called Ping'an Village.

Ping'an Village is backed by endless mountains and relies on the mountains for its livelihood. It is also far away from the town and is quite secluded.

There are only about thirty households in the village, and life is simple.

The three blue brick and tile houses at the foot of the mountain at the end of the village have only been standing here for a year, and the blue bricks are still brand new.

These three blue brick and tile houses are also the only brick and tile houses in the entire village, and they are unique.

It was evening, smoke was rising from every household, and the aroma of meat was gradually wafting from this house.

After a while, Wu turned off the fire, took out the tender braised pork from the pot, washed the pot, boiled a pot of water, wiped her hands on her apron, walked out of the kitchen, went to the door, and looked forward.

A little boy of about three or four years old who had been sitting on the kitchen threshold while she was cooking came out and looked out the door, "Mom, is Dad back?"

"It's almost there, it's almost there." Mrs. Wu responded and simply picked up the little boy. The mother and daughter sat on the doorstep and waited together.

The little boy was held in Wu's arms, his head pressed against Wu's face, they were very close.

Mrs. Wu lowered her head and looked at him, and couldn't help but smile.

Last year, when she and Liu Hui were moving to Ping'an Village, they passed by a village and happened to find a two-year-old boy playing with stones at the entrance of the village. There was no one else around, so she suddenly got the idea and took the boy away.

I walked a long way and no one caught up with me.

Later they moved to Ping'an Village and settled down there, saying that the child was theirs.

The child was young and made a fuss at first, but later he didn't know what was going on and just thought that they were his parents.

I have had them for a year now, and I feel closer to them, as if they were my own children.

But every time Mrs. Wu looked at him, she would always think of Tan Ge'er, so she named the child Liu Tan, nicknamed Tan Ge'er.

The mother and daughter looked and looked, and heard the sound of wheels coming closer and closer. Soon, an ox cart appeared at the end of the bend and came straight towards them.

"Dad is back!" Tan Ge'er said excitedly, clapping his hands.

When the ox cart got closer, Wu smiled and said, "You're back?"

When Liu Hui saw the mother and daughter, all the tiredness from the day's running around instantly disappeared. He lowered the door sill and drove the ox cart over, then he hugged Tan Ge'er and kissed him. In his whole life, he had never thought that he would have a son!

"The meal is ready, wash your hands and eat!" Mrs. Wu took Tan Ge'er down and put him on the ground, patted him and asked him to help with the dishes and chopsticks.

The family of three sat in the yard and had dinner before it got dark.

While eating, Wu asked Liu Hui about what he had gained today.

They settled down in Ping'an Village. Although they still had a lot of savings, they couldn't just sit there and enjoy all the money, so Liu Hui continued with his old business, setting out for the town before dawn every day to set up a stall and sell sugar figurines.

Although the business is not very good, I can still earn twenty or thirty copper coins a day.

Mrs. Wu stayed at home to take care of the children and lived a fulfilling life.

But when she fell asleep at night, Wu was always depressed and could always think of the past events in her mind.

Thinking too deeply made it hard for her to fall asleep. Liu would be woken up by the noise of her turning over, but he had no temper and just coaxed her, "Why aren't you sleeping yet? Go to sleep."

Wu suddenly stood up and said, "Dad, did you hear anything?"

Liu Hui listened attentively and shook his head, "No, what's that sound? It's just insects chirping outside."

"No, there is a sound!"

Seeing that she insisted on speaking, Liu Hui had no choice but to get up, put on his coat, and go out to take a look.

Soon, he came running back in a hurry, his voice trembling, "There seemed to be a sound, there was movement at the entrance of the village, I heard screams, and saw torches were lit!"

"Don't...don't let bandits enter the village?" Wu's face turned pale. She heard that there was a group of bandits in the mountain connected to the mountain behind them. She only heard about it from the villagers after she settled down here.

But the villagers said that they hadn't seen bandits come here in all these years! How come the bandits came into the village out of nowhere?
She was so frightened that she quickly said, "Quick, let's go into the mountains and hide!"

Don’t take the ox cart anymore, people are important, just take the silver.

They will come back after the bandits leave.

As soon as Wu said that, Liu Hui also had an idea. He quickly picked up Liu Tan who was sleeping soundly, tied a cloth towel around his back, then took Wu, who had packed up some silver and valuables, and ran out of the house, running towards the mountain without even daring to look back.

The night was pitch black, there wasn't even a star in the sky. I stumbled along in panic, not being able to see the road clearly at all.

Fortunately, they were at the foot of the mountain. They had just crawled and hid under a slope when they heard a chaotic sound of footsteps rushing towards the end of the village.

Liu Hui stuck his head out to take a look, and saw the flames shooting up into his house. He was frightened, but fortunately they ran fast.

He was just about to breathe a sigh of relief, but he didn't expect that the bandits who rushed into the house didn't notice his figure at all. When he touched the bed, it was still warm, obviously the person had just escaped.

So he immediately started searching around.

Hey, hey, hey.

My heart was beating in my throat.

Seeing the bandits searching towards the mountain, Wu and Liu Hui began to tremble all over.

The torches searched inch by inch. Perhaps because the night was too dark, the bandits did not notice this small valley. After all, the mountain was so big.

Wu was thinking that if she couldn't find them, she would leave and just wait until dawn.

Unfortunately, things didn't go as planned. Liu Tan suddenly woke up and said, "Mom, I need to pee."

The child's voice was not very loud, but as luck would have it, the bandits who had just searched this place had not gone far.

Wu was so frightened that she quickly covered Li Tan's mouth, but it was too late.

The firelight was shining on her face, burning hot, and there was only one voice in Wu's mind: It's over.

The fire lit up the yard. Wu and Liu Hui protected Liu Tan in the middle, trembling with fear.

The bag on Wu's back had been snatched away by the bandits long ago. The bandits searched the house inside and out, but found nothing valuable. They also took the cow away.

The bandit approached with a knife brandishing it, and the knife was covered in blood. Wu was so frightened that her face turned pale and she begged incoherently.

"Let...let us go...I'll give you all the money...Ah! I know who has money! There's a lot of money. I'll take you there! Don't kill me!"

The bandit leader became interested in her words and motioned his younger brother to wait, "Oh? Whose family is rich? Tell me, and I promise not to kill you."

When Wu heard this, she felt hopeful and rushed to say, "Xiahe Village! The Li family in Xiahe Village, they have workshops all over the village, and they are doing business in partnership with the richest man in Bingzhou. They have so much money at home that they can't even store it all! They are rich!"

She didn't know how much money Shi Liu's family had, but in order to save her life, she just wanted to say as much as possible.

"Xiahe Village? Which Xiahe Village?"

"It's just a few dozen miles north of Qianping County! By the way, go around the mountain behind our village and you'll be outside the county town. It's very close! Their family is really rich, please don't kill us!"

The bandit leader listened and smiled, "Okay, I won't kill you."

The torches gradually moved out of the yard. Before Wu could even breathe a sigh of relief, she felt a pain in her neck and something sprayed out of her body.

Falling to the ground, she met Liu Hui's wide-open eyes and felt a hand full of sticky stuff. Wu also widened her eyes and couldn't close them for a long time.

While she was half conscious, she heard the bandit leader say, "Let's go check out Xiahe Village."

Suddenly she grinned. How did she get to this point?
In the next life... in the next life...

Fine, fine, if she dies, no one will be able to live...

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