Chapter 30 Mind
"Dad, tell me, mom and the others should have more than the two and a half pieces of silver in their possessions, right? I think they must have some private interests, but I don't know how much. After all these years, mom has accumulated so much, you Say yes?"

Wu patted Li Jiren who was playing with the gong.

Li Jiren was preoccupied with something and didn't pay attention to what she was saying. He was slapped and then he came back to his senses, "What did you say?"

Mrs. Wu clicked her tongue, "Mother called the second brother and sister into the house alone! I don't know what to say. I said, mother is not going to give money to the second brother behind our backs, right?"

"How could this happen?"

"Why not? Mom has always liked dicks!" Wu curled her lips. The more she thought about it, the more likely it was, and the more angry she became.

The two elders are really partial to each other. The mother favors the second oldest, and the father prefers the third and fourth bedrooms. When people divide a family, they always take advantage of the eldest room, but what about their family separation? They are so frustrated in the long house!
The money was divided into two slings of silver, and then there were the two slings for the loom. A few days ago, she gave the Wan family a gift of silver, so she first borrowed a sling of silver from Rong Song, and then she gathered together five slings of silver to send.

But there was a wedding reception next month, and they didn't even have the money to raise it, so she was worried about how to borrow it from her parents' family.

If my mother really gives money to the second bedroom in private, she will really make a fuss!
Mrs. Wu really can't sit still. Go talk to dad and see what mom and the others say. "

Li Jihe also had some ideas in his mind, but he shook his head, "Mom is talking to the second younger brother and sister, how can I get in touch with you? Go ahead and ask mom to discuss Brother Bai's wedding reception."

When Wu heard this, it was a good excuse! She happened to be telling her mother about her difficulties in hosting a wedding reception, and asked if her mother and the others could get some money out of it!

Wu didn't want to delay, so she immediately set off to the main room. She first said hello to Mr. Li who was sitting in the main room smoking a cigarette, and then went to the back room. Before entering, she called out: "Mom!"

"The second younger brother and sister are here too, mother. Didn't I bother you? Brother Bai is getting married next month and there will be a wedding banquet. As for the banquet, my daughter-in-law wants to ask mother about the rules!"

Mrs. Wu entered the back room and was talking. She looked at the situation in the room with her peripheral vision. She saw Ms. Song sitting on the stool under the west wall and her mother sitting on the edge of the bed. The two were far away. I don't see any problems with the cages or anything else. I guess they haven't given anything yet?

She couldn't help but feel lucky that she came quickly, but she had to keep a close eye on her, and she must not let the second elder secretly supplement the other three bedrooms!

Old Yuan's eyes flickered slightly, glanced at Wu, and answered, "Didn't we just hold Rong Song's wedding banquet last year? The relatives are also those relatives, no more, no less, how many banquets should be held, in your mind It should be known, what kind of regulations can I have? It's your turn and the boss's turn to take care of this company."

After hearing this, Mrs. Wu curled her lips in her heart, you really don't care about anything in this family, but she smiled on her face and said: "What are you talking about, mom? You and dad are elders, how can you do anything in this family?" Don’t you listen to mother and father’s opinions? Since mother said that she will follow Rong Song’s regulations, my daughter-in-law already knows what she wants, that is—”

As she spoke, her face became twitchy, "Just for the wedding banquet, last year we spent almost five ounces of silver in total, and this time it will definitely be the same. But my mother also knows that after we separate the family, we only have I was given two ounces of silver and a betrothal gift, but I really didn’t have any money to buy a banquet, so I thought I’d go back to my parents’ house tomorrow to borrow some, which is my parents’ house—my two nephews both married wives, so I spent the past two years on it. It’s quite a lot, I wonder if I can borrow five ounces of silver!”

When Old Yuan heard this, she sighed in her heart. How could she really let her daughter-in-law go back to her parents' house to borrow money? Even if they really want to borrow it, the two elders have nothing to say, and they don’t know what their in-laws will think.

Although the eldest daughter-in-law is a little cautious, she is right. The little money they have on hand is not enough to host a wedding banquet after the separation.

She and her father had already thought about this, and immediately said: "Your father and I only have two and a half ounces of silver left in our hands. We don't have any use for it right now, so I will lend you two ounces of silver to prepare a banquet for you. There are still three and a half coins left." Damn, you guys should have saved a little bit in your hands over the years, and if you borrow a little bit more, it should be about the same."

When Mrs. Wu heard that the two elders wanted to give them two condoms, but they were borrowing them, she curled her lips secretly. Just borrow them, as long as you can take them out, but they only gave her two condoms. She didn't believe she only had so much in her hands. , just refused to take it out.

He doesn't want to show it, but he spends all day thinking about how much money his son and daughter-in-law have, tut!
They had a little money, but it was certain that they would need to borrow money to hold the banquet. With these two small amounts of money, Mrs. Wu felt at ease and agreed with a smile. She also said good things to old Mr. Yuan without paying for it. Rainbow fart.

Old Yuan couldn't bear to listen to her these words, so he took a chance and spoke, "It's getting late, let's go back to bed. My second daughter-in-law, I'll get up early tomorrow and go over to watch the sky. Remember to come back quickly." Don't make people wait." Ms. Song stood up and responded, "Hey! Mom, my daughter-in-law has noted it down."

Mrs. Wu also stood up and answered as if out of curiosity, "Mother, what's important tomorrow? Just tell your daughter-in-law! The second brother and sister are busy building a house, so they don't have time!"

Old Yuan glanced at her and said, "For Brother Zong's marriage, your aunt has sent a letter, saying that there is a prospect. I will come home tomorrow to discuss it in detail."

When Wu heard that it was because of this, her tension dissipated a little. Brother Zong was already eighteen years old, so it was time for them to get married.

She also thought that the second bedroom was busy building a house, and she had no time to propose marriage to Brother Brown before this year. Unexpectedly, her mother was so concerned about this, and she knew that her mother loved the second bedroom!

However, I have some expectations when I think about it. With her good talk and good dealings with people, my aunt just started working as a matchmaker halfway through. In the past two years, she has gained some reputation and has more opportunities. Let’s see what she will do this time. Brother Brown said it's a good match. If it goes smoothly, then all the children in the family will be fine in the future. With an aunt who is a matchmaker, are you afraid that it won't be a good match? Why choose a good aunt without first caring about your own relatives?


Because of the ferry, Dafengji is now no different from a small town. In addition to a long street market, there are also two residential areas.

Among them, there are many houses adjacent to the river bank, and those who live here are all famous people in the community.

The two-entry house with the word "Ding's House" on the door plaque at the beginning is Ding Fuguang's residence.

He doesn't just have this house, his ancestral house is in the city, and his old mother and children all live in the city.

Ding Fuguang suffered a lot when he was young. As he gets older, his legs are cold. Every cold weather, he has a hard time. Every night, he has to use hot water to scald his feet to remove all the meridians. Only when it is warmed can you sleep well.

Right now, he was heating his feet while listening to his cousin Ding Liangda talk about what he had learned about today.

He raised his eyebrows slightly, Li from Xiahe Village? Speaking of which, I actually have some connections with him.

In the case of the Li family, they have been farmers for generations and have a clean slate. They have just split up the family. They have five brothers and sisters. Their parents are also honest and responsible. It doesn't sound like there is anything wrong with it.

Ding Fuguang's eyes darkened slightly, and his eyes fell on his feet in trance.

He has worked hard for most of his life to have the family business he has now. Unfortunately, his ancestors have not done anything to protect his family. Neither of his two sons have the same perseverance and courage as him. They are not good at keeping track of achievements, let alone starting a business. Alas.

This girl speaks and behaves with a calmness that is inappropriate for her age. She is even more calm than he was when he was a teenager. He seems to be very interesting and feels that she is a good match.

He was unmistakable in his judgment of people. This girl was a smart child, and she would be able to take on the task. She should be taught a good lesson. Not to mention striving for success, there would be no problem in staying steadfast.

The youngest son is about the same age as her, so he is a close relative.

However, this matter should not be rushed, he would have to wait and see before talking.

(End of this chapter)

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