The lucky girl in the village has a good way of making money.

Chapter 292 The Heaviness of Surviving a Disaster

Chapter 292 The Heaviness of Surviving a Disaster

It was late at night, and the sky was dimly lit. A fierce battle was finally over, and the elderly and women who had been hiding in their homes came running out one after another.

"My son!"

"His father! His father!"

"Get rich, get rich! You're going to make my mother die of pain!"

"Ms. sir! Mr. sir!"


The smell of blood spread over the entire Xiahe Village, and the bright red color of an open space at the south end of the village was extremely glaring.

All the seriously injured and the slightly injured were moved into the house for treatment, except for the one against the wall where everyone was silent.

When they recognized it was their own family member, they rushed forward and hugged the corpse and cried bitterly. This scene made everyone, including the people from the other two villages, sigh. People who were still talking and laughing during the day left them forever at night.

After counting the battlefield, the youngest son of Village Chief Liu came forward with red eyes and said, "We lost 24 people, including Uncle Fulai...Zhuanzi...Dahei...Forty-six were seriously injured, Uncle Wujin's left hand was chopped off, Uncle Jiyuan's right hand was broken...The rest were slightly injured..."

Liu Lizhang, Liu Lizhang and the Sun clan leader were speechless. They had fought back tonight and had not been massacred. They had also successfully killed all the bandits and avenged themselves. They should have been grateful for having survived the disaster, but the price and consequences were heavy...

More than twenty people died, and nearly fifty were seriously injured. Some had broken hands and injured feet, and some had stabbed shoulders and backs. Even if they were cured, they would still have trouble living in the future, and even their life spans would be shortened...

How can such a result not make people feel heavy?

Those who died were all living beings. The youngest was only eighteen years old and had just gotten married, but he didn't even leave behind a child!
On Shi Liu's side, Zuo Cheng, who was slightly injured, came to report the casualties after bandaging himself, saying, "Three of our guards died, seven were seriously injured, and the rest were slightly injured. Zhao Zhong was stabbed in the stomach. Doctor Hong examined him and said that his condition is not good..."

Shi Liu withdrew his gaze from the wailing and grief over there, looked at Village Chief Liu and the others, and immediately said: "For all the seriously injured, send a family member with you and send them to the city."

After that, he asked Li Jihe who had arrived to go back and inform Li Chunxi at home to drive all the mule carts and ox carts over.

With so many serious injuries, if we don’t go to the city, the two doctors alone will not be able to treat them all, and they don’t have any medicine to use.

When Village Chief Liu and Clan Chief Li heard Shi Liu's arrangement, they quickly regained their composure and arranged to harness all the ox carts in the village and rush the seriously injured to the hospital in the city.

When Chief Fan and Chief Lin saw that their villagers were dead or injured, and the only ones left were the elderly, the weak, women and children, they came to help spontaneously. With so many injured to be sent to the city, it would take more manpower along the way.

There is strength in numbers. Soon, the convoy was pulled out and the injured were placed on the vehicles. Those who could sit sat down, and those who couldn't sit walked.

Shi Liu asked Song to give Li Jihe some silver notes and asked Li Jihe to lead the team into the city and report to the authorities.

After watching the convoy enter the city, the people who stayed behind finally had time to comfort the families who had lost their loved ones and were crying their hearts out.

The workshop was unable to open today as all the women were busy helping Doctor Hong. So many people with minor injuries needed bandaging.

Song and Li Xiangli also hurriedly pulled Shi Liu back home. She had a cut on her arm, the wound was not deep, but it made them feel very distressed. There was some medicine at home, so they quickly helped clean the wound, apply medicine and bandage it.

As for Old Mrs. Yuan and Old Man Li, they both went to the other three houses. Li Rongsong and Li Rongbai were both injured, and Li Jiufu was also stabbed in the leg, but fortunately the injury was not serious.

On Li Yishan's side, Li Jizhong and others were also injured.

It can be said that everyone who resisted the bandits last night was injured.

——The first rays of sunlight at dawn hit the towering city wall, and the city gate slowly opened from the inside. The people who had been waiting to enter the city lined up to enter the city one by one.

But he couldn't help but look towards the back of the team.

It was a long convoy, and the people guarding it on both sides all had heavy expressions, as if someone had died in their family. The mule carts had sheds that could not be seen, but on the ox carts, people could be seen lying motionless.

Those who were close could vaguely smell the smell of blood coming from the team, as well as the faint sounds of cries of pain.

This team is really strange.

The guards at the city gate had already noticed this unusual group of people. When the group approached, they immediately stopped them and asked, "Who are you? Which village are you from? What are you doing in the city?"

Li Jihe stepped forward and said, "Sir, we are from Xiahe Village. Our village was attacked by bandits last night. The people on the bus are all villagers who were seriously injured in resisting the bandits last night. Please let us pass quickly and go to the city to the clinic."

Was Xiahe Village attacked by bandits last night?
The bandits have come to Luoshui County?
How can it be?

They haven't heard of it!
The guards were half-believing and half-doubting. Seeing that the man lying on the leading ox cart was indeed seriously injured, they had to believe it. However, a thought subconsciously came to their mind: how could those bandits who massacred the village be able to leave anyone alive?

After all, the villages we heard about before that were attacked by bandits were all massacred.

Aren’t they the bandits from Rongjiang County? Are there also bandits from Luoshui County?
The thought flashed through his mind, and the guard, doing his duty, asked Li Jihe to take out his household registration documents for inspection before letting him pass.

But immediately after they were released, someone rushed to the county government office.

After entering the city, Li Jihe asked everyone to go to the clinic first, and he also hurried to the county government office.

Magistrate Zhang of Luoshui County had just entered the front hall to start work when he heard the city gate guard have something important to report. Curious, he quickly let someone in.

The guard came in and clasped his fists and said, "Greetings to the county lord. Sir, a group of villagers from Xiahe Village entered the city through the South Gate two quarters of an hour ago. These villagers said that their village was attacked by bandits last night. The people on the car were all seriously injured. They entered the city to seek medical treatment."

“What?!” County Magistrate Zhang’s face changed drastically when he heard this.

Bandits came to Xiahe Village?
How can this be?

He received news yesterday that Captain Wang of the Bayingzhuang Thousand Household Division had led his troops to Luoshui County, and would break camp today and continue to head towards Qianping County. That group of bandits had actually already sneaked into Luoshui County?

"Which clinic did those villagers go to? Go and find them quickly!"

Magistrate Zhang ordered.

Someone was about to go look for him, but a yamen runner came in and reported, "Sir, a man came to report to the officials, saying he was from Xiahe Village, and that their village was attacked by bandits."

"Bring him in quickly!" Magistrate Zhang said hurriedly.

Not long after, Li Jihe was brought in and met County Magistrate Zhang. He should have been nervous, but such a big thing happened in their village last night, and he remembered his daughter's words. He wanted to report it to the police and ask the county magistrate to send people to their village to deal with the bodies of the bandits.

I didn't care about being nervous at the moment.

"I am Li Jihe, a commoner. I am honored to meet His Excellency the County Master."

"No need to be polite." Magistrate Zhang waved his hand and asked hurriedly, "You said your village was attacked by bandits last night? How many people came? What was the situation?"

Li Jihe hurriedly replied, "Yes, sir, the bandits entered the village at midnight yesterday. Fortunately, our village was notified by the police and made preparations early. We had people on guard at night, so we discovered the bandits entering the village in the first place. There were about a hundred bandits in total. Our village fought back and suffered heavy casualties!"

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