The lucky girl in the village has a good way of making money.

Chapter 39 Being a fan is the most troublesome

Chapter 39 Being a fan is the most troublesome
All the kudzu that had been growing for several years in the mountains were dug up, and even the annual kudzu was not spared. This kudzu must be an annual, and it is quite big. It only weighs about twenty kilograms when it is dug out.

The pomegranate was neatly cut in half with a hoe, and he said to Li Jifu: "Uncle Third, we dug it together, half for each family!"

When Li Jifu heard this, he waved his hands quickly, "What's the point? You found this!" How could he snatch things from his nephew and niece?

But after saying that, she was pulled by Huang. With a smile, Huang put half of the kudzu root into her basket: "Pomegranate, why are you so embarrassed? You child, you know how to feel sorry for others! I will tell you Third uncle, thank you in advance!"

Pomegranate smiled and said, "Three uncles and three aunts, you dig it first, while we carry the kudzu root down the mountain first!"

The three of them had been busy all morning today, and together they dug forty or fifty kilograms of kudzu root, which they carried down the mountain with ease.

After the brothers and sisters left, Li Jifu muttered to Mr. Huang, "Why did you want this half kudzu root? You are robbing your niece. My face is burning."

Huang glanced at him, "Why am I doing this? How much money will I have left after building this house? What's the use of just a few acres of land? We haven't caught the loom, and we don't have the weaving machine. It’s a difficult time for me to make a lot of income! With this way of making money, why don’t I want to earn more?”

As he spoke, he murmured that the kudzu root was really too small. If he encountered one weighing several dozen kilograms, he could at least get more.

She sighed, and hurriedly told her son to disperse and look for Kudzu. Her eyes brightened, and when she found him, she would yell not to be robbed.

At the end of the day, everyone in the village may have gained something, but it was not much, and it did not dampen the enthusiasm of the villagers. On the second day, they went up to the mountain at dawn again.

They all thought that they must be the lucky ones who could always dig up kudzu roots.

Today, pomegranates also went up the mountain. Unlike her previous luck, she didn't dig any more pomegranates after wandering around all morning. Therefore, she didn't go up the mountain again this afternoon.

She went up the mountain today and couldn't find any. She saw that the other villagers were similar. It was conceivable that almost all the kudzu roots on the mountain had been dug up. It would be a waste of time to go up again and it would be of little significance.

As the first person to dig up kudzu roots in the mountains, she spent seven or eight days digging, and her luck was always good. As a result, there was a pile of kudzu roots in a corner of the hut, stacked on top of each other. It has been weighed, but a rough estimate is that it weighs over a thousand kilograms.

Although it wasn't much, it was enough for the first time, enough for her to make a small profit.

Therefore, she was ready to start making powder.

After working hard for a few days, he learned that the second sister was finally going to take action on these kudzu roots. Li Rongzhang was also curious and followed suit.

Mrs. Song and Li Xiangli took advantage of the meal and came to help.

The first step in making powder is to clean the sediment on the surface of kudzu root.

Near the Xishui River, Shiliu and Li Rongyu carried the kudzu roots to the river to wash them. There was enough water in the river to wash them all clean.

Because the land is not spacious, the pomegranates can only be made separately. This time, only about two hundred kilograms of kudzu were washed.

The washed kudzu roots are carried back to the hay shed and peeled.

Making kudzu powder is a very troublesome task, and it cannot be done in a short time.

First, peel the washed kudzu root, then cut it into small pieces, and then use a stone mill to grind it into a pulp.

The ground slurry is then flushed and filtered with filter rack gauze. This process needs to be repeated several times until the water becomes clear. After the filtered water has settled overnight, the water above is poured out, and then clean water is poured in for a second precipitation.

After that, the precipitated powder is spread out in the sun to dry naturally.

Fortunately, Pomegranate is patient and has the leisure to do so.

The main thing is that there are people inside and outside the house when the house is being built, so she doesn't need to do anything, so she can free up this time to do it slowly. The stone mill was borrowed from Panni's house. I scooped the pieces of kudzu root into the stone mill and pushed the mill in one direction to keep turning the pieces to pulp.

The filter rack was also borrowed by Pomegranate from Pang Ni’s house. Like the stone mill, this filter rack is made of two wooden blocks tied into a fork shape and covered with a piece of gauze. Almost every household in the village has it.

The ground pulp is scooped into the filter gauze rack. While flushing water, shake the filter rack hanging above the straw shed with both hands, up, down, left, right, and right, so that the kudzu pulp can be more concentrated. Good filter out impurities.

When it came to the step of grinding the pulp with a stone mill, Ms. Song said, "Pomegranate, isn't this the same as we make sweet potato flour?"

Pomegranate smiled and said: "It's similar to that. The powder produced by this kudzu root is the same as that of sweet potatoes!"

Mrs. Song was also surprised when she heard this, "That's it! Then I can do it."

You don’t have to look at how to make pomegranate in the follow-up, as those with skilled hands and feet can do better than pomegranate!

With Li Rongyu and Li Ronzhang helping throughout the process, as well as Song and Li Xiangli's free time, they worked from morning to night, grinding and filtering out the two hundred kilograms of kudzu root.

Then, it was time to wait for the slurry to settle overnight.

After a tiring day, Shiliu couldn't help but rub her shoulders, and went back to the old house to sleep with Mrs. Song and the others.

When I got back to my old house, I couldn't help but listen to Father Li talk about how the villagers went to the market today to sell kudzu root.

Not much was dug yesterday, but some villagers sent some to be sold at the market today.
I don’t know what’s going on, but when I go to sell kudzu today, I have to register the name of the household head!

Father Li couldn't understand. He just thought that there weren't many kudzu roots to be dug on the mountain. He had to call Pomegranate to explain a few words and asked them to take advantage of the free time tomorrow to quickly sell the kudzu roots. The most practical thing is to have the money in their hands. .

Pomegranate naturally responded hurriedly, feeling a little weird about the fact that she had to register her name now despite not registering her name last time.

But after thinking for a long time, she couldn't figure it out, so she didn't think much about it.

After a tiring day and a good night's sleep, Pomegranate went to the hay shed early the next morning. The first thing she did was to pour out the water for the slurry that had settled last night. The bottom layer of slurry already had some shape. Pour the water back in and let it settle.

The villagers went up the mountain for two days in a row but couldn't find any more kudzu roots. They had to believe that they had dug up all the kudzu roots on the hills behind their village.

But the drug dealer in Jishang has not said that he will no longer accept kudzu root. Seeing that he can't make any money, he is really anxious to death.

So some of the young wives in the village got the idea and sent the news back to their parents’ homes that kudzu root could be sold for money. There was no need to dig up the mountains in their village, but there were still mountains in their parents’ village!

Wu family, Huang family and Jiang family are one of them.

In addition to the Wu family, the Jiang family and the Huang family directly took their husband and son back to their parents' home. Not only did they send this news, they also helped their parents' family to dig together, hoping to share half of the money!

They are both the only daughters in their natal family. One is preceded by an older brother and the other is preceded by a younger brother. Both parents love her and have the right to speak in her natal family. No, it is not a big deal if they go back to dig kudzu to share the money.

When Father Li saw that the kudzu roots in the village had been dug, and that the third and fourth sons were not busy building houses, but went to dig kudzu roots in his father-in-law's village, he became angry.

At this rate, when will the new house be built?

The second child’s house is half-finished!

(End of this chapter)

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