Chapter 37 Selling Kudzu

Pomegranate felt as if she had witnessed the rush to harvest again. Every family member, including the elderly and children, all set out to go up the mountain like a beehive.

The villagers who didn't know the details were dumbfounded. Is there any treasure on this mountain? Why are they all running up the mountain in groups?
Some villagers were still wondering, while others rolled their eyes and followed wisely.

Pomegranate didn't care about the others anymore. She called Li Rongyu and Li Rongzhang and ran up the mountain, then plunged into the forest slopes. There was only one thing on her mind, that was to dig kudzu, dig dig. !

When the village chief got the news, he arranged for his own tribe first, and after a period of time, he notified other people in the village. As a result, the whole village of Xiahe Village was mobilized, and people could be seen everywhere on the back mountain. The scene was amazing. What a blast.

But when there were more people, the kudzu roots on several hills seemed to be gone. The villagers came and went, visiting some nooks and crannies that they didn't often go to before, but for a long time, they couldn't find any kudzu roots.

Fortunately, the Li clan members were the first to arrive, and even those with the worst luck were able to dig out one, and only those from the village came.

By the time it got dark, some people had even dug three or four roots.

Other families in the village also returned without success and were so angry that they were beating their chests and thinking about going up the mountain before dawn tomorrow.

Lao Li's family didn't even bother to eat today, and the harvest was pretty good all afternoon. Mrs. Wu immediately sent someone to send a message to her son, and then took her two daughters up the mountain to dig, and dug out a root. Later, when Li Rongsong and his two brothers came back, they helped dig another one.

The third and fourth houses also dug two roots each.

Then, before dawn the next day, there was movement in the entire Xiahe Village, and people were running around on the back mountain all day long.

In this way, after three days, even the family with the smallest harvest in the village has three or four.

And Lao Li's family has gained even more.

In this way, Father Li should have been happy, but instead he was angry.

There is no other reason. Originally, the clan leader had spoken in advance, telling the clan members who were helping to build the house to continue building the house and not to go up the mountain, and none of the clan members who were helping did not listen.

But the master Lao San Lao Si took the lead and put down the pick, picked up the hoe and went up the mountain!

If your master is not here, how can the clan members who help you continue to do their job? Then didn’t everyone run up the mountain with him in the end?

In the end, only the second child was still busy building a house as always.

Father Li just waited for his son to come back that evening and said it was urgent to build a house as soon as possible, but what did his son say? He said that he was not in a hurry for the house, but the money would not wait for him! We went up the mountain for three or four days in a row!
In other words, the house has been out of work for a few days!
Originally, the progress of the third and fourth children was much slower than that of the second child, but now it is even better. The second child's house is almost half-finished, and the third and fourth children have just finished it! Father Li's heart ached when he thought about it.

But things are like this, what else can I do to be angry? I can only think that I dug a lot of kudzu roots and can sell them for a sum of money.

After the digging of kudzu, the village became extremely lively again with the selling of kudzu. It was almost like transporting tax grains into the city. The whole village's strong labor force went out and carried the kudzu in groups into the market.

When Ding Fuguang arrived at the door of Datong Warehouse, he was almost frightened to death by the waiter inside, "Shopkeeper, there are many people outside!" When Ding Fuguang heard this, he wondered if someone was here to cause trouble. He thought to himself: Recently, he and Pan, the shopkeeper of Fuyun Building, had some disagreements over the matter of harvesting wild game. How could it be that this old man Pan was so angry that he had people come to destroy his place?
"Hurry and see what's going on!"

The clerk went out in a flash and came back in a flash, "Shopkeeper, they are here to sell medicinal materials. They are looking for the medicine dealer Mr. Chang! They are not looking for us!"

Selling medicinal materials?
Ding Fuguang became interested as soon as he heard this. This medicine dealer Chang came from Daming Prefecture. He had been in their Dayun Prefecture for a few months. He went around and collected a lot of medicinal materials. He recently stayed in their warehouse and just waited. These medicinal materials are arriving one after another and are ready to be shipped back.

I haven't heard what other medicinal materials they want to collect? Why did so many people suddenly come and want to sell medicinal materials?
Ding Fuguang always had to be aware of the excitement that was going on under his nose. Therefore, he immediately left the counter and went out to see for himself.

When I took a look in the yard, I saw that people in the yard were busy weighing herbs. It was very lively!
Hearing that the root-like thing was the herb Kudzu, Ding Fuguang was also curious. How could so many villagers know that the root was a herb and dig it up to sell it?

With this in mind, Ding Fuguang went deep into the villagers to talk.

The villagers in Xiahe Village couldn't help but feel embarrassed when they saw that he was dressed in fine silk and looked like a steward, but was talking to them in a good voice. Naturally, he asked and answered questions.

After a while, Ding Fuguang figured it out.

It turned out that they were from Xiahe Village. A girl in the village heard that they collected wild game at Datong Warehouse and caught bamboo rats to sell. She also heard that they collected medicinal materials here, which were the roots of kudzu vines on the mountain. She told them that this No, they dug the entire village.

Ding Fuguang's eyes couldn't help but show a hint of interest, is this the girl Shiliu? But this girl is here to sell bamboo rats. When have you ever heard that they collect medicinal materials here? You obviously haven't talked to Pharmacist Chang, so how do you know that the kudzu root on the mountain is kudzu root?

After the villagers sold the kudzu root one after another, got the money and left happily, Ding Fuguang approached Chang Pharmacist and said, "Brother Chang, how did these villagers know that you collected this kudzu root?"

Chang Pharmacist thought that one of them was the person who bought kudzu root a few days ago and then came to sell kudzu root again. He couldn't help but smile and told the story of that day. He also said that a young man came to inquire about it after that. thing.

Ding Fuguang's eyes turned and he started to have some thoughts.

He first called the waiter who greeted him at the door that day to ask questions, and then he found out that Chen Qicai had come in to ask questions on the day Pomegranate and the others were selling bamboo rats.

Therefore, he should be the first person to know that Pueraria lobata is a medicinal material and someone here collects Pueraria lobata, right?

But when this man dug up the kudzu root and asked the clerk, he didn't know that the kudzu root could be sold for money. Then he thought about what the villagers said. The girl Pomegranate had dug the kudzu root in the mountain earlier, but she didn't sell it like this man -

At that moment, Ding Fuguang raised his eyebrows slightly, and then he approached Pharmacist Chang and asked him for a favor.

That is, when he collects kudzu root later, he will ask someone to register every villager who comes to sell kudzu root.

Chang Pharmacist was puzzled after hearing his request, but he thought that shopkeeper Ding was open-minded and easy to make friends with, and what he received was just kudzu root, not a rare medicinal material. It didn't matter, so he didn't say anything. Whatever, it should be done.

(End of this chapter)

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