Chapter 4 A meal
Pomegranate has been hungry for a long time. Anyone who goes to work in the fields before dawn will be so hungry that his chest is touching his back.

It's not like they rush to harvest in the busy farming season and can't waste time. Anyway, they have to carry the seed cotton back to dry and can't pile up too much, so they can go back to eat by themselves without having to bother their families to send it to them.

As soon as Mr. Yuan said something, everyone quickly packed up and headed home with the seed cotton picked all morning on their backs and against the sun above their heads.

When the Li family was not weaving, the housework was done in turn for each room. One room was used for one day, including washing, cooking, cleaning the yard, and feeding pigs and chickens. But when the Li family was weaving, only the first and second rooms were rotated. Come, the daughters of the third and fourth bedrooms will do some work of removing pigweed. The Li family feeds four pigs, and they need a lot of pigweed.

Today, it happened to be Dafang's turn to be responsible for the household chores, so Mrs. Wu did not go to the fields to pick cotton. Instead, she got up early in the morning and took her two daughters and daughter-in-law Jiang to do a lot of work at home.

At this point, the sun was already high, so brunch was naturally ready.

As soon as Lao Yuan and others arrived home, the men in the family helped set up bamboo curtains and spread the seed cotton out to dry, and then they started eating.

There are many Li family members, but the women squeeze so hard that they can barely fit in one table, but the men can't squeeze in and have to sit at two tables.

Three tables were placed in the main room. Every time he ate, seeing the bustling scene, Mr. Li couldn't help but nod his head.

Today was the same as usual, everyone sat in their old positions and prepared to start.

But Ms. Jiang, who had just sat down at the female table, couldn't help but raise her voice when she looked at the food on the table, "Sister-in-law, today my mother got up with us to pick cotton before dawn, and her chest is so hungry." It’s stuck on the back, you can’t tell how many bowls of sweat have come out of it, is this the food you cook at home?”

I saw a dustpan of corn noodle buns, a pot of winter melon soup, and a bowl of pickles on the table.

Other than that, nothing more.

Normally, this meal would be a normal meal on the Li family's dining table, but during busy farming days, it would be somewhat meaty, otherwise who could stand it?

Harvesting cotton is also a big source of income for the family, so why isn’t it considered busy farming?

These days, Mrs. Jiang has been feeling angry and has long been looking for an opportunity to get angry. Today, by chance, her sister-in-law Mrs. Wu is busy at home and has arranged such a table of meals at noon, but she has to catch her to blame!
When Jiang said this, Wu immediately became embarrassed and looked at Old Yuan and said: "Mom, my daughter-in-law has been delayed a little while doing laundry today, and Song's daughter-in-law was busy feeding pigs and didn't have time to get the bacon to cook for dinner." It’s noon, I’ll make sure to fry bacon at noon!”

Mrs. Jiang finally got such a talk, and she was not willing to let it go easily. Hearing this, he snorted coldly, "Wash the clothes and wash them all morning? Sister-in-law, are you gossiping with some sister-in-law and aunt by the river again?"

Mrs. Wu's mouth was the one that knew how to talk. Every old woman and young daughter-in-law in the village who met her would be praised by her mouth. When they talked about her, they would give thumbs up and praise her. She is a virtuous wife.

Jiang couldn't stand this the most, and often called her flattery behind her back.

Mrs. Wu still looked embarrassed and said, "It's my fault. Today I ran into Aunt Seven while doing laundry. She asked our brother Bai how long it would take to have a happy event, and then he met Sister-in-law Jiyong and they were all here. How many times did it happen?" We talked for a while.”

Hearing this, Mrs. Jiang couldn't help but think of the fact that after her eldest brother Song got married last year, Brother Bai also got engaged, and they had just agreed to hold a wedding in the winter this year.

The custom in their eight villages is to send betrothal gifts to the bride’s family one month before the wedding.

Thinking that the eldest family would soon spend several taels of silver, Mrs. Jiang felt very unhappy. Not to mention that the eldest family had three sons and she only had two. So just to get a wife, the eldest family would have to outnumber them. Four bedrooms are enough for one more person.

Moreover, the eldest son has already taken care of one person and will soon have another person to spend the money on. And her brother Chun is only thirteen. He has not even talked about getting engaged for a long time. It will take many years to spend the money.

From this, I thought that Brother Tan, the eldest son, was going to a village school. If he did well in his studies, he would be sent to the Fan family school next year, which cost five ounces of money a year.

Five ounces of money!

Year after year, I don’t know how much I have to spend!

Just thinking about it made Ms. Jiang feel like someone was ripping out her heart.

Why is it a big room? They were working so hard that they were just busy with the big house, right?

Mrs. Jiang was angry and wanted to use these words to try to clean up Mrs. Wu, but the boss, Old Mrs. Yuan, had already moved her chopsticks and said, "Eat, take a rest after eating and go to the ground."

After that, he glanced at Wu and said, "Remember to cook a piece of bacon and stir-fry it tonight."

"That's great, Mom." Mrs. Wu responded quickly.

Mrs. Jiang felt unhappy and glanced at Mrs. Huang who didn't speak. After all, she didn't hold on to her anymore.

For a moment, the table was filled with the sound of chewing, nothing else.

Pomegranate took a corn bun and ate it slowly. From time to time, she took a sip of the winter melon soup with only salt, which seemed very fresh.

Although she had eaten a lot of good food in her previous life, she had also lived a hard life as a child. She had become accustomed to this kind of food after eating here for more than ten years.

If you change it to the old pumpkin soup that has been followed for a month or two, and paired it with the same yellow corn buns, it will be a really invisible and flavorful meal. The fragrance is fragrant, but it can always make people think of a certain excretion. Food, thereby affecting appetite, but she is the kind of person with a rich imagination, so every month when she eats old pumpkin every meal, she has to do a lot of mental construction.

So now the winter melon soup is paired with pickles, and she enjoys it very much.

But thinking about being able to eat bacon at night makes me happy.

She was a person who didn't like bacon in her previous life, but here she was craving bacon. Thinking about it, she was really hopeless.

But who told the Li family that they hardly buy fresh meat to eat all year round? Not only the Li family, but almost everyone in the village.

Every twelfth lunar month, a New Year pig is killed. Except for the pig's head and tail, which are kept to worship ancestors, the rest are smoked into bacon with firewood. A few are eaten during the New Year, and the rest are hung on the beams to eat during the busy workday. , guests at home eat——

I only buy fresh pork to decorate the banquet when there is a happy event at home, such as marrying a daughter-in-law or a birthday party.

Speaking of which, Pomegranate had only had a few banquets, including the fifty-fifty wine hosted by her grandparents, the fifty-fifty wine hosted by her grandparents, and the wedding wine hosted by her eldest brother Li Rongsong when he married his wife last winter, and she tasted the taste of fresh meat.

You said other families in the village don’t have wine?
Oh, the custom of drinking wine in eight villages in Shili is that usually only two people in a family can go there. There are so many people in their family, even if they take a turn, it won't be her turn.

So, if you were used to eating meat in your previous life, how can you not want to eat meat here?

Pomegranate was thinking about the taste of the meat while eating. After eating two steamed buns and a bowl of winter melon soup, she felt full and put down her chopsticks.

Seeing that everyone was still eating, she was about to secretly go back to the house to have a meal. Anyway, they didn't have to do household chores in this room today, so they didn't need to clear the table and wash the dishes. Waiting for a while, her mother said she was going to go to the ground. She can just touch it when she sees her again.

She pushed hard on her feet and was about to get up.

"Wow wow wow——"

Then I heard the six-year-old Li Rongtan at the middle table open his mouth and howl.

Everyone looked towards the table, and Wu quickly asked, "Brother Tan, what's going on?"

"Brother Ten stole my steamed buns! Wuwuwu——"

 Pomegranate's father--Ji Zi-generation, Pomegranate's brother--Rong Zi-generation
(End of this chapter)

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